Perilous Partnership (48 page)

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Authors: Ariel Tachna

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Perilous Partnership
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“Jean,” Raymond gasped above him, “I need to lie down or I‟m going to fall.”

Immediately, Jean rose to his feet, steadying Raymond, helping him move to the edge of the bed. “Do we need to stop?” Every instinct he possessed rebelled at the idea, but his Avoué‟s health took precedence.

“Don‟t you dare!” Raymond said, glaring up at his lover. “I can lean back and you can go right back to what you were doing.”

Jean smiled, feeling the truth of the words through the link between their emotions. “Make yourself comfortable then,” he suggested, returning to his kneeling position, “because I intend to take my time.”

Raymond shifted a little on the bed so his hips rested on the edge of the mattress. He draped his legs over Jean‟s shoulders, opening himself to his lover‟s attentions. “Take all the time you want.”

The change in position put Raymond‟s balls front and center, so Jean lowered his head and sucked them into his mouth, rolling them with his tongue



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and drawing gasps and groans from his lover. He smiled and worked them with more determination, his fingers trailing teasingly up and down Raymond‟s shaft.

“Jean!” Raymond wailed, thrashing on the bed. “Don‟t tease!”

“I‟m not teasing,” Jean promised, turning his head and nipping at the smooth plane of Raymond‟s inner thigh. His fangs scored the surface, barely enough to sting, but Raymond‟s reaction suggested a far more potent effect.

Tenderly, Jean licked over the scrapes before pushing up higher to lick away the fresh spurt of fluid pooling on Raymond‟s belly. When he had captured every drop, he returned to the source, his tongue probing the slit in search of more of the heady flavor. He had done this before, but the taste had never been as sharp, making Jean wonder if the Aveu de Sang had restored some of his mortal senses where Raymond was concerned.

Raymond rocked up into Jean‟s mouth, clearly wanting more contact, but Jean was too intoxicated by the taste to let the head slip deeper into his mouth.

He closed his fist around the base, stroking in time with his sucking, but always keeping the leaking tip on the flat of his tongue. Raymond jerked beneath him, his climax catching Jean off guard. He swallowed reflexively, taking all Raymond had to offer.

“I‟m sorry,” Raymond said. “I should have warned you.”

“Don‟t be sorry,” Jean apologized, licking his lips to make sure he had not missed so much as a drop. “I‟m not. Now I get to find another way to work you up again.”

“I‟m not eighteen anymore,” Raymond warned, though he made no move to pull away from Jean‟s hands as the vampire lifted his legs to his chest and spread his cheeks with tender hands.

“No, but you‟re my Avoué now,” Jean reminded him. “Did Alain not tell you that part?”

“What part?” Raymond asked.

Jean grinned lasciviously and licked a slow path up the crease of Raymond‟s buttocks. “That as long as one of us is aroused, the other one will respond and keep responding. All I have to do is not come at the same time you do, and we could go on for hours.”

Raymond groaned and pulled his legs closer to his chest with his good arm.

“I like the sound of that.”

The sight of Raymond offering himself this way, legs splayed above his body, cock and balls and arse on display, made Jean‟s mouth water. He bit the lower curve of one muscular cheek, knowing the feeling of his fangs was as much foreplay for Raymond as anything else Jean could do with his mouth. He

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sensed an immediate renewal in Raymond‟s interest, so he lingered for a moment, swallowing mouthfuls of blood while his hand ghosted over the other cheek, fingers slipping in and out of the dark crevice.

Jean could feel his own desire rising quickly. Too quickly. He was not ready for this to be over, so he released his hold on Raymond‟s backside, licking the wounds carefully to close them. He could bite to his heart‟s content later. For now, he wanted to see how many times he could make Raymond come. He had loved Raymond for some time, but the Aveu de Sang had made Raymond the center of his world. Nothing was too good for his wizard now.

Knowing Raymond‟s preferences, Jean moved inward, finding the puckered rosette that hid between his lover‟s buttocks, flicking it with his tongue. Raymond‟s hips lifted instantly, a surge of need washing through Jean‟s mind. Since indulging his lover coincided with his own wants, it was easy to lean closer and lick and suck at the delicate flesh until Raymond was writhing above him, curses and pleas falling one after another from the wizard‟s usually eloquent lips.

“What do you want?” Jean asked, lifting his head so he could peer up at Raymond. “Tell me what you need.”

“You inside me!” Raymond gasped.

“Too soon,” Jean said with a shake of his head. “Anything but that.”

“Then use your tongue,” Raymond said. “Fuck me with that until I can‟t think of anything but you.”

“My pleasure.” Jean winked at Raymond before returning to the pleasurable task of seeing how far inside his lover he could stick his tongue.

The answer, of course, was not far enough. Never far enough in Raymond‟s opinion. He loved the hot, wet slide of Jean‟s tongue against his entrance, but no matter how wide he spread his legs, no matter how deeply Jean buried his face against Raymond‟s arse, Jean‟s tongue could never go deep enough. His eyes closed as he chased that elusive moment of nothingness where all he knew was the passion Jean inspired in him. Jean‟s thumbs joined the act, pushing in when Jean‟s tongue slid out so that Raymond was never fully empty, and he felt the walls inside him, the ones he had erected around that central core of himself that he shared with no one, crumble. He was no longer Raymond Payet, controlled speaker, analytical researcher, disgraced wizard, rehabilitated president of l‟ANS. He was distilled to his purest form, emotion and sensation.

He was Jean‟s Avoué, his lover, his love. Everything else was extra, outside, extraneous. He had everything that mattered right here in bed with him, licking and sucking and fucking at his willingly offered hole until he could do nothing but thrash on the comforter and climax again, the upswell of emotion so strong it left him gasping for breath as wave after wave of release crashed through



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him. The aftershocks continued longer than they ever had before because Jean‟s tongue continued its teasing, extending Raymond‟s orgasm until he could hardly move with the wonder of it all.

“My turn!” Raymond gasped when Jean gave every indication of wanting to rouse him a third time.

“I‟m supposed to be making love to my Avoué,” Jean protested.

Raymond shook his head. “You‟ll still be making love to me. You‟ll just be the one getting off this time.”

Jean could hardly deny the appeal of that when his cock throbbed mercilessly. “How do you want me?”

Raymond turned around so his head rested near the edge of the bed this time. “Come up here where I can reach you. I‟m sure I‟ll think of something.”

Jean could think of plenty of things, but he would let Raymond decide. He climbed onto the bed, straddling his lover‟s chest and waiting for an indication of what Raymond had in mind. “Scoot up here where I can reach you,”

Raymond directed. “With one hand in a cast, you‟ll have to make do with my mouth.”

Make do?
Jean scoffed silently. The thought of Raymond‟s lips closing around his shaft as the head of his cock slid down his lover‟s throat was nearly enough to make him come right there, as worked up as he already was. He moved again, spreading his legs wider so he could straddle Raymond‟s shoulders, the tip of his cock bumping his wizard‟s lips.

“Not yet,” Raymond said with a shake of his head, his good hand urging Jean to lift up higher on his knees. Jean complied, gasping as Raymond‟s tongue darted out to caress his sac, now hanging directly in Raymond‟s face.

“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” Raymond murmured between licks.

Jean shook his head. “I‟m too thin and too pale and—”

“And perfect for me,” Raymond interrupted. He sucked the heavy balls into his mouth to prove his point. “I love everything about you, from your deceptively slender body to your creamy white skin to the way I never know which lover I‟ll have in bed with me at night: the tender, playful one or the masterful, ravishing one. You fulfill needs I didn‟t know I had.”

Jean trembled at the words. Unable to express his emotions in words, he pushed them out through the bond, flooding Raymond‟s mind with his absolute devotion. He knew the moment Raymond felt it because the wizard‟s hazel eyes darkened and he moved his hand to Jean‟s cock, guiding it to his lips.

Raymond licked the tip lightly in imitation of what Jean had done to him, but the time for teasing had passed. Releasing his hold on Jean‟s cock, he let his

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hand fall to his lover‟s hip. “Fuck my throat.” Jean hesitated. “You know I want you to. You can feel it the same way I can feel your desire to do it. Come on, Jean. Let go for me.”

Jean‟s control broke, and he surged into the waiting mouth.

Raymond tilted his head back, providing a long channel into which Jean could thrust. He had never considered himself a passive lover, but there was something about the feeling of Jean taking him this way, every inward slide cutting off his breath for a fraction of a second before each egress that let him inhale again left him trembling with need. He resisted the urge to stroke his erection with his good hand, remembering Jean‟s words about keeping the passion high in one of them even after the other came so the bond would let them continue to make love. On any other day, stroking himself to completion while Jean came down his throat would have been perfectly satisfactory, but today, with the Aveu de Sang fresh between them, he needed more than that.

He needed to feel Jean moving inside him, filling him, completing him. Today, only that would do.

He stroked Jean‟s buttocks and back instead, urging him to move faster, to find the release Raymond could feel building through their bond. He only hoped his own control would hold, because he doubted he would recover anytime soon once the magic between them erupted.

It only took a few thrusts for Jean to come, the accumulated desire of Raymond‟s two previous climaxes having battered his senses for too long. He shuddered through his release, loving the feel of Raymond‟s throat massaging his length.

“Enough foreplay,” Raymond said when Jean pulled back. “I want your fangs in my chest and your cock in my arse.”

Jean grinned somewhat shakily, but the magic of the Aveu de Sang was working, Raymond‟s need feeding Jean‟s own. He leaned over to gather the lube from the bedside table. “Then turn around the right way on the bed so I can get you ready for me.”

“You rimmed me until I came,” Raymond reminded him. “I think I‟m ready.”

Jean shook his hand, squeezing the gel over his fingers. “Not yet. You‟re still talking. If you can think, you aren‟t ready for me yet.”

Raymond glared but moved so he lay with his head on the pillows, knees bent to give Jean full access to his body once more.

Jean found the spot on Raymond‟s thigh where he had grazed the skin before, biting down fully this time as he slid slick fingers to the already loosened iris. Two digits penetrated easily, spreading the slippery gel and finding Raymond‟s prostate with the ease of experience. As Jean sucked life-270


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giving blood into his mouth, he rubbed the bundle of nerves, determined that this orgasm, their mutual orgasm, when it came, would surpass the ones that had come before, forging their bond so deeply that nothing would ever shake that foundation.

Raymond undulated slowly beneath the ever-increasing intensity of Jean‟s caresses. He had known his lover was a master at driving him wild, but it felt different this time, as if Jean were drawing on some new skill or awareness.

Then it occurred to him. Jean was gauging Raymond‟s reactions through their bond and basing his actions on that. He shivered, imagining what it would be like a month or a year from now as they became more and more in tune with each other. Now that they had formed the Aveu de Sang, he could not imagine why he had ever feared it. Nothing could be more right. Jean‟s fingers pressed hard against his prostate, and all thought fled Raymond‟s mind.

Jean felt the moment Raymond gave in, both through their bond and in his lover‟s blood. Drawing back from the bite, he licked the wounds and moved between his lover‟s thighs, adding a third finger to stretch Raymond wider as he nibbled his way up Raymond‟s stomach, leaving a trail of bite marks in his wake. When Raymond was stretched to his satisfaction, he withdrew his fingers and mounted his lover, his cock sliding home. The rush of pleasure from Raymond was so strong that for a moment, Jean imagined he could feel himself being filled even as he felt Raymond squeezing around his cock. Knowing he would not last much longer, he bent his head to the spot directly above Raymond‟s heart, biting deeply.

The connection slammed into place with the dual joining, until they were no longer two bodies, but halves of one paired whole. The energy cycled between them, growing stronger and stronger until they could not contain it, their climaxes tearing through them with the force of a gale. And even that was not enough. The magic summoned by their bonding and their lovemaking demanded an outlet. Mist coalesced around them, thickening until their bodies were soaked with more than sweat, as they continued to move together, needing that one final nudge to push them over the edge.

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