Perfect Match (14 page)

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Authors: Kelly Arlia

Tags: #modern romance plane wolf champagne cocktails south america commando

BOOK: Perfect Match
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I don’t know how much longer I can just be
Noelle’s friend.


Noelle didn’t know if she was mad or
extremely excited about having to work on Jackson today. Sure, it
was her job, but she was doing her best to avoid him in a situation
that caused them to be alone. Soon, she was going to be so close to
him in her small little physical therapy room, touching his
incredible body…Stop! She had to keep telling herself. She gave
massages to guys with incredible bodies all the time, but if she
were to be honest with herself, no one else had the intense effect
on her that Jackson did, and she wasn’t insanely attracted to those
other guys the way she is with him.

She hated those awful butterflies that she
felt in her stomach as she anxiously waited for him the way a child
would anxiously wait for Christmas morning. When he finally did
show up, she hated that she was disappointed that he had the nerve
to show up in a t-shirt and sweatpants. She was hoping that he’d
have on shorts like most of the guys that come in for massages. He
walked in eating an apple, without a care in the world. “What’s up,
Scout?” he said as he closed the door behind him.

She liked that he still called her Scout when
no one else was around. It made her remember that one perfect night
that they had, before the reality of who he was set in, ‘Hey,
Jackson,” she said, “I must say that you have to be the most
overdressed person I’ve had on my table yet.”

“Hmm.” Jackson mused as he tossed the
remainder of the apple in the trash, “I don’t like the idea of
half-naked guys in here with you. I think there should be a dress
code from now on.”

Noelle smirked because she liked the edge she
heard to his voice when he said that. She turned her back to him
and without thinking she discreetly locked the door. She turned
around and gasped in surprise. He was standing before her without a
shirt on. He moved quickly, she thought. It didn’t matter that she
has seen him plenty of times shirtless, but never this alone
before, and never this close. Damn him! She quickly looked down at
his feet and said the first thing that came to her mind. “You still
have big feet.”

Jackson apparently thought that comment was
hilarious. “Okay, Scout. Where do you want me?”

“On the table,” she murmured. She said
motioned towards the massage table. He went over and lay down on
his stomach with his face on the pillow. It took Noelle a moment to
get started on him. His legs spread expansively before her. They
were strong, firm, and so sexy. She decided that the safest place
for her to start was his shoulders. They were a yard wide and a
golden bronze color. She put her hands on them softly and he
instantly tensed at her touch. His skin felt like silk. He felt so
good that she wanted to have some fun with him. She ran her
fingernails gently up his arms and watched as goose bumps appeared
on his skin. She smiled, happy that she could have this effect on
him. She heard him grumble a bit and shift his legs. She leaned
down and let her long hair slide across his shoulders. “Mmm,

She straightened up and went back to work on
his shoulders, as if nothing ever happened. His shoulders felt even
more tense than ever. “Jackson, you need to relax. You are so

Jackson let out a tortured sigh. He lifted
himself to look at her. “I can’t relax while your hands are all
over me and I can’t do a damn thing about it.”

Noelle stopped and stepped back. Jackson
pushed himself up from the table and sat up swinging his legs over
the side of the table to face her. He looked directly into her eyes
and she thought he may have been the most gorgeous site she has
ever seen. “No you can’t.”

“Noelle, you are an adult. Larry is not going
to disown you.”

“It’s not just Pop. It’s…”

“It’s what? Because right now, I want to kiss
you more than I’ve ever wanted anything else in my life, and I know
you want the same thing.”

“I don’t.”

“What?” He said with a half-smile on his

“You are so full of yourself. Not every woman
here wants to kiss you. You are not as irresistible as you

“Is that what you think?”

“I know it.”

“Noelle,” Jackson said reaching for her.


“Noelle, I find you irresistible.” He leaned
in so his warm breath was touching her ear, “And Noelle…” He said
wrapping one hand around her waist and squeezing affectionately
while the other lightly touched her cheek.

“Yes?” she said as she closed her eyes
clearly anticipating his touch.

“Lock the door,” he said into her ear.

It was her turn to smile. “I already

Jackson couldn’t believe what he just heard
Noelle say! He took it as an invitation to do what he had been
wanting to do for weeks. He pulled her closer to him. He leaned in
and smelled her hair. She smelled like the beach. It was such an
intoxicating scent. He started to lean in towards her mouth. He
hesitated a moment before he placed his lips on hers. He looked
into her eyes to make sure she was okay with what he was about to
do. The look she had in her eyes showed him all that he needed to

He placed his lips on hers and felt all the
frustration that he has been feeling for the past few weeks
disappear. He rubbed his hands up and down her back. He knew it was
not his imagination when she held onto him tighter. She let out a
small moan. He held nothing back. He made love to her mouth with
his tongue and lips. He moved his mouth over her, devouring her
sweetness. He had come to learn that a whole new side of her came
out whenever they kissed. She raised herself to meet his kiss, and
hewas shocked by her urgent response. There was no longer any
doubt. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She tasted so good
and felt so good in his arms. It was where she belonged.

Noelle broke from the kiss, breathless she
said, “Oh, god, Jackson! This feels so good.” She began to kiss his
neck sliding her tongue along the way.

“Baby,” Jackson closed his eyes as the touch
of her lips on his neck made him shiver. “I know this can feel more
than good.” He picked her up and wrapped his arms tightly around
her. He put his mouth to hers again and pressed her against the
wall. He knew that they had limits with what they could do here in
the therapy room, but he wanted to make the most of this time. She
wrapped her legs around his waist, and he remembered that first
night that they kissed, she was called the shots. Well, this time,
it was his turn. He wanted to do way more things to her than just
kiss her.

However, when Noelle ran her fingernails up
and down his spine he knew he had to stop it. That sensation was
close to sending him past the point of no return. He set her down
and gently broke the kiss. He had his hand on the side of her face.
His thumb stroking her cheek. He saw the desire in her eyes, and
didn’t know how he was strong enough end this amazing moment.
“Noelle, we have to stop.”

She responded with just a shake of her

“We do. We are at work, and you are supposed
to be giving me a massage. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of the

“It wasn’t just you. Um, Jackson, you know,
you can sign up for more massages. Today doesn’t have to be a
onetime thing.”

Jackson couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“You want to do this again?”

She smiled and nodded, “In private?”


The idea appealed to him for a moment, but it
wasn’t enough. “I want to take you out on a date.”

“You know that can’t happen. I won‘t date

Jackson was starting to get pissed off. She
kept him at a distance because of some asshole before him didn‘t
treat her the way she deserved, and here she was telling him that
he could treat her just as badly. That was it for him. “You won’t
let me take you out on a date, but you would be okay with me coming
in here a couple times a week so we can do what we just did?”

“Isn’t that the ideal scenario for a

“Noelle, I am not just any man. I want more
from you, and you deserve more.” He was hurt and knew he had to
leave this room. He leaned down and gently kissed her on the neck.
He reached for her hand and squeezed it. He left without a


“You said WHAT to him?” Chelsey practically
screamed. They were in her office at Robin Hood rehab waiting for
the guys to arrive. Noelle wanted to get there early so she could
sort this whole Jackson mess out with her best friend. It had been
days since she had given Jackson a massage, and he hadn’t really
spoken to her since. She was embarrassed for acting the way she
did, and she missed him.

“I know, Chels! I don’t know what got into

“He hasn’t talked to you since?”

“No. This is all so weird. He’s the guy. He
was supposed to proposition me like that, and I am supposed to be
mad at him for it. Not the other way around. I honestly don’t even
know if he is going to come today.”

“Noelle, don’t you get it. ? Jackson has
major feelings for you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have gotten upset
with you.” When Noelle didn’t say anything, Chelsey continued. “He
knows what you suggested isn’t what you really wanted, and so do
you. He is a good man and I think you need to give him the benefit
of the doubt. Trust your feelings, Noelle. Trust him.”

“I just don’t want to get hurt. I thought by
suggesting what I did, I wouldn’t end up hurt because nothing was
going to come out of it. A fling, remember Chels? How was I
supposed to know that he’d want more than what I can give him? I am
attracted to

him, and I do like him, but Chelsey, I don’t
trust my own heart.” Noelle admitted.

Chelsey’s phone rang telling her that the
wrestlers arrived. She looked at Noelle and said, “Well, let’s just
think of these kids right now. This is their day.”

Noelle nodded and followed Chelsey to greet
the guys.

Jackson loved this part of the job. He loved
being able to make someone’s day with a hello, a hug and a picture,
especially when it involved kids. These kids were hurt because of
accidents, so it was going to be especially touching. He could see
right off the bat that some were more hurt than others. Jackson
knew that he’d go into this meet- and- greet treating each kid like
they were the most important meeting of his day.

He knew Noelle was there. He saw her say hi
Mike and the tag champs. He purposely turned his back towards her.
He was so upset with her for even suggesting such a thing! It
wasn’t so much that she suggested it, but it was why she suggested
it - because she didn’t trust him, and he was at a disadvantage
because he didn’t know why. Her excuses were getting flimsy and
that pissed him off. He knew there was more to the story than him
being a wrestler, and he deserved to know the truth. He had no idea
how to get her to open up to him. That was something he has been
thinking about all week and was no closer to a solution. Now was
the time to cheer up these terrific kids. Chelsey was talking with
the kids, explaining why she brought them to the room today. It was
going to be a surprise for them, and he had to admit that he liked

“Hey, Jackson.” He heard Noelle say behind
him. He missed the sound of that voice this week. He didn’t want
her to know it though.

But he didn’t want to give her the cold
shoulder anymore. He turned around and smiled, “Hey.”

Her facial expression went from nervousness
to relief. “I’m sorry about last week.”

“It’s fine. Don’t say another word about it.
It’s fine.”

“Can we maybe get a bite to eat afterwards? I
want to talk to you.”

“I think that would be okay.” He smiled.

She smiled back and heard the squeals of
delight coming from the kids. “The secret is out.”

Jackson smiled, “Showtime.”

Noelle sat back and watched in amazement how
just having these four men in the room made these kids so happy.
The wrestlers were wonderful with them. The tag champs, who act
really hard and tough on TV, spent extra time with everyone from a
girl with a broken leg, to a boy that was paralyzed. Mike and
Jackson were great as well. Mike, being the comic that he is,
gently teased each child he came into contact with. He had the kids
laughing at his jokes. It was great to see them not thinking about
their problems, and going back to being the regular kids that they
once were, even if it was for just an afternoon.

Jackson blew her away. If life had another
plan for Jackson, he probably should have been a teacher. He spent
the most time with each child. He asked them about their families,
what their dreams were for the future, and offered his own advice
on how to accomplish their dreams.

One little boy in particular seemed to
capture Jackson’s attention. Connor was his name. He was small and
quiet. He didn’t smile easily, but it seemed to her that Jackson
turned that into his goal…to get that little boy to smile. Jackson
started off by making silly faces at him. He tried again, calling
him funny animal names, but what it took to get the little boy to
come out of his shell was Jackson telling him stories about all the
pranks and silly games the guys did at The Ruckus Room. All little
Connor wanted was reminders of what everyday life was like. Jackson
gave him a big hug, and took some pictures with him. “I’ll tell you
what Conner. I want to give you and your family tickets to see
Holiday in Hell. Do you like the sound of that?”

Connor’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Yes. I’d love that Bullet! You are the best.” Jackson hugged the
kid and he made eye contact with Noelle. He winked at her and her
heart was never going to be the same again. He was everything she
had ever wanted in a guy. She thought that maybe she was judging
him too harshly. He was a wrestler, but he was such a good man. He
showed that to her time and time again. Could she really trust him?
Could she ever put her reservations aside about dating a wrestler?
Well, she knew before she could do that, Jackson needed to know the

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