Phoenix Fallen (9 page)

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Authors: Heather R. Blair

Tags: #Romance, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romantic, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Psychics

BOOK: Phoenix Fallen
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"It's extortion, is what is. You've made over a grand on me this year alone, you little blackmailer."

Fannie's eyes narrowed.

"You want me to lay him out for you, baby?" This from Scott, who was still grinning, his green eyes dancing.

"Try it, tree-hugger." Jules warned.

"Oh, don't
me, you big, bad vampire you," Scott raised his hands in mock fear and at the innocent motion, the willow next to Jules slapped him smartly on the ass.

"Jesus Christ!" Jules juggled his beer, foam spilling over his fingers and down his front as Fannie, Rissa and the kids howled. "There is something wrong with you, white boy."

"Don't mess with the honkie. I got skills. Besides, I'm cooking your steak." Scott shook the barbeque fork at him. "Be nice or I'll serve you shoe leather instead of bloody damn cow."


"I think I like your friends, Jules." Rissa said hours later, leaning against the passenger side door when he went to open it.

"Everyone likes them. It's the food, you see."

She swatted his arm lightly. "No, it's not." Her eyes darkened, and Jules got the disconcerting feeling she was x-raying him with those icy blues, all the way down to his soul. "They really are more like your family than just your friends, aren't they?"

He shrugged, and since she was blocking him opening her door anyway, he pressed her back into the car. His fingers teased a bright curl gleaming against her pale skin. "You could say that."

"And you brought me to meet them." Her tone was considering.

Jules dropped her hair. "Fannie wanted to meet you."

Rissa's lips twisted. "You told her about me?"

"Of course. I was complaining about what a goddamn pain in the ass you are."

"Sure you were." Her fingers trailed up his arm, then hooked the lapel of his coat, pulling him down to her mouth. But she didn't kiss him. She just stared into his face, her breath soft against his lips. "So, when are you gonna fuck me, Jules?"

"God, woman, you don't quit." His hands tightened at his sides, as desire curled hot in his gut. She always beat him to the punch.

"You practically made a promise yesterday in my dressing room." Her hand had slid under his collar. Then she went to her toes to cup the back of his neck, caressing his skin, the edge of his hairline as Jules felt heat cascade from her touch down his spine.

"Is that how you took it?" He tried for cool, wanting to throw her off, to unsettle her as much as she unsettled him.

Rissa let out an impatient breath, pulling back from him. Frowning, she stepped aside so he could open the door. "You're a tease, Jules Gentry. You run hot and cold just like that stupid Katy Perry song. I'm getting tired of—"

"Now." He yanked open the door with a growl, abruptly tired of playing this game. She blinked from the car to him, a tiny vertical line between her eyebrows.

He rolled his eyes. "You asked when I was going to fuck you. That's my answer.
Get in the damn car, Rissa."

With more than a touch of satisfaction he watched her swallow hard and for once do as she was told. He shut the passenger door and stalked over to the driver's side.

That felt good, not as good as being inside her was going to feel, but pretty goddamn good.


They sat in silence the whole way to his house. Rissa didn't squirm, but it was an effort. Anticipation purred warm in her tummy. She wanted this man, had wanted him since the moment he'd stepped through that lounge door. That it was actually going to happen at last felt rather surreal.

She felt his gaze between her shoulder blades as he followed her up the walk to his door. When he reached around her to unlock the door, she sucked in a breath as his arm brushed her side, every sense alert to his nearness.

"It feels damn good to know that you want me so bad, Rissa." She heard the satisfied smile in his words as his hand pressed into the small of her back, guiding her over the threshold. It ticked her off. Rissa turned to face him, folding her arms over her chest.

"I didn't realize you had such an arrogant side. I don't think I like it."

His eyebrows shot up as he shut the door behind him. "I may be arrogant, Rissa," he moved forward, forcing her back step by step. "But I'm sure as hell not
Like a big, dark predator he closed in, until the space between them dwindled to nothing.

He was warm against her, the blood of their last night's feeding still swirling inside him. Her breasts tingled against the hard plane of his chest, her nipples drawing tight. Jules cupped the side of her face, his thumb running gently over her lips.

"Am I?"

Rissa gasped as he yanked her hip up and into him, the ridge of his cock grinding against her.

"Do you want this, Rissa? Do you want
" She shuddered in need as his eyes bored into hers. The primal reaction was all the answer he needed. His mouth came down, holding her lips and body prisoner as he ravished both.

Jules tasted like whiskey and smoke, hot on her tongue as he spun her through the hall and slammed her up against the wall.

Her fingers shoved his coat back and off, digging into the carved muscles of his arms as his mouth left hers and trailed over her skin. He kissed and nipped his way to her collarbone, dropping one hand to her buttons, cursing when one pinged across the room.

"Darling, I love your clothes, but this fancy shit doesn't make for easy access." His growl of frustration made her laugh.

"Rip it off, I don't care."

She didn't have to tell him twice. With a yank, he tore the bodice of the vintage sundress right down the middle, the pop and rattle of metal buttons hitting the hardwood floor fading under the sounds of her whimpers as Jules cupped her breasts in his hands. Squeezing firmly, his thumbs finding her aching nipples through the ivory lace of her bra, rubbing them to fat points. The heat of his mouth surrounded one tight peak and she cried out at the piercing pleasure that stabbed straight to her core.

"Jules," she whispered his name, running her hands over his head, the brush of his hair making her palms tingle. Rissa leaned back, closing her eyes as his lips moved over her skin. Hot, sucking kisses over her breasts, down her ribs and the hollow of her belly.

His hand reached between her legs, cupping her sex, his satisfied grunt buzzed against her as Jules felt the damp heat of her panties and squeezed. The delicious pressure had her eyes flying open, her breath coming faster. She ground against his hand, pleading with her eyes.
Didn't he realize how long she had waited for this?
He tugged the fabric aside and she saw his jaw tighten when his fingers found her slick core. She cried out, arching helplessly.

"Please, Jules!
Goddamn it,"
her nails sank into the skin at the back of his neck, her arms shaking. Jules' gaze was dark, scorching and utterly possessive as he looked up.

"I'm not gonna fuck you against a wall, not this first time." His eyes burned into hers. "But I
gonna make you come right here, right now. No more waiting, Rissa," He knelt in front of her and Rissa started to gasp in earnest; fast, panting gasps that had her seeing him through stars.

He lifted her thigh and pulled it onto his shoulder, turning his head and kissing the delicate skin there. The tingling shock as his teeth nipped her.

Then his breath was against her slit, his hot tongue teasing her open as Rissa let her head fall back, her eyes finding the ceiling as she tried to find air. She laced her fingers behind his head, holding his mouth to her, rocking her hips while his tongue drove inside her.

He got her other leg over his shoulder and his big hands on her ass as he lifted her. His heavy shoulder muscles rolled under her thighs. The sheer power of him made her every bone in her body threaten to melt.

Her fingers tightened in the thick nap of his hair, her nails digging into his scalp as her voice pleaded with him.

"More, Jules. Please, I need…I

He knew what she needed before she could get the words out.

Bracing her against the wall again, he got a hand between her thighs and a fingertip teased her entrance as she begged shamelessly.

Slowly, he pushed the thick digit into her slick pussy, her muscles clenching down as her moans filled the room. In and out, one finger filling her, then two.

His full lips kept on sucking her clit, the tip of his tongue flicking over the tiny, pulsing nub as her spine bowed back, the pleasure pulling her into a taut, trembling line of need.

With a sharp cry, her control snapped.

She came violently and hard; her thighs quivering, tight against his head as the sweet rush of heat flooded her from head to toe.

Rissa was left weak in the aftermath, unable to stand. Not that Jules gave her a chance to. He got to his feet, swinging her into his arms and moving purposefully for the stairs. Her face curled into his chest as he climbed, her numb fingers playing with the buttons of his shirt.

worth waiting for." She looked at him from under her lashes, seeing his lips curve at her whispered words.

"Told you so." He halted in front a door just barely ajar. Then he stole her breath again when he looked down at her before kicking it open. "But Rissa, you aren't even going to remember that little warm up by the end of the night."

She didn't agree. There was no part of this night she planned on forgetting. Not the feel of him laying her back in the bed and peeling every last scrap of fabric from her body. Or the sight of him stripping down at the foot of the bed. His body was sculpted ebony perfection. All hard curves of muscle and rigid lines.  But the one that made her mouth dry was between his legs.

He was beautiful, hard and swollen and he made her tummy flutter with need all over again. She opened her arms to him and in seconds he was over her, that big, warm body pressing her into the sheets. His mouth on hers as she sucked the taste of herself off his lips.


She was so gorgeous it made him ache. Literally. Not just in his cock, which was sure as hell throbbing madly, but in every pore of his soul.

There was a rose flush to her pale curves; the color highlighting her cheeks, the tips of her luscious breasts, the elegant line of her collarbone and glistening line of her core where his mouth had sent her over the edge.

He had her scent in his nose, her taste in his throat. A more delicious combination than he could have ever imagined. Her eyes flashed up at him, sparkling blue diamonds. Her hair was a vibrant scarlet flag, framing that lovely face.

When he moved into her arms, he reached for that skein of hair, wrapping a fistful around his hand. Pulling it down, teasing the tip of one full breast with the silky strands before he cupped the warm weight in his hand.

The colors of them together were mesmerizing. The fiery blaze of her hair, and the dark press of his fingers into her alabaster flesh. He squeezed, watching the tight pink bud of her nipple burst between his knuckles. Jules bent his head to suck it into his mouth, barely hearing her cries as she twisted under him.

He wanted her
now. Wanted to hear her shatter the night air with his name. He bit down, not gently, and felt her ass come off the bed. With a low curse, he pushed his way between her legs, spreading those taut thighs wide for his entry. He curled his hand around his cock, running the tip against her, letting it part those sweet, soaked lips.

It was a tantalizing sight, but the feel of her against him had him closing his eyes and taking a shaky breath.

He wanted this woman. Wanted her too fucking much for any kind of comfort. But it was too late for second thoughts. His eyes snapped open and he drove his hips forward with ruthless abandon.

Her slick insides clamped down as he buried himself deep. Squeezing every swollen inch of him while Jules hissed in pleasure.

He took her hard then, and fast. Loving the slap of their bodies coming together, the feel of her silky skin under his hands, the way her muscles clenched down the length of his cock before her head fell back, the white line of her throat…before he could stop himself Jules bent, his fangs sinking into Rissa's skin.

She whimpered once in shock, then screamed as her orgasm hit, pulling Jules down into the rushing current with her, both of them going silent as the pleasure crashed over them.

Jules knew he was crushing her, but he couldn't move. He couldn't see, or maybe his eyelids just weren't working. The taste of Rissa had been more potent that he remembered.

But it wasn't her blood that had him so satisfied, floating in the warm waves of one hell of an afterglow. He felt
for the first time in a very long time. Before Paris, yes. But even farther back. It had been ages and ages since he felt this free and at the same time so settled, so relaxed, so at

Jules inhaled; taking in the smell of their sex, of Rissa's own honeysuckle scent, before finally rolling off of her to lie back in his bed. He tucked one hand behind his head and hauled her up against his side with the other.

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