Perfect Collision (41 page)

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Authors: Lina Andersson

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Perfect Collision
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The only thing he made sure to do was suck on her breasts. The feeling of her nipples in his mouth had been one of the clearest memories. How the knotted nipple felt against his tongue as he circled it. Even her nipples— which he remembered as perfect—were better than expected, because he hadn't kept in mind how she reacted when he bit down lightly and sucked. She arched her back and came with a startled cry.

The second she came, he was done for. He didn't have a shot in hell to hold off, and he came while pounding into her and holding her ass in a bruising grip.

Then it was all still. Silence. Just breathing and pounding hearts. None of them moved until he rested on his elbows, and leaned his forehead against hers. After a few more moments of silence, he started to laugh.

“That wasn't what I had in mind for this.”

She smiled without opening her eyes. “We'll get to what you had in mind later.”

“Oh yeah, we will.”

He lay down next to her and gave her a kiss. “Give me five minutes and then we'll get to that. It'll be soft and sweet—with a lot of kissing.”

“That sounds good. And then you fuck me hard again?”

“Yeah,” he laughed. “I can do that.”

“They have food out there. Mel has been cooking and... booze. All kinds of stuff,” she said and put her arm around him. “We could go out and get some.”

“I want to be alone with you for a while first. We'll go at it once more, then we'll go eat.”

“Good. One more time, food, then back here and keep going.”




Bear had seen Vi and Mac sneak off, and he was pretty impressed they'd managed to stick around for as long as they did. Sisco and Bull were already gone, and the only reason Dawg wasn't, was the baby boy he was holding and didn't seem able to put down or even take his eyes from.

April had followed him to the clubhouse, and she was talking to Mel and Mech's wife, Lynn. She got along well with Lynn, and it made sense. Lynn wasn't all that involved in the club, either.

Their plans to move in together were set. He was going to give Vi until February to try living with Mac, and if it seemed to work out, which he was pretty fucking sure it would, he'd move in with April.

She'd asked him about decorations; if he wanted to change anything in the house. He'd hardly even known what to answer—like he'd give a fuck. He wouldn't be able to tell what paintings or curtains she had even if his life depended on it. He had no idea, because he didn't care, and he wouldn't care more just because he lived there.

He found Brick and leaned against the bar next to him.

“Got a hundred saying they'll be married within a year,” Brick said.

He thought about it. “I'd usually say they think too much about shit to do something like that, but I don't know. They might.”

“None of the guys who was inside with him bet against me, but Mech and Wolf did.”

Bear looked at Wolf on the other side of the room. “Talked to him?”

“Yeah. Next month. We're voting him out next month. He wanted to give the guys time to adjust to being out.” Brick nodded towards their latest prospect, a guy in his thirties named Tom Fletcher. “Got Tommy over there, too. I think he'll work out.”

“Yeah. He's good in my book.”

Bear waited until Vi disappeared with Mac for the second time, and not long after he threw April over his shoulder and took her to his room

“We're gonna stay here?” she asked as she looked around in his room. “I'm pretty loud, you know.”

“Trust me, you won't be the loudest one here tonight.” As on cue, a woman in the room next to his, Bull's room, started screaming. When the second one joined in on the choir from the same room, he winked at April. “See. No one will even notice.”

“He's got two in there?”

“I'm guessing three. He's been inside for fourteen months—he's gonna keep those girls busy.”

He grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss.

“My screams aren't gonna be that fake,” she mumbled when he pulled down the zipper at the back of her dress. “Because that was fake.”

“Yeah? I suggest you show me what real screams sound like.”




I turned around and looked at Mac. He was still awake, and I threw my leg over his hip. He smiled.

“Still not had enough?”

We'd followed the plan, and after the second time we went out to eat. No one had commented on us disappearing, and I'd noticed Travis and Jacob were with Mel, so Edie and Dawg had disappeared for a while as well. Sisco and Bull seemed pretty calm by the time we came out, so they'd definitely had some. Not like people didn't understand we wanted some time alone.

We stayed in the bar for a few hours, but I didn't leave his side. I had this weird urge to touch him the entire time, and he seemed pretty okay with it. We'd gone back to his room for a shower and some slower sex. It had lasted for long, and we'd been done with the latest round about five minutes earlier, but I was hoping I'd get yet another one in a while.

“No, but I need a moment,” I said and gave his chest a kiss. “Think you do, too.”

He pushed me to my back and kissed me. “I do.”

He kissed the dimple of my chin and continued further down. After a kiss on each of my nipples, he looked up at me.

“You okay?” I asked after he'd been staring at me for a really long time.

“Better than okay. I'm fucking perfect.” He moved over and kissed my left nipple once more and gave it a final lick before looking at me again. “Have I ever told you I promised your dad I wasn't going to slam my ink on you, marry you, and knock you up before you turned twenty?”

“No,” I laughed. “You did?”

“Yeah, when I told him about us.”

“I would've wanted to hear that discussion. It was that, and how he'd force-feed you your own dick if you knocked me up.”

“Yeah, but since you've had your twentieth birthday, would you take my ink, marry me, and have my kids? Or is the thought freaking you out?”

“Wow!” I froze, stared at him, and tried to comprehend what he'd just said. When his face fell a little, I realized I hadn't answered.

“Too much?” he asked.

“No,” I said, and I thought about it some more. “The kid thing scares me a little, but surprisingly little.”

He moved up, and when he was right on top of me he smiled. “Yeah?”

“Yeah, but I'm pretty crazy about you right now, since you've been away, and we just had sex for the first time in over a year. Maybe we should wait a while to make sure it's not just post-prison horniness.”

“It's not, but we can wait a little. I love you, Vi, and that you've waited and been so fucking awesome through it all—I honestly wasn't sure when I went inside that you would.”

“Of course I would.” I was a little offended. Of course I waited!

“I know, but I worried for a while. I missed you, and all I could think about was getting out and
with you—for real.”

“You and me,” I whispered.

“Exactly. You and me.”

He moved, then he was inside of me, and with a smile he leaned down and kissed me.

“I guess this means I'm definitely moving in,” I said.

“Hell yeah,” he said and grabbed my behind while rolling his hips against me with a satisfied groan. “You're gonna live with me. No fucking way am I letting you sleep anywhere else than right next to me.”

I wrapped my legs around him, meeting his slow thrusts.

“So do I get to pick where I want the tattoo?”

“No.” He pulled out of me and chuckled when I protested, but I went quiet when he moved further down and eventually kissed me just above my left hipbone. “I want it here, so I see it on my way down to give you head.”

“Okay.” I reached for him. “Get up here and finish!”








I'm Still Horny






We got married six months after he got out, on his twenty-seventh birthday. It was a pretty regular club wedding with people from all over the country. April pretty much planned the entire thing, saying she wouldn't be allowed to otherwise, since she didn't have a daughter of her own.

Dad almost cried, and mom looked pretty pissed. But she was nice; she said I looked pretty, and she didn't say it in a mean way.

Lisa was great. She was my maid of honor and helped me with everything. Her wedding gift was a night at a really posh hotel, and she'd prepared the room for us. I loved the bed with purple flower petals, and Mac loved the basket of sex toys she'd left for us.

Everyone got really drunk. Even me, but I had fun, a lot of fun.

Dad had moved in with April at her house not long after I moved in with Mac. I could tell he liked it there. When I mentioned it, he muttered about liking her garage, but that wasn't it, not even close.

I still worked a lot, and once or twice every six months, Sami and I went to a convention or a guest spot at another tattoo parlor. Mac followed on a few of them, but he thought it was kind of boring. If I was away for more than a week he came and visited me wherever I was.

I'd had a few more tattoos once I'd done the Old Lady tattoo. They were done by Sami, Chris, and Joe. I wanted ink done by my entire Wicked Ink family. I'd also had a few more piercings done, mostly in my ears, but also a labret piercing. It was true what they said, once you did your second you couldn't stop, and it was true for both piercings and tattoos.

Just after the marriage we bought a house. A house! Which felt really fucking grown-up. That felt more grown-up than getting married. We'd lived in it for almost six months, and I was still worried someone was gonna jump out from behind a corner, point at me and yell 'you're just pretending to be a grownup.' I'd told Edie about the feeling, and she said she still felt the same way. Apparently so did Dawg, and when I asked Mac, he admitted he was waiting for it to happen all the damn time. Especially when he was walking through the house we

So we'd done the first two things on the list of things he wanted to do with me when he was released. I had his ink, and we were married.

The third thing, knocking me up, was the reason I was seated on the toilet lid in our guest bathroom. I took a deep breath and picked up the stick from the floor, but I didn't look at it. Instead I walked into our other bathroom where Mac was brushing his teeth. He looked at me in the mirror and smiled before leaning over to spit into the sink.

“You okay, Katze?” he asked, still looking at me in the mirror. I held out the stick, and he turned around. “And?” he said after a few seconds of staring.

“I haven't looked,” I whispered. “I wanted us to look together.”

He caught me and pulled me towards him. “Yeah? Then why didn't you do it in here?”

“Because you would've cheated!” I turned around with my back against him, held it up while still covering the display with the result. After a deep breath, I removed my hand.

“What.. that's...” Mac started. “That's two lines! Is that... that means...”

“Yeah,” I said and felt the tears in my eyes. “I'm pregnant.”

Mac spun me around and lifted me up. “Oh my fucking god! You're pregnant! We're having a baby! I knocked you up!”

“You did!” I laughed.

“Is it wrong it makes me horny to think about you being pregnant?”

“I don't know. Maybe a little?” It felt like I couldn't stop laughing, and he seemed to feel the same way. “I love you, Mac.”

“Remember that when you get fat, your back hurts, and you're all hormonal. And that you
me to knock you up.”

It was true. He'd waited for me to bring it up, since he felt I'd had a lot more going with the tattooing than he'd realized when he was released. As usual, he didn't want to push, but when I asked him if he still wanted a kid, he'd agreed immediately.

“I will, if you remember it then, too.” I said and gave him a kiss when he let me down. “I need to get to work.”

“I'm still a little horny.”

“You need to get to work, too.”

“I know. When can I tell people?”

“Are there rules about that?”

“I don't know. That's why I'm asking you.”

“Just tell them. I'm fine with it, but wait till I've told Dad. Okay?”

“Okay.” He lifted me up in his arms again and kissed me while walking us towards the bedroom. “I need to fuck you, right now,” he mumbled, and I didn't object. Seemed like a fitting way to celebrate it.




Bear was in his garage; he fucking loved his garage. It was big, bigger than the one he'd had the last time he had a house, and April had told him to do whatever the fuck he wanted with it. As opposed to a lot of other women, she actually meant that when she said it. She kept her car on the driveway and refused to even go into the garage. She said she didn't want to see the mess. It wasn't a mess; he knew where everything was.

April was easy that way—straight. If she was pissed, he knew, because she told him. She hardly ever moped around; she yelled at him instead and then was done with it. In short, she was a fucking catch. He was lucky he'd noticed, and deep, deep down he had to admit it might be part because Vi had caught them, and how April had reacted to that. It was possible he would've noticed anyway, but that had been the turning point.

Brick had been right; Vi and Mac were married within a year. Despite Bear not betting against him, Brick still tried to claim his hundred dollars from him.

From what Bear could tell, the two of them were happy. They were both calm and still had that slightly overly sweet 'madly in love' air around them. If he hadn't had a dick, he might've called it cute.

Mitch called it nauseating, which was pretty much in line with what Mace, Bull, and Sisco called it, too. Whenever Vi wasn't around, they said it to Mac's face—he just didn't give a fuck. The most important thing to Bear was that Mac took care of his girl, and he did. Mac didn't give a shit about what people said about him being pussy-whipped, and Bear liked that.

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