Phantom Universe (12 page)

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Authors: Laura Kreitzer

Tags: #pirates, #dystopian, #fantasy, #romance, #science fiction, #human trafficking, #time travel

BOOK: Phantom Universe
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She nods, uncertain of what his mood might mean. To her it is ambiguous at best.

Good. You can call me Captain Travis or Captain Jones. I’ll answer to either.” He pauses as if he’s waiting for her to give her name. She remains silent. “I was told your name’s Summer,” he continues, unperturbed. “You won’t have to see Jag ever again, but you’ll be stuck with my ugly face for a while.” He laughs at his own joke, and she still doesn’t speak.

Captain Jones gestures in the direction of a massive ship and explains, “This is the Cosmos, my ship and your new home. Tonight I’ll show you to your quarters, and tomorrow morning we’ll start with your training.” He grins and walks away. When she doesn’t move he calls out, “Follow!”

Summer swiftly catches up to him as he boards the Cosmos. In the dark she can’t make out much except the ship is huge. Her eyes grow wide as she takes it all in—the thing is larger than several houses combined.

The Captain chuckles at her expression when he checks to make sure she’s still behind him. “You sure are well behaved fer a four year old. I think we’ll get along great here. You’re so quiet—it’s a nice change from my ex-wife.” He laughs at himself again and motions for her to follow.

They enter through a massive metal door and descend several stairs into the depths of the ship. The grey, aluminum walls are closer together than any normal hallways, and it feels like they are closing in on her. She folds her arms around her torso and tries not to shake at the constricted sensation. He halts so abruptly that she almost runs into him. He pushes open a smaller version of the door to the stairs, and it squeals like a piglet.

Ah, piss on it. Needs oil. Anyway, this is yer room. As long as you behave things will run smoothly. I won’t expect you to be perfect immediately, but I won’t hesitate to punish you if you continue to make mistakes as time goes on.” His eyes convey it isn’t an idle threat.

She trembles at the warning, knowing it won’t be five minutes in the corner. No, it’ll be a whiplashing and then all night in the corner licking her wounds. She steps past the threshold and advances into the shadows of the unknown. There are no words she can say to him as he closes the big metal door and leaves her in the blinding dark. It’s practically a relief to be alone again.

Welcome home
, she thinks gloomily. Dispirited, she understands what she must do to survive. Silence is the only way to preserve.
I will never talk again
, she promises herself.




16 years old


Jaden and Summer lie close to the dulling fire, their bellies full from the rabbit and noodles. The lacery sauce ended up being a tangy flavor with a hint of oregano and spicy pepper. Jaden is already asleep, but Summer is wide awake and being observant like always. Eyes stay closed as she listens into the conversations of the people around her and learns more and more about this strange world they have stumbled upon.

What game are you playing?” whispers Max vehemently to Gage. “Just because you were trained to be a Lifer, doesn’t mean you know everything about the Canadian League.”

Your opinion doesn’t matter, Everfast,” Gage says dryly. “I’m still in charge, and we’ll contact headquarters tomorrow for a lift for the girls. Then you can go on your merry way and find more Outlanders.”

And what are you going to do?”

Cameron and I will go with them in the hovercraft,” he replies quietly.

You’re a soldier, not a nurse. Leave that up to Cameron,” snarls Max.

Enough,” Bruce cuts in. “You’re going to wake them.”

She’s obviously grown attached to Gage,” retorts Cameron quietly. “For the best care she should not be placed in the path of more psychological damage. That means Jaden stays with her at the hospital, and Gage stands guard at the door—best case scenario. Both of these girls have been tortured and enslaved most of their lives and all you two can think about is sending them to the camps. Did they scoop out your heart when they placed the shiny badge there?”

They’re Outlanders,” states Max disapprovingly.

They’re human beings—just like you and me,” argues Gage.

These are the people from the famous exodus that started World War Three! We always wondered where those millions of people went—everyone blamed—” Max snaps his fingers like he’s trying to find the name. “Ah, I forget the name of the organization. And then they pointed their fingers at the U.S.” He laughs quietly without humor. “Now we know where they all went, eh? Into the future!”

The Outlanders already claimed the lives of several citizens,” adds Paige. “They come here with their bad attitudes and primitive weapons. President Beaumont is right to capture and hold the Outlanders until we integrate them into our society.”

Cameron snorts. “Join our society? You realize this is just a ploy, right? Once the majority is gathered together, the President will make sure they’re extinct. Then he’ll send the League out to finish the rest of them off. It’s disgusting.”

Summer begins to sweat at Cameron’s words, and her heart knocks against her chest. She’s so frozen and afraid to move she wonders if she can fake dead so they’ll leave her. She wishes to wake Jaden, but is afraid they’ll see her move.

These girls are victims of the old ways,” states Gage firmly. “They aren’t the enemy.”

We’ve seen their trickery,” barks Max loudly and is shushed immediately.

Those scars are real—some of them newer, some of them years old. This is obviously not some story,” disputes Cameron. “And Summer’s starvation is blatant. They aren’t a threat!”

Shut up, White Hat. You aren’t even a doctor yet,” mutters Paige. Max laughs.

Summer can taste the tension in the air it’s so thick.

You’re just jealous that you’ve wasted your life training to be an actress when you know they won’t let you on screen with your hideous face,” Cameron snaps back bitingly.

There’s a scuffle, and whispers break out.

Stop it!”

Grow up.”

You’re going to wake them!”

You’re just a splash head!” sneers Cameron.

And you’re a goldhole!” insults Paige.

There’s a gasp before silence spreads like a menacing gas, and Summer wonders what a “goldhole” is.

You did not just say that?” Cameron finally says, hurt.

I’ve heard the rumors. Spreading your legs didn’t help you, did it?” The sound of a slap echoes in the night air, and Summer shudders at the sound.

I guess what’s between isn’t as golden as you believe,” continues Paige. “Because you were still called to duty with the League.”

Cameron—no!” shouts Gage, the argument escalating.

There’s no mistaking the sounds of a fight exploding only twenty feet away from Summer’s head. No longer frozen, she shakes Jaden awake, and then points to the full-blown fight. Jaden’s brown eyes go wide at the sight, and Summer begs with her eyes for them to run. She’s scared, her heart beating like a snare, her breath quick with anxiety, and her body phantom aching from her mental scars of being beaten. Faster than she thought Jaden could move, she’s yanked to her feet.

They take off down the beach, Summer’s body protesting with the exertion. Jaden’s arm wraps securely around her waist as she practically drags her into the trees. Regardless of the excruciating pain, she’s completely unrepentant about eavesdropping on their conversation.

Shouts erupt down the beach, and she hears them yelling, “They got away!”

Jaden pulls her into a thickly vegetated area and pushes her into the thickest section, following behind. They crouch there, breaths thick with fear.

If they come close, don’t try to run. Hopefully they’ll think we’ve gone farther than this,” Jaden whispers right into Summer’s ear. “Also, shut your mouth so they can’t hear you breathe if they are close.” Summer nods once and holds completely still, her blood rushing through her veins and breath rattling.

They can’t have gone that far,” says Max to someone.

Not if Jaden had to carry Summer,” Paige adds with a laugh. “Everyone, turn your heat vision on.”

Shit,” Jaden breaths.

Summer remembers reading something about heat vision one time—means even in the dark they’ll be able to find them just by their body heat.
The water!
she wants to shout, but knows she won’t.

Footsteps are coming in their direction and they both stiffen, their palms sweaty as they hold hands.

Summer? Jaden? It’s Gage . . . I won’t hurt you.” His voice is a mere whisper in the darkness. “I know you’re there.”

In the distance someone shouts, “Found them!”

Please, come with me,” Gage insists quietly. “I’ll protect you, I promise.”

She can’t help but believe him—he’s defended them every step of the way. Suddenly his hand thrusts between the brush, and he holds it out for her to take. She places her hand in his hesitantly.

There’s a scream and loud chuckling from far away. She jerks her hand away, but Gage grabs hold before she can.

I think that possum about took your fingers off,” Bruce roars joyously. Another howl of laughter is followed by an angry growl.

Trust me,” Gage says to the girls.

Jaden helps push Summer through the brush while Gage pulls her forward. She stumbles right into his chest, and he wraps an arm around her automatically. She steps away hastily as he reaches to help Jaden.

Follow me,” he says and starts to walk away.

They don’t move, unsure what to do. Plus, she is out of breath, aching all over, and is using all of her energy just to stand again. The last sprint took everything out of her.

Do you want to go?” Jaden whispers in her hear. She nods.

Gage realizes they aren’t moving and turns. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs.

She can barely stand,” explains Jaden inaudibly.

He makes his way back, picks Summer up, and cradles her in his arms. She encircles his neck for support and feels a backpack’s straps around his shoulders. “Right pocket there’s an external pair of heat vision glasses,” he tells Jaden who then reaches for them. “Follow closely behind me.”

They begin to move swiftly through the trees, and Jaden pops up next to him. “Why are you helping us?” Her voice is barely audible.

It’s not right . . . I’ll explain later.”

Right. Of course.” Jaden falls behind him as the area grows dense with underbrush.

Branches scratch Summer’s face and drag along her skin with their spindly tendrils. She unhooks her arms from his neck and pulls them into her body to protect herself. Gage’s breath is heavy with exertion and warm in her hair. His nose touches her head, and she hears him whisper, “I’m sorry,” before he pulls away. They step into an opening that glows under the moon and stars. It’s sandy like the desert and standing only fifty feet away is the outline of a person.

Cameron,” Gage greets the silhouette.

What’s going on?” Jaden asks impatiently.

Not now,” he tells her. “We still need to find a place to hide.”

I’ve lost them, but we need to hurry,” Cameron says hastily. “I’ve called for a transport, but all I receive is static in return. I tried to contact my family to find out what’s happening, but the same thing happens. Did you try?”

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