Phil Parham (17 page)

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Authors: The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids

BOOK: Phil Parham
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Something to Think About

Have you ever been given a present for your birthday or Christmas that was wrapped so pretty you couldn't wait to see what was inside? Maybe when no one was looking, you shook it a few times to figure out what it was.

Guess what? You are one of God's presents to the world. There are gifts inside of you that only you have. You are unique and special, and your dreams are the clues to what is inside God's “present.” What do I mean by that? When you dream about something you want to do or be when you grow up, it's as though you are shaking that wrapped gift. Your dreams are the clues to the plan God has for your life.

What are your clues? Do you dream about traveling to other countries? Do you dream about flying an airplane? Do you dream about being a mom or dad? Whatever your dreams are, they are a part of what makes you
They are your desires, and the Bible says that God gives us the desires of our heart (see Psalm 37:4). When we realize that some dreams are given to us by God, we can use them to help guide our future.

I'm sure that your dreams include being healthy and happy. That's why it's so important to start now and make your health a priority. No one wants to open a present that has been broken. Make sure you don't let anything come between you being the best present you can be.

Something to Talk About

1. How can what you dream about hold a clue to your future?

2. What do you want to be when you grow up? How could being unhealthy prevent you from doing that?

3. Why do you need to be healthy to live out your dreams?

Tip of the Day

Make a “Life List” of things you want to do in your life. If you want to go to Europe or climb Mount Rainer, write it down. If you write down your goals, you'll be more likely to try to achieve them and mark them off the list.

Face the Facts

ood health is a big deal. When we are healthy, we have more energy. We are more fit. We have less of a chance of getting sick or getting diseases. And being healthy means we generally feel better inside and out. Some days can feel like a chore when it comes to focusing on your health, but through these challenges, you'll learn more about why you need to keep going and not quit.

DAY 11–
A Word from Amy
Something to Think About

When I tried losing weight before the show, I didn't do it for the right reasons. I just wanted to wear pretty clothes and look skinny. What I didn't know about being overweight was all the bad stuff that was happening inside my body where I couldn't see it.

I went to a doctor one day and he took a picture of my insides. I was shocked at what I saw. The extra fat was not only showing on the outside, but it was right there on the inside, crowding around my organs and keeping them from working properly. My lungs had so much fat around them I couldn't breathe well. This is why I got out of breath so quickly when I would try to run. The extra fat was also crowding around my heart, intestines, and stomach. All these organs need to work properly for you to be healthy and feel well.

It's fun to think about looking good on the outside, but what we need to focus on is our insides. Remember, you are valuable and need to be healthy to fulfill your purpose in life. Take care of your insides and the outside will follow.

Something to Talk About

1. Why should we think about more than just our outward appearance when it comes to our health?

2. Do you have any physical symptoms that might indicate you are unhealthy in some area? Do you get out of breath easily or do you get tired during the day at school?

3. Name three things you can do to keep your insides healthy.

Tip of the Day

Cardio exercise—such as running, swimming, and playing sports like basketball and soccer—is good for your heart and lungs. Try to do some type of physical activity five days a week.

DAY 12–
A Word from Amy
Something to Think About

Can you remember a time that you really, really wanted something and your mom or dad told you no? Chances are, you were pretty upset. You may have even had a little pity party, stuck your lip out, or slammed a door or two.

When you don't get what you ask for, it can make you sad or even mad sometimes. That's a normal reaction. But here's the scoop. When your parents say no, it's usually because they love you and are trying to protect you.

For instance, your mom might say no at the grocery store when you beg her to buy you cookies or your dad tells you no when you beg for candy at the checkout lane. Even though it doesn't feel like it at the time, by saying no, your parents are taking care of your health.

Did you know that because sugar is high in calories, too much sugar in your diet can be a contributing factor in a disease called diabetes? Diabetes is a condition where the body can't process sugar properly. Sometimes people who have diabetes have to take insulin shots every day to make them feel better. You wouldn't want to have to do that, would you? So the next time your mom or dad says no when you ask them for a sugary snack or drink, remember that they are really saying, “I love you.”

Something to Talk About

1. Discuss a time or two when your parents told you no.

2. How did it make you feel? Mom or Dad, explain to your child your reason for saying no.

3. Why is eating too much sugar bad?

Tip of the Day

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects more and more children. Do some research as a family about this condition so you can understand it better.

DAY 13–
A Word from Amy
Something to Think About

Most of us know that when we are overweight, it makes us feel bad physically; we usually feel tired and sluggish. We also know how bad it is for our heart, lungs, and other organs. What we don't think about very often is how extra weight is especially hard on our feet.

Our feet are amazing little machines, but God built them to carry only so much weight. When we carry extra weight on our bodies, especially when we are young, it can cause us to have problems with our feet. We may get flat feet, a condition where our feet have little to no arch in them. Having flat feet can lead to an overload on our joints and tendons. This can cause our feet and legs to be in pain all the time. When we are in pain, the last thing we want to do is exercise. When we don't exercise, we become inactive and lazy. See how this vicious circle can hold you back from being healthy?

What can you do to change this? You can make sure you maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if you need to. You also need to make sure that you are wearing proper shoes so that your feet get the right support they need. A good pair of running shoes will fix this problem.

So pay attention to your feet and take care of them. They are the only ones you have!

Something to Talk About

1. Why is it so important to your feet that you maintain a healthy weight?

2. What can happen to your body if you carry an excessive amount of weight?

3. What are some ways you can take care of your feet?

Tip of the Day

Try to buy your shoes at a store that caters to runners and other athletes. The people who work there can help you determine the type of shoe that's best for you.

DAY 14–
A Word from Amy

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