People Trafficker (15 page)

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Authors: Keith Hoare

BOOK: People Trafficker
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Angela just nodded, she still didn’t feel well, her headache had increased and the stomach pains made walking difficult. Looking at the other girls waiting, she suspected they had been told the same as her, and not wanting to be sent to a brothel would go all out to attract a buyer.

The room was quite large, the buyers sat well spaced from each other around the walls leaving a clear and open area in the centre.

“Walk round the room till I tell you to stop,” she said, at the same time removing the handcuffs. “My buyers want to see you nicely dressed first and how you present yourself. Then go to the centre and remove all your clothes and don’t move. Delay or refuse to remove your clothes and I’ll get my assistants to strip you and you’ll be punished in front of all the buyers with the electric stick. That wouldn’t look good for you; they’d lose interest and probably not make a bid. You know what that would mean?” Saeed’s mother said as she urged her to start walking round.

Gentlemen this is our third girl of the day,”
Saeed’s mother began in a language Angela couldn’t understand. “
Her name’s Angela, she’s seventeen, five feet nine with a nice developing figure. She speaks French and English originating from the UK. This girl is also a virgin so there is a premium of ten per cent on top of the bid. Bids are opening at thirty thousand and she’s available like the others to take now.”

Angela did as she was asked, walking round then going to the centre after being told and removed her clothes. She stood still, shivering slightly, unsure what to do now.

Saeed’s mother looked round at the men. “Put your arms up above your head,” she demanded.

Angela did as she was told. Saeed’s mother pushed her head back a little so her breasts were more pronounced.

“Now gentlemen you can see what a nice body this girl has. The firm pert breasts, the flat stomach, the hips perfect, her bottom beautifully shaped and her skin radiant,” she began at the same time turning her round. “This is a very special girl, looks after herself. You only have to inspect her nails, her hands, her teeth to realise that, and as I said a virgin. Take your time; check her body over yourself and then the bidding begins.”

She looked at Angela. “Put your arms down and go to each of the buyers. Smile; allow them to check you out. Remember one must buy you otherwise you know the alternative.”

Now Angela felt really embarrassed and scared as she went to each of the buyers, who stood and started looking into her mouth, her ears and hands before rubbing their hands over her body. She pulled back as one pushed his hand between her legs, but she was rewarded with an instant sharp stinging slap across the bottom from Saeed’s mother stood behind her. The last buyer spent longer with her, he pulled her eyelids up and looked into her eyes. Then he opened her mouth and smelt her breath. He seemed concerned and putting one hand in the small of her back he pressed her stomach with the other. Angela wanted to scream, the pain intense. She tried to stifle it the best she could, but gasped anyway.

The man frowned, confused.
“What are you trying to sell us old woman?”
he demanded.
“Pushing a girl into the sale who’s obviously ill. I can see it in her eyes, the pain in her stomach, the difficulty she’s having breathing, she’s also very cold to the touch. I didn’t come here to be conned, neither am I a hospital.”
Then he looked at Angela. “Go and get dressed, girl, you need to keep warm.”

Angela hesitated, looking at Saeed’s mother, scared that she’d use the stick on her if she moved. But the mother was clearly shaken, prices might tumble if they thought she was conning them. “Do as he says,” she demanded. Then she looked back at the man.
“It is just a stomach upset, a change of food that’s all. But she will soon be better and she is a very beautiful girl. The other girls are all very fit. It is a shame you don’t want her, but no matter I will send her to the brothel, they will look after her until she’s ready to work. But by way of compensation with this girl not being at her peak and no longer available, I do have another. The girl I’m going to show you is just fourteen, her name is Natasha, born in Morocco but her parents are English. She’s lovely long legs, nicely developing body and has bids of thirty thousand from the children’s rings. They are very excited at the prospect of getting hold of such a child, but of course she’d only last six months and be badly abused. I think she will be such an attractive and loving girl in a year or so, that is why I’m prepared to offer her to the highest bidder of the day for half the bid price of the girl they buy. That means if you pay forty thousand, you get the young girl for twenty, take her for what she will offer you now and in the future, or get yourself an instant profit from the children’s rings by reselling her.”

“Bring the girl in,”
one called.

Saeed’s mother seemed to have forgotten Angela as she rushed out and grabbed one of her assistants.

“Give the buyers refreshments. I need to prepare the young girl, that one in there is ill and they are not happy,” she said with more than a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Running up the stairs she burst into a room. Natasha was sitting on a mattress on the floor, in an otherwise empty room, her legs pulled up to her chest, staring down at a tin mug and cracked plate. She was starving, the only food given to her were leftovers, if there were any, from someone else’s meal. The tin cup usually filled with water had been empty since the night before. The girl had been forgotten, already sold so no-one bothered with her, the time being taken up on the other girls, who required preparation, before the sale. She’d been crying, her face streaked in tears, not understanding why she was locked up and why her parents hadn’t come to collect her. Saeed’s mother pulled her up and dragged her into a bathroom. There she ripped her t-shirt off and began to pull her jeans down her legs. Natasha started struggling, trying to prevent her but Saeed’s mother stood back, removed her stick from under her shawl and poked the girl on her bare shoulders. The severe shock threw Natasha across the small bathroom, but Saeed’s mother followed and touched her chest this time, rewarded by seeing the girl’s body arch back in spasm. She grinned, enjoying the girl’s distress and kept poking the stick inches from the girl’s face demanding she remove her jeans. However, Natasha didn’t react quickly enough for Saeed’s mother, so again she touched the girl’s shoulder. Thrown back like some rag doll with the shock, Natasha was begging her to stop, unfastening her jeans and pushing them down her legs as fast as she could. Ironically Natasha shouldn’t have been here. Her father was a driver who’d collected the girls from the hotel and was to take them to the so-called desert camp. She’d badgered him the day before to take her, even her mother thought it a good idea and an opportunity for her daughter to be with English girls, so finally to keep the peace he’d agreed. But of course she’d also eaten the food and the crew from the ship didn’t know this girl wasn’t included. Besides which her father was dead, so they could hardly leave her there anyway. Saeed’s mother was ecstatic when they turned up with her. She was a bonus, whose sale, for no preparation at all would pay the transport cost of all the others.

“Get the pants off as well and into the shower.”

Again Natasha didn’t object and was soon washing herself in the cold water.

“That’s enough,” Saeed’s mother shouted dragging her out. “Dry yourself and replace your knickers.”

When she’d finished Saeed’s mother took the towel and rubbed the little girl’s hair vigorously, until it was nearly dry then brushed it before pinning it up in a ponytail. She stood back; the girl looked nice now and clean.

“Come with me,” she demanded of the girl.

Natasha grabbed her clothes but Saeed’s mother snatched them from her. “You won’t need those; we’ll come back for them later.”

“Am I going home?” she asked somewhat naively.

“If you’re a good girl, I will ask your daddy to come and collect you? But first you’re to meet some friends of mine.”

“But I’ve got practically nothing on,” Natasha protested. “Can’t I wear my t-shirt please?”

“It’s dirty, you’d look a sight. I have clothes downstairs you can wear. So no more delays or I’ll use my stick.”

Frightened of the stick on her nearly naked body the girl went down the stairs, stopping in front of the lounge door. Moments later Saeed’s mother opened the door, grabbed the girl’s hand and dragged her into the centre of the room, all the men looked at her.

“Now gentlemen, was it worth the wait? This is Natasha, nearly fourteen and of course a virgin.

Saeed’s mother told Natasha to raise her arms above her head arching her body back, the same as she’d done with Angela, to push out the girl’s small breasts. “Y
ou can see she is developing well, her skin is beautifully tanned with living in Morocco, her body just right and is of course just coming into puberty.”

One of the buyers liked the look of the girl, telling her to come over to him. Saeed’s mother told her to put her arms down and go to him, giving her a push from behind. As the buyer had done with Angela, he looked into her mouth, her ears, checked her hands, her nails then ran his hands over her body, at the same time roughly grasping her thin cotton knickers, trying to pull them down, but being only flimsy he ripped them clean off her. Natasha was in a panic now, standing completely naked, she didn’t like this man and even more so when he grasped her buttock with one hand, while he worked his other hand in between the top of her legs, trying to push his fingers inside her. The girl began screaming hysterically, not knowing why she was here, what these men were going to do to her, so she pulled away from him and tried to escape. But Saeed’s mother had come up behind, quickly touching her bottom with the stick. The girl froze, as a severe shock, once again, went through her body. Then she touched her back, the man stood back laughing as she arched back, before collapsing on the floor. Her body was still jerking in spasms but Saeed’s mother kept on touching different parts of her body. The other men had come closer enjoying seeing the young girl squirm on the floor.

Angela felt for the young girl. Her mouth was dribbling with saliva, a pool of water spreading around her as she urinated uncontrollably. The look of terror in her eyes said it all. However, the men seemed mesmerised with the young girl’s punishment, now all stood round her urging Saeed’s mother to touch her again with the stick.

“Leave her alone, for god’s sake. Her body won’t take much more, you’ll give her a heart attack,” Angela shouted.

They all looked round at her, Saeed’s mother was grinning. “You want to take her place and give the men some sport?” she shouted at her.

Although Angela felt decidedly ill, her head pounding, she didn’t back down. “What sort of men are you allowing a woman do that to a little girl? She’s just a child, even wetting herself with the shocks to her body. Then after this so-called sport she can only expect to be sold into a life of rape and abuse. Not have a chance to just be a little girl, to grow and develop. So if you want your kicks, then yes, do it with me, if it saves her from more pain?”

One of the buyers shrugged. “You have spunk girl, but are very stupid wanting to take this child’s place,” he said in English, then changed to his own language. “
Get her better old woman and I’ll take her at thirty-five thousand. But she’s right, this girl has had enough, I didn’t come here to waste time. But I will also take her so get her cleaned up,”
he said.

“No I will take the little girl,”
another demanded.

Saeed’s mother was pleased, they both wanted her.
“Whoever bids the highest for their choice of girl will get her. As you can see she is a beauty, her slim body will develop and she will be a very beautiful girl. In the meantime she will keep you warm, when your own girl can’t amuse you at the end of the month. Maybe perhaps take them both together after you teach her how to perform? This is a very rare find and if my son was here he’d want top money for her.”

“Then get rid of that one who’s ill and bring in healthy girls, so I might add to my bid for the child,”
another buyer replied.

Taken back in to the room with the other girls, Angela’s hand was once again handcuffed to the iron ring. Another girl was released and taken in. The girls were left alone for a short time while the one guarding them took Natasha back to her room.

Dawn turned to Angela. “I bet you got a bid, you’re the most attractive in here, so I’ll have no chance.”

Angela shook her head. “I got no bid; they threw me out so I’m the one who’s going to the brothel.”

Dawn’s eyes went big. “You’re joking, if they don’t want you how about me? I’m next.”

Angela shrugged. “Don’t worry there’s four of them, so with me out you’ve definitely got somewhere to go. We can only pray that someone comes to find us. I’ll not survive being raped every day.”

Dawn touched Angela’s hand with her free one. “I really feel sorry for you; but I don’t think any of us will have an easy time. You were gone ages and the woman watching us went outside for a fag. Anyway we’ve been talking and made a pact while you were in there. If any of us gets out, that one will do her best to get help for everyone else. Sam was saying that she’d mentioned Karen Marshall in passing while the old hag oiled her. The woman went berserk over her name. She said she’d never seen a woman so frightened. So she is the girl, if anyone gets out, to talk to. That Karen could beat the shit out of the old hag and find out where we’ve all been taken.”

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