Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) (16 page)

BOOK: Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3)
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Chapter 37 –Pearl


Walking into the bedroom, Sir shuts and locks the door behind us. Grabbing his bag off of the dresser he pulls out a gag and looks at me with a smirk on his face.

“Little One, I would love to hear your screams tonight, but the girls are here, and so are Ember and Vincent, so I think we will need to muffle that little pleasure. Hmm?”

“Yes Sir, gagging me would be the best option for that.”

“You may come as much as you would like, but you will let me fuck your ass with a dildo as I am fucking your tight cunt.” Pulling a rather large purple dildo out of the bag as well, the smirk on his face widens. “Has Markus done this to you before? Preparing you for when we will take you together?”

“Yes Sir, he has been working on my ability to take both of you at the same time, not with anything that big, though.” 

“Strip and lean over the bed. Face on its side, looking up at me with your arms stretched out in front of you. If it gets to be too much, make sure to use your safe word, and since you will be gagged you will just have to nod your head to the left and right if needed. Show me now what it would look like if you were going to safe word?”

Nodding my head from the left to the right, he sees that I understand his instructions. As he nods at me pointing towards the bed he directs me without words. I begin to strip out of my clothing and position myself on the bed as he has requested.

The first thing that I feel are his warm hands running over my ass. I can’t stop myself from turning my head even more to watch him tracing over all the marks that have been left during the last few days.

Next, I feel his fingers slowly playing in the folds of my pussy. Tracing around and through the growing wetness that he finds there, he leans over and runs his tongue around as well. Fucking me for long moments with his tongue and fingers before he slowly starts to fuck me with the purple dildo. Lubing it up thoroughly, he slowly starts to put it in my ass, inch by painful inch. I feel the lube that he adds to the mix after a few inches have been buried deep inside of me, helping the rest of the dildo makes its way inside.

“Little One, you are taking this dildo so well, I cannot wait to be buried deep in your cunt to feel how tight it is. I might have to stay an extra night so that Markus and I can take you together like this before I head back to Chicago.”

Noticing him moving his hand towards his belt I see him undo it, and his pants, before quickly shoving them down and off his body. His cock is leaking pre-cum and I lick my lips hungrily.

“Oh Little One, I know what you want and I would love to bury myself in your mouth, but I can take you again without anything between us and I am not passing up the fucking chance. I have to be buried inside of you, now.”

Grabbing my hip with his left hand, he takes hold of his cock in his right and slowly starts to penetrate my pussy. The fullness that I feel with the dildo in my ass and him slowly pushing himself deeper into me is something that I have never felt before. I cannot help but imagine what it will be like to take both of my men on at one time. Before I am able to finish that thought he starts to alternate his thrusts with that of the dildo, bringing me quickly to climax.

“Fuck Pearl, the way that your cunt is gripping my cock with the dildo in you as well, it is fucking amazing. I cannot wait until Markus is here with us sharing in this.”

I orgasm three more times before he brings himself off, seating himself deep inside me before I start to feel his cum filling me up.

He quickly pulls both himself and the dildo out of me and heads over to the dresser, grabbing some wipes off of it to clean me up. As he comes back over to me he undoes the ball gag and I spit it out of my mouth moving my jaw slowly back and forth. He helps me stand and then lays me down on the bed and starts to clean me up. When the cold wipe hits me, the urge to pee quickly takes hold and I get up swiftly heading for the door. 

“Little One, where are you…”

“Sorry, gotta pee,” is all I get out as I unlock the door and run through the house to the bathroom. Barely making it there, I look up to find Abraham standing over me as I finish peeing. “Abraham, sorry, but the baby has an effect on my ability to hold my bladder for any length of time. Please, forgive me Sir. I know that we were not done with the scene but, I really couldn’t hold it.”

“No, it’s fine Pearl. I was just coming to make sure that you were okay. Come on let’s get you to bed now, so that you are up in time for work in the morning.”

“Damn it, thanks for reminding me that I have work tomorrow. UGH, I should have been in bed hours ago.”

Getting up off of the toilet, I wash my hands and slowly turn back towards Abraham, “Let’s get to bed, I am going to need it, the kids are probably going to be crazy tomorrow.”

Walking from the bathroom back through the house to the bedroom, Abraham wraps his arms around me, as a chill runs through my body. Leaning into my ear, he whispers “Pearl, I love you so much and hope I can make up to you everything that I have ever done and prove that anything else is the case.” Spinning me around in his arms as we enter the bedroom he takes my mouth with his.

Pulling back from him, I say in a breathless voice, “I love you too, Abraham, and you don’ t need to do anything except be there for me and the girls to show me your love.”

Snuggling together in bed I quickly nod off and am rewarded with a solid six hours of sleep wrapped in the arms of one of the two men that I love.

Chapter 38–


Checking in with Abraham daily, I find out that there hasn’t been signs of any of the Knights up in Milwaukee. Trip headed up there earlier today to let Country off duty and have him head back down to Chicago to give him some much needed R and R.

I also find out from Abraham that he has been prepping her for taking both of us together tonight. I am fucking excited to finally be able to give her everything that she truly wants. Pearl says it is going to be something special to have both of us buried deep inside of her together. And what my Pet wants, she sure as fuck will get.

Speaking with Ember on the drive up to Milwaukee this afternoon, I asked her to watch the kids tonight so that Abraham and I could take Pearl out. She agreed with no pause. Trip will be there with her to help with the kids, but I am sure she won’t need it.

Abraham makes reservations at an Italian place that he and Pearl have been to before that is near the MC’s house on the drive. Which is where we plan to take her anyway, to fuck her, so that the girls and the other house guests won’t be bother with the noises she will be making, loudly.

Pulling into the parking spot behind her house I see Abraham outside with Iris, Rose, and Vincent. Opening the door, I am greeted with screams from both Iris and Rose, who are rushing towards me as I open the gate.

Bending down to scoop the girls up in my arms, I stand and head over to Abraham. “How has your time up here been?”

“Good, we haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary. Ember and Pearl are really getting along well. You will have to let them spend some time together while you are up here I think, Pearl has mentioned it a time or two and you know what our Pearl wants, she gets.”

“Yes, I do know exactly that. Speaking of, where is our Pearl?”

Nodding towards the house, he says, “she is in there getting ready, as Ember gets dinner ready for herself and the kids.”

“Girls, can you hop down and go play with Vincent for a few more minutes while I go and talk to your momma before we head out?”

“Ok Markus,” is out of their mouths as they run back towards the swing set where Vincent is currently swinging away. Abraham is close on their heels helping them onto the swings.

Walking into the house, I nod a greeting to Ember and stride to the bathroom. Opening the door, I hear only the shower running as I close and lock the door behind myself. Stepping out of my boots and clothing I pull back the shower curtain to find Pearl bent over, soaping herself up. As her head raises slowly her eyes stop on my cock and she licks her lips slowly, bringing a smile to my face. Her eyes continue their slow perusal up my chest stopping as they stare into mine hungrily.

I step into the shower spinning her around, pushing her forward so she is bent over with her ass positioned just right for the taking. “This will be quick, Pet. Help yourself to cum, Sweetness.”

Grabbing her hips, I rock slowly into her tight pussy. Picking up the pace quickly, I feel Pearls hands on her clit. I find my release as her cunt starts gripping my cock tightly in the throes of her orgasm.

Standing to stretch she spins around to me and claims my mouth in a heated kiss. “Hello, Master. I missed you, too.”

“Yes Pet, I know that you did, and I missed you as well. Come, finish up, let’s get this night underway. I cannot wait to be buried deep inside of your cunt with Abraham buried in your ass, or vice versa.”

Drying off and getting my pants back on I stride from the bathroom and head into the bedroom to change clothes for our evening. Abraham says this restaurant is a nice place, so I actually put on a dress shirt and dig out a pair of fresh jeans. As Pearl strides into the room a couple moments later, she takes my breath away with her beauty.

Closing the door, she drops the towel in the laundry hamper as she reaches for a dress out of her closet. Moving towards her I can’t stop from running my hands over her smooth skin again. She smells like the lavender that I have gotten so used to after our months together. Leaning over I kiss my way from her ear to her neck and back again.

“Markus, come on, we need to get ready, Abraham said the reservations were at 6:30 and it is nearing 6 o’clock.”

“Are you giving me orders, Pet?” I ask grabbing a fistful of her ass.

“No, Master. Of course not, I was just bringing up, no, reminding you of our reservation time.”

“Finish getting ready then and we will meet you out by the truck in five minutes.” Slapping her ass, I go on, “Not a moment longer, do you hear me?”

“Yes Master, five minutes.” She says, moving a little quicker as I walk out of the room.

Stopping for a brief minute to talk with both Ember and Trip, I am outside hugging the girls as Pearls makes her way from the house.

“Girls, Vincent, go head in, supper is ready. Then Ember will let you guys watch some TV and tuck you in for bed. Have a good night. And girls, make sure that you behave for Ember and Trip. Ok?”

“Yes, momma we will be good. Have fun with Poppa Markus and Daddy Abraham!”

The tears that slowly start falling from her eyes are not noticed by the children, but Abraham and I are not so quick to miss the love that has just grabbed a hold of her.

Abraham is striding towards her as he speaks, “We heard them Pearl, they have been playing around with those names the last two days and that is what they have settled on, Poppa Markus and Daddy Abraham.”

Watching that bring a smile to her face, I reach up and dab the tears away from her eyes, grabbing a hold of her hand as Abraham grabs her other hand, and we walk towards the truck.

Dinner went off without a hitch, well except the looks from the other fucking patrons at the restaurant. Neither Abraham nor I are able to keep our hands off of Pearl for long, which draws some attention to us. Neither Abraham nor I care about the looks, but we keep a close watch on Pearl to make sure that she does not get awkward about the unwanted attention.

Chapter 39 –


I did not think that Pearl would do so well with the unwanted attention during dinner, but our girlie really showed me wrong. She will be rewarded well for doing so by both her Sir and her Master.

Getting back into the truck after dinner we make a quick trip back to the house on the drive. Taking the lead getting Pearl into the house, I make my way up to the room that I had set up the day before for our use.

“Little One, your Sir and your Master want to use you thoroughly tonight.” Running a hand over her curves I go on, “We hope you are ready to take both of us, because we are dying to be buried inside you. First we would like for you to strip and kneel on the pillow in front of the bed in position.” Before I have even finished talking she has half of her clothing removed. Rapidly finishing the removal of her clothing she kneels in position on the pillow perfectly.

Blaze and I have talked briefly about the way this evening will play out, and how we will best serve Pearl. We have decided to go about the evening as any other and just see what works best for us all being together. Markus and I have taken woman together enough that we have a good feeling for each other’s preferences. The only thing that is different is we will be with our Pearl.

Walking over to the toys that I have set out, I grab a few of my favorites, looking to Markus, encouraging him to begin as he wishes with our girlie.

“Raise up on your knees pet, and take me into your mouth as Abraham reddens up your ass a bit.”

Laying the flogger on the bed, I grab the crop and start a slow tease over Pearls skin. As I hear the noises of her pleasuring her Master, my cock starts to strain my pants and the hits of the crop start landing quicker and with more force than they should. Hearing her moan out in pain, I slow my strikes but keep up the intensity of them.

Pulling his cock from her mouth, Markus walks to the bed taking the flogger in his hand. Switching places with me, he starts an assault on her with it while I unzip my pants and rub my cock across Pearl’s wet lips. Groaning at the feel, I command her to open and start driving my cock deep down her throat. Each time Markus lands a strike I drive deeper into her so that she gags on my cock at the same time.

Knowing that this is making her so wet, I start to imagine the moisture that is dripping down her thighs and pull myself from her mouth. Sliding down to my knees I move her thighs apart and roll onto my back, positioning my mouth under her cunt and then start to feast on her. Markus slows his strikes and aims them at her back, thankfully away from her ass, and therefore my face, which is situated under it. After long minutes and bringing Pearl to orgasm twice, I slide out from underneath her and get to my feet.

Markus helps Pearl to her feet after stripping out of his clothes and takes her mouth in a heated kiss. I in turn take my clothing off and then take Pearl’s mouth from him.

Markus moves onto the bed and lays down on his back fisting his cock telling Pearl, “Come and sit on my cock, Pet. You will ride me until you come and then Abraham will join us and bury himself deep in that ass of yours.”

Pearl gets on the bed and unhurriedly climbs across the bed until she is on top of her Master. Swinging her leg over him she situates herself on top of him and slowly drops down onto his cock, whimpering the entire time. Sitting upright she starts her leisurely movements up and down and is rewarded with a swift slap to her tits. “Pet, start moving and fuck me how I like, or you will not get the reward your Master and your Sir have for you.”

“Yes Master, sorry Master,” is out on a quick breath as she starts to move faster. Watching her reddening tits swing with her movements has my cock begging to be inside of her.

“Come Little One, or I might not be able to wait for you before I have to bury myself in your ass as your Master has said.”

Moving up onto the bed behind Pearl I move the lube over that I had placed on the bed earlier.Running my hands over her back sends a shiver through her, before I push her forward moving her closer to Markus. As she brings one of her hands out in front of her, resting it on Markus’s chest, the other moves between her legs. Pinching and rubbing her clit, she brings herself to orgasm within a few seconds, taking my warning about her pleasure to heart.

Positioning myself behind her I spit on my hand and her plump ass, slowly working the spit into her ass and lube my cock with more spit before easing myself into her. Markus stops his assault momentarily as I enter her, easing her onto my cock by pulling her hips back. The rhythm that we set is slow to start as we work on our movements and being careful of Pearl and our baby. My hands grab her hips mercilessly as we pick up the pace, Markus and I taking turns plunging in and out.

The feeling is incredible as we all find our release together. I can feel Pearl clenching both of our cocks like a vice as her orgasm blooms, causing Markus and I to find our own releases inside of her as well.

As our breathing slows we situate ourselves on the bed, placing Pearl in the middle. I get up and head for the bathroom needing to clean Pearl up before she passes out on us. Although we will be taking her home in a little bit, she could do with some sleep before that, since we wore our girlie out.

As I finish cleaning her, Markus pulls the blankets up covering her, and rolls out of bed heading for the bathroom. Before he shuts the door I say, “We should let her sleep for a little while, before waking her and taking her home.”

“Exactly what I was thinking Abraham. Let’s head downstairs and we can discuss the remainder of the week and also the meet set with Clutch on Thursday.”

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