Read Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3) Online

Authors: Eden Connor

Tags: #taboo erotica, #stepbrother porn, #lesbian sex, #menage, #group sex, #anal sex, #Stepbrother Romance

Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3)
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“A hundred and sixteen point eight miles per hour,” Caroline announced.”

“You’re incredible.” The look in Jonny’s dark eyes did something to my heart, because, finally, someone saw Caroline the way I did.

“What in the world did y’all do to that car?” I bounced on the balls of my feet, still humming from excitement.

Caine snorted. “We started by doin’ what Audi should’ve done. We stripped out the auto drive bullshit and added some torque to the wheels. Opened up the air intakes, but we ran into a problem. Then, Caroline stuck her nose in it, and did some voodoo with the onboard computer.”

I shifted wide eyes to her. She laughed. “I was the only girl in AP Physics. Then, the motherfuckers refused to let me take Auto Mechanics, because ‘my grades were too high’.” She drew quote marks in the air. “All that meant, was, step to the back of the line, girl. I didn’t get hands-on experience. They can kiss my ass now.”

She gave Jonny an adoring gaze. “Jonny helped me fill out the patent paperwork. Now, I got the money to send it in, and pay my insurance.”

Caine chuckled. “Then, we borrowed a few quarts of Rick’s fifty-million-dollar motor oil.”

“Excuse me?” I must’ve heard him wrong.

“Oh, yeah.” Colt chimed in. “Over the last decade, Rick’s spent an easy fifty million bucks on motor oil research. He’s got a fucking blend that adds twenty-five, thirty horsepower. No lie.”

“But, until you put your hand on the shifter, Shelby, it was just a hunk of metal with potential.” Caroline rifled the bills Jonny put in her hand. “This’s my car insurance for six months, and then some.”

With a peal of giggles, she tossed the stack of twenties into the air. The low-slung ceiling fan whipped the bills around. Most floated onto Caine, who rested on the end of Jonny’s king-sized bed. She stripped her jeans down her legs, tossing them to Jonny, who hurled them toward a chair in the corner. Circling her hips, Caroline lifted her mass of light waves onto the top of her head.

I tumbled into Caine’s arms. “Here’s some more voodoo. I still have gas in the tank after six quarter-mile runs. The ‘Cuda would’ve been on empty after three.”

He laughed, rubbing the end of his nose across mine. “Fuel efficiency’s come a long way since 1971.” He cut his eyes toward Jonny and Caroline. “And, we might’ve broke new ground there, but time will tell. Hard to make a claim based on one race.”

Turning toward me again, his eyes darkened, sending a jolt of lightning through me. Patting my hip, he urged, “Turn around. You know the rule. Winner gets head.”

I couldn’t resist smoothing my hands across his chest, marveling at the way the dark hair arced from the outside of his frame toward his sternum. I turned around and settled into the spot between Caine’s thighs, leaning against his chest. Colt dragged a rough hand along my bare calf.

While I stared, Caroline cupped her breasts. Caine must’ve watched, too, because he swiped his thumbs across my nipples exactly the way Caroline touched her own. Desire hit me with all the force of crossing the finish line with the pedal to the metal.

My battered brain solved another riddle. I realized why watching Caroline fuck had always hit me so hard.

She was the only woman I knew who seemed more secure naked than clothed. Her attitude had nothing to do with having a perfect body. Silvery stripes decorated her belly and breasts. A grim smile scarred the skin above her mound, but her eyes radiated a serenity never visible when she was dressed.

“Who needs college when you’ve got gasoline and a hot pair of Quattro engines to work with?” Caroline asked, hips still gyrating.

Caine slid my hair aside and pressed his lips to my neck. Colt crawled between my thighs. Goose bumps skittered in two directions along my spine, colliding in my tummy. Colt’s palms seemed more calloused now than at Christmas, but he pried my legs open with familiar force.

“I ain’t forgot, I owe you one from December, so hang on, baby. I’m gonna rock your world twice.” Colt’s devilish grin made my heart skip a beat. He tugged my ass to the edge of the mattress and lowered his head. Churning with anticipation, I let my gaze drift to Jonny.

Jonny unbuttoned his cuffs and eased his still-buttoned shirt over his head before he dropped his hands to his waistband, but his eyes followed every motion of Caroline’s hips.

Dim bulbs in the ceiling fan light turned his golden skin into a desert landscape. He slid the shirt over the back of a chair, then stepped out of his pants and folded them. A slight happy trail started below his navel, which was an adorable outie.

While Colt massaged my clit to get my engine started, I admired Jonny’s cock. This was the first time I’d seen it in the light. Not as thick as Colt’s, not quite as long as Caine’s, but a solid, well-formed specimen with a crisp head jutted from a thatch of ebony hair. And that ass. Dear God, the man had a delectable ass. No wonder he disdained baggy jeans.

He caught Caroline in his arms. She didn’t have to go on tiptoe to reach his lips the way I would. Their ferocious kiss bent her over his arm. Her long hair swept the bed, tickling my thigh.

When he let her go, he turned her to face me. Holding my gaze, he slid his shaft between her legs. She pressed the hard length to her slit and began to rock her hips.

“That’s a girl,” Jonny crooned. “Show off for Shelby. I love the hunger in her eyes when she looks at you, beautiful.” He cupped her breasts. His fingers dug into the soft mounds, making her pale nipples darken and peak. Pressing those hard points, he rolled them over his forefingers with his thumbs. Caine switched up his touch, mimicking Jonny’s. Violent shock waves rolled through my groin.

Colt speared his tongue into me. Adrenaline fueled my arousal. My heartbeat thundered in my clit and nipples. Every soft stroke of Colt’s tongue sent a jolt to my core.

“Come all over your big brother’s face,” Caine rasped in my ear. “Make him wet all the way to his chin.” I drove my fingers into Colt’s hair, pressing him close. In return, he tortured my clit with soft, teasing strokes.

“Can’t decide whether I wanna watch Caroline eat Shelby after Colt makes her scream, or do it my fucking self.” Jonny’s rough tone drove me higher. I dropped my gaze to his cock, watching the flushed head play peek-a-boo between Caroline’s alabaster thighs.

Caine sent a shudder through me by stroking the outside of my ear with his tongue. Colt thrust a finger into my pussy. My tummy hollowed in anticipation as Colt withdrew, strumming my throbbing clit with his fingertip until I arched in need.

“Finger-fuck her, brother,” Caine demanded, earning my gratitude. “I wanna hear how wet she is.”

Colt complied, driving in and out of me while his tongue danced across my clit.

“Spread your legs,” Jonny demanded of Caroline, pushing her forward until she had no choice but to straddle Colt. Jonny pressed a hand between her shoulder blades. “Help Caine with Shelby’s cute little nipples.”

I could tell by the way Jonny held his arms and lowered his eyes that he pushed his cock into her, but she taunted me, holding back and making Jonny drive her closer with each slow thrust.

Caine growled in my ear. “Look at those pretty boobs bounce. Damn, Jonny, give it to her, brother. Shelby loves to watch a man fuck her girlfriend.”

Darting me—or perhaps Caine—a grin, Caroline extended her tongue, making me anticipate the moment she’d connect with one of the tender peaks Caine squeezed between rough fingers.

Colt’s rapid, delicate strokes across my clit made a strong contrast with the forceful finger-fuck I craved. He curled his finger and found the spot that made me pant. I cried out when Caroline’s warm tongue slid across one abused nipple. 

Caine’s cock, fully hard now, dug into my ass with heated promise. Colt speared me with two fingers. Added to the sound of Jonny’s thighs slapping Caroline’s buttocks, I neared the edge of reason. Colt’s thumb came down on my clit in the demanding way that always got me off.

Caroline lifted her head, groaning with pleasure from Jonny’s continued assault. I cupped her chin, bringing her close enough to kiss.

“Next time, you get to be the bimbo,” I whispered.

“Honey, I
the bimbo till you came along.” She smiled. “But, we had to be a little more careful about who we picked on.”

I couldn’t respond, because hard spikes of pleasure shut off my breath. Between Caine’s soft strokes along my neck and ear, Colt’s fingers driving inside me, and his thumb grinding against my clit, and the torture Caine applied to my breasts, I arched. Sparks danced before my eyes and my release hit with the force of a hammer.

Sobbing, I tried to press my thighs together, but Caine abandoned my breasts to Caroline so he could grab my thighs. Pulling my knees high left me wide open for Colt’s continued assault.

I writhed and shrieked, begging to be set free from the all-consuming force, but my brothers, as always, ignored my pleas. Sharp talons of pleasure gripped me as I writhed in the throes of a second orgasm.

At last, Colt relented. Before I could catch my breath, Caine fell backward onto the mattress. He still gripped my thighs, so my feet flew into the air. I had no idea where Colt went, but soft hair tickled my legs as Caroline leaned forward and took his place.

Through half-open eyes, I watched Colt turn aside to take Jonny’s cock in his mouth. Colt darted me a naughty look, sucking Jonny deep, then pulling back with hollowed cheeks. Jonny moaned, deep and long. The sound reverberated through me.

Spearing his fingers into Colt’s hair, Jonny gripped the light waves in his fists and thrust faster. “Such a bad boy.” Jonny tapped Colt hard on one cheek. My pussy clenched when I realized what Colt had done. By tasting Jonny, he also tasted Caroline.

Caroline’s deft tongue tightened the ache in my core and unspooled my thoughts. I rocked in Caine’s grasp, needing to press my thighs together, needing a deep breath, but he refused to let me go. The pressure built and built, sucking the air from my lungs. I arched, meeting her teeth. Sparks flew across my vision. I sobbed my release.

Caroline lifted her head, studying me with soft, satisfied eyes. “Better stay hydrated. I’ll be right back.”

I lay limp in Caine’s arms, watching Colt take Jonny’s shaft deep, and laughing at the way Caine kept his face buried in the side of my neck until Jonny jerked free.

“It’s rude to make me come down your throat with both your pretty sisters in the room. Ladies first,” Jonny scolded. 

Irrepressible as ever, when Caroline returned, she handed me a frosty bottle and let loose a peal of giggles. “Colt, I thought for sure she’d kick you in the nuts when you called her a piece of ass.”

Colt got to his feet, barking with laughter. “I don’t mind tellin’ y’all, my balls crawled up into my ass when she turned those spittin’ eyes on me.”

I guzzled the water, then floated in a fog of contentment. Listening to their banter took me back to high school and those dark summer nights out on Old Cottonmouth Road.

“Oh, no. You don’t get to sleep yet.” I opened my eyes at Caine’s rough tone. “This night has to be perfect.” He tweaked my nipple so hard, I gasped. “Because you were fuckin’ perfect. Again. On your knees, little sister.” His grin twisted. “Trade places with me, Colt.”

My tummy bottomed out harder than when I hit sixth gear on the final run and knew I’d taken the mouthy bastard’s money. I rolled off Caine’s lap. Colt took his place beside me on the bed.

Don’t give a damn what anyone says, this is never gonna feel wrong.

“Straddle Colt.” Caine gestured. “I want you rollin’ all over that big cock, but you better stick that ass in the air while you do it, or I’ll make you fuckin’ wish you had.”

Trembling with anticipation, I swung one knee over Colt’s thighs, scooting onto his lap. He grinned, letting me grind on him while he massaged my buttocks. Golden stubble had sneaked onto his jaw at some point during the evening. I rubbed the end of my nose in the prickly fuzz, enjoying the way his cock pressed into my belly.

“I think we’re right back where we started, babe,” Colt murmured. “Remember skippin’ first period to fuck?”

My heart... hearts shouldn’t do the thing mine did. It twisted, flipped, and expanded, all at once. I tensed when I sensed Caine moving in behind me, but couldn’t tear my gaze from Colt’s gorgeous eyes. 

The first blow from Caine’s palm coincided with the thrust of Colt’s tongue past my lips. Fingers too slender to be any man’s slid into me. Heat sizzled on my buttock in the shape of Caine’s hand. 

Caine landed another strike, hard enough to draw tears. The glow sank into my core like hot coals through snow. I tightened around the fingers Caroline thrust into me. She and Caine began a tandem dance; he’d smack my ass, she’d thrust deep after the blow. As soon as she eased her fingertips to my entrance, the unforgiving palm fell again.

I wrenched free of Colt’s kiss to peer over my shoulder. Caroline knelt beside Caine. He turned to kiss her, then lifted his hand and smacked my ass again.

Jonny moved in behind them, eyes flaming with heat. “Christ, my cock’s hard enough to drive a nail.”

Colt hooked a finger under my chin, turning me to look at him. A thicker finger slid into my pussy, thrusting alongside Caroline’s.
Caine or Jonny?
Just having to wonder ratcheted my desire to a peak again. I suckled Colt’s tongue for all I was worth, rubbing my belly over his shaft, utterly lost in the various rhythms of those plundering me. Colt found my nipples, adding another layer of sweet torture.

I held off as long as I could, letting the pleasure build, until the moment when Caroline and her fingering partner moved inside me like a precision team. A dark thrill vibrated through me, sweeping me under. I broke from Colt’s kiss to cry out. My back bowed. My toes curled and my vision went dark. Pleasure swept over me in a delicious, boiling wave of silent thunder.

As I lolled on Colt’s shoulder, trying to catch my breath, a box of condoms hit the bed. Jonny reached for one of the shiny packets that spilled across the spread. “I got some catchin’ up to do. Mind if I go first, Caine?”

I couldn’t help laughing. “The etiquette of the gang bang can be complicated,” I gasped, darting a look over my shoulder at Caine.

BOOK: Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3)
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