Personal Assistant (13 page)

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Authors: Cara North

BOOK: Personal Assistant
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head began to ache from the exhaustion, the exertion. He had a high sex drive.
He had known that since puberty. Several women had attempted to match him. None
had succeeded, until the auburn haired vixen next to him had fucked him into a
complete stupor. Tonight he couldn’t have told her his own name, because all he
could say was hers. It was frightening what she had done to him in so little
time. He needed to get back to work, on to the next project. He needed to
control his urges. He could do it, he thought as he rolled to his side and
pulled her back against his chest, starting tomorrow.

Jonas awoke, Frankie was not next to him. Of course not, she had turned back
into a pumpkin and was now in professional mode. The shower did nothing to
relax his tension.

she called.

dick, a moment before flaccid, was half hard at the sound of her voice. She
called him sir now, because she knew he liked it for all the wrong reasons.
“What’s up?”

did his best to stay focused on the task at hand, his shower, and remain aloof.

called, they want to move the meeting back an hour. Someone’s kid is sick, so
everything is running later than originally planned. You can still take the
meeting, and if it doesn’t go over three hours, you should be fine to have a
late lunch with your family. If you want me to push that lunch into dinner, let
me know, and I can coordinate it,” Frankie relayed in her business tone.

heard every word of it. “I can’t hear a word your saying, Frankie.”

stepped closer, opened the shower door a bit. His shower was big enough for
several people to fit in. It had two overhead faucets and a bench along the
wall. He never understood why, maybe for when he got older, he never used it.
He only thought about it now as a final attempt to sidetrack his growing
awareness of her.

said,” she started.

it back to dinner.” He turned towards her. “We have time.”

she said as she held her hand up and waved her finger. “You have time. I have
to do.”

I ever going to get to fuck you during daylight hours?” He frowned at her.

thought that was funny. “Sure, when you clear a day on your schedule, let me
know. But for now, you only have me scheduled for ‘down time’ in the evenings.”
She used air quotes when she said down time. She knew by now how much he
thought it was a ridiculous gesture and had taken to using them just to irk

shut the shower door.

he called after her.

she said.

Friday.” He gripped his shaft and willed it to relax.

get the day off?”

almost sounded excited about having a day off. She would get plenty of time off
when he started filming and was on set. In the meantime he had been keeping her
close, working every day.

don’t like jerking off alone in the shower. I’m just telling you because I
think you know what you are doing and I think it’s malicious.” He hoped she
would react to his statement. He was happy when she opened the shower door.

she said. “Hop to it. I’ve got calls to make and I doubt you want me to make
them at the same time.”

could feel his eyebrow shoot up on his forehead.

didn’t want to jerk off alone. I’m standing right here, you’re not alone
anymore.” She placed her hands on her hips. That damn phone held firmly in one
of them. He had learned she had sewn compartments in almost every outfit, if
not every outfit she owned so she had it on her body at all times.

seriously going to just stand out there?” He wanted the arrogance of her
implication to make him mad, yet the look in her eyes as she moved her gaze
from his face to his hand still wrapped firmly around his prick did great and
terrible things to his imagination. “You know I will want the same from you

pencil it in.”

had officially taken control of his life. Maybe he needed to find more ways to
be spontaneous and keep some activities and plans, especially with her, to
himself, not on the calendar. Maybe undoing all of her plans would be the way
to figure out what she was capable of emotionally doing.

watched with rapt attention as he tugged, slid his hand with less care than she
did, once, twice, his muscles tensed. He never looked down, only at her face.
Her expressions were erotic, pushing him
driving him harder and much faster than he normally accomplished this task. Her
mouth opened with a gasp, her cheeks pinked with excitement. Her bottom lip
tucked into her mouth as she bit down. He couldn’t hold back anymore. He had
never actually jerked off in front of anyone before. His vision blurred, his
left eye closed, his muscles wound tight with effort and then released with a
jerk of hips and hand. Cum spilled out of him, over his fingers, and then down
the drain as the spray from the shower carried all evidence away.

body shivered from the aftershocks. Frankie’s expression was priceless.
A wide eyed wonder full of excitement.
If he asked her to
join him now, she would have. He smiled at her. Took a step forward, and shut
the shower door as her expression turned from lust to surprise. He hadn’t
missed the outfit she was wearing. Adorable in a well fitted shirt and a
flowing skirt that didn’t quite reach her knees. It was because of the wind
created by the shower door he saw the tops of her thigh highs and the hint of a
clasp holding them up. He smiled at the thought. Maybe, if he were lucky, she
was wearing that for him. Maybe, he could keep her in those when he asked for
his retribution tonight.

rest of his shower was easy. In fact, the rest of his day would be easier to
manage since he didn’t have the lust for her nagging him. Her day, on the other
hand, was going to be rough.  At least he hoped it would.




stood outside the shower, griping the phone with crushing force. What she had
just witnessed was nothing short of amazing. The kind of thing a person did to
fulfill a fantasy, not to try to lure someone into the shower with him. Her
heart thumped wildly, her panties wet from need. All she had accomplished this
morning was to disrupt her entire focus. Now, she could only picture him naked,
water streaming over his amazing body, his hand around that glorious cock as he
masturbated in front of her, for her. Or was it for him? She couldn’t tell
anymore. His hands were amazing. She doubted he knew just how many nights she
had fantasized about those hands, how special she felt now that he actually
touched her in places she had only dreamed about before. His ego was nothing
short of his status, but sometimes he could be vulnerable. A glimpse, never a
full view of his true emotions kept her waiting with baited breath for
something she doubted would ever come. She steadied herself, walked as normal
as possible, as though she wasn’t weak in the knees from what she had just

caught sight of her reflection in his bathroom mirror and knew there was no
hope. She was done for.
Too many nights in his bed after sex.
Too many mornings watching him sleep and drinking in the private details no one
else could see or know about. The woman looking back at her was smitten, not in
the same way she had been as a fan. No, this woman wasn’t in lust with an idea;
she was falling in love with a man.

Frankie said as a jerk reaction.

shower turned off and he called out, “No what?”

“Sorry, I, nothing.
I was just talking to the phone.”
A lame excuse.

stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, but not before she could see him
completely naked one more time.

phone gets more attention than I do.”

let out a brief laugh. “This phone is what helps me know what type of attention
you want and when to give it to you.”

started out the door. The look he was giving her was a little more than she
could take under her current circumstances and awareness.


that day…


meetings went well, or so he texted her. The afternoon passed quickly for her
in the office at his house. There was a lot of work to do. Invitations arrived
daily at this time of year, and since he had contracted to do four movies with
the studio, so did scripts. Her new job was to read them, all of them and sort
them into three piles: yes, no, maybe. Frankie thought it would be easy to do
at first, but then the weight of the decisions hit her and she realized she was
going to be partially responsible for his decision. Her stacking could mean a
blockbuster hit or a humiliating crash. She wound up adding notes to justify
her decisions. Notes he only read on the yes pile. He never bothered, that she
saw, to pick up scripts from the other two.

phone rang, seeing it was him she said, “Jonas Gunner’s assistant, how may I
help you?”

a mess, Frankie.” He laughed. “Come get me.”


want you to come get me,” he said.

is your car?” she asked because she knew he took a car when he left earlier.

stop questioning me and come pick me up from Marty’s office. I obviously need
the ride or I wouldn’t be calling. I don’t like explaining myself to you,” he
said. She couldn’t tell if he was kidding or not.

That stung a bit. He was right. It was her job to do
as he asked, not ask why.
“Yes, sir.”

he sighed.

leaving now.” She hung up on him before he could say another word.

quickly cleaned up the area she had been working in, ushered
, who had been sleeping on the floor next to her, out to
his ridiculously luxurious dog house, more like a dog apartment, and drove to
his agent’s agency.

She texted after she pulled to a stop at the front of
the building.
“Out front.
Where should I park?”

gave her directions to pull into the parking garage on the fifth floor and he
would meet her there.

found him leaning against a new car. The space next to it was empty. She pulled
in. His old vehicle was parked right next to the car he was leaning on.

pulled into the empty space and rolled down the window and asked, “Well? Are
you coming or what?”

in that thing.” He shrugged. “Drive this.”

excess sometimes made her feel uncomfortable. As a teacher, even at a college,
even at a really good college, she would still only make a fraction of what he
made in a day’s worth of his work. He didn’t need another vehicle. He didn’t
use more than half the rooms in his house.
had a
dog house with central heat and air conditioning, an automatic feeder he had
been trained to use by pushing a lever if he wanted more, water that came from
a water cooler so he had filtered cold water. Frankie lived in an apartment,
she didn’t have a balcony, much less a fenced in yard. His dog lived better
than she did as a professor, and in that moment it irked her. She had been all
kinds of wound up and distracted since morning, and now this.

don’t you drive it? It is your car after all,” she said as she pulled into the
spot. She knew she would end up driving it, and suspected he did this because
of her words earlier. He needed her to chauffer him around in something she
would be willing to drive but wasn’t too flashy.

it isn’t.” He shrugged. He dangled the keys from his hand as he held them out
towards her.

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