Percy's Mission (13 page)

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Authors: Jerry D. Young

BOOK: Percy's Mission
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“I never thought about that!” Andrew replied. “I don’t think she would ask, unless I just waited way too long. I’m sure she loves me, but I don’t want to ask her if she’s going to say no.”
“Why not?” Percy asked, gently.
“Well, gee, Mr. Jackson! It’d break my heart if she said no.”
“What makes you think she’ll say no?” Percy asked then.
“I don’t think she will. But… I don’t know for sure. I think she’ll say yes.” He looked around quickly, and then pulled a ring box out of his pocket. “Susie is really practical. She’d certainly want a nice ring, but wouldn’t want me to get something I couldn’t afford. She’s good about keeping my head out of the clouds about stuff I think is neat.”
Andy showed Percy the ring, hunching over a little, to hide it from any point of view except Percy’s. “Very nice, Andrew. I’m sure she would love it. But you’re going to have to offer it to her and ask her before you know for sure. You’ve said you think she’ll say yes. Have you talked to her at all about marriage?”
“Well, kinda. We’ve commented on other people’s marriages a time or two. She seemed really non-committal.”
“In that case, next time the situation comes up, why don’t you ask her a leading question? If she seems inclined toward marriage more than before, that should tell you what you want to know.”

“Hey! That’s a great idea, Mr. Jackson! Thanks!” He put the ring box back in his pocket and climbed into the Jimmy. Through the window he asked, “Do you think you’ll ever need another hand, Mr. Jackson? Susie likes working here and I sure wouldn’t mind working for my father in law.” He was grinning when he said it, but Percy was sure there was an element of a real question there.
“You never know, Andrew. I don’t need a hand now, but I’d be willing to consider you if I did.”
Andy looked surprised. “Really?”
Percy nodded.
“I’ll keep it in mind,” said Andy. “I want to take good care of my family, and this would be a really good place to do it.” With that, Andy turned the Jimmy around and headed for the estate entrance in the now gentle rain.
The smile faded from Percy’s face when he went back inside the house. Mattie and Susie were in the house waiting for him. Both of their faces were white.
“Pakistan nuked India,” Susie told Percy, her eyes wide. “We saw it on the news over at the cottage while you were outside.”
Percy flipped on the main widescreen TV, plus the smaller monitors that flanked each side of the big screen. He’d installed the additional monitors to keep an eye on several of the news channels, the Weather Channel, the local TV station, and the networks, all at once. All of them were reporting the same thing.
Pakistan had used two nuclear devices to attack the cities of Jodhpur and Ahmedabad. One of the stations cut to the UN. The Chinese ambassador was speaking. The translation scrolled across the bottom of the screen.
“Oh, Lord!” Percy breathed out. “This is bad. Very bad.” The ambassador had just announced a warning to India not to retaliate against Pakistan. “China is just looking for an excuse to go into India. They want the resources to help fuel their building economy.”
“You don’t think they’ll really do anything, do you?” Mattie asked. “It’s unthinkable,” she added.
“The Pakistanis thought about it,” Percy replied. “There’s been a fanatic group trying to take control for months. I suspect they have. Holy Mackerel!” One of the news channel screens suddenly went blank and then the main news desk set came into view. The newsreader was just taking his place behind the desk, putting in his earpiece.
It is unconfirmed at the moment, but we have reason to believe that the capital of Pakistan was just destroyed by a nuclear detonation.
There was pandemonium in the background as the news staff tried to get addition information. Percy went to take care of the animals as Mattie and Susie continued to watch the news.
When Percy returned, they filled him in on the most recent information. “India hit back with three nukes,” Susie told him. “Islamabad, their nuclear power plant, and where the missiles were launched from, in case they have more, according to the experts.”
“Any response from China?” Percy asked.
“Nothing yet,” Mattie replied. She rarely used Percy’s first name, but she did now. “Percy, would it be all right if we stayed here tonight? I know the cottage is just as safe, but…”
“Of course you can stay here.” They heard the doorbell and Percy hurried to answer it. It was the twins.
“We just heard the news,” Jim said.
“What do you want us to do, Boss?”
“You can stay here and watch the news with us if you want, otherwise go back to the cottage and try to get plenty of rest. Tomorrow may be a busy day.”
The two exchanged a look. “We’ll go back to the house and make a couple of calls. Our mother is going to be hysterical. She was in Florida during the Cuban Missile Crisis and is terrified of stuff like this,” Bob said.
“If you want, make arrangements to bring her down here to stay with you,” Percy said.
“Thanks, boss,” Jim said. “We’ll try to talk her in to it. It might be a little difficult.” The two exchanged another look, and then Jimmy spoke again. “We might have to go get her.”
“That’s okay. Whatever you need to do. We can handle the estate if we need to,” Percy replied.
As the two hurried off, Percy held the door open. Bernard was hurrying over. “Boss, I hate to ask, but my wife is frantic. She wants me to come home.”
“Okay, Bernard. You know you’re welcome to bring her out here. The other cottage is empty.”
“Thanks, boss. I’ll try, but she’s convinced there’s no hope once it starts. And it’s definitely started now.”
Percy waited until Bernard had left the estate, and then flipped the switches that closed the two pairs of heavy entrance gates. This was the first time Percy had closed them in months, except for their weekly test.
No one was hungry, so Mattie just fixed a light snack for them, and then returned to the den with it to watch the news with Percy and Susie. They finally all went to bed just after midnight, Susie and Mattie sharing one of the guest rooms that had twin beds.
As soon as Percy got up the next morning, he checked the news. Things were getting worse. Germany was demanding the withdrawal of all US troops. France had dispatched additional troops to several of her former colonies, stating it was to maintain the peace in these times of trouble.
The main news story however, was the incursion of North Korea into South Korean territory. The United States was warning North Korea to withdraw immediately. China was warning the world to stay out of the local conflicts. The conflicts were local in nature and the locals would handle them.
The UN Security Council was in emergency session, discussing the situations. According to the reports, the Council would make no announcements until they came to a decision. Percy moved a thirteen-inch TV to the kitchen so they could watch the news while they prepared and had breakfast. The twins came over in the middle of the breakfast to talk to Percy.
“Mr. Jackson, we hate to ask, but Mom doesn’t want to come. We need to go back to Minneapolis and try to talk her into coming. We hate to leave you in the lurch, but…” Jim’s words faded away.
“We really don’t want to leave, but it is our mother…” Bob added softly.
“You don’t need to explain,” Percy told the brothers. “Take what time you need. Try to get her to come here if you can.”
“Believe me, we will,” responded Bob. “Thanks, boss. We’ll get back as soon as we can.”
“Okay. Take care. There’s a lot of unrest and fear out there right now. Expect some delays.”
“Thanks,” Jim added as they headed out the door.
“I’d better get out to the barns,” Percy told Mattie and Susie. “I’m expecting John and Smitty to show up at their regular time, since they didn’t call.” He suddenly looked slightly alarmed. “That’s assuming the phones are working.” He went over and picked up the receiver of the phone in the kitchen.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Phones are still working.”
“Why wouldn’t they be?” Mattie asked, clearing the table. It was obvious Percy wasn’t going to eat any more.
“Susie, you can stay in here with your mother if you want. Bring out any new information as it comes in.” Percy had stopped his hand on the doorknob.
“I’d rather be working,” Susie responded immediately. “Mother, could you bring out any news? We won’t be able to hear a radio working in the greenhouses.”
“Of course,” Mattie replied.
“You really don’t have to come out, Susie,” Percy told her.
“I’d really rather work,” Susie replied.
“Okay. Let’s go see if the others are here.”
John and Smitty were driving up when Percy and Susie went out. They discussed the situation as they walked to the greenhouses to go to work. Mattie came out once to tell them that the UN had passed a resolution informing China not to interfere, the way China had warned the rest of the world, particularly the United States.
They worked through the day with no additional real news, just speculation and reports of the devastation caused by the five nuclear devices detonated in India and Pakistan. As they were cleaning up, Smitty Smith asked Percy, “Can I talk to you a minute, Boss?”
They stepped away from the others. “I’m sorry, Percy. I’m going to head for the hills. I have that place up by Yellowstone. Not really a real retreat, as in the Seventies survival craze, but I have a good rock cabin up there and enough supplies for a month. Plenty of game and the laws won’t matter if things get as bad as they might.”
“I agree with you on that last part,” Percy said, knowing he was talking a lost cause. “I’m not so sure that’s the best area to be. You know you and your family are welcome here, if things get bad.”
“I know, Percy. And I do appreciate it. You have the best setup of anyone around here. But I’m just more comfortable with my own preparations. I just hate to leave you shorthanded, especially if nothing comes of this.”
“Don’t worry about the estate, Smitty. We’ll manage with what we have. If the situation goes bad, it’s not going to matter much. We’ll just batten down and ride it out.”
“That’s my plan,” Smitty replied. After a moment’s hesitation he continued. “I’d understand if you said no, but if everything turns out okay, which I think is a good possibility, I’d like to come back to work when things settle down. If you haven’t found a permanent replacement. I really think things are going to be okay, as long as China doesn’t do something stupid. I just don’t want to take a chance.”
“I understand,” Percy said. “I feel much the same way, except I’m not as confident as you that China won’t involve itself in what’s going on. They want India’s resources. Either way, don’t worry about your job. You’ll be welcomed back.” Percy forced a grin. “You know there aren’t that many people that want to work for a crazy old man like me.”
Smitty grinned back. “It’s not that bad,” he said, “but you do have a point. I’m heading out tomorrow, but if things go the way I think they will, I’ll be back in time for fall harvest.”
The two shook hands. “Stop by in the morning. I’ll have your pay for you. In cash, just in case.”

“Don’t worry about that, Percy. Just hold it on account for me. I’ll be back to collect pretty soon. I’ll probably need it more when I get back than I do now.”
“In that case, have a safe trip and good luck. We’ll see you in a few weeks.” Percy didn’t add the “I hope,” he thought.
John came over as Smitty left. “Smitty heading for the hills?” John asked.
“Yes. I can understand. I’m worried, myself.”
“Yeah. We were talking about it the other day. He has that place up in Wyoming, by Yellowstone. Lots of water and game. His cabin has geothermal heat from a hot spring. He asked me to go with him to lend a hand, but I don’t want to leave you shorthanded. You said I could stay here. I hope that still goes.”
“Of course it does,” Percy said. “But if you really want to go with Smitty and think you’d be some help to him, which, of course you would, it’s not a problem for you to go.”
“I really don’t want to leave you short, Boss. I know the twins won’t be back for a few days and Bernard is gone for the duration. That leaves an awful lot for just you and Susie.”
“I’ve got a couple other options, plus Mattie can lend a hand. She has in the past,” Percy replied.
“Smitty really could use my help. You know they have that new baby and the two little ones. Charlie is a good boy, but he’s only twelve. And with me, my truck, and supplies, it would give them an extra margin of safety.”
“Sounds to me like you need to go, not just would like too. Honestly,” Percy said, earnestly, “I think you should go. We really will be able to manage. Don’t worry about your job, either. Smitty is sure this will all blow over. He just doesn’t want to take a chance. Don’t worry about your job. It’ll be here when you get back.”
“I’m not as sure of that as Smitty is. Okay. I’ll go help Smitty. I’m really sorry about this.”
“Don’t be. It’s a lot more important to take care of a family than it is our produce. I’m assuming Smitty wants to leave early so if you want to come back this evening I’ll have cash, instead of a check.”
“A check is fine. I should be able to cash it in town without a problem.”
“As long as you’re sure. Stop at the house and I’ll have it ready for you.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
As Susie and Percy walked back to the house, and John was getting into his truck, Susie said, “They heading out, too?”
“Yes. Can’t blame them, though I’m not so sure being that close to Yellowstone is that safe, under the circumstances. Got to admit, it sounds like Smitty has a nice, secure place there, and with John’s help, they should be fine as long as the volcano doesn’t blow.”
“Yellowstone doesn’t have an active volcano. I know there are hot springs and stuff, which means some activity, but not a real volcano.”
“Much of Yellowstone Park sits on the caldera of a huge past volcano. It’s been hundreds of thousands of years since it blew the last time. No reason to think it will again anytime soon. There aren’t any nearby targets to draw a nuke that could set it off. I need to get that check for John. I’ll be in for supper in the dining room in a few minutes. I don’t want to get too far off our normal routine.”
“We’ll go back to the cottage tonight. There’s no real reason to stay here in the house.”
“Up to you guys,” Percy said, turning into the den. “I don’t mind if you stay here.”
It took only moments to get John his check. Percy actually had enough cash on hand, but he made it a point to keep his personal books separate from the estate business books. He paid by check the estate debts, plus the bartering when he could, but he kept the same kind of paperwork for the estate barters as he did personal barters.
After supper they adjourned to the living room to watch the news. Things were tense in the Far East, but no additional action was being taken. The confrontation in Korea was at an impasse. North Korea was entrenched seventy some odd miles into South Korea and fighting was intense, but that was the limit of it.
Mattie and Susie were preparing to go to their cottage when they felt the first tremor. The earth sheltered concrete dome home was solid. You would never know a terrible thunderstorm was raging outside it was so quiet.
When they felt the first movement and the lights went out, Percy called, “Get down next to the coffee table!” It was a heavy, rather blocky table, the legs and rails being oak four by fours, with slate tiles inlaid on three quarter inch oak plywood.
While standing in a doorway was probably better than standing in the middle of the room, the best protection was to be beside something that would support anything falling downward. Many earthquake deaths were crushing deaths. Often ceilings and upper floors would fail and fall. The wall thickness of a doorway did not provide much protection from those types of structural failure.
It was common to find survivors in the cavities next to heavy, stout furniture that supported debris and prevented it from pancaking to the floor, crushing anything between. Percy had a heavy structural element or stout furniture in nearly every room in every structure beside which a person could crouch or lay during earthquakes. It might not even be necessary in the concrete domes, they were so strong, but Percy didn’t take chances.
Nothing broke or fell as the rumbling continued for well over a minute. When the shaking stopped, it was slightly over a minute more before the automatic switching for the generator that supplied the house in emergencies started the generator and fed power to the key circuits of the house.
The three climbed to their feet and Percy said, “I’m going to check on the animals.”
“I’m going with you,” Susie said. Percy didn’t object.
“I’ll check the house for damage,” Mattie added, turning toward the kitchen first.
It took a little while to calm the animals. The other generator that was on automatic controls was the one that fed the animal barn. The lights were on when they entered. As they were going from one animal to another, issuing soothing words and dispensing extra rations of feed, Percy called over to Susie, “Dollars to donuts that was the New Madrid fault letting loose. The local quakes here are usually much shorter and feel a lot different.”
“That’s such a long ways away,” Susie replied.
“Some of the eighteen eleven, eighteen twelve quakes were felt all the way to Boston, here, and in Kansas, too. This one just doesn’t feel like our locals. We’ll find out in a little bit from the news.”
When they had the animals calmed down, especially the horses and dogs, they went back to the house. Both were concerned when they saw Mattie. She was white as a ghost. She pointed to the TV in the living room.
A newscaster looking much the same way as Mattie was saying,
The reports are confirmed. A nuclear device has detonated on the San Andreas Fault in California, one at New Madrid on the fault in Missouri, and the third at the United Nations complex in New York during another emergency session.
These are believed to have been terrorist attacks. The devices were low yield. They were not missile or bomb attacks. The United States forces have gone to high alert, but no retaliatory attacks are being launched at this time, nor are any pending. The President is asking for calm and restraint. Aid is being dispatched to the affected areas. There is very little fallout from the San Andreas and New Madrid devices, as both were apparently deep underground detonations. It is believed the devices were dropped down irrigation wells.
The fallout from the UN detonation is, at the moment, blowing out to sea. Warnings have gone out to the area around the UN and to ships at sea. More in a moment.
The haggard looking newscaster was removing his earpiece. He looked like he was about to be ill.
Percy switched channels, and then said, “I’m going into the den to check the other monitors. I want you both to stay here tonight. Go get anything you’ll need for a few days. But hurry.”
As the two headed for the front door, Percy headed for the den and its bank of TV monitors. Even the Weather Channel was reporting on the situation, providing prevailing wind and fallout details.
Percy was at his desk, making a list when Mattie and Susie came in. “We put our stuff in the green guest room. Percy nodded but continued working on the list of things he needed to do the next day.
They stayed in the den all night, dozing on the comfortable sofas and recliners the room boasted, watching the rescue efforts that were already ongoing. When morning came around they were still on emergency power. They showered and changed clothes in turn, and then Percy and Susie went out to tend to the animals. They’d accomplished the needed tasks in the greenhouses the day before, so went back to the house after checking the other buildings for damage.
The structures were well designed and well built. There were a few things that had fallen off shelves, but no serious damage at all. The animals were all calm. Percy debated for a bit before he turned them out, which was the normal daily routine. If things got worse, they might be in the barn for an extended period. Better, he decided, to let them have as much outside time as possible.
The dogs stayed close to Percy as Susie and he made the rounds. The horses hovered near the pasture fence, as close to the humans as they could get. None of the animals seemed to want to drift very far from the entrances to the barn, including the chickens.
When Brian Epstein failed to show up Percy debated again before he decided to take the milk and eggs in to the dairy, instead of processing the milk and candling the eggs and putting them into the household stocks.
Then, when Susie asked him, rather hesitatingly, to stop and check on Andy Buchanan, he changed his mind slightly and sent Susie in. She took the Suburban, instead of her Subaru. The power came back on just as she was driving away. Susie didn’t have to stop and open the gates manually. The remote worked when she didn’t even think about the power being off and used it to try to open the gates.
When she returned two hours later, Percy was up the third antenna tower, removing the cameras from their mounts. He’d left one on an all axis remote control mount on this tower, but had removed all eleven of the other small cameras.
Susie watched him climb down the tower before she walked into the new shop building with him. “Why’d you take down the cameras? I thought you’d want them up for security.”
Percy shook his head. “I left the one up on number three tower on the remote control mount. I don’t have spares for these and can’t get them. They’re a discontinued model. If there is an electromagnetic pulse it will probably fry all of these. If I lose the one, I can replace it with one of the ones I took down.”
“Oh,” Susie said. “Uh… Mr. Jackson, I made Andy promise to come out here if things got any worse. I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is, Susie. I would have done the same thing if I’d gone in. I should have insisted that you do it when I sent you in. Also the Bluhms. I’ll go talk to them here in a little bit. Couple more things I want to make sure get done.”
“What do you want me to do, Boss?” Susie asked. “I can’t stand just sitting around.”
“Until this is over, I’d prefer you and your mother to take up residence in the main house. I’d like you and Mattie to bring over everything you might need for an extended stay. Go ahead and take two rooms so you’ll each have plenty of space.”
“Mother’s not going to want to do that,” Susie replied. It sounded like a good idea to her.
“I’ll talk to her. You might want to see if Doc needs some help.”
“I think I will. He has Stevens’ bull over there for pneumonia and it’s easier for two to medicate him. I’m surprised he hasn’t called me to come over and help.”
Percy immediately picked up the phone receiver. “Power’s on, but the phones are still out, I guess. I never even thought to check them last night.”
They both jumped when the phone suddenly rang.
“Hello?” Percy said, feeling a little foolish.
“Mr. Jackson, it’s Andy. Andrew Buchanan. I talked to Susie this morning and she somehow got me to promise to come out there if things got worse. I know you kind of said the same thing, but I wanted to check first, just to make sure.”
Percy cut his eyes to Susie. “It’s fine, Andrew. I was going to ask you again myself, but I sent Susie because I needed to get some things done here this morning. I don’t suppose you have time to do a little side work? You’re probably pretty busy with fuel deliveries now, though, aren’t you? People are going to want to stock up now, for sure.”
“They sure are, but that’s a real problem. We were expecting deliveries today, but our supplier called and said it could be as much as a month before we get another significant delivery. We’re supposed to get a couple tanker loads tomorrow or the next day, but that’s all. Mr. Wilkins thinks there’ll be some rationing going on by the time it gets here.”
“I could use some help out here, if it turns out Wilkins doesn’t need you for a while. Three of my hands are making preparations at home and can’t work for a while.”
“Yeah, I know. Mr. Jacobson stopped to fuel up and said he and Mr. Smith were headed for Wyoming and that Bernard Robert’s wife needed him at home again. I was going to see if you needed me to help when I wasn’t working here at Wilkins.”
“Thank you, Andrew. I appreciate that. I would like you to come out any time Wilkins doesn’t need you. We can discuss the pay when you come out the first time.”
“I don’t really need pay. Maybe some groceries, like you barter sometimes. I think things might get hard to get, with what’s happening in California.”
“We’ll come to some arrangement, Andrew. What about your father? Do you want to bring him out here?”
“No, Mr. Jackson. Whatever happens I couldn’t take care of him. He needs to stay in the rest home. I’ll do what I can for him there, but the daily care needs… It’s just really not possible. I was there last night when the quake hit. He’s upset that he can’t help, but knows he has to stay there. It’s all that’s keeping him alive. He doesn’t want to be a burden on me. Pop knows I don’t have the resources to take care of him.”

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