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Authors: Dita Parker

BOOK: PerpetualPleasure
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It was sweet. Thrilling. It melted her ire and if once upon
a time that would have riled her even further, it didn’t bother her now. She
didn’t want to go on without his kisses or his company, without Mac’s arms
around her or his cock inside her.

She wouldn’t.

MacCale leaned back and stole a quick kiss before asking,
“Will you take my name when we marry?”

“Do you mean
we marry?”

Grinning sheepishly, he said, “No, when.”

“You’re thinking of ways to blackmail me again, aren’t you?”

“What makes you say that?”

“You got that look again.”

“What look would that be?”

“That look. That determined ‘I’m gonna get my way no matter
what you say’ look.”

“Really? I was going for the ‘I’m gonna have my way with you
and you’re gonna love it’ look.”

Lucie couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you always this

Frowning deeply, he mock-pondered the matter for a moment.
“Only when I’m forced to go without you for months. Then again, I’m in the best
shape of my life after expending all the surplus sexual energy working out.”

The man was all business. So was his body. “You had plenty
of energy last night.”

“I’ve built some serious stamina over the summer. And you
should know by now I’m always thorough and detailed in everything I do.”

“You’re impossible, you know that?”

Pulling Lucie into his arms, MacCale gathered her against
him and said, “Nothing is impossible, Lucie. I hope I’ve proven that.”

Sitting entwined for a long time, sharing the most
comfortable silence Lucie had ever experienced with anyone, she pressed her
face into MacCale’s chest to breathe him in before whispering, “I missed you.
So much it hurt. But it’s a good hurt, one I can live with as long as I get to
go on with you.”

He pressed a kiss on her head, one hand holding her tight,
the other caressing her back with warm, gentle fingers.

“You got yourself a deal,
soon-to-be Moore.”

“But there is something else you should know,” she said.

Lucie felt MacCale stiffen, a quiet reserve taking him over
even if he didn’t say a word. Maybe she should have chosen her phrasing
differently, but it somehow pleased her to know he was paying attention, that
he truly cared enough to listen close. He would also have to stop hanging on
her every word, and he would definitely have to stop analyzing her so closely
at every turn.

“I have lived for so long. Experienced so much.”


Just as his tender hands could mold her to his will, MacCale
could turn her inside out with nothing more than a soft-spoken, dread-dripping
syllable. Lucie closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to wash them,
a flood of gratitude washing over her instead.

“And yet you have managed to give me something I have never
known. Something no other man has ever given me. I didn’t want it from them.
But you made me want it from you. You have to understand how precious a gift
that is, how beautiful.”

MacCale leaned back to look at her as if she was all he
wanted, all he needed. She had waited a lifetime to feel like this. Now she had
several to look forward to with him.

“So thank you, Mac. Thank you, thank you, thank you…” Lucie
tried to bank the waves of emotion threatening to break free. A tear escaped,
then another, until she silently cried against his chest. The sting of tears
that used to feel so bitter didn’t feel so hurtful now, not when he tugged her
to him and held her, just held her. He caressed her hair, her back, whispered
soothing words that only made the flow of tears heavier. She couldn’t stop,
only burrow deeper into his chest. To Lucie’s surprise and relief, the
embarrassment she waited on never came. She did feel safe with him. Safe and
sound. With that realization the swell of emotion finally ebbed.

MacCale wiped her chin and cheeks, patted the corner of her
eyes before lifting her jaw and forcing her to face him. The fire and
tenderness in his eyes almost opened the flood gates again.

“You’ve never cried in front of a man, have you?”

“I’ve never cried in front of anyone,” Lucie confessed.

He raised a dark, rapt brow. “Another first, huh? I’m
honored. And humbled. The queen trusts me with her feelings. All of them.”

“Are you making fun of me?”

He shrank back. “I wouldn’t dare. I could be beheaded.
Quartered. Castrated.”

making fun of me.”

He kissed her temple, smoothed back her hair. “Never hide
from me, Lucie, you hear?” His voice broke. It turned thick, almost chocked as
he said, “And don’t thank me just yet, honey. We’re only getting started with
this giving and sharing business. After clamming up for so long, I don’t expect
it to come easily for you. But just knowing you want this as much as I do makes
me want to give you everything you’ve only dreamed of.”

Everything she’d only dreamed of? What about his dreams for the
future? Had she stolen the ones he cherished most? Lucie felt compelled to
level with him. “I’ve been around for quite a while, Mac. I don’t know if I can

“Your body is twenty-six years old. We’ll worry about that
if and when there’s something to worry about. Practice makes perfect,
remember?” His mouth was on her lips now, whispering raggedly. “Who do you
belong to?”

“You, Mac. I belong to you.”

“Say my name again,” he demanded and nipped her lower lip.


“And who do I belong to?” Lucie felt his hands tightening
around her, careful not to hurt but borderline doing so as he waited for an

“You belong to me.”

MacCale’s hold loosened but only so he could lay her down.
His large body descended behind her, warm and sheltering. He kissed her
shoulders, nipped at her neck and throat, groaning harshly as his hips burrowed
into hers.

“Hell yes.” He set his chin on the top of her head. “Now
this is my kind of ending. Boy meets girl, girl seduces boy, boy gets sexy
the girl.”

And mine. Mine for all time.

“You’re very assertive, aren’t you? A slick feller from the
city, as Governor Talmadge used to say.”

“In my line of work, you have to be. Is that going to be
problem, baby?”

She didn’t need to look up at him. She knew she would only
see what she heard in his voice—dogged determination, a fierce and passionate
stand, everything she had once feared and now loved and admired about him.

“It might, because so am I. And habits that old could well
be immortal.”

“That’ll only keep things interesting. And heated. We’ll
take turns at the helm, how’s that?” Lucie felt his hand creep to her butt and
begin kneading softly.

“I don’t know.” She closed her eyes and concentrated on the
feel of his large body against hers, his firm hand on her ass. His
body alone was enough to make a woman go wild with lust, and his cool and
fearless approach to anything and anyone made him even more appealing.

He moved to fondle her breast in passing,
flicked a nipple into a hard bead he teased mercilessly. When she thought she
would come from the mere feel of his fingers on her breast, MacCale flipped her
to her back, his hand going to her face to trace her jaw.

Lucie stole a glance at his erection, pulsing
strong. It made her mouth go dry and her body heat up as hot as ever.

“There’s so much I need to learn about you,
honey. So much I want to teach you.” A finger stole to her mouth, rubbed her
lips. “Whatever it takes. Whatever you need. You’re not alone, Lucie. You’ll
never be alone again.”

Her eyes shot to his cock and back up again. Lucie trapped
his finger in her mouth and suckled at the thick digit. She put her arms around
his wide back, running her hands along bunched, cut muscles and sleek skin. Wandering over to the tight ridge of his ass, she tried to sink her
fingers where there was no give.

“Let me taste you.”

“Taste me? Taste me how, honey?”

“I want to taste your cock.” She licked his finger up and
down, sucked at the tip until he winced.

“How bad?”

“Excuse me?”

His finger glided into her mouth and along her
tongue. He pulled it back and tapped her lips. “How bad do you want to suck my
dick? You want a taste, you need to give me something in return.”

Swallowing hard, Lucie reached out and gripped his cock,
stroked the heavy length of his shaft. “Something like this?” She pumped him
harder, teased the heated head with the tips of her fingers.

MacCale jerked, his butt flexing. “Not exactly.”

Thrilled by his edgy voice, Lucie gave him one last
lingering stroke before letting go.

He sighed as if relieved. “Bad baby. You know what I want. I
want to hear you say it.”

“I trust you, Mac. With my life.”

“And I love you. With all my heart and soul.”

Lucie heard his solemnly spoken words. She let them sink in,
let his tenderness and candor flow through her.

“You’re everything I’ve never dared dream of, and nothing
like I expected loving to feel like.”

MacCale slipped his hand between them, probed her
fast-dampening pussy lips. He was barely touching her but it was enough to make
Lucie’s eyes close then flutter open in a rush as he started circling the knot
of her clit.

“Say it, Lucie.” His voice was no less demanding.

Lost in sensation, she wheezed, “Can’t talk. Being

Smiling provocatively, MacCale plucked her distended flesh.
And stopped. “I guess we’ll have to negotiate. You tell me you love me, I spoil
you with incredible sex.”

“Incredible, huh?” Lucie asked.

“Brain-blasting,” he assured her.

“Oh, you play dirty, Mr. Moore.”

“And I never, ever, give up.”

“Thank the everloving heavens for that.”


The End

About Dita Parker


Born in her European passport country, raised in South
America and schooled in two English dialects, Dita attributes her passion for
writing to a lifetime of keeping it together while moving around. A firmly
uprooted Third Culture Kid, she is an insatiable student of language and

Swept away and carried off by a Nordic hunk, Dita now reins
in her wanderlust one sizzling escapist story at a time. She reads and writes
several genres, but admits when prodded, writing erotica is the most fun she
has with her clothes on.


Dita welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her
author bio page





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Also by
Dita Parker






Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Perpetual Pleasure


ISBN 9781419940835


Perpetual Pleasure Copyright © 2012 Dita Parker


Edited by Grace Bradley

Cover art by Irene Adler



Electronic book publication August 2012


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