Pearced (35 page)

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Authors: H Ryder

BOOK: Pearced
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I want to tell him my birthday is in September, but suddenly accuracy is not so important.


Filling me with pleasure and his fingers are stroking me so softly my senses are alight.  This incredibly gorgeous man, so beautiful, wants me: plain old me with bruises still blossoming to completion of healing all down my skinny body. His hand is under my black acne t-shirt, the tips of his fingers grasp the top edge of my bra roughly yanking it down to uncover my breasts, cupping and massaging, he is kissing my neck.

I can hear the others getting closer, but Daniels fingers work faster and his clever little digits bring me up to the brink of climax.  But before I can cum he kneels down opens my jeans and yanks them down pants and all.  He finishes me off in a beautiful incredible climax with his mouth, sucking and licking at the same pace as before, and only in the nick of time do I get my clothes back on and presentable as we are caught up.  Daniel winks at me conspiratorially, licks his fingers, I suddenly I feel heavy and need more, and takes my hand and off we go again, in the direction the markers have led us, behaving we hope like nothing had just happened, I am behaving like a teenager again, and loving it.

The terrain is quite flat and barren, only hours from the forest, it's quite dry here despite the rain yesterday. The thin crust of sandy dusty earth which can sustain little life crunches beneath my feet.  Short stubbly bushes with shallow root systems and dried small trees are all that can survive in this nutrient starved environment.  The rocks give shelter from the sun to some small lizards, the same colour as the dirt, they move quickly and jerkily, and get out of our way into the damp and dark.  White -tailed Kite's and Buzzards circle above, this must be their home, the hare and rats we have spotted will be their prey. The llamas are likely too big for birds of prey, so they can graze with some relaxation.  The light here is incredible, a photographer from Vogue should get here, for the June Book.

As we round the corner from the next marker I can see an opening in the ground hidden from view by mesquite and sage bushes.  I move the stems aside and a low wide opening is revealed with some markings carved into the face of the rock where a doorbell would be located if the ancients had thought to install one.  A cave. Bloody hell.

TC: “Tell me something nice Jinni, I’m having one of my turns” please have your phone in your hand.

JG: “Texting a photo that should do the trick” that was quick, she’s good.

I wait, anxiously.  I am filled with dread now, and a disappointment in myself that my phobia might end this quest for me right here.

XC collected trot track right. Nope, not this time.

A dark mysterious void is not an encouraging sight, and I stand there routed to the spot as my brain goes into overdrive, the terrified part of me at loggerheads with the rational.  With a few punches from the adventurous side of me too.  I snap the band, ouch! Daniel picks up on my turmoil and he comes up behind me, and kisses me gently on the lips, giving me a little courage and my brain something nice to think about.  “I’ll go in and get a feel for the place, come straight out and give you an impression.” He takes my hand, “its freezing cold.” He tells me, looking at me sorrowfully, “and the air temp must be in excess of 35degrees.”  Daniel turns to venture forward through the opening in the rock. “Then we can decide how to proceed.” He tells me looking back.

HXF extended trot.

I just nod, I can’t form any audible words, I am less concerned with being left out here alone, where I can breathe air, than going down inside a mountain with everyone else.

FA collected trot.

My phone alerts me to a photo message, it’s a picture of my horses, grazing in the frosty sunshine. It works, suddenly I’m connected to my real life, where I fearlessly event, I need to use some of that version of me here.

TC: “That worked, thank you Tx” it really does too, I feel braver.

Daniel disappears into the ‘slot’ in the surface of the mountain, he has to bend at the neck to get through. “Wow,“ I hear from inside, very echoic  and it reverberates through my ears sending my feeling of dread into partial retreat, but not completely. 

FA collected trot, down the centre line.

Daniels head pops out.  “Tharie, take my hand I’m going to lead you in, close your eyes if you want to.” They are already closed, I hold my breath, it might be for the last time, is that too dramatic?

DX shoulder-in right.

My heart is thumping in my chest and I fight every natural instinct I have to stay attached to Daniel.  I snap the band around my wrist and that helps a little.

Note to self, get a new wristband.

What did John Wayne say, ‘bravery is feeling fear and saddling up anyway” so that’s exactly what I decide to do.  After a short crouched journey, I feel a cold waft of breathable air and open my eyes.  Daniel sends up a flare, its flame bright orange phosphorescence spearing through the heavy black darkness like a comet.  Its trail gives the gloom instant orangey hued illumination, soaring up to the roof of the cavern, at least seventy feet above our heads.    I stand in amazement at the scale of the room, its massive height and width calm my nerves and I can breathe more easily. “Are you OK in here?” Daniel whispers the question.

I nod and breathe a short easy word, “yes.” The acoustics would cheer a soprano, and even a whisper is clearly heard bouncing and magnifying from every surface.   The intense blackness is returned at the fading flare, and I grab for my torch in my shaking hand, in my panic I fail the first few times to illuminate my space, because right now, me is all I can think about. Its then I decide it’s all very well for John Wayne, perhaps he wasn’t claustrophobic?

X volte’s right.

My world is suddenly much smaller and seemingly confined and I get a tight feeling return across my chest and my heart beats so hard it feels like it could escape my very flesh and bone. It’s not the dark that affects me, darkness is a wonderful velvety solitude, it’s the space, or lack of it, horses are claustrophobic too.

XM half-pass to the right.

Daniel holds my hand tighter sensing my fear, and tells me “it’s the same huge space with lots of fresh breathable air Tharie, I won’t leave you alone, will you be OK to continue?” I nod since my words have left me, and my brain goes into overdrive and if a single voice could be untangled from the many, it would be saying get the hell out of there right now! I hate feeling like this. And dressage problems aren't working this time.  It's the Prix St George Liza is doing, it's really tough, it usually works...

Bloody hell.

Daniel knows exactly what to do, he nuzzles up behind me into my neck breathing hot air, “I can fuck you any-time I want to.” Bingo! Blimey.

“I want you to.” true story.

His hands are on my breasts, tweaking my erect nipples through the lace. Kissing me deeply and passionately, his hand rubs the front of my jeans, over and over, my orgasm begins, it's quick, because I need it, faster and faster, harder, rubbing the front of my sex through the denim.  His lips are on my breasts, it’s amazing. His fingers are concentrating on a single point, rubbing and pushing, until I climax, I quite suddenly feel much better.  “Thank you.” I manage breathily.

“There's more where that came from baby.” He breathes into my neck, sending renewed shivers all over me.  With something now to look forward to I am able to concentrate on my surroundings, it’s all about me when I feel like this, later, it’ll be our surroundings, and Daniel.  Kurt and Liza appear suddenly out of breath, have they been running? Hmm…  To break my spell of fear, and a little guilt too, as I try to cope and share this space with more people.  I take several very deep breaths to calm my erratic heartbeat. “Wowza!” Kurt exclaims and lights up a very powerful torch. I feel a little better with more light. “This place is an incredible find, look at the stalactites,”   and we all look at the sparkling damp protrusions some a man height in length, the space is huge. Dry outside, damp in here, wouldn’t my Mum warn me about draughts or some such thing?

Stan follows the professor in and we all collect together in mutual awe at our discovery.  Kurt begins to sing the ice cream commercial TV version of Nesum Dorma, to demonstrate the acoustic properties of the cave. And we all agree it sounds incredibly good, and Kurt can sing. Liza looks so impressed, she reties her pony again with a shampoo commercial swish.

“The carvings on the doorway,” offers the professor rolling his eyes at Kurt, “are a welcome and a warning.” He adjusts his glasses as is his habit, “the sort of thing that goes hand in hand with sacred burials, religious temples or tombs of the long revered dead.”  He seems frustrated, but as he looks around I judge that he’s wondering how Lonnie Donnigan would sound in here.  “Often folklore prescribes a fear based myth” the professor continues, “which in addition to keeping the stories being told beyond living memory, creates the illusion of an Armageddon type catastrophe should the bonds of secrecy  be broken and the important symbolic artefacts and places plundered.  It's all quite normal, so scared by their gods, the tombs are left untouched for many centuries,” he lectures to no one in particular.

What can you say to that? Tea?

We are all wondering whether we've bitten off more than we can chew when Kurt pipes up in his relaxed and casual demeanour.  “It's just an adventure, like the scouts orientation badge Danny, only in a faraway land.”  He makes it all sound so simple. It’s a knack of his I suspect, and my elevated heartbeat begins to slow down.

“Let’s camp in here for the night people,” offers Stan.  Thank goodness for him, I could hug him right there and then, but I don't think he'd like it, not one little bit.

“I’ll gather some dry mesquite and we can start a fire,” I say betraying my trepidation, thankful for a physical job to keep my brain occupied.  “I’ll pass out the rations, we can eat outside and watch the sunset.”  Everyone loves that idea, I knew they would, we set our sleeping arrangements on the stone floor and our fire outside.

TC: “It’s hot here and the country is incredibly beautiful” throw a bone.

EC: “Hope you packed sunscreen, at least warp-factor 40” we love star trek references in the Charles family, real or invented.

TC: “I’m fine Mum, I’m having a great time” wish I hadn’t bothered.

EC: “Are you getting on with your new boss OK, you’ve spent lots of air miles with him already, don’t groan, I’m your Mother?” Be very careful.

TC: “He’s very nice Mum, we get on fine” be even more careful.

EC: “Remember I’m the only one in this family blessed with good judgement” I can’t believe it.

TC: “That’s probably true” I give up.

EC: “Got to go, be careful, and if you’re having meetings remember to tidy yourself up, even in Peru, there’s no excuse for tardiness” it never ends.

TC: “Bye Mum Txxx”

How long for that kettle to boil do you think?







Chapter twenty-seven, Saturday
2ndnovember2013, underground


I of course sleep outside.

Daniel and I zip our sleeping bags together and make a little nest inside the cave, but I can’t relax, even with him sleeping beside me, through the nervous chatting inside my head enough to shut my eyes, so sleeping is out of the question.   I'm running Liza's dressage test over and over, it still makes no sense to me, and its intricate moves do nothing to calm my nerves.  Left, right, what's all that about? Frustrated with myself but there’s nothing I can do about it despite some exercises Dr Shrink taught me, I grab a spare blanket from our bags and head outside where my head instantly quietens.

My headphones go on, and I crank up the volume to very, very loud, scare the wildlife in the process, and settle down to a peaceful night of Slipknot.  Which dear reader, just demonstrates how much my brain hurts with its growling.  But those s&m gimp masked musicians do the trick, such great chaps, thank you, and to Joey the drummer especially.

The dawn is close by and the sky is awash with pinks and oranges, the colours bleeding into each other, when I look carefully I can still see the dying pinpricks of light from the sky full of stars we sat and gazed at last night. A 'V' shape formation of large birds flies overhead.    It smells different here too, dry and dusty, with a hint of sage from the herbs growing wild everywhere.  A hare grazes in the warm mist that lies hovering above the ground, yes mornings, I love them. I take a long lungful, add some dried branches to the glowing dying embers of our fire and it springs to life.  I have some tea from the flask, it tastes flasky but it’s still tea and my head is satisfied and the throbbing that has built up there begins to dissipate.  I wrap myself in the itchy wool blanket, it's quite cold now, prop myself up against the hard rock and fall instantly asleep. Just like at Pony Club camp.  But without the ponies of course.

Daniel wakes me with a kiss, “you sleep out here all night?”  He asks kindly grinning.

“Napped would be a better description.” I offer in a mumble of drowsiness.

“Tea?” He smiles, a huge smile, I feel safe with him.

My smile must light his world, because I get a wink in return.  “Amazingly intuitive,” I offer getting to my feet, “always you offer me just what I need whenever I need it.” I route around my pack for my toothbrush and wet-wipes, “I like that.” I say looking directly at him.

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