Picture Perfect Murder (Ryli Sinclair 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Picture Perfect Murder (Ryli Sinclair 1)
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I lifted my head and noticed she was busy putting
ketamine in my tea. “This’ll make it feel better,” she assured me as she turned
and set the container back on the counter.

In that moment I hurried and text a reply of
help church
and hit send. I think it actually came out
hep chuch
, but I knew Garrett
would understand.

I wasn’t sure how much time had gone by since my initial
ingestion of the ketamine, but I knew from my research that it could take as
little as twenty minutes for the drug to do its job. I knew I had to do

Leaning over the island, Sharon picked up my hot tea and
brought it to her lips. I watched silently as she blew on it and stared me

“There, that should do the trick,” she said. “I would
typically toy with you a while longer. I love hearing them beg,” she giggled.
“But I have to get home soon. Preacher is expecting his dinner any time now,
and he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” She brought the cup to my lips. “Drink
it!” she demanded.

 With all the strength I had, I lifted my arms and
shove the scalding tea in her face. Her blood-curdling scream jolted me
backward. I tripped over my feet and fell to the floor. Scrambling, I tried to
stand. It took me three times before I could manage.

I glanced over at Sharon. She’d managed to wipe the liquid
off her face and was starting toward me with the knife. Terrified, I turned
toward the booths hoping to escape.

Even though my mind was fuzzy, I could still remember where
some of the games were located. I decided to go for the baseball toss. I
remembered the balls were already in the baskets.

You know those terrifying dreams you have where you are
running for your life, only to be running in place? That’s what I was
experiencing. In my mind I was Florence Griffith-Joyner...in reality I was a
snail swimming through peanut butter.

Hoping I could get to the baseball toss quickly, I took off
like a rocket. Unfortunately for me, Miss Rocket tripped and careened headfirst
into the duck pond booth. My head hit the lip of the plastic kiddie pool filled
with water and plastic ducks. I fell to the floor on my hands and knees. The
pool, which was sitting on a wooden platform, tipped over and fell on top of
me. I was soaked.

I heard Sharon scream. “Look what you did to the carpet, you
clumsy bitch!”

I shoved the empty kiddie pool off me and once again
scrambled to my feet. Sharon was practically on top of me. The plastic pool hit
Sharon’s feet, tripping her up. As she started to stumble, she brought the
knife down, inches from my boobs and stomach.

I’d always wanted a little work done, but not that way.
Taking off once again for the baseball toss, I prayed Garrett was on his way.
Hearing Sharon’s crazy breathing practically in my ear, I knew I had to just
grab some balls and go. I came upon the baseball booth and grabbed two balls
without stopping.


I felt pain radiate down my back. The crazy bitch had taken
my idea and hit me with a ball! I turned on my heel and threw with all my
might. The ball stopped a foot from where she was standing. I told myself it
was the effect of the drug and not my lack of athleticism that had the ball
falling flat.

Sharon doubled over…laughing so hard she had to hold her
side. “Oh, my God! You’re pathetic. It’s almost a shame to have to end your
pathetic little life!” With that she took off after me again, knife raised.

I waited until she got a little closer and heaved the ball
as hard as I could at her.


This time the ball went a little higher, and I actually hit
her…right in the crotch. I started to laugh as she doubled over again, this
time in pain.

Standing back up, I could see the wild anger in her eyes.
She raised her knife-clenched hand in the air and screamed, “You die now!” She
took off after me again in a hobble. Seeing a crazy-eyed woman with a knife
hobbling after you screaming for your head kinda makes you take stock of your

I knew I had to wait until she was closer before I could hit
her again with something. The drug was just too powerful in me. It was all I
could do to lift my arms or propel my legs. I was so exhausted. I was also out
of baseballs. I was almost ready to give up when I heard the distant wail of

found me!

Either that or I was hallucinating. I’d read ketamine could
make you do that.

Deep down I knew it was Garrett, and that little thought was
all I needed to boost my energy and push on toward the dart board game. I saw
the darts lying on the wooden platform and reached for them…my hand barely
grazing the darts.

As my hand closed over the darts, Sharon’s hand closed over
my wet hair. She yanked with all her might. I saw stars and cursed. Yanking my
head forward, I heard strands ripping from my head. Pivoting, I braced myself
for the impact.

Sharon careened into me full speed. We fell headfirst onto
the wooden board that held the players back. Spinning head over heels we both
hit the ground hard.


I felt the air leave my body. We’d landed wrapped in a
tangled mess. Just my luck the knife didn’t plunge into her crazy ass. On the
bright side, it hadn’t plunged into mine either. I still had one dart in my
right hand.

Sharon wrapped her legs around mine and leaned over me.
Knowing if she got on top I was a goner, I focused on her arms. She raised the
knife in her right hand and brought it down toward my chest. I blocked her arm
with my left hand and simultaneously plunged the dart over and over and over
again into her neck. Blood squirted everywhere…down her neck and onto the side
of my face.

I gagged.

Screaming, she tried to grab the dart from my hand, but
either her aim was off due to blood loss, or I was too adrenaline-crazed to
stop...because I'm sure I stabbed her at least seven or eight more times before
I felt her start to slump over and rest fully on top of me.

Miles away I heard a door being knocked off its hinges. At
least it seemed miles away. Come to find out it was only a few feet from where
we were grappling.

I saw Garrett’s face looming over me seconds before he
hauled Sharon off me and cuffed her. He then shoved her off to Officer Ryan.

Now that the adrenaline rush was over, I was virtually
unable to move. I just laid there, shaking uncontrollably. Garrett knelt down by
my side, "Don't try and move. Matt is coming with a board and we're gonna
get you out of here. You're still feeling the effects of the drug."

I blinked my eyes and lifted my hands to my face...only to
have them fall back to the floor. It was like they weighed fifty pounds each.

Chuckling, Garrett reached down and wiped some of the tears
and blood from my face. "I don't know whether to beat you or kiss you.
I’ve never been so grateful to see someone alive in all my life." He
tucked a wet strand of hair behind my ear.

Just my luck, the very heart-felt words I'd waited forever
to hear, and all I could do was drool on myself.

I was dimly aware of loud noises and all kinds of ruckus
going on around me, but I just wasn't sure what was happening. I saw Garrett
look up and then Matt's face looming over me.

"Mom's on her way. The town is already abuzz over this.
Seems Bea and Mildred have been non-stop on the phone when they saw the police
cars here and a shrieking Sharon trying to be shoved in a police car."

I tried to laugh at the description, but nothing came out. I
closed my heavy eyes, hoping Mom wouldn't lecture me too much.

I let Matt take over and just tried to relax. Three other
paramedics came over, and I felt myself being lifted, then raised, then pushed
out of the church to be loaded onto the ambulance.


I opened my eyes and managed to turn my head just a
fraction. Amid the cursing and the screaming, I saw a 1975 Coupe Deville
imbedded into the side of Garrett's police-issued Suburban.

Aunt Shirley jumped out of the car and came running over to
me. "What in tarnation did you go and do? You weren't supposed to do
anything stupid unless I was with you!"

I whimpered. It was the closest thing to a laugh I could
manage. Aunt Shirley patted my hand and was giving me what-for when my mom came
running up to the gurney.

Groaning, I closed my eyes and wished to be anywhere else.
I'd even take a lecture from Garrett at this point than have to face my mom.

"Now's not the time for the lecture, young lady. But
trust me, it's coming," she said.

"You might have to stand in line," I whispered,
knowing Garrett would want in on this reprimand.

"You bet she will," Garrett said, his arms crossed
over his chest.

I grinned. Or at least I think I did.

The guys began loading me once more. Grasping Aunt Shirley's
hand I croaked, "Whose car?"

Aunt Shirley laughed. "Old Man Jenkins. I told him I'd
let him touch my boobs again if he let me borrow it to go rescue my

"Nice," I said as my eyes drifted shut.

* *

Pretty much everything else had to be wrapped up without me.
I was of no use to anyone until they were able to stabilize me. The minute I
was deemed okay, the rest of the story unfolded.

It seems once Pastor Williams was finally able to be roused
from one of his drug-induced sleeps, Mom and Pastor Williams got into a knock
down drag out fight in the police station...or at least my mom knocked him down
and then had to be dragged kicking and screaming off of him.

Garret gave Aunt Shirley a ticket for hitting his
police-issued vehicle. She promptly tore it up in front of him, claiming when
an aunt was rescuing a niece, casualties of war were expected.

This prompted another ticket.

Hank, Mindy, Matt, and Paige were regulars at my hospital
bed for a few days. Mindy, Matt, and Paige for comfort...Hank to harass me
about the exclusive he expected me to have written and ready to go by print
time next week.

I never really did get the big lecture I was expecting from
both Mom and Garrett. I guess by the time they got done processing crazy
Sharon, they must have realized I was damn lucky to have survived that whacko.

And for the first time in church history, the festival was
put on hold. Pretty much everything regarding the church has been put on hold.

Once Sharon admitted to the killings and drugging her own
husband, they locked her away and she's now awaiting trial. Pastor Williams
resigned from the church and is in the process of moving out of the parsonage.
Seems his spritely ninety-year-old mother wants out of the retirement home in
Brywood, and Pastor Williams needs a woman to take care of him still. The
church is trying to heal and move on with the hiring of another preacher. I
just hope this one isn't as whacked out as the last one.

Garrett told me he knew it was Sharon the minute he got off
the phone interview with her brother. It just so happened after he'd
interviewed Patty and she told him hospitals and clinics have to keep track of
ketamine, he started searching for recent break-ins and stolen ketamine. When a
Dr. Williams popped up, he knew it couldn't be a coincidence and called
Sharon's brother-in-law immediately. His answers were all Garrett needed. He'd
been on his way to the parsonage when I'd finally texted him back I was at the
church and needed help.

Miss Molly was able to come home the minute I was released
from the hospital. I’d never been so happy to see her! I hugged and hugged her.
She meowed, jumped down, and demanded a treat. She was back to normal.

One good thing I could say about getting involved with the
murder investigation—my attempted murder aside—it gave me a taste of
investigative work. And I really enjoyed it. If only I could convince Garrett
of how good I was.

* *

"Okay, so we finally decided on a date and place for
the wedding," Paige said as we were all gathered around the dining room
table at my mom's for dinner two weeks after “the incident” as we had come to
call it.

I squealed. This was the moment I’d been waiting for. Paige
had been so tight-lipped about everything I was ready to explode.

I looked around the table at our closest friends and family
members. Aunt Shirley was busy picking her teeth with her butter knife, but
everyone else was listening attentively.

Matt stood up and put his arm around Paige. "We've been
thinking about this a lot. And we know it's sort of last minute, but there's no
place we'd rather get married than down at the lake house. Not only did we
spent our summers there together as kids, but since Mom inherited the house,
we’ve been there together as a couple a few times. It’s a place that holds a
lot of wonderful memories for us."

My mom's family was originally from South Missouri. She grew
up in the very lake house we were discussing. When we’d go visit Grams and
Gramps as kids, it was extra special because their enormous house was on a huge
lake. When they passed away a few years ago, Mom inherited the lake house.

Every summer I would drag Paige with me on our family vacation.
Usually we’d stay with Grams and Gramps for three to four weeks. It was an
endless barrage of spying on Matt and catching up with friends we only saw once
a year. When I was eleven, Gramps taught Paige and I how to steer the rickety
old canoe he bought us. We thought we were so cool puttering around the lake in
our canoe with an outboard motor. We’d putter around the numerous channels,
hoping to meet up with the friends we had made. Most of them were kids from the
town, but a few were like us, visiting for a month out of the summer.

"I think that's a lovely idea,” my mom said, “but are
you sure we can get everyone down there? Where will the ceremony take place?
What about—"

Matt cut her off. "Mom, Paige and I don't want a big
wedding. We just want our closest family and friends there. That's why you all
have been invited tonight. Outside of a few other immediate family and friend,
you are the ones we want to share our day with."

I looked around the room at everyone here. My mom, Paige's
parents, Aunt Shirley, Mindy, Hank, Garrett, Nick Turner, and Paige's cousin, Megan,
from Kansas City.

"Paige," her mom said, "you've been dreaming
of this your whole life. Are you sure this is how you want to do it?"

Paige linked arms with Matt. "A few nights ago we
stayed up the whole night talking. We reminisced about growing up always
together. How we spent every summer vacation together down at the lake. And
that's when we knew. We had to be married at our favorite place…during our
favorite month."

"Wait," I said. "I know your favorite month.
It's right around the corner!"

Jumping up and down Paige announced, "Matt and I want
to get married at his mom's lake house over the Christmas and New Year

Pandemonium erupted. I admit I was the leader. How in the
world could we be ready for a wedding in just a month and a half?

I looked over at Garrett. He smirked, saluted me with his
bourbon, and took a long drink.

Matt lifted his hands. "We've already got most things
taken care of. We've called a florist down there, and they are able to fit us
in on short demand. And Paige discovered she knew the new owner of the bakery
in town."

“You remember Susan Shoeman? The girl whose mom and dad died
in that tragic house fire when we were seventeen? She came back to town a few
years ago and started her own bakery. When I talked with her, she was so
excited to hear about the wedding and can’t wait to get together. She’s already
e-mailed me pictures of small wedding cakes.”

"What about a dress?" Paige's mom asked, wiping
tears from her eyes.

"I'd like to use your wedding dress if that's

This announcement caused the whole table of women to cry,
myself included.

A short time later, after dessert had been served and
wedding plans finalized, Matt stood up again.

"One last thing. Paige and I had debated on whether or
not to say anything until after the wedding, but—"

"Oh, my God," I blurted out, "you're

Matt scowled at me as he lifted his hands in the air. "As
most of you know, Officer Chunsey has decided that law enforcement isn't for
him. Garrett approached me about a vacant position on the squad now, and after
having talked it over with Paige, I'm going to be going to the police academy
in Kansas City once we get back from our honeymoon."

All eyes cut to Garrett. Saying nothing, he lifted his
bourbon again to his mouth, taking a long drink. Obviously he knew enough to
keep his mouth closed.

It was getting pretty late when I walked Garrett to his car,
deciding to stay the night at Mom's to help clean up.

Grabbing me around the waist, he leaned in and kissed me. I
almost forgot I was mad at him for talking by brother into joining the police
force. I didn't want my brother in harm’s way. It had been agonizing when he
was overseas during his stint in the military. I was constantly worried he’d
get wounded...or even worse, die. And now that he and Paige were getting
married, I especially didn’t want anything to happen to him.

"So," he said, tucking a curl behind my ear,
"a wedding in a month and a half. Think you can stay out of trouble that
long, Sin?"

I glared at him.

If only I'd known then how impossible that would prove to

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