Permanent Resident at the Purse Table (5 page)

BOOK: Permanent Resident at the Purse Table
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Chapter 6
Rene pulled up behind Ishmael into his mother's driveway. She and Momma Carter got along well, but Rene harbored feelings that she was an enabler. He was a proud momma's boy and his mother was definitely a proud momma.
Ishmael opened the front door wide. “I'm back, Momma. And I have your future daughter-in-law with me.”
Heavy footsteps rushed out from the kitchen. “Hey, son.” His mother gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then turned to hug Rene. “Hey, pretty girl, it's great to see you.”
“Hello, Ms. Carter, it's great to see you too,” Rene replied.
“How are the wedding plans coming along?”
“Everything is coming together real well. June third is less than four months away, so just about everything is done.” She followed her into the kitchen. “I need to finalize the photographer and make a decision about our cakes. You know my best friend Ava is going to do them for us.”
“If you need any help with anything, let me know.”
“Thank you. I'll hold you to that.”
By now, Ishmael already had a bite of his mom's German chocolate cake in his mouth. Rene strolled over and cut herself a small piece. No matter how much of a health-conscious eater she claimed to be, she had a weakness when it came to Momma Carter's cakes: moist, flavorful, all-around mouthwatering goodness.
Rene could bake and throw together a decent meal, but she was nowhere close to Ishmael's mother in the cooking department. He would have to learn to make do with her average skills in the kitchen once they were married.
He swallowed a piece of his cake, dropping crumbs on the front of his shirt. “All this talk about cake has me on this here.”
“Go 'head, baby. Have all you want.” Momma Carter disappeared into the hallway that led to her bedroom.
Ishmael cut a small bite of his cake and fed it to Rene. She first refused, and then opened her mouth just wide enough to take the piece he offered.
As she chewed, he ran his fingers over her hand. “I'm really sorry, Rene. I know you put up with a lot from me. But I am going to do better. I can't have you mad at me.”
Yep, he knew how to weave his way back into her good graces. “I'm not mad anymore. And I do appreciate all the apologies.”
“I love you and don't know what I'd do without you in my life. I cannot wait for you to be Mrs. Ishmael Carter.”
“I love you too, but I was thinking more like you'd be Mr. Rene Jacobs.” She chuckled.
He leaned into her body. “Whatever. Give me some sugar.”
She obliged. They had their share of arguments, but the making up was affectionately easy. Rene knew this was due in part to her letting him slide on a few things every once in a while. He frequently borrowed money and paid it back later than he said he would. Ishmael had several late arrivals with no phone call when she was expecting him. He'd cancel plans altogether when something suddenly came up with his club promoting project. But she did love him and that meant loving all of him. Including his faults.
Momma Carter returned to the kitchen and cleared her throat. “I guess I'm interrupting the lovebirds. Excuse me.”
“Momma, we're in your house.” He smiled. “So, excuse us.”
Rene adored the little ways he showed his mother respect.
“No, baby, I'm just teasing. I love to see you two happy. That was me and your father when we were about to head down that aisle. He would never kiss me in my father's house though.”
Rene asked, “Was he shy?'
“No, not shy. Scared is a better word for it. Scared of my daddy's shotgun that hung over the fireplace in the living room.”
Ishmael sat back in his chair. “Granddaddy had a gun in the family room?”
“Yep. He said it was a reminder to your Aunt Teresa's and my gentleman callers. He proudly had the gun hanging in there, so our courters knew he had one and knew how to use it.” She laughed with a look on her face like she was reminiscing on the good ol' days.
“Daaang! He was no joke, huh?” Ishmael threw his last piece of cake in his mouth.
“Nope. But he loved us and protected us best he could. And we loved him right back. He just 'bout scared your daddy off. But he had his eye on this prize.” She struck a pose. “So he wasn't going nowhere.”
“Momma, we don't want to hear about you and Daddy. Please.”
“What?” She tapped the back of his shoulder with her index finger. “How you think you got here?”
Ishmael, seemingly embarrassed, shook his head and looked down. Rene rubbed the back of his neck and said, “I think it's cute.”
“Surprise, surprise. You takin' my momma's side.” He grabbed Rene's hand. “Come on, let's go before you two start ganging up on me.”
Momma Carter started wrapping up two big slices of cake in some tinfoil. “So soon?”
“Yeah, Momma. We got some thangs to do.” He lifted his eyebrows.
“Well, here, take this cake.” His mother handed her the wrapped-up dessert. “You can't leave it here. I'll eat it up and that's too much sugar for one person.”
“Thank you, Ms. Carter.” Rene stood up and gave her a hug. Ishmael's mother was as sweet as her cakes.
“You're very welcome. I want you and Ish to come by this weekend and have dinner. Think you can make it?”
“I don't see why not.”
Momma Carter searched the refrigerator for leftovers to wrap up for them. Her sending them out the door with food had become a part of her farewell routine.
Ishmael grabbed Rene's hand and kissed it. “Let me run upstairs to my old room real quick. I need to get a load of laundry my moms did for me.”
“Okay, you momma's boy.”
“You got that right.” He smiled.
“I'll be here.” Every time they came to visit, he had to load up. If it wasn't laundry, it was food. If it wasn't food, it was movies or some new clothes, or a new book she wanted him to read. Sometimes even money. When he joined Rene in holy matrimony, would Momma Carter really turn him loose? Would Ishmael be able to be turned loose? Did he want to be loosed?
His mother stepped from behind the refrigerator door with a casserole dish, placed it on the counter, and added more tinfoil to the top of the dish. “Oh yeah, Ishmael, Shay dropped some mail off for you the other day. I put it in the basket on the table by the front door.”
Rene knew that Momma Carter called Shanice “Shay,” but didn't know why she'd be dropping mail off for him. He'd moved out from her place almost two years ago. She'd be sure to ask him when they got in the car. “He went upstairs. I'll grab it for him.”
“Thank you, sweetie.”
Walking over to the oval-shaped table in the foyer, a sick feeling emerged in the pit of Rene's stomach. She snatched the mail with his name on it and looked at the address, which read 525 East County Rd. Apt. #3214, Houston, TX 77803. That street sounded familiar. Rene opened her purse to throw in the mail.
Where do I know that address from?
Pausing, she studied the front of the top envelope.
Can't be.
She placed the cake on the table, and hunted in her purse for the green receipt from the All City Towing Yard. Once she found the receipt, she flipped it over where she had written the address her car was towed from that the towing yard attendant recited to her. She saw the addresses matched number for number and word for word. Her body heat rose to 99.9 degrees.
Rene dropped her purse to the ground and fumbled through the rest of his mail. On every bill and piece of junk mail she read the same address affixed under Ishmael's name. He must've mistaken her for a fool. All those apologies were a product of him blowing smoke. His words, not worth a dime, had to be dealt with immediately.
After a few more seconds passed and Rene allowed this newfound information to sink in, Ishmael came hopping down the steps carrying a bulky laundry bag. He reached the bottom, and looked at Rene holding the mail with her eyes firing into his. “What's the matter, babe?”
Rene pushed the front of one of the envelopes in his face. “So you were at Mike's house, huh?”
Ishmael lifted his hands in the air. “Wait, let me explain.”
She yelled, “Explain what? You were at Shanice's house and got my car towed. And you lied about it. That about sum it up?”
“I didn't want you to be upset.”
“Well, you missed the mark on that one. I guess that's why the flyers were still in my car.” Attorney Jacobs was now present.
“Yes, I picked up the flyers from Mike. Then Shanice called and said she couldn't drop off Isaiah, so I went to pick him up. Nothing happened.”
“If nothing happened, why couldn't you just tell me? I'm about to be your wife.”
“I know how you feel about Shanice. So I skipped over that part. Thought it'd be best.”
Rene needed him to stop thinking and just be honest. “Missed the mark again!”
Ishmael's mother made her way into the foyer. “What's going on?”
He put his hand in the air. “I got it, Momma.”
“Got what? I don't understand. You two were fine five minutes ago.”
“Sorry, Ms. Carter. That was before I caught your son in a lie.”
Momma Carter walked over to Ishmael. “Boy, are you lying to this young lady?”
He turned his mother around and gently led her back to the kitchen. “I said I got it.”
When he returned to the foyer, Rene threw the rest of the mail at him. She hoped they hurt, too. Maybe there were some credit card offers in the mix that could pop him in the head. Or better yet, an offer for collectors of heavy commemorative coins with some free samples.
“Hey, baby, calm down.” He knelt down to pick up the scattered envelopes. “Now what was I saying?”
“Um, let's see. You were probably about to lie about your lying. But what I'm saying is the wedding's on hold!” Her uncertainties were abruptly front and center.
“What?” He let the mail fall back down to the ground. “Rene, don't overreact.” He reached out to put his hand on her shoulder.
“Overreact? You smooth lied in my face!” Dipping her shoulder before he could touch her, she picked up her purse. “I need some time to gather my thoughts. I don't feel good about being in a relationship with someone who can lie that easily. Makes me wonder what else have you lied about.”
He shook his head as his eyes saddened. “Baby, please.”
She shook her index finger. “Nope. That ‘baby' crap is on hold too. I don't know if I can trust you.” Time apart would be a good thing. The last couple of weeks were filled with doubts and second-guessing her choices.
As she headed for the front door, he grabbed her forearm. “Rene, just tell me this.”
“What, Ishmael?” She jerked her arm out of his grasp. Nothing he said could save his case.
“I understand you need some time. But putting the wedding on hold?” He resembled a sad child who wasn't getting his way. “For how long?”
She cut her eyes at him. “Let's go with the same thing you told me when I asked you when you'd be getting your car out the shop.”
Confusion settled on his face. “Which was?”
“Until further notice.” Rene walked out of the house and slammed the door behind her.
Chapter 7
With Valentine's Day less than twenty-four hours away, Toni was overjoyed to be in Miami. Thoughts of Eric and the trip they took to the Florida Keys last summer pounded her brain since she'd arrived. Her emotions were all over the place. She missed Eric, but was determined not to call him. Being a few states over made it easier for her to stick to that decision.
Toni had given her heart to Eric a long time ago in high school and he still had a hold of it. But as deep as that love ran, the hurt caused by his infidelity ran even deeper.
She stood on the balcony of her ocean-view room of the luxurious, resort-style hotel, taking the postcard photo in. The bright sun kissed the bluer-than-blue water, as the fresh breeze hit her face with the right amount of serenity to calm her nerves. She could stay in that spot all day.
If it were not for the four-thirty wake-up call in the morning, she'd order the hotel's most expensive wine and relax with nature's beauty and her thoughts until she fell asleep. Her creative director for the shoot, however, would have something to say if she showed up a sluggish, tired mess. So she chose a good night's rest over an alcohol-induced one.
She opened the mini fridge and took out a bottle of water, remembering the good times she and Eric shared. A knock at the door broke her concentration.
“Who is it?”
“Concierge, ma'am.”
She opened the door.
“Good evening. This was dropped off for you at the front desk.” A thin kid in the full getup complete with a bellman's hat handed her a manila envelope.
“Thank you.” She turned to grab her purse.
When she returned with his tip, he reached out for it. “Thank you, ma'am. Please let us know if you need anything.”
“You're welcome. I will.”
Toni sat down on the plush bedspread and pulled her itinerary out of the envelope. The hair and makeup team expected her in their trailer by five in the morning. Her bedtime would have to be eight o'clock. It was seven o'clock Houston time, but eight in Miami.
She was a little hungry but decided against ordering room service and chose an apple from the complimentary fruit basket in her room. A heavy meal wouldn't do her any good anyway. Doing a shoot in summer wear usually included a bathing suit or two. As she bit a huge chunk out of the apple, her cell phone's ringtone played a smooth R & B rhythm.
Who would be calling her now? Maybe Ava was checking to see if she'd made it okay. She dug it out of her purse, but didn't recognize the number. It was a Houston area code though, so she spit the apple into a tissue and answered it.
“Hello, Toni. It's Roderick from the other night. How are you?”
She smiled. “Yes, I'm doing good. How are you?”
“Fine now that I'm talking to you. Are you busy?”
“Nope, just sitting here in my hotel room relaxing.” She lay back on the bed. His call was a nice surprise.
“So you made it there all right. Good. How was your trip?”
Besides the thoughts of Eric?
“It was great. What are you up to today?”
“Not much of anything. Rode my motorcycle and enjoyed this perfect day. I wanted to see when you'd be back in town, so we could go out. Maybe dinner and a movie?”
She nodded her head with every word to convince herself to go. “Yes, I'd like that. I'll be back Tuesday morning.” A diversion from Eric could prove to be what she needed.
“I know Valentine's Day is tomorrow, but we can celebrate just as well on Tuesday evening.”
“Celebrate what?” Why did he mention Valentine's Day? She hadn't known him a full day yet.
“Hopefully, a new friendship that can turn into something more.”
He fixed that mistake quick.
“We can have a nice dinner, a little conversation. Get to know each other better.”
“Sounds good.”
“Wonderful. I'll set everything up and plan to pick you up about seven?”
She grimaced. “How about we meet at seven?” He seemed to be moving at a jackrabbit's pace.
“Okay, no problem. I'll call you Tuesday afternoon sometime, and let you know where to meet me.”
She hung up the phone and went back to the apple. As she ate, she replayed the night on the dance floor and conversation she and Roderick had. He seemed cool, but she was nowhere near letting her guard down with him. She looked forward to the dinner date, but honestly wished it would be Eric sitting across the table from her.
Searching her phone contacts for Ava's name, she couldn't wait to tell her about her date. Ava's phone rang a couple of times and then went to voicemail.
After she heard the beep, Toni left Ava a message. “Hey, girl, it's me. I made it to Miami safely and now sitting here, relaxing in this beautiful room, or trying to anyway. I miss Eric. I know I shouldn't, but I do. Plus, just made a date with Roderick. The guy from the club. I don't know what I'm doing, but maybe he'll be a good distraction. Call me back when you get the chance. Love you.”
She placed her cell phone on the nightstand, finished the apple, and retreated to the bathroom to complete her nightly routine: wash face, brush teeth, floss, and apply anti-aging cream and moisturizer. The king-sized bed, complete with five pillows and a soft comforter, called her name. She looked forward to climbing in for a pampered night's sleep. Plugging in her phone charger, she noticed a text message. The message read: Couldn't wait 'til tomorrow to tell u I luv u. Miss u so much, Toni. Hope all is well. Always thinkn of u. Luv Eric.
Eric had her on his mind as much as she had him on hers. And even though she had the divorce papers drafted and sitting on her desk at home in an envelope ready to be signed, she couldn't bring herself to even open them. Toni loved him in spite of all of his mistakes and was still unsure that divorce was the road she wanted to travel down. Their connection, although blemished, was strong. She read the message two more times, cheesing from one ear to the other, then turned her phone on silent and went to sleep.

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