Peaches 'n' Cream (15 page)

Read Peaches 'n' Cream Online

Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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that’s all. He had started looking at Logan in a different light, wondering what it would be like to have the other man make love to him, claim him. It was weird, because he could never remember thinking about any other man in such a manner.

Now here he was. Logan had claimed him. There was no other way to describe it. What about Ryan? They hadn’t spoken about what had happened in the kitchen that morning. They probably hadn’t because they’d been in the horse barn at the time, where anyone could over-hear them. Not that he was ashamed. He wasn’t. He just didn’t believe it was anyone’s business but theirs. What was Ryan feeling? He had looked so happy when Logan had been almost tender with him while the younger man sucked his cock lovingly.

Damien wasn’t surprised Logan hadn’t said anything about what had happened in the kitchen. The man really couldn’t talk about what he was feeling. But he knew that it hadn’t just been sex for any of them. Trying to talk about it like women would just be awkward.

Their bond had been sealed. They could no more leave Logan now than they could leave Peaches. When he thought how close they had come to losing them both at once, he felt himself go cold equal to the frigid winter weather swirling around them.

“Let’s get back!” Logan shouted, breaking into his thoughts.

Nodding, Damien turned his machine around until they were headed back toward the ranch. They had several miles to go. It would be nearly dark by the time they got home. Snow blew, the engines roared, and he loved it. At some point returning home became a race between the two men. He was laughing, plotting his course, as they flew over and through the fresh snow. It was wild and carefree. Damn but he felt good!

* * * *


Logan felt his pulse quicken as he followed Damien into the house. They took off their snow-covered boots just outside the kitchen, then went in and took off their coats. They hung them up on pegs, and then both men stopped at the sight that greeted them.

“Peaches was stressed,” Ryan explained, seated at the table where there had to be fifty dozen cookies piled on trays and others already sealed in freezer bags. There were several different varieties. Logan was surprised that they’d had all the ingredients for them. “Baking helps her relax.”

“Where is she now?”

“She’s in your room, talking to that Tad guy. I don’t think she’s taking this shooting too well.”

“Or this one has just made the last one catch up with her. She was way too calm earlier.”

“She was calm the last time, too.”

“The cleaners were here. I had them rip up the carpet and take it away. I figure we can make that into an exercise room or something. It doesn’t need to be a bedroom.” The house was huge, built by a man who’d had hoped for large family and gotten one. The larger it got, the house was added onto. “You can’t tell anything happened in there. They got every spot of blood.”

“And you moved all her belongings?”

“Took them all into your room,” he said quietly, his smile almost shy.

“Good. You did a great job. Did you call the alarm company?” 76

“Yes.” Ryan nodded. “They’ll be here first thing in the morning. The new freezers will be here, too.”


Ryan nodded. “I ordered two. I figure if she gets pregnant, she’s going to be hormonal.

Then she’s going to bake. We’re going to need a place to store them.”

“Hormonal?” Logan saw Ryan cringe. Both he and Damien laughed. With his back to the archway between the living room and kitchen, he hadn’t seen Peaches coming in. Ducking his head, he examined one of the cookies he was spreading icing over. “What would you know about being hormonal?” Peaches asked him coolly.

The men laughed again, leaning back against the counter to wait for him to dig himself out of this hole. Or make it deeper. Either way, it should prove amusing.

“Ah, Peaches, baby, I didn’t mean anything bad by it. I just remember how my ma had, uh, times when she wasn’t exactly happy while she was expecting. She used to lock herself away in a room to sew.”

“As I recall, you have several brothers and sisters. Could it be she just needed time away from all of you? From what I understand, it’s not always pleasant to be pregnant.”

“Ma loves us.”

“Of course she does. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t get stressed, or tired, or moody. I promise, if I get hormonal, I won’t take it out on you.” Her gaze shifted. “I’ll take it out on Logan.” Logan stared at her. Hard. He was making a habit of it. There were times, like most of them, when he didn’t quite know what to make of Peaches Malloy. Few people teased him, but she, like Ryan, seemed to find great pleasure in it. Why? He wondered. Did they think he was completely without a sense of humor? Or did they just want to know what the limits were?

Either way, he was learning as much about her during her tests as she was about him.

“Feel free to unleash your hormones on me any time you like,” he told her with a small smile. “I think I can take it. As for you,” he told Ryan, “don’t be doing anything extra to piss her off.” Sniffing the air, he detected something other than baked cookies. “What’s that I smell?”

“Barbecued pulled pork. I’ll be making sandwiches for supper. I’ll get the potatoes in now.”

They watched as she washed and quartered red potatoes. She spread them out on a cookie sheet before drizzling them with olive oil and sprinkled a little salt and rosemary over them before sliding the pan into the oven. Once that was done she began moving the sealed bags of cookies to a little-used counter to await the freezer. Ryan helped her pack up the rest, then with the final kitchen cleanup. She set the table as they washed their hands in the utility sink in a small room off the kitchen.

When it came time to choose what they would drink with the meal, the men chose iced tea. Logan filled her glass with milk, arching a brow at her when she started to open her mouth. He was pleased when it snapped shut.

“Thank you, Logan.”

“Milk’s good for the baby.”



“When we go into town, we’ll be getting orange juice, too.” She nodded, trying to hide her smile from him as she began passing the plates with the sandwiches on them. “You did remember to call to make an appointment, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Logan.”

“Come here, baby.” There wasn’t a moment’s hesitation as Peaches came to him. The smile on her lips made his heart skip a beat or two. Pulling her close, he held her with his arms wrapped around her. “How are you feeling?” Lifting a hand to her head, he slid his fingers through her soft curls. He liked it when she left it to curl naturally. It was also longer, and he hoped she let it keep growing. When she pressed close to his cock, it jumped to attention.

He ignored it. “You look very tired.” He glanced at the piles of cookies. “You should go to bed after supper.”

Peaches shook her head. “It’s way too early. If I go to bed now, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night. We could watch a movie or something. Or play cards. I used to work in a casino.” Laughing, Logan kissed her before taking her back to her chair. “Is there any kind of job you haven’t had?”

“I haven’t worked in a car wash yet.”

“Bakery?” Damien asked, opening a bag of sugar cookies.


“Do you know anything about bookkeeping?”

Peaches nodded as she cut her sandwich in half. “Yes, actually I do. My grandfather had a bicycle shop. I kept books for him while I was in high school. I also took some courses in college.”

“Would you mind keeping the books for the ranch? Everything’s on the computer now.

Just a matter of putting stuff in the right places.”

“I can do that.” She cut the half again. She eyed the quarter of sandwich with little enthusiasm. “It smells delicious. It looks delicious. But I just can’t get myself to eat it.” Reaching for the plate, he pulled it closer to his. Then he reached for her again. “Come on, baby. You sit here with me.” He arranged her on his lap, cuddling her close, ignoring the looks from his friends as he took one of the small portions of sandwich and held it to her lips.

“Open up. Take a bite.” When a mutinous look flashed across her pretty features, he coaxed with, “Just pretend it’s my cock.”

A giggle escaped Peaches before she opened her mouth and took a bite. Then she was settling against his chest to chew while he attacked his own sandwich. The woman was an excellent cook. They’d all double in weight if she continued to cook for them as she did. He continued to feed her bites of the sandwich until he felt her grow heavy in his arms.

“She’s asleep,” Damien told him, his green eyes soft as he looked at the woman he loved.

Nodding, Logan settled her more comfortably then finished his meal. “I’ll make sure she eats in the morning.” He lifted her easily as he rose from the chair. “You guys coming along later?”

Damien nodded. “We’ll just watch the weather for a while, then maybe a movie.” Hours later Logan discovered something. There was nothing quite like being woken from a dead sleep by a grown man shrieking like a little girl. “Holy fuck!” Logan jackknifed into a sitting position. “What the fuck is your problem over there, numbnuts?” he snarled, his heart pounding in his chest, trying to sort through the shadows in 78

the dark room. He couldn’t see anything, but he could hear a great deal of tussling on the far side of the bed. The mattress shook.

The man in the middle of the bed, who had been separated from him by Peaches, chuckled. “I believe he’s just been attacked by the blow job ninja.”

“The what?”

Ryan was moaning, a man finding great pleasure now that his initial shock had worn off.

Logan reached out to turn on the light beside the bed to discover Peaches kneeling between his friend’s long legs, working his cock in and out of her mouth while one hand stroked the base of his shaft and her other caressed his balls. He admired her firm, round breasts dangling beneath her body and the curve of her beautiful ass. An ass, he hoped, he would be giving his own special treatment to soon.

“While you were in the hospital,” Damien explained, propping himself up so he could watch the action, “Peaches developed the habit of attaching herself to my cock in the middle of the night. Hell, I didn’t even know she was awake. The next thing I know, I’m getting the blow job of a lifetime.”

The woman had excellent technique. He and Damien watched her suck down Ryan’s cock in one smooth move, her cheeks hollowing out. His balls tightened as he watched. Damien now had his own cock in his fist, stroking it smoothly, matching her rhythm.

“Don’t let him come, baby,” Logan told her. “Come over here and give Damien a little of your special loving.”

Peaches released Ryan’s cock with a juicy pop of her swollen lips. She rose to her knees, a laugh on her lips as she ruffled her hair. Logan eyed her beautiful breasts as they jiggled. The pinkish-brown nipples were mouth-wateringly hard. Dropping down on all fours, she crawled to take her place between Damien’s long, muscular legs.

“Come on, hot stuff. Give me that.” Her hand replaced his around his cock. Then she was lowering her head. The tip of her tongue poked out to swipe at the drops of pre-cum seeping from the slit in the thick head. “Mm, yummy.” With that Peaches sucked in his cock, sliding her mouth down the length of it with practiced ease. A moan of pleasure was ripped from him as his hips bucked.

“Don’t let him come either, baby.” Logan laughed when she had gotten the man worked into a fine frenzy.

Moving behind her, he lined up his cock with her cream-filled pussy. Pressing forward, he worked himself into her tight pussy, a groan escaping him as it tightened around his cock.

Holding her hips tightly, he thrust into her, his gaze locking with Damien’s. He was aware of Ryan moving closer as he began fucking Peaches hard and fast. He smiled as Ryan reached between her legs to stroke her pussy. She about jumped off the bed as he found her clit, rubbing it hard. When that hand found his balls he nearly lost his own control. Now
had been unexpected. The hand worked the orbs within the heavy sac tentatively, caressing, exploring.

Strong fingers pulled gently and then lifted the entire weight into a callused palm before releasing them, allowing them to begin slapping against Peaches’s sopping pussy. Peaches moaned around Damien’s cock as Ryan began stroking her clit again. When she came she released the cock from her hot mouth to buck and scream, taking every pounding inch of his cock into her throbbing, clenching pussy. Logan came a moment later, his balls pulling up into 79

his body, the semen churning from them to be released in hard, steady spurts until she was filled to overflowing.

Peaches moaned each time she felt the release of his seed inside her. She pressed back against him, and he held her tightly, his fingers biting into her soft flesh. Neither of them moved. His cock and her pussy pulsed together as their breathing returned to normal and their hearts slowed.

When Peaches moved away from him finally, it was to collapse onto the place on the bed he called his own. None of the men noticed as she made her way to the bathroom on shaky legs. Logan looked at the two men who were still sporting hard cocks. Both were stroking eagerly, looking at him, waiting. Peaches quickly returned to the bed, a grin on her face.

Logan looked to Ryan, who was letting every emotion he felt show in his face. Could he actually love another man? If it was possible, then Ryan was a candidate. It was obvious what the other man was feeling, that was for sure. Everything he felt was right there on his face.

“I think you should take up where Peaches left off,” he told Ryan huskily. Both men looked startled for a moment. Then Ryan was looking very happy. Damien, on the other hand, looked a little wary. “Don’t worry. If there’s something you don’t want to happen, all you have to do is say so.”

Damien remained silent as Ryan took his place between his spread legs. When their friend’s mouth took his cock into it, he couldn’t help but moan. Peaches was there to be reassuring. She touched and stroked both men, kissing Damien on the mouth.

“He loves your cock as much as I do,” she whispered, kissing his jaw as her fingers toyed with a small, dark nipple. “He loves you as much as I do.” Before Damien lost the last of his control, Logan encased his hardening cock with a condom then reached for the lube. He squirted it down the crack of Ryan’s taut ass and then worked it in his tight asshole. Until that morning, it had been years since he’d been with another man. In the early days, when he had been discovering his sexuality, he had explored eagerly, open to new experiences. Those experiences had included men. Carefully selected, of course. Colt Redford had been one. Their time together had been enlightening but hadn’t lasted, as they both preferred women. They were also both dominant personalities. They still, however, continued to share a close bond. They had been lovers, were closer than brothers, and would do anything for one another.

Pressing into Ryan’s tight rear hole, Logan hoped none of them would regret any of this.

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