Piece of Tail

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Authors: Celia Kyle

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Piece of Tail
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


About the Author

Piece of Tail

Celia Kyle

Published: May 2012

Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Copyright, Celia Kyle. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

Summerhouse Publishing



[email protected]

Cover Artist

Celia Kyle

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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Chapter One


This was totally against the handbook. One hundred percent. Maybe not in so many words, but Patrick was sure fucking his lover in his office probably wasn't the best idea in the world. Anyone else and they'd be gone in a heartbeat. Damn, it was good to be on top. In more ways than one.

"Patrick.” Daniel snapped. “Are you even listening to me?"

Patrick pulled his mind from his fantasies and focused on his lover, and business partner, Daniel. “Of course I am and of course, I disagree.” He smiled at Daniel's growl.

"She won't go for it.” Daniel swallowed hard and Patrick imagined licking his way up his lover's throat. “Why would she?"

Damn, but his boyfriend could be as insecure as a woman at times. With a sigh, he levered himself from his comfortable position on the couch and strode to Daniel, wrapping him in his embrace. “Because she wants you… us.” He squeezed the other man's shoulders. “She watches us, Daniel. You aren't in the office as much, but I swear, she watches our every movement as if she were a starving snow leopard and we are walking, talking steaks."

Daniel looked at him, eyebrows scrunched, nose wrinkled. And Patrick couldn't resist the man any longer. He brushed his lips across Daniel's, inhaling his lover's scent and relishing the musk of his skin. Daniel opened for him with a moan and turned in Patrick's arms, pulling their bodies together chest to chest. In less than a second, Patrick's cock went from interested to rock hard and, not for the first time today, he imagined bending Daniel over his desk and taking his lover from behind.

Patrick released his hold on Daniel's shoulders and shifted his grip to his lover's hips. He dug his fingers into the other man's cloth-covered skin, pulling and pressing their bodies together, gaining the friction he craved. He rocked his hips, grinding his erection against his lover's and smiled against Daniel's mouth when he moaned.

His dick ached and throbbed in time with his heartbeat, pulsing and thrumming a mile a minute while their tongues dueled for dominance. Patrick moaned and pressed harder when Daniel fisted his hair forcing him to relinquish the man's mouth while the tiny sting went straight to his cock.

"Patrick.” His lover growled, forcing his name through clenched teeth.

Patrick leaned forward, stealing another nip at those tempting lips. “She does, Daniel. You want her. I want her. As fucked up as it sounds, I think she wants us as well.” He couldn't resist, he ground his cock against Daniel's, eyes closed and panting as his body trembled.

Daniel's head fell forward to rest on his shoulder and the other man sighed. Patrick resisted the urge to shout in triumph, knowing he'd won. “I don't…” His normally straightforward lover paused and Patrick hugged the man's shoulders once again.

"It'll work, D. I swear it. She's so…” It was his turn to sigh. “Gina is the epitome of everything we've ever wanted in a woman. You know it. I know it. Why can't we just see how she feels?"

Daniel raised his head from Patrick's shoulder and he brushed his thumb over the man's cheek. “I barely know her, Patrick. She barely knows
. How can you think that…”

Patrick cut him off with a quick, bruising kiss. “We'll just fix that right now, won't we?"

Daniel sputtered and protested, but Patrick ignored his bluster. The man was hard as a fucking rock, harder than he'd probably been in years and no amount of arguing was going to deter him now. Daniel wanted a relationship with Gina just as much as Patrick did and nothing short of her refusal would keep him from making their duo into a trio.

Victory was within reach and he'd be damned if Daniel's insecurities would rob them of what could be the ideal life for them. Sure, there'd be two husbands and one wife, but who was counting?

* * *

Sensing a presence behind her, Gina saved the file she'd been working on and turned to face her visitor. Strike that, visitor

Damn her to hell and back again… The two finest pieces of non-shifty man-meat were standing at the entry to her cubicle and the only thing she could think was
Smart, real smart.
She almost snorted, but bit her lip instead.

Her ears perked up at the low moan coming from the man standing just behind her boss. Daniel, Danny-boy as she sometimes called him in her mind. Maybe he wasn't feeling well. Taking a closer look, she saw a fine sheen of sweat along his brow and felt bad about ogling him when he obviously wasn't feeling hot.

"Gina,” Patrick's deep voice yanked her attention from the boss’ boyfriend and back to the man who hired and fired. She pasted on a smile, waiting to hear what the “big guy” had to say. She hadn't fucked up in a while… Okay, if she was honest… It'd been like, a whole week, since she'd gotten into trouble. That was truly a record for her.

Patrick glanced back at Danny-boy before he continued, tugging at his collar. Dang, the boss man was nervous.
So not good.

"Gina, Daniel and I were wondering… Wondering if you'd like to have dinner with us? Maybe tonight?” She opened her mouth to respond, but shock kept the words from leaving her mouth and Patrick kept going. “Maybe tonight is too short of a notice. Friday, maybe? Daniel and I… Wait, you know Daniel, right?"

Her boss turned to his boyfriend and tugged the man forward. Poor guy looked green around the scruff and like the last place he wanted to be was in her cubicle.

Though nervous, sick and sweatiness aside, the man was truly a gorgeous hunk of fucktastic meat.

Both men, side by side, were more than her inner-kitty could stand. The base of her spine tingled, right along with her pussy, as arousal thrummed through her veins. What she wouldn't give to have them both at the same time.

But dinner? Was this some “help the halfsie” sort of thing?

Daniel stuck his hand out and automatically, she reached for him, forgetting about the ferocious feline within. An electric shock rocketed through her body at their initial touch, tingling and singeing her nerves in a split second. The niggling feeling at the base of her spine erupted into a full-blown ache. Her tail, normally kept under pantie-wraps during the day, sprung from her body. At the same moment, her grip tightened, reacting to the feelings his touch caused.

Her cat wouldn't be denied any longer and mentally burst from her confines, anxious to claim the men in front of her. Gina fought the cat, but in the end, the feline won the battle. Her tail swung free beneath her skirt, her ears could now pick up conversations all over the office and her strength… fuck if her strength didn't kick in like all of her other abilities.

Gina's smile fell with each passing millisecond until the now-familiar sound of bone crunching against bone echoed through the office like a shot.

She released Daniel's hand and dashed from the office, tail curled around her waist below her skirt.

Damn, but ‘mans were squishy creatures.

Chapter Two


Like gas and matches, Gina and clothes just did not mix. The minute she threw her beat up old ‘yota into park and lowered the garage door, she was tugging and pulling at the fabric of her blouse. Shoes were kicked into a corner in the laundry room right off the garage.

She tossed her top into her designated hamper which was quickly followed by her skirt. She sighed. Blessedly naked. At least for a few moments anyway. She snagged a ratty T-shirt from her stack of clean clothes and tossed it on. The well-worn cloth barely covered the essentials, but nothing pink poked out so she was good. Tasheka had a thing about the residents wandering around in the buff. Something about her dear old Sam being led astray by the young little pussies.
Ha! As if.
The crotchety old human was so head-over-heels in love with the
that no amount of prancing in the nude would sway him away from her.

Gina stretched, arms clasped above her head as she worked out the kinks from sitting behind a desk all day.
Damn. She winced as the tension eased from her shoulders. She needed to hide from Tash for a while. At least until Gina knew whether her boss had bothered calling the house to “discuss” the encounter with Daniel. Oh well, nothing she could do about it now but face the piper.

Accepting her fate, Gina took the stairs to the second floor and padded through the weight room built into her unit and into the center townhouse where all of the TVs and couches had been set up. Since the pride owned an entire row of townhouses, it made sense to connect them all and make common areas for all of the residents to share. Her favorite place was on the couch in front of the TV, but
Suck Me
only knew how she'd ended up in the unit with the common workout area.


She cringed. Tash was already at it. “Swear to
, Tash, I didn't mean to do it. I can't help that ‘mans are so freakin’ squishy."

The big house's half-were stopped in the doorway, frozen. “I don't
want to know what you've done to
human. I was yellin’ because you, yet again, chose to blaspheme our leader's name in your mind."

Oh. That. Stupid mind-reading were.
“Come on, Tash. I gave you a nickname, right? What, you don't think Sekhmet has a sense of humor?” Gina smiled and half-laughed. Tasheka wasn't buying it. Damn. “Okay, I promise not to refer to our great and powerful leader, Sekhmet, as Suck Me any longer. Girl Scout's honor.” She made the symbol of the cross over her heart.

Tash snorted. “Ha! All you've done is eat Girl Scout cookies, so unless your honor is hidden in your hips…” Gina stuck out her tongue at the older woman. “Thought so. Now, tell me what you've done to a human now."

"Nothing.” She slumped her shoulders, praying that the
would leave it be.

"Uh huh.” Tash didn't look convinced, but seemed content to let it drop and Gina left out the breath she'd been holding when the
left the doorway and returned to the kitchen in the far unit.

With a sigh, Gina flopped onto the couch next to her ex-unit-mate and sometimes partner-in-crime, scritching mate, and most recent resident to fall whiskers-over-tail in love with some male, Blaze.

"Close one."

"You're tellin’ me.
Suck Me
knows—” Gina laid her head on Blaze's shoulder.

"For the love of—Gina!” Tash bellowed.

Gina straightened away from Blaze. “What? I swear, Tash, I was just telling Blaze to suck my boobs. It's been a while, ya know? I was hoping Jacky boy would let her off the leash and help a sister out.” She smiled wide, making sure her dimples were showing and went for the whole “innocent” look, praying Tasheka would believe her. In the end, Gina didn't think the woman believed her for a second, but Tash did turn around and go back to the kitchen after giving her the evil eye.

"Suck your boobs. Seriously? That's all you could come up with?” Blaze shoved her. “I get that I'm a weirdo with the whole shifting during the big ‘O’ thing, but do I look like lesbian to you?” She held up her hand. “Wait. Don't answer that, I'm afraid of what you'll say. Now, tell me what's got you down."

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