Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us (31 page)

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put the idea
: A. James Giannini et al., “Sexualization of the Female Foot as a Response to Sexually Transmitted Epidemics: A Preliminary Study,”
Psychological Reports
83, no. 2 (1998): 491–98.

region can play host
: Roy Levin, “Smells and Tastes—Their Putative Influence on Sexual Activity in Humans,”
Sexual and Relationship Therapy
19, no. 4 (2004): 451–62.

DNA sequencing reveals
: Guillaume Bourque, Pavel A. Pevzner, and Glenn Tesler, “Reconstructing the Genomic Architecture of Ancestral Mammals: Lessons from Human, Mouse, and Rat Genomes,”
Genome Research
14, no. 4 (2004): 507–16.

If you take a healthy
: Paul C. Koch and Roger H. Peters, “Suppression of Adult Copulatory Behaviors Following LiCl-Induced Aversive Contingencies in Juvenile Male Rats,”
Developmental Psychobiology
20 (1987): 603–11.

Sex is so corporeal
: Jamie L. Goldenberg, Tom Pyszczynski, Jeff Greenberg, and Sheldon Solomon, “Fleeing the Body: A Terror Management Perspective on the Problem of Human Corporeality,”
Personality and Social Psychology Review
4, no. 3 (2000): 200–218.

our libido thrives on
”: Sigmund Freud,
On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love
(1912; London: Hogarth Press, 1957), 187.

in its strength enjoys
”: Sigmund Freud,
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
, Standard Edition (1905; London: Hogarth Press, 1953), 152.

willing to taste
: Levin, “Smells and Tastes.”

The psychologists behind
: Richard J. Stevenson, Trevor I. Case, and Megan J. Oaten, “Effect of Self-Reported Sexual Arousal on Responses to Sex-Related and Non-sex-related Disgust Cues,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior
40, no. 1 (2011): 79–85.

If your personal identity
Free Republic

Homosexuals should never
Free Republic

look at these guys!
”: Ernst Hiemer,
Der Giftpilz: Ein Stürmerbuch für Jung und Alt.
(Nürnberg, 1938).

how the trick
: Yoel Inbar, David Pizarro, and Paul Bloom, “Disgusting Smells Cause Decreased Liking of Gay Men,”
12, no. 1 (2012): 23–27.

express an “affectionate distaste”
: Levin, “Smells and Tastes.”

Girl Scent is a new
”: Ibid., 454.

There does not appear to be
”: Ibid., 458.

When these MHC
: Claus Wedekind, Thomas Seebeck, Florence Bettens, and Alexander J. Paepke, “MHC-Dependent Mate Preferences in Humans,”
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Series B: Biological Sciences
260, no. 1359 (1995): 245–49.

The overall effect
: Ilene L. Bernstein and Mary M. Webster, “Learned Taste Aversions in Humans,”
Physiology and Behavior
25, no. 3 (1980): 363–66.

unhappily gay male
: Barry M. Maletzky and Frederick S. George, “The Treatment of Homosexuality by ‘Assisted’ Covert Sensitization,”
Behaviour Research and Therapy
11, no. 4 (1973): 655–57.

layers of caveat
: Robert Trivers,
Social Evolution
(Menlo Park, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummins, 1985).

need to ‘lower the guard’”
: Stevenson, Case, and Oaten, “Effect of Self-Reported Sexual Arousal on Responses to Sex-Related and Non-sex-related Disgust Cues,” 84.

rate the likelihood
: Hart Blanton and Meg Gerrard, “Effect of Sexual Motivation on Men’s Risk Perception for Sexually Transmitted Disease: There Must Be 50 Ways to Justify a Lover,”
Health Psychology
16, no. 4 (1997): 374.

His body erect
”: Georges Bataille,
Story of the Eye
, trans. Joachim Neugroschel (1928; San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1987), 77.

Now that his balls
”: Ibid., 78.

Nearly a century
: Dan Ariely and George Loewenstein, “The Heat of the Moment: The Effect of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Decision Making,”
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
19, no. 2 (2006): 87–98.

a missing tooth
”: Henry Miller,
Tropic of Cancer
(1934; New Orleans: Quaint Press Books, 2012), 125.

study by the anthropologist
: Daniel M. T. Fessler and C. David Navarrete, “Domain-Specific Variation in Disgust Sensitivity Across the Menstrual Cycle,”
Evolution and Human Behavior
24, no. 6 (2003): 406–17.

Seventy percent of
: Nichole Fairbrother and S. Rachman, “Feelings of Mental Pollution Subsequent to Sexual Assault,”
Behaviour Research and Therapy
42, no. 2 (2004): 173–89.

two groups of female
: Nichole Fairbrother, Sarah J. Newth, and S. Rachman, “Mental Pollution: Feelings of Dirtiness Without Physical Contact,”
Behaviour Research and Therapy
43, no. 1 (2005): 121–30.

I could stand and stare
”: G. B. Rahm, B. Renck, and K. C. Ringsberg, “‘Disgust, Disgust Beyond Description’—Shame Cues to Detect Shame in Disguise, in Interviews with Women Who Were Sexually Abused During Childhood,”
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
13, no. 1 (2006): 105.

measurable physical distance
: John B. Pryor, Glenn D. Reeder, Christopher Yeadon, and Matthew Hesson-McInnis, “A Dual-Process Model of Reactions to Perceived Stigma,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
87, no. 4 (2004): 436.

Suicide rates skyrocket
: Shanta R. Dube et al., “Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim,”
American Journal of Preventive Medicine
28, no. 5 (2005): 430–38.

A study by
: George A. Bonanno et al., “When the Face Reveals What Words Do Not: Facial Expressions of Emotion, Smiling, and the Willingness to Disclose Childhood Sexual Abuse,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
83, no. 1 (2002): 94–110.

By the age of”
: Gilbert Herdt and Martha McClintock, “The Magical Age of 10,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior
29, no. 6 (2000): 596.

case of a Pennsylvania man
Times Leader


People in general
”: Ogai Mori,
Vita Sexualis
, trans. Sanford Goldstein (1946; North Clarendon, Vt.: Tuttle, 2001), 151.

It’s the abundance
”: German E. Berrios, “Classic Text No. 66: ‘Madness from the Womb,’”
History of Psychiatry
17, no. 2 (2006): 231.

From the same seminal
”: Ibid.

openly before all the world
”: Ibid., 232.

The genital parts
”: Ibid., 234.

The feminist sociologist
: Carol Groneman, “Nymphomania: The Historical Construction of Female Sexuality,”
19, no. 2 (1994): 337–67.

a twenty-six-year-old doctor
: Ibid.

If she continued
”: Ibid., 338.

the most infamous
: Ibid.

While I was praying
”: Ibid., 358.

as soon as I
”: Ibid., 357.

an improbable name
: John Studd and Anneliese Schwenkhagen, “The Historical Response to Female Sexuality,”
63, no. 2 (2009): 107–11.

She “found herself”
: Albert Ellis and Edward Sagarin,
Nymphomania: A Study of the Oversexed Woman
(New York: Gramercy, 1964), 61.

She wanted the whole
”: Ibid., 62.

Several homosexual-nymphomaniacal
”: Ibid., 74.

I told Gail
”: Ibid., 78.

If she wanted to try
”: Ibid.

He was doing the right
”: Ibid., 80.

Boys, are you guilty
”: John Harvey Kellogg,
Plain Facts for Old and Young
(1887; Project Gutenberg, 2006),

[Circumcision] should be performed
”: Ibid.

Such a victim
”: Ibid.

the scourge of the human
”: Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, “G. Stanley Hall’s
: Brilliance and Nonsense,”
History of Psychology
9, no. 3 (2006): 192.

Fast-forward to modern
: Global Health Europe,

There’s one notable
: Richard von Krafft-Ebing,
Psychopathia Sexualis: With Special Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct
(Google eBook, 1886).

he could no longer
”: Ibid., 52.

He said that he often suffered
”: Ibid., 51.

For a very long time
: Rory C. Reid, Bruce N. Carpenter, and Thad Q. Lloyd, “Assessing Psychological Symptom Patterns of Patients Seeking Help for Hypersexual Behavior,”
Sexual and Relationship Therapy
24, no. 1 (2009): 47–63.

Satyrs display more
”: Franklin S. Klaf,
Satyriasis: A Study of Male Nymphomania
(New York: Lancer Books, 1966), 93.

Successful encounters led
”: Wayne A. Myers, “Addictive Sexual Behavior,”
American Journal of Psychotherapy
(1995): 476.

excessive expressions
”: Martin P. Kafka, “The Paraphilia-Related Disorders: A Proposal for a Unified Classification of Nonparaphilic Hypersexuality Disorders,”
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
8, nos. 3–4 (2001): 231.

”: Charles Moser, “Hypersexual Disorder: Just More Muddled Thinking,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior
40, no. 2 (2011): 228.

Cultivating whatever
”: Giacomo Casanova,
History of My Life
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977), 20.

Some of the best
: Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin,
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

advent of the Internet
: Al Cooper, “Sexuality and the Internet: Surfing into the New Millennium,”
CyberPsychology and Behavior
1, no. 2 (1998): 187–93.

a set of statistics
: United Families International,

The work of the penis
”: Barry S. Hewlett and Bonnie L. Hewlett, “Sex and Searching for Children Among Aka Foragers and Ngandu Farmers of Central Africa,”
African Study Monographs
31, no. 3 (2010): 112.

Unmarried women
: Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul H. Gebhard,
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1953).

In a 2006 survey
: Niklas Långström and R. Karl Hanson, “High Rates of Sexual Behavior in the General Population: Correlates and Predictors,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior
35, no. 1 (2006): 37–52.

She expired on
”: Subramanian Senthilkumaran et al., “Hypersexuality in a 28-Year-Old Woman with Rabies,”
Archives of Sexual Behavior
40, no. 6 (2011): 1327–28.

condition has likely
: Ralph Lilly, Jeffrey L. Cummings, D. Frank Benson, and Michael Frankel, “The Human Klüver-Bucy Syndrome,”
33, no. 9 (1983): 1141–45.

Since then, Klüver-Bucy syndrome
: Julie Devinsky, Oliver Sacks, and Orrin Devinsky, “Klüver–Bucy Syndrome, Hypersexuality, and the Law,”
16, no. 2 (2010): 140–45.

the overlying skin
”: Krafft-Ebing,
Psychopathia Sexualis
, 51.


Winged Cupid, rash
”: Lucius Apuleius,
The Golden Ass
, trans. William Adlington,

Who flies with
”: Ibid.

I pray thee
”: Ibid.

Variatio delectat!
”: Wilhelm Stekel,
Sexual Aberrations: The Phenomena of Fetishism in Relation to Sex
, trans. S. Parker (1930; New York: Liveright, 1971), 169.

pretty young girl
”: Ibid., 143.

The sight, image
”: Ibid., 145.

We know they date
: Ibid.

a male phenomenon
: James M. Cantor, Ray Blanchard, and Howard E. Barbaree, “Sexual Disorders,” in
Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology
, 2nd ed., ed. Paul H. Blaney and Theodore Millon (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), 527–48.

newborn male rat
: Thomas J. Fillion and Elliot M. Blass, “Infantile Experience with Suckling Odors Determines Adult Sexual Behavior in Male Rats,”
231, no. 4739 (1986): 729–31.

goats were raised
: Keith Kendrick et al., “Sex Differences in the Influence of Mothers on the Sociosexual Preferences of Their Offspring,”
Hormones and Behavior
40, no. 2 (2001): 322–38.

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