Persian Fire (81 page)

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Authors: Tom Holland

Tags: #Non Fiction, #History

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Cilicia, 183, 279; battle of Salamis, 321, 328

Cilician Gates, 284

Cimon, 215, 362—3

Cissians, 213

City Dionysia, 125,170,359

Cleisthenes, 124, 127-8,132,386, 390; and

Aristeides, 218; and Cleomenes, 128, 129,130, 130-1, 132; and Darius, 141; democracy in Athens, 133-6, 140-1, 164, 216

Cleombrotus, 300,342

Cleomenes, 96-8, 172, 224; and Aegina, 179; alliance with Aristagoras, 157-8; and Athens, 129-30,132-3, 136-8,158-9; and Cleisthenes, 128,129,130-1,132; and Demaratus, 179-80; exile and death, 180—1,259; and Hippias, 129-30; war on Argos, 169

coinage, 104, 125, 143

communications, 172-3

Corinth, 90, 114, 226,230,234, 235,255; acropolis, 302; battle of Salamis, 325; temple of Aphrodite, 332-3

cosmopolitanism, 103—4

cowards, 340—1

Cranae, 157

Crimea, 152

Crisa,92, 115

Croesus, 13—14, 93, 115; and Cvrus, 93; and

Nemesis, 355; and Sparta, 76—7 Crypteia, 85,87

Curzon, George Nathaniel, xxi Cyaxares, 6, 375 Cylon, 113, 115,385 Cypriots, 328 Cyropolis, 18

Cyrus, 206,361,376-7; and Babylon, 41,44,45,50, 147,327; birth legend, 9-10; burial, 20,22; claim to Persian throne, 12; and Croesus, 13-14,93; death, 19-20,377; as demon, 20; expansion of the empire, 16-19; King of Persia, 9; and religion, 36-7; search for an heir, 21-2; and Sparta, 63,65, 77; treatment of defeated enemies, 12,14,19; victory over the Medes, 10—] 1

Danube, 151

Darius, 361, 378; accession to the throne, 33-4; ambassadors killed in Sparta, 178-9, 203, 224; assault on Egypt, 204; bureaucracy, 174; capture of Babylon, 46-50; chosen one of Ahura Mazda, 37,38,55; claim to the throne, 53-4; and Cleisthenes, 141; communications, 172-3; conquest of the islands, and Eretria, 182-5;
of Macedonia, 178; conquests inscribed on stone, 54; conspiracy against Bardiya, 27-32; death, 206-7; defeat by Athens, 195-9; destruction of Ionia, 169, 170; education of children, 204-5; Egypt in revolt, 203; Elamite revolt, 55-6; entry into Babylon, 48—9; and Eretrian captives, 202, 203; factions and rebellions, 51—4, 61; financial administration, 58; gardening, 213; and global peace, 56; greatness of the empire, 172; guarding his Empire, 144-5; in India, 61-2; justice, 145-6; 'King of Kings', 57; manpower, 182; new capital cities, 57—60; opulence of capital cities, 58-60; power over nature, 61, 62; raid on Scvthia, 151—3; relief carving on Bisitun, 54-5; and religion, 37,55,56. 148-9; resources, 182-3; sons, 204, 205-6; state intelligence, 174-6; supplies, 183; threat to Athens, 170, 171-2, 177-8; wives of. 53

Datis, 175, 182-5,219, 369; attack on Eretria, 184-5; fleet bound for the Aegean, 183; invasion of Athens, 186-98, 284

Delian League, 362,363, 365, 366

Delos, 183-4,336,357

Delphi. 90-5,106,115,227.307, 308; and Argos, 246; consulted by Athens. 249-52; and Sparta. 129,246

Demaratus, 137-8,158, 179, 203-4, 209, 283, 389;

advises amphibious attack against

Lacedaemon, 308; at Salamis, 318; warning to

Sparta, 224-5 democracy, 131-8,140-1,154, 155,164,214-15,


demons, 48,177, 296-7 Didyma, 149, 184 discipline, 71-2,80.82.84, 86-7 Dorians, 68,90,353.381 Dorieus, 96—7 Doris, plain of, 90 Drauga (Lie), 32, 33, 34 dreams and visions, 126

East and West. 233

Ecbatana, 7,12-13,45, 376; seized by Phraortes, 51 Egibis, 45-6, 60

Egypt, 99, 152; battle of Salamis, 325,328; and Darius, 57; invasion by Cambyses, 22—3; rebellion suppressed by Xerxes, 207-8, 327; in revolt against Darius. 203—4; seamanship, 235

Elam. 38, 41, 43. 57; revolt against Darius. 55-6 Eleusis, 137,158,310,318, 325,342 Elissa, 230

En-nigaldi-Nanna, 43 Ephialtes. 288, 289 epilepsy, 81 equality, 134 Equator, 230

Erechtheus, 101,111,252,384

Eretria, 159,160,161; assault by Persian fleet, 182,

184-5 Esagila, 39, 44

espionage, 175, 192, 227-8, 311 Etemenanki, 49 Ethiopia, 287, 378 Ethiopians, 211 Euainetus, 249

Euboea, 159,184, 185,226. 230,264; Greek ships

sent to, 255 Eupatrids, 103,107, 131. 135, 164 Euphrates, 40,42,327 Europe, 61; and Asia, 233, 356. 362 Eurotas, 78

Eurybiades, 258, 267, 277,302 Eurvmedon, 363 Ezekiel, 229

Fertile Crescent, 6, 14 financial administration, 58 fire and royal greatness, 36—7 food, 88, 286-8

foundation myths, 99-100, 100 freedom, 88-9,138, 139-40, 201, 354

games, 112, 113, 148 Gandhara, 17 gardens, 213, 239,312-13 Gaumata.31,33, 54

Gelon, 232-3, 247; defeat of Carthage, 329 Gobryas, 27, 56, 178

gods: Athens, 101, 109, 111, 189, 219,251; attitude of Darius, 55-6; Babylon, 39-40,44-5; Judaea, 147, 148; Persia, 32,35,37,149; Sardis, 143; Sparta, 69, 79, 94-5

good governance
66, 107, 108

Gorgo, 158,181,223

Great Panathenaea, 112, 116, 261,385

Greece/Greeks, xvi, xxi-xxii, 33, 66-7,98,148,330; and barbarians, 233; congress in Athens, 366; fleet at Salamis, 302, 304, 309; good governance
66-7; luxury, 232; and Phoenicians, 229-30,233; spies, 233, 235,235-6, 270; in the West, 230, 231. 232; Xerxes' invasion

invasion of Greece,
see also
Athens; Corinth;

Sparta Green, Peter, xxii—xxiii GulfofMalis, 262, 264,269 Gythion, 157

Halicarnassus, 297, 308, 324 Halys, 6

Harmodius, 126-7; statue in Agora, 139—40 Harpagus, II, 12, 14, 175; campaign against the

Ionians, 15-16; command of Persian forces, 15 Helen of Sparta, 65-6, 67-8, 83, 86, 157, 261; birth,

355, 369 Hellenion. 227, 232

Hellespont, 209,360; crossing by Xerxes, 212, 213,

225, 242-4,329; Persian garrison, 362 Helos, 73 helots, 73, 85, 355 Hephaestus, 101 Heracles, 68, 90, 99, 259 Heraclids, 24, 68,72 Herodotus, xv, xvi—xvii, xxiv, 244 Himera,, 329 Hindu Kush, 16, 17

Hipparchus, 122, 124-5, 126-8; and Artaphernes, 163, 216; exile, 216; and Homer, 260-1; as poet, 260

Hippeis, 88, 259, 334

Hippias, 122, 124-5, 126-8, 134, 142, 159, 185; and Cleomenes, 129—30; invasion of Athens by Persians, 185-6,199

Histiaeus, 152, 1XM, 174, 175-6

Homer, 260-1, 262;
The Iliad,

homocide, 85,86

(shields), 70

hoplites, 70, 72, 76, 274

horses, 5,109

355-6, 356

Hydarnes, 52

Hydarnes (the younger), 288, 291,293 Hystaspes, 53

Immortals, 275, 282, 288, 291, 294 India, 29,61-2,211, 237 Indus, 61 infanticide, 81—2

Ionia, 65, 228, 230,363; and Artaphernes, 149-50, 176-7; battle of Salamis, 321; coinage, 104; defeat by Persians, 15-16, 162. 167, 169; demand for democracy, 154, 155; devastation after defeat, 176; attitude to 'barbarians', 150-1; map, 156; news of I'ausanias' victory, 357; peace and order, 176-7; sea defeat at Lade, 308; seamanship, 235; taste for the exotic, 148

Iraq, 18

Isagoras, 131, 132, 134, 137 Ischia, 230 Ishtar, 47

Isthmus, 244, 246,300, 310; return of the Greek fleet, 302

Italy, 152, 230

Jaxartes, 18, 377 Jeremiah, 40
40,41, 147 Judaeans, 40, 147-8

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