Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel (6 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel
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Chapter 7


                            Brice got exactly what he wanted; that kiss turned me into mush. He wanted me only thinking about him during my meeting and it was damn near impossible to think about anything else. His body had felt like heaven pressed up against mine. There must not be an ounce of fat on him, because he was hard all over and I felt the hard evidence of his arousal against my belly. I was all but rubbing up against it, trying to get closer. Never before have I been kissed like that, it was totally consuming.

              I had to really concentrate to focus on my meeting with Philip Worthington and if it wasn’t so important, I’m not sure that I could have. Jed had everything drawn up beforehand. I really don’t know what I would do without him. I could tell he was upset about having caught me and Brice together, but he didn’t say anything about it, so I just let it go. When Philip joined our table, I felt Brice’s eyes on me.

              “Mr. Worthington,” I shook his hand. “Before we discuss any type of business, I will need you to sign a confidentiality agreement. I will, of course, abide by the contract as well, as it is stated in the agreement.” Jed produced two copies of the agreement which he looked over thoroughly before signing. “Now, let’s get down to business.”

              I explained to him everything. I told him about the embezzlement my parents were committing and my desire to sell the company without pressing charges. I knew they would lose their jobs and they fully deserved that and worse. He needed to understand that pursuing legal action against them would just rain hell down on me that I didn’t need or want.

              We talked back and forth and at the end of it all, I still didn’t have a buyer. He said that he would have to think about it, but he would let me know at breakfast in the morning. When we were saying goodbye, he leaned in close to whisper in my ear. “I’ve got a man staring daggers at me and he has been since the moment I sat down. I’ve also noticed him undressing you with his eyes. Do I need to do something about this?”

              I laughed and told him no. I felt his lips graze my cheek before he pulled back. His grin let me know that he was doing it for the sole purpose of getting to Brice and I wanted to laugh. Toying with Brice was funny. I would never toy with him seriously, but little pokes like this I felt were harmless enough.

              “I’ll see you tomorrow and thank you for your discretion in all areas.” I shook his hand goodbye. When he left, I turned to Jed, “How was New York? Any progress?”

              “We have multiple offers on McKenzie’s place. I told the agent to take the best one. We should be expecting that to start going through by next week. As far as your estate goes, with your parents living there, I can’t really do much without tipping our hand. I’ve discretely talked to realtors about value. The estimate is in the folder I gave you. I’ve also talked to an estate managing company. Once you’re ready, we can send them in to do an appraisal of the furnishings. My suggestion is to play everything close to the chest and then lay all our cards on the table at once.”

              I nodded, taking in everything he was saying. “We will do as you suggest. Just please keep me posted. Are you still tracking their movements?”

              “Yes, I have someone tracking them. They haven’t even hinted at a movement toward Texas. As far as I know, they are still unaware of your grandmother’s passing.”

              “Great. I hope that is not going to be an issue for Worthington. He seemed pretty upset that the stockholders were unaware of the company’s majority shareholder being traded hands without anyone’s knowledge. Truthfully, Grams has been conducting her business through someone else for years, so they wouldn’t know one way or the other.”

              “Yes. Let’s just hope for the best. We need to join Brice now, he’s been watching us the whole time.”

              I smiled at him. “Yes, I know. I felt it.”




              They guys met me in the lobby at seven as planned. Brice’s hair was still wet from the shower he had. He was in new dark wash jeans and wore a white chambray shirt rolled up to his elbows. My mouth watered. I wanted to lick and nibble my way down his body. I felt my panties grow wet again. It was a double edge sword; being around him and wearing panties. If I wore them, they ended up wet within moments. If I didn’t wear them, I’d have wetness running down my thighs. It is a delicious and yet annoying problem to be experiencing all the time. 

              Jed was standing beside him. He was a nice looking man for being in his sixties. His hair was salt and pepper, heavy on the salt. He wore it close cropped, probably from his days in the service, if I had to guess. Jed is one of those men that his looks just get more distinguished with age. Hell, he could give Brice a run for his money, if he was thirty years younger. With the men standing side by side, I drew up short.

              I looked back and forth between the two of them. The way they stood, their mannerisms, how they held themselves, and their grins both of which were growing wider. “I think she’s figured it out, dad.” I heard Brice say.

              “I believe so, son,” Jed responded with a chuckle. I shook my head and approached them.

              “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Jed, seeing as I have spent more time with him.

              “A couple reasons; one, being it hasn’t come up and two, it’s just not something we tell. If you know us well enough, you figure it out eventually.” He winked at me. “You ready to head out?”

              “Yes.” I walked between them and Brice slipped his arm around my waist. His hand rested on my hip at the top of my jeans and he slipped his thumb under the hem of my shirt, grazing the sensitive flesh beneath. I shivered in response to his touch. “Your dad is right there,” I whispered, though I’m sure Jed heard me.

              “Yes, he is, and he is also playing chaperone and making sure that I stay in my bed alone tonight, so a little touch on the flesh of your hip is all I’m going to get. I’m taking it.” He leaned in and nipped my earlobe with his teeth. I moaned involuntarily.

              Jed cleared his throat for the second time today. “Sorry, Jed,” I said. My face was on fire. “Behave,” I muttered to Brice and he laughed. The rich sound vibrated through his chest, the deep timber sent warmth through my body.
“Panties are pointless,”
I muttered, but when Brice groaned, I realized I didn’t mutter soft enough.

              “Don’t make me separate you two,” Jed grumbled.




              We ended up at a bar, there were Stetsons and boots everywhere and country music blaring through the sound system. I fortunately had worn my knee high boots and a brown and turquoise pattern shirt. The turquoise I knew made my eyes pop. We were sitting around talking, mainly I was listening to Jed and Brice tell stories about their years in the club and Jed told a few of Brice growing up. We were having a great time kicking back a few beers and laughing.

              Brice excused himself for a moment and left Jed and I at the table. “He’s my son and I love him. Nothing would make me happier than to see you two end up together, but make sure you are ready, Abby. I’ve given him the same warning. I don’t want to see either of you hurt.” 

              It was not what I was expecting him to say. He didn’t strike me as the person to try to interfere in anyone’s personal life. I wasn’t mad about his warning. I know he meant it well and I found it very comforting that he was trying to look out for me. I have my own reservations and worries about his son.

              “Dance with me.” Brice was beside my chair, his hand held out palm up. The dance floor was crowded, but there was still room. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me to my feet. As we made our way to the floor, the song changed to a slower one. He wrapped his arms around me and held my other hand against his chest. He pulled me close as the music played. My head fell forward to rest on his shoulder as the Restless Heart song played overhead. The group sang about a girl with golden hair and blue eyes haunting a man who had messed up. I sucked in a breath when he started singing the song softly in my ear. He was off key, but I had never heard anything better. If Brice kept this up, I would be falling for him hard. 

              “You are such an enigma,” I whispered to him.

              “What do you mean?”

              “Badass biker and serenading romantic… It is unexpected, but I like it.”

              “I’m glad you like it, Abby.” I stiffened in his arms at the sound of my name. “Jed was mad at me for kissing you. He was reaming me a new one and it slipped out. Your secret is safe with me, as will all your secrets be when you are ready to tell me what they are. I meant what I said earlier, Abs, I want your trust and eventually I will have it.”

              “You mistake my secrets for being mine alone. I’m not just protecting myself, Brice. I’m protecting Ember, too, like she once protected me.”

              “I can protect you both if you let me, Abby.” The song was winding down, we had mindlessly been moving to the music, not really paying attention to anyone or anything but each other.

“Give me time, Brice.” He nodded and kissed me on the cheek as the song ended.

We had a few more beers before we decided to grab a bite to eat. One thing that I have grown to love about Texas are the little hole in the wall Mexican food restaurants. If I thought I loved food before I tasted real Mexican food, I was mistaken. To maintain my weight and not put anymore curves on my body, I had to up my time on the treadmill because fajitas were my weakness. 

              The restaurant was small and had a few other patrons, but mostly it was empty since it was almost closing time. The conversation flowed freely between the three of us. Mostly we discussed the bar and what my plans for it were. It was a good night of laughter and good company. We had lingered over the meal until closing when they came to kick us out.

              Ever the gentlemen, Brice and Jed walked me to my room where we said goodnight and went our separate ways. I watched Brice as he was walking further down the hall. His ass was tight and round and looked amazing in his jeans. I was checking him out when he turned around and caught me looking. He grinned at me and threw me a wink. I smiled back and shrugged, then stuck my tongue out at him before going into my room.   




I was just crawling into bed after my shower when Mac’s phone rang. I saw Brice’s name ‘Grit’ flash across the screen. God, I had it bad, if just seeing his name come on the screen as he was calling made my body flush with desire, I was a goner. “Brice,” I said, answering the phone in what I hoped was a sexy sleepy voice.

              “Did I wake you?”

              “No, I was just sliding into bed after my shower.” I was hoping my words would paint an appealing picture in his head and by the sound of his growl, I guess my words hit their mark.

              “You are an evil woman, putting that thought in my head when I can’t do anything about it.” His emphasis on the second head made me chuckle. “Honey, the things I want to do to that delectable body of yours would have you moaning my name in minutes.” He took a deep breath. It sounded like he was trying to gain control of himself. “I have two questions for you.”

              “What’s that?”

              “Did you think about our kiss while you were in your meeting?” His voice came across low and seductive. I shivered in response.

              I thought about telling him no, but I decided to tell him the truth and see where this conversation would lead. “Yes, if it wasn’t so important, I wouldn’t have been able to focus. I also felt your stare the whole time.”

              “Good. Question two, what are you wearing?” I could hear the smile in his voice.

              I chuckled and paused before answering. I was in plain Jane panties and a tee shirt that hung down to my thighs, but I decided to flirt with him a little. This could be fun and get interesting really fast. My nipples were already tight and hard and my panties were already wet. I quickly slipped my panties and tee off being careful not to jostle the phone. “Well,” I said pausing for effect, “it appears that I’m wearing Egyptian cotton sheets, a high thread count if I were to guess.”

              “Fuck.” It was half groan half plea for more. “God, Abby.”

              “Well, if that’s all the questions you have, I guess I’ll say goodnight.” I said in a way too chipper voice. I had moisture pooling between my thighs, goose bumps cascading up and down my body and shivers wracking my nerves. Brice had me hot and bothered, something I had not experienced before, not to this degree. 

              “Don’t hang up,” he ground out, “I have more questions now.”

              “Oh?” I knew what was about to happen and it excited me. Brice excited me.

              “Yeah. Is your room too cold?”

              Ok, so not what I was expecting, yet, but I’ll play along. “A little. I have the AC turned down”

              “Are your nipples hard?” he rasped.

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