Persuaded (29 page)

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Authors: Jenni James

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Persuaded
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I rushed up the rise that led to the large, white plantation-style home. Even from the back, the mansion was simply breathtaking. I weaved around the last of the sculptures near the covered veranda and over to the side door. I rang the doorbell and then wiped my feet while I waited for the Andersons’ maid, Mrs. Little, to answer.

“Emmalee Bradford? Is that you?”

The deep voice above my head was most decidedly not Mrs. Little. In fact it could only belong to one person and one person only—my knight in shining armor. I jerked my head up, grinning. “Chase!” In less than a second I was wrapped in the best bear hug a girl could ever ask for.

Taylor’s older brother had been gone too long. The whole summer. The last time I had seen him was over three months ago, right before he’d headed off to Spain. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed him until now. We were family—or as close to family as two neighbors who grew up together can be.

His tan face lit up with a grin. “So did you survive the summer without me rescuing you?”

I laughed and shook my head as I pulled out of his arms and stepped into his family’s mud room. “Excuse me. I will have you know I am eighteen now and an adult. I’m fully capable of—”

Chase snorted and mumbled something under his breath before he said, “Really? An adult? Is that why you were tearing through the garden like a kid just a couple of minutes ago?”

My cheeks grew red as I sat down on the small bench and began removing my shoes. “So, I can see Spain didn’t change you one bit,” I said. “You’re the same as you always were. I take it that’s your paddle boat and fishing rod out there on the lake?”

“Dang! I forgot. Thanks.” His smile grew. “Guess I need saving now, huh?”

“Probably.” I rolled my eyes. “When did you get back?”


“What? Yesterday? And nobody told me?” I couldn’t hide my disappointment as I stood up.

He chuckled and brought his finger up under my chin, then gently turned my face from side to side.

I giggled. “What?”

He looked baffled. “It’s funny I’ve never noticed how much you look like your mom.”

“Really?” I beamed.

“Wow! Especially that smile. Yep. Definitely just like your mom.”


I watched his sky blue eyes glitter for a second before he lowered his lashes. When he looked back at me, it was with his normal happy gleam. “So you’re saying someone should’ve woke you up at nine last night and told you I had just gotten home?”

I started to laugh. “First off, Chase Anderson, I am almost eighteen, not twelve. I think the last time I went to bed at nine was when I went to Ashley Dixon’s sleepover and finally zonked out at nine the next morning. Second, you left us three months ago, buddy. I wouldn’t have cared if it was two o’clock in the morning, I would’ve expected a phone call. So, in answer to your question, yes. Come on. You’re my knight. I will always be happy to see you, no matter what time it is.”

“You remember that? Really?” He leaned his shoulder against the wall.

“Excuse me, but a girl does not forget the only guy who would ruin his brand-new shoes and leather coat to come save her.”

“But you were ten.”

“A very terrified ten-year-old girl, who Zack and Taylor refused to help and would only laugh at. Had you not come when you did—and as quickly, too—I might have drowned!”

“Well, I’m sure you remember the almost-drowning part,” he teased. Then he added in a serious tone, “I don’t think that is something any of us will ever forget.” He grinned again. “I’m just surprised you remembered it was me who rescued you—and the nickname I made you call me.”

“You made me?”

“Aha! Something you don’t remember. It was the only thing I could think of to get you to stop crying. You were such a princess then. All girlie-girl, so I told you I was your knight coming to rescue you.”

I couldn’t remember, but I could imagine. Mostly I could imagine it working.

“So, I take it you didn’t run all the way up here to tell me the boat was in the lake, did you?”

“No. Lady had puppies and I was coming over to see them.”

“Lady? You mean Georgia’s dog? Yeah, they’re up in her room. Do you want me to take you up there? I’m trying to spend as much time with her as possible.”

“With Lady?”

“No.” He grinned again. “With Georgia. Since I’ve been in Spain, I have a whole summer’s worth of catching up to do.”

“Oh. Well, don’t worry about me. I know the way.”

“In that case, let me get the fishing stuff put up and then I’ll see you in a minute. Georgia’s not the only one I need to catch up with.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he moved past me. In a heartbeat he had stepped out the open door, turned the corner, and was gone.

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