Pendant of Fortune (43 page)

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Authors: Kyell Gold

BOOK: Pendant of Fortune
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Lord Vinton had washed with cinnamon just before visiting Streak. There was no cinnamon on the knife, nor anywhere near the cell, and he had none on his person. It was impossible for him to have killed Xefor and then applied it to himself, and he could not have handled the knife without some trace of cinnamon remaining on it—which was not the case.”

Dereath shot a look full of hate at Volle then. It was clear he hadn’t realized the significance of the cinnamon. Volle caught the motion and looked back without changing his expression. He noticed behind Dereath that two large guards, a bear and a puma, had moved closer to where the rat was sitting and were watching him closely.

Therefore, I began to question whether the scent on the knife had come from his paw at all. Scent transfer is a rare practice, but not unknown in the history of crime. It is most often used between people whose relationship is intimate, but it was famously used by Pierrine in the Onyx Crest murders, recorded nearly a hundred years ago.” The expressions and half-cocked ears Volle saw throughout the audience told him that to most of them, like him, the crime was anything but famous.

Nero turned to his assistant. “Archie?”

The weasel sprang to his feet. “Lord Vinton was worried about what might happen when he negotiated with Lord Fardew to see Streak. He told me about it so that I would know where he was. Captain Nero asked me to do more than that. So I had one of our guards call for Lord Fardew and his servant on a trivial matter, and I slipped into his chambers through the hole that Captain Nero mentioned a little while ago.” He looked very pleased with himself.

Dereath’s tail was lashing audibly now. Volle looked over and saw the tension in his slender frame. He also noticed that the two guards were now right behind him. Dereath hadn’t noticed them yet.

Lord Fardew favors a sandalwood perfume,” Archie continued. “So I slipped into the bedroom and helped myself to a bit of it to cover my own rather distinct scent. I fit comfortably into the large chest in the room, covered myself with some clothes, and waited. The chest lid didn’t close quite properly, so I had a clear if limited view of what went on.

Volle folded his ears back. He wanted to tell the weasel to stop, but he knew the only way for the truth to come out was for the weasel to tell everyone what had gone on. It was worth the humiliation. Looking at Dereath, he saw that the rat was not at all displeased at the prospect of their activities together being revealed.

Lord Fardew and Lord Vinton came into the bedroom at the appointed time.” Archie was looking at Volle, and his eyes were soft. “Lord Fardew presented the agreement he had worked up, and Lord Vinton read through it. They argued over it for nearly an hour before Lord Vinton signed it.”

He smiled at Volle’s slowly rising ears and look of disbelief. “And I saw Lord Fardew press his paw under Lord Vinton’s tail, under the guise of making a pass at him.”

Nero cut in. “The area under the tail, of course, is the strongest scented in both canids and mustelids. Anyone planning to perpetrate a scent transfer would want to draw the scent from there.”

Archie nodded, but didn’t have a chance to continue. Dereath stood up and said, “Your Majesty, I would like to protest this invasion of my private chambers.” He glared at Archie. “I would like this weasel taken into custody immediately.”

All eyes turned to King Barris, who waved a huge paw. “Sit down, Lord Fardew. We will consider additional charges when this inquest is over.”

The bear behind Dereath put a paw on his shoulder, and only then did the rat notice the beefy guards behind him. He sat down, but Volle thought his expression was more calculating than worried.

What else did you see?” The King spoke to Archie now.

Lord Fardew left to inform the guards that they needed to prepare for another visitor. Lord Vinton grew impatient with waiting, washed with cinnamon—to be clean for his visit, I presume—and then left along with Lord Fardew’s servant. When I was sure they would not be returning, I slipped out of the chest and out of the chambers, and headed to the north tower. I was too late to see Lord Vinton enter, but I saw the guard Xefor at the entrance.” He paused dramatically. “And then I saw Lord Fardew approach him. They walked up the stairs together, and on the way down...Lord Fardew produced a knife and stabbed him in the chest.”

The tumult from the crowd was almost deafening. Volle saw Dereath spring from his chair faster than the guards could catch him, shrieking, “Liar!” as he charged at Archie. Several of the nobles gasped, and all the guards in the room, including the ones behind Volle and Streak, growled and ran after Dereath. He reached Archie a second before the guards did, despite the weasel ducking below the table. The wolf who’d been guarding Volle was the first to pull Dereath out from under the table, and then the others joined him, pinning the rat down.

Dereath was still screaming at the top of his lungs, “He’s lying! He’s lying!” Archie emerged from under the table, smiling despite the blood oozing from his ear. Nero bent over the table, extending a paw, but Archie waved him off as he took his seat.

Silence!” Alister was standing and pounding the table. “Silence.” Gradually, the noise died down, and Dereath too stopped struggling and screaming.

The King looked at Nero. “Captain, is this your conclusion?”

Yes, your Majesty,” Nero said. “In an attempt to frame Lord Vinton, Lord Fardew committed two murders. He killed Jatha Maison before Streak ever entered his chambers. He used a similar sexual overture to gain the wolf’s scent, put it on the scissors, and threw them into the room through the hole. Immediately afterwards, he imitated the victim’s scream to bring Streak to the door. After he had sent Lord Vinton to the cell at a time he knew about, he made sure there would be only one guard there, killed that guard, and then conveniently ‘discovered’ the crime with another guard later.”

King Barris leaned over the table to look at the restrained rat. “Lord Fardew?”

I didn’t kill anyone,” Dereath spat the words at Nero.

Do you wish to present any witnesses or make an argument on your behalf?” Alister said formally.

Volle was watching Dereath, and saw a canny look enter his eyes. “No, I do not.”

Very well. Then King Barris will make his ruling.”

Let him up,” the King said to the guards.

They got off of Dereath, letting him get to his feet, though two of them kept a secure hold on his wrists, the wolf who’d been guarding Volle to his left and the large puma to his right. He shook himself and then stood upright, lifting his muzzle haughtily.

Lord Fardew,” King Barris said, “I am deeply disturbed at the betrayal of the trust this crown and this country have placed in you. I find you guilty of two instances of murder, and sentence you to be hanged when we return to Divalia.” Dereath nodded his head curtly, but didn’t seem overly disturbed by the sentence. “Captain Nero, thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of truth and justice. Guards, escort Mister Talison to the cell formerly occupied by the wolf Streak.” He sat back in his chair and nodded to Alister.

This inquest is now concluded,” the steward said. “All those having further business with the King must wait for another time.”

Dereath shot Volle a wicked-looking smile as the wolf and puma pulled him toward the exit. Volle watched his progress across the room and noted that twice, Dereath stopped to whisper into the ear of a noble. First Lord Whassel, a youngish beaver, and then Lord Wallen. Both lords looked discomfited by Dereath’s words.

I did tell you I would get you out.” Nero had paid his respects to the King and wandered over to stand next to Volle.

You said you would try,” Volle reminded him with a smile. He felt an odd reservation about the whole thing. He couldn’t believe it was over that easily.

Congratulations, Lord Vinton.” The King stopped on his way out to lay a paw on Volle’s shoulder. It was heavy and regal, and a significant touch.

Thank you, Your Majesty.” Volle smiled. “I owe Captain Nero a large debt.”

I always enjoy a good puzzle.” Nero seemed slightly distracted when he said it.

Volle looked behind him. “Is Archie okay?”

I’m fine.” The weasel padded cheerfully up to the table. “Justice prevailed and all that. A little rip to the ear can’t take the shine off that.”

It certainly did no good to his case.”

The King shook his head. “Indeed not, Captain. Once again, our sincerest thanks. You have never failed to justify our faith in
. Despite your occasionally unorthodox methods. You really should keep your helpers out of troublesome and dangerous situations.” He sighed. “Now, if you will excuse me, I believe Alacris and I need to begin discussing the appointment of the new Lord Fardew.”

He strode down the side of the room and swept out, flanked by the queen, three guards, and Lord Alacris. The rest of the nobles began to filter out of the room once the King had gone. Tish caught Volle’s eye and smiled, and gestured upwards toward his rooms. Volle smiled back and nodded.

Notice I didn’t get any of the praise there?” Archie said. He and Nero had walked over to where Volle and Streak were standing. “I only risked my neck getting into Lord Fardew’s chambers, that’s all.”

You did what I told you to,” Nero rumbled. “The King handed out praise where it was due.”

Easy for you to say. You didn’t have to hide in a chest stinking of sandalwood and rat for two hours.”

Volle was following their discussion with an ear, but the other was turned to Streak, who’d remained quiet but wore a huge smile. He stepped forward at the same time Volle did, and a moment later they were hugging each other warmly. Volle’s sheath protested when pressed against the wolf, and his nose twitched at the smell of the prison cells on them both, but the rest of him was so happy, he decided to ignore it. Besides, he didn’t want to advertise his wound. Streak would find out soon enough, and it was nobody else’s business. But that, and Archie’s remark, reminded him that he wanted to thank the weasel for his discretion.

Archie was just nudging Nero and saying, “Maybe we should leave ‘em alone.”

Volle grinned at him. “Actually, Archie, I’d like a word alone with you before I go off with Streak, if I could?”

The weasel gave him a knowing smile. “We don’t need to talk now. I know you appreciate all the work I did, even if this wolf doesn’t.”

Yeah. I just wanted to thank you particularly.”

You’re very welcome. I think you were pretty brave yourself, what you went through and all.”

Volle smiled and leaned against Streak. “I had to.”

Yeah.” Archie smiled and took Nero’s arm. “Come on, boss. I hear they’re serving lunch over in the dining room.”

Helfer had come up to the table, and shook Archie’s paw as he and Nero turned to leave. “Great job, Archie. You did us proud here.”

Thank you, my Lord.” Archie grinned and looked at Nero. “Nice to know someone appreciates what I did.”

Nero rumbled amusedly. “Come, before your head gets too big to fit through the door.” Archie laughed as the two of them walked out.

Helfer smiled and then threw his arms around Volle. “Hey,” he said, and wrinkled his nose. “Phew! Well, you smell better than last time you got out of prison.”

Ow. Careful.” Volle winced, but hugged back. “Hi, Hef. Listen, I—”

No, let me go first.” Helfer looked around Volle at Streak. “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked you.”

Volle smiled down at the weasel. “I’m sorry too. I was tense and had a lot on my mind. I shouldn’t have snapped the way I did.”

What happened?” Streak nosed up next to Volle curiously.

I’ll tell you later. We just had an argument right before I came to see you.”

I have a lot to ask you about,” Helfer said, chuckling. “But it’ll wait.”

Yeah. I think Tish wants to see us.” Volle smiled. “He’s probably been pretty worried.”

I hope he has. I know I have.”

Volle gave Helfer another hug, carefully, and then looked beyond him. The wolf guard had returned from escorting Dereath and had joined the stag who had apprehended him. Both were standing respectfully below the dais, looking down at their feet, obviously waiting for Volle and Helfer to be done. Volle moved Helfer aside and nodded at the guards. Helfer saw them waiting and stepped back, waving to Volle. “I’ll see you back at the mansion for dinner?”

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