Perfect Victim, The (45 page)

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Authors: Linda Castillo

BOOK: Perfect Victim, The
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"I won't be shut out. If we're going after Tate, we do it together. Or I swear to God I'll do it on my own."


She started to rise, but he stopped her by grabbing her wrist. When she jerked away, he quickly rolled on top of her and pinned her to the bed. "He'll kill you, goddammit!"


"I won't let him."


"I can't work this case and look out for you, too. Dammit, I don't want that responsibility."


"That's not your decision to make, Randall. It's mine, and I've made my choice."


He stared down at her, breathing hard, his dark eyes flashing dangerously. Addison stared back, her heart raging. "I'm sorry," she said. "But I won't change my mind."


He scrubbed a hand over his face. "What the hell am I going to do with you?"


"Keep me by your side. Let me help you."


"It scares the hell out of me to think I can't keep you safe. If anything happened—"


"Nothing's going to happen," she said. "But there's no way you're going to prove he's a cold-blooded killer without my involvement."


"I didn't want it to work out this way."


Worry and exhaustion lined his face. She knew she was to blame because she wouldn't comply with his wishes, but there was no way she was going to let him ride into battle alone. This was her battle, too. They both had their reasons for fighting it.


"I've got a personal stake in this, Randall."


"So do I," he said harshly.


She kissed him, partly to quiet him, partly because she
needed to feel him close. "I want to win this. I want to finish it
And I want us to be alive when it's over


Cupping her face with his hands, he kissed her gently. "I'm too tired to fight with you."


"Don't shut me out
Please, let me help
I don't want anything to happen to you because of me."


"I can look out for myself, lady
" He kissed her jaw and nipped at her chin, trailing kisses down
her neck. "I want you."


the heat spiraling through her, she hesitated. "What about our agreement? About us getting too close."


"We're already too close.
Never taking his eyes from hers, he began working on the buttons of his shirt. "I'm willing to consider that agreement null and void if you are."


re going back to D


"I'm here now. You're here
We're together
Addison. That's pretty straightforward."


She wanted
to tell him that wasn't enough, that it would never be enough, but the future was too uncertain, her need for him too great


"We're going to end up hurting each other," she said.


"Never. I'll never hurt you." His jaw tightened
He gazed down at her soberly. "You're inside my head.
I didn't want that to happen, but it has."


ll deal with it," she murmured
because a small part of her understood. He was inside her head


"Come here." He pulled her against him.


A primal thrill barreled through her as he tossed his clothes to the floor and slid under the sheets
Her senses vibrated with tension and pleasure as he skimmed a hand along her side
She closed her eyes, amazed that in the midst of danger and ugliness
he could touch her and make everything seem so right


She sucked in an involuntary breath as his stone-hard erection pressed against the tender flesh of her belly.


"This is what you do to me," he whispered, his mouth lingering at her earlobe. "I don't stand a chance against you."


She wore only her panties, having had nothing else to put on after her shower. His hands roamed over her body, making her ache with a craving she'd never known. Back at the cabin, she'd been excited and overwhelmed by the passion and newness of what had happened between them. There had been an instant of pain and then intense pleasure.


Now, she knew what to expect. From him. From herself. Her feelings for him had deepened, solidified into something profound and inevitable. She'd willingly made herself vulnerable. Her body. Her heart. Her soul.


She gasped when he cupped her breasts. Desire bucked through her, taking her breath. She arched into him, her nipples tightening in response. Murmuring his name, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to him.


He crushed his mouth to hers. She opened to him, accepted his tongue. The tip of his penis nudged her pelvis. His breaths came hard and fast against her ear.


She cried out when he took a taut nipple into his mouth. Caressing the tender bud with his tongue, he sucked it deeply into his mouth. The need ripped through her, overwhelming her senses.


God, she was in over her head, drowning in passion and desire. Even in her wildest dreams Addison had never imagined she could feel so much. Physically. Emotionally.


Exquisite sensation rushed through her when he touched the tender folds of flesh at the junction of her thighs. She opened to him, giving him full access to her most private place. Her body was on fire, burning furiously out of control each time he touched her, like hot coals bursting into flame. He knew just where to touch her, how much pressure to use, when to back off. He stroked her, moving within her, sending lightning bolts of pleasure crashing through her.


Rational thought melted beneath the heat of his touch. Thunder roared in her ears as he took her to the precipice of her desire. "Come for me, Addison," he whispered between
breaths. "Relax, honey." He kissed her breasts, one and then the other, crushing his lips against her flesh, stroking her, stroking. Driving her insane. Over the edge. Higher. "Come for me."


couldn't speak. She'd traveled beyond self control
Her body ruled her now. Her mind shut down as he drew her ever closer to the peak, and she went with it, trusting him fully to take her there.


Bright white light flashed before her eyes as the orgasm engulfed her. It crashed over her like
a tidal wave, taking her breath, dissolving all thought
There was only sensation, his name on her lips, bursting forth
with each
rest, with each aftershock that shook her all the way
to her soul






* * *




Randall felt her surrender as though it had been his own. He supposed that, in a way, it was. It frightened
him to think he was
falling hard and fast for Addison Fox.


The realization rushed ove
him like a violent flash flood, overriding his intellect and taking him against his will


He hadn't believed
was possible for him

a veteran of life, of death—to have fate step in and show him a new trick. In his thirty-eight years, he'd lea
ned to live without emotional attachments
He'd learned to believe love didn't exist
Then came Addison with her clean soul and faith in the human spirit
She still believed in right and wrong, good and evil
d proven to him that goodness was very much alive, more powerful and real than anything he'd ever known. He'd thought he was immune to her
He'd thought he was above it all
God, what an arrogant fool
he'd been.


He watched her crest, then closed his eyes against the emotions churning inside him. He'd never felt so swept away, so driven by something as intangible as his heart.


For a moment, the only sound between them was the harsh sound of her labored breathing
He'd needed to see for himself that he could reach into her
affect her, touch her soul


When she opened those dark, sweet eyes and smiled, he knew he was forever lost.


"I love you," she whispered on a breath.


The words jolted him, their meaning shaking him to his very core. "Those are dangerous words," he said.


"It's a dangerous world out there, Talbot."


She'd said the words carelessly, but he didn't miss the shadow of hurt. And he realized she'd expected him to respond in kind. The thought sent a ripple of panic slicing through his belly.


"I didn't mean to terrify you," she said.


"You didn't."




"Come here." Reaching for her, he pulled her close. He didn't trust himself to speak. He wasn't sure what he would say if he did. Something stupid, more than likely, that would suck him in even deeper than he already was. He cared for her, but for whatever reason, he couldn't bring himself to say the words. He didn't want to dig any deeper into his own soul. Nor did he want to dig any deeper into hers. One of them would be hurt if he did.


"Nothing this good lasts forever," he murmured.


She clucked her tongue. "Such a cynic."


How could he tell her he loved her when he wasn't even sure what the word meant? How could he let her get tangled up with him when he was leaving for D.C. in a few weeks? "You deserve better than what I can give you, Addison."


He didn't miss the quick flash of anger. "That sounds like a cop-out. You don't strike me as the kind of man who takes the easy way out."


"I care too much about you to hurt you," he said.


"Then stop talking about what I do or don't deserve and listen to what your heart is trying to tell you."


Closing his eyes against the rush of emotion, he moved over her and kissed her deeply. "It's not that simple," he said after a moment.


"Life's complicated sometimes."


He kissed her again
hungrily, wanting to lose himself in sensation
Lust hummed through his body. He concentrated on that
All he wanted to feel was need
Simple, fundamental, physical need. He wanted
sex and release.


To hell with anything more complicated


Cradling her face between his hands
he pulled back and looked into her eyes
. "
I want you
" he whispered, suddenly afraid she was slipping away
"I want you more than my next breath, more than anything in the world. That
s all I can say
s got to be enough right now."

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