Percy's Chocolate Crunch and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories

BOOK: Percy's Chocolate Crunch and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories
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Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends
Based on The Railway Series by The Rev W Awdry
Copyright © 2003 Gullane (Thomas) LLC. Photographs © 2003 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.
HIT and the HIT Entertainment logo are trademarks of HIT Entertainment Limited.
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Percy’s chocolate crunch: and other Thomas the tank engine stories/ photographs by David Mitton, Terry Palone, and Terry Permane for Britt Allcroft’s production of Thomas the tank engine and friends. p. cm. “Based on The railway series by The Rev.W.Awdry.”
A collection of stories about Percy, Harold the Helicopter, and other friends of Thomas the tank engine.
eISBN: 978-0-375-98411-2 [1. Railroads—Trains—Fiction. 2. Helicopters—Fiction.]
I.Title: Percy’s chocolate crunch, and other Thomas the tank engine stories. II. Mitton, David, ill. III. Palone, Terry, ill. IV. Permane, Terry, ill. V.Awdry,W. Railway series.VI. Thomas the tank engine and friends. PZ7 .P42475 2003 [E]—dc21 2002151585
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Sir Topham Hatt’s engines love being shiny and clean. It makes them feel cheerful as they puff across the Island of Sodor.

Percy often has the dirtiest work to do. But he likes to be clean as well as any other engine. Washdowns are important to Percy.


But Sir Topham Hatt had bad news. “Due to a water shortage,” he said, “no engine shall have more than one washdown a day.”

“Usefulness before cleanliness,” he added. And left.


Percy was upset. “I get dirty,” he complained. “I need washdowns. Gordon only does it to feel important.”

important,” Gordon sniffed. “I’m an express engine.”

“You’re a pouty puffer, Percy,” teased James.

“No, I’m not,” wheeshed Percy. And he chuffed away.


Percy was loading freight cars at the docks. He was trying extra hard to stay clean. But the Troublesome Trucks were being naughty.

As Percy pushed them under the coal chute, they sang out. “On! On! On!” they cried.


Percy found himself under the chute. And coal dust flew everywhere!

“Oh, no!” coughed Percy. “I’m filthy!”

Percy felt awful but he knew he had to carry on.


On the way to Callan Station, the Troublesome Trucks teased Percy even more.

“Clickety clack.

Don’t look back.

Dirty Percy’s on our track!”

“Be quiet!” Percy snapped.

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