Perfect Match (8 page)

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Authors: Monica Miller

BOOK: Perfect Match
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Before finishing my sentence, I saw what she meant. There was a special page for her, called “
God exists, Gabrielle Gomez got what she deserved!
” and the page had loads of likes. This is crazy, it can’t be possible!

“So do you still think they won’t remember?” she asked, her voice shaking.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered, feeling incredibly guilty for talking like I did on Prom.

“Yeah, it’s okay. Not your fault,” she said, trying to smile. “Anyway, I have to go. Just let me know if you decide to go home.”

I nodded and when Gabrielle left, there was a really weird tension in the air. I looked at the page and hated myself for what I said on my Prom night.

“At least she met Shia, right?” Monica finally said, slowly her lips turning into a smile.




I couldn’t stop thinking about my dream with Matt. I felt awful about it, because I was the one who made it this way. I stopped talking to him, knowing the distance would be too difficult to deal with. And I missed him in a way I couldn’t describe.

Yes, I usually say he doesn’t matter anymore, that I am happy here, and, thank goodness, I am, but those weeks with Matt were just perfect. And the night we spent together… Well, I don’t particularly intent to go there now.

While Monica went to the grocery store, she accepted to go again this week by herself, although I should’ve helped her out, and left me alone with my thoughts. And thinking was not a good option right now.

I sat on the couch taking my laptop in my lap, and tried to avoid Facebook. I knew if I reached Facebook, I would totally check Matt’s profile. And I would surely send him a message. And that wasn’t good.

I left the laptop on the coffee table, and I just lied on the couch, thinking about the reason why Matt was so present in my mind.

A few months had passed since I last seen him. Yet, I dreamt about him. And it felt amazing. And wrong. Yes, wrong, because now I had a boyfriend I actually liked. And it wasn’t fair to him. Or to Matt, because I was the one who told him to back off. I knew it would be easier to hate myself for ending it then than allowing Matt to hurt me. I knew he would.

But then again, who was I to assume everything about him? Yes, I’ve met Matt and hung out with him for a few weeks, and it had been perfect. He was great, smart, friendly and hot. Deathly hot. And I was afraid I wasn’t enough for him. That he’d get bored to have a long distance relationship with me, and then leave me. But what if he didn’t? What if he actually got to like me for real and I blew everything because I was afraid?

C’mon, Emma… What’s done, it’s done. You can’t actually do anything about it!,
my conscience scolded me.

Maybe he doesn’t even think about me. He surely got over me as soon as I left town, or maybe after I’d sent him that e-mail.

“What are you thinking about?” Monica asked, sitting next to me.

“I didn’t hear you come back,” I avoided her question while running my hand through my hair.

“Yeah, you know I’m Cat Woman,” Monica smirked, and got up and went to the kitchen. “I bought ice-cream! I don’t know why, I was in the mood and it seems we need it now!” she said, coming back with a bowl. “Spit it out, what’s bothering you, roomie?”

“You’re so curious, right?” I asked, taking a spoon, and tasting the ice cream. “This is really good!” I complimented her.

“Thank you. And for your own information, Miss West, actually yes. It’s eating me, so spit it out!” she demanded, making herself comfortable on the couch.

“No, it’s nothing actually.”

“You’ve been like this for like… two days or something! And I gave you space and everything. Are you jealous of Gabrielle? You’re like this since she told us about her Shia affair,” Monica smiled.

“Yes, surely I’m jealous of my best friend. Besides you,” I added, when I saw her face frowning. She slightly relaxed, and I smiled to myself. “No, has nothing to do with her. I’m just… tired, you know? And I’ve had this…”

Just when I actually wanted to tell her about my dream, her cellphone rang and she cursed while reaching through her purse.

“It’s Ben, sorry,” she said with an apologetic look. “Yes, babe? What? Yes, okay, fine. I’ll spend the day with Emma, no worries,” she smiled, turning to look at me with an evil look in her blue eyes. “Yes, see you tonight. Yes, love you too,” the smile remained on her lips long after she hung up. “So, where were we?” she looked at me, expectantly.

“No, you know… I… It’s all really confusing and I miss home,” I lied, hoping she would buy that.

“Hmm…” she gazed at me, searching for signs to make sure I am not lying. “Then you should go home with Gabrielle. I will go to Canada with Ben. There. I said it!”

“Canada?” I asked, surprised. I knew mom wanted me home, actually. I haven’t called this week, so I didn’t know their opinion about it. “That’s awesome, why didn’t you tell me before?” I hoped she actually will stay focus on this subject and forget my weird moods.

“Oh, I wanted to make sure you will go home, and try not to feel bad because I’m leaving you here alone. But if you go home, I will feel better about it.”

“You’re awesome, Monica Martin, you know it, right?”

“Yeah, of course,” she smirked then hugged me. “You’re pretty awesome yourself, Em.”

I nodded and sighed relieved. Monica started talking about Canada, and I knew that just wasn’t the right moment to tell her about Matt. I felt that if I didn’t talk about him, it will disappear. That would be less true if I don’t talk about it.

It was better to deal with this on my own. Monica and Gabrielle would unquestionably make such a fuss about it! Actually, this is what I was doing. But it was my fuss, so it’s accepted.

Just stop thinking about Matt already!




Monica, Gabrielle and I talked to Craig, Marshall and Jane to hang out at Destiny’s. Was Jane’s day off, but of course, we all gathered there, so Becca could hang out with us, too.

I spent the rest of my day listening to Monica talk about her trip in Canada and how she “really” wanted to see Vancouver, and maybe she will have the chance to meet Jensen Ackles, since he was shooting Supernatural there. Yeah, she was going to Canada with her super-hot boyfriend.

It took me almost an hour to get ready, because Monica just didn’t seem to like any of my dresses so she lent me a really short, yellow dress and made me wear Jimmy Choo’s. Thanks God we were driving there! Also she helped me with my makeup, and she did it professionally, also with my hair, and she decided to curl it, so it took her about 15 minutes. Yeah, I would’ve spent the whole day, and it still wouldn’t look like that. But Monica was like a makeup artist. She was really good at this.

When she finally said she’s ready, got out of the bedroom rocking a pair of leather shorts and a black top, with high heeled shoes. Her golden hair was down her back, making every Victoria Secret’s model jealous.

“You really don’t look good at all!” I remarked sarcastically.

“You kinda suck, too, my friend!” she laughed. “I think Morgan will have a lot to think of when he’ll see you with that dress. If we still got time, uh, the things I’d do to you!” she bit her lower lip, and then laughed. “Dude, you’re no fun!” she complained. “Let’s go, Emma. Move!”

She took my hand, and we laughed till we reached her car, she always hated to drive but I didn’t trust myself on heels, so I didn’t even ask her if she wanted me to drive. We stopped a few times, because first she was thirsty, although we did head to a restaurant, next because her legs hurt due to her shoes, so she had to take them off… It was a pleasure to drive with Monica!

Then when we finally arrived, I had to wait for her to put her shoes back, to apply lipstick on her lips, although she didn’t need it and after that she lent it to me, while she arranged her already perfect hair. Then her favorite song came on the radio and she said she has to listen to it until it ends, so I had to stay here, listening to her sing-yell to Britney Spears’ Scream and Shout.

“It’s Monica, bitch!” she sang, happily. “Come on, Emma, why are you still here?” she scolded me. “I have to wait forever for you!” Monica complained, and I rolled my eyes before grabbing her arm and walking with her through the doors.

Gabrielle was already there, laughing with Jane, while Marshall and Morgan debated something. I noticed Morgan was really concentrated on something, and he looked incredibly hot. I hugged Gabrielle, who didn’t seem happy, but said she didn’t want to talk about it. I sat next to Morgan, and he took my hand in his and I smiled, while he continued his discussion with Marshall and Jane.

“Seriously, what’s the matter with you?” Monica asked Gabrielle while checking the menu. “I am so hungry!”

“Where is Ben?” Gabrielle was as good as I was at changing subjects.

“I have no idea!” Monica sighed. “He said he’ll meet me here. After ditching me today. Men,” she shrugged and took a sip of her diet Coke. Gabrielle smiled to herself then caught my eye and I shook my head and she smiled even wider.

“Hey, guys,” Craig said, sitting next to Monica. “So why is the lady of my life feeling lonely?”

“Jared, c’mon,” she laughed, placing her hand on his arm and laughing. “I was dying of loneliness. It is so hard to watch you swing around here, without even looking at me…” she sighed, then laughed again.

She and Craig were actually hilarious. But he doesn’t make too many jokes when Ben is around. I guess the answer is pretty obvious. Ben is a pretty intimidating, with his dark look…

“If I were Ben, I would never leave you,” he smirked, putting his hand on Monica’s shoulders, and she laughed. I leaned my head on Morgan’s shoulder, and he wrapped his right arm around me and kissed my forehead. He was nice.

I took a sip of my wine glass, and wondered how I am going to get out of the restaurant drunk on these heels. Eh, I had Morgan for it.

“I’ll be back, babe,” Craig promised, bumping his fist to Marshall’s and got away.

“I’m funnier than he is,” Marshall stated and we all started to laugh.

The time flew and Becca always showed up to fill my glass with wine until Morgan protested, and said he wanted me to have all my senses, whatever that meant. I really felt a little tired and the whole place was kind of spinning with me.

“So…” Gabrielle started while drinking her 3
glass of wine. “I hate this thing. I mean, we gone out two days ago and he should’ve called! Movie stars…” she said.

“I knew it!” Monica laughed. I saw her drinking more than all of us. She wasn’t used to spend the night without Ben, I guess. And note to self, never mix Martini with Bloody Mary and three glasses of wine.

“This isn’t funny,” Gabrielle cut her off. “The dinner was nice! Can you believe, Emma, that I’m saying a
was nice? I didn’t even think about the fact that he was Shia LaBoeff… But he was. And he’s not freaking calling!”

“Why don’t you call?” Marshall shrugged, and Gabrielle glared at him. “Sorry! He should call…” he added. “Women are freaks,” he whispered to Craig and he nodded. So did Morgan. What?!

“Hey, guys! Sorry I’m late!” Ben arrived at our table, and Monica’s eyes just lightened as she heard his voice. I honestly think that’s beautiful.

I was still thinking about Morgan’s nod, did he think that I was a freak? What’s the matter with them? Guys are actually weird!

“Ben!” she purred, kissing him more passionate than she should have. I didn’t think Monica was a fan of PDA. But she was. It was almost embarrassing to look at them. They were totally in love! And I felt envy. I mean I have Morgan. And he’s nice.

“Yes, I missed you too, babe,” Ben smiled and pulled out of the kiss. “Actually, I want to introduce you to someone. He’s like the greatest guy in the world…” he turned around. “Oh, there he is! Over here, man! Yeah, he never stops flirting,” Ben sighed.

And then, Monica kissed Ben so passionately, and I realized I never kissed Morgan like that. Because I just didn’t feel that way. I liked him, a lot I might add, but I didn’t love him. Love is overrated, anyway, right?

“Old habits die hard?” Morgan asked, laughing.

“Yeah. Finally! So… He’s my best friend, Matt.”

Then, after all my thinking, I lifted my head and my eyes met a pair of deep blue eyes, the eyes I’ve been thinking about the last 6 months.

And right before picking up my jaw from the floor, Matt muttered a “Hi,” and smiled as he sat next to me.


Chapter 9

Sweet November in December




I’ve noticed how Emma’s eyes widened when she saw me there. I knew she didn’t expect that.

I didn’t know about it until recently, when Ben started talking about Monica’s new best friend, some Emma, and he started describing her, and I just knew he was talking about my Emma.

I sat next to her and smiled, and she just sighed, and looked at a redhead that seemed familiar, but I have no idea where I’ve seen her, who exchanged glances with Monica, and they both smirked, while the redhead nodded.

Wait a minute, they knew about me? So Emma’s been talking about me? That’s a good thing!

It was pretty weird, to sit next to her and not say anything, while her friends were totally checking me out. I tried to act like I had no idea, but I was used to that. Emma glared at the redhead, who just shrugged and looked at her phone. Again. I was actually trying hard to remember where did I know her from, but all I could think about was that I was sitting next to Emma, trying to hear some lame joke from a dude called Craig, I mean, the guy was lame. Though, I pretended to laugh at his joke when I caught Ben glaring at me. Yeah, he knew me too well. I sent him a “the-guy-is-deathly-boring” look and he sighed. At least now he won’t say anything. Ben can never win with me.

“So, how you’ve been, Ems?” I asked, turning to look at her.

“Okay,” she said, avoiding my eyes. What? That is all she says? We haven’t seen each other in 6 months! And two weeks, and a few days. Not that I’m counting or something. “You?” she finally asked.

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