Pieces of Me (10 page)

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Authors: Lashawn Vasser

BOOK: Pieces of Me
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Anne didn’t need Davis’s money because her family was one of the oldest and richest families in Virginia. Where Davis loved her, Greg worshipped her. There was a big difference. Plus, Davis spent too much time working. Why couldn’t he just hire more people and delegate his responsibilities to them. Wasn’t that the luxury of having your own company? He knew what he was getting when he married her. Well, during their separation he promised that he would focus more on her if she took him back. Looking back on it, it was a mistake to choose Greg over Davis. But, Greg had promised that he’d make her First Lady of Virginia and then he’d gotten caught up in that racketeering scandal. That not only ended all of his political hopes but embarrassed her family. Anne would have been the envy of all of her friends. Especially, that Carla, who married an Ambassador.


Greg must have been crazy to actually have thought she was going to stand by his side while he fought those charges. Guilty or not there was no way Anne was going to allow him to sully the name of her family any more than he already had. The day he was indicted was the day she ended their engagement. Anne never looked back. She’d decided she wanted Davis back. Since the divorce, Davis was probably more powerful than she could have ever imagined. She knew he had the governor of Virginia on speed dial and it was rumored that even the President consulted with him on some military matters. It was such bad timing when his plane went down. She had been ready to put her plan to get him back in motion.


The maid walked in with Anne’s drink while she was undressing.


“Just put it down by the bath.”


Just a week ago, she’d told her girlfriends that they were on their way to getting engaged. Now what was she supposed tell them?


She sank down into the whirlpool sized bathtub, took a sip of her drink, and closed her eyes. Her mind was going a mile a minute. Anne was so used to getting what she wanted that this actually threw her off balance. But, it also made her even more determined to win Davis back. She spent the next few hours contemplating her next move.


Chapter 15


Nicole was tucked away in one of Davis’s many guest rooms getting ready. She’d imagined her wedding day so many times and this was not even remotely close to it. I guess in some ways she was very lucky. Davis spared no expense. Her dress was more beautiful than anything she’d ever seen. Yet, her heart was heavy. It was almost time to become Mrs. Davis Chatham.


Dana was there by her side as she put on the finishing touches of her makeup “You look so beautiful Nicole.”




“Dana, I think I’m going to be sick.” Nicole barely made it to the bathroom in time before she threw up. By some miracle she didn’t ruin her dress. She splashed cold water over her face and after a few minutes came out. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and just started laughing hysterically “I guess, I’ll need to re-do my makeup.”


Dana thought she was losing her mind “Nicole, you don’t have to do this.”


Nicole sighed as she sat back down to reapply her makeup “What choice do I have? Am I supposed to give up my child? You can’t imagine what it was like growing up in all those foster homes. Always feeling like the outsider who only got a chance to pretend for a little while that you were part of a real family. I promised myself if I ever had a child that they would never feel that way. I would always make sure they knew that I loved them no matter what. This is my ‘no matter what moment’. It’s not the way I saw my life but I’m going to do my best to be the best wife and mother I can be.”


Someone knocked on her door. Nicole thought it was the wedding coordinator and told them to come inside. She was very surprised when the door opened and it was a beautiful woman with eyes identical to Davis’s. It had to be his sister, Jane.


Jane walked into the room after closing the door behind her “I know it’s weird to be introduced this way but my brother has always needed to work on his planning skills.”


“Jane! You made it.” Dana excitedly went to Jane and they hugged each other “When last we spoke you were on the other side of the world. I’m so glad you’re here.”


“I wouldn’t miss my brother’s wedding for anything in the world.”


Nicole knew that Dana and Jane were good friends. This was the first time that Nicole had met anyone who was important to Davis. Nicole knew that Jane was everything to him. So, she was a little nervous.


Nicole immediately stood up to shake her hand but Jane hugged her instead. “Dana has told me so many wonderful things about you. I trust her with everything. Anyway, we’re going to be sisters in about fifteen to twenty minutes so I would think we are far past a handshake. And, if I didn’t mention it already you are a beautiful bride.”


Nicole blushed, “Thank you Jane.”


“I’m going to step out for just a moment and get your flowers.” Dana left the room to give the ladies a moment alone to talk.


“So, I can see you are as nervous as my brother.”


“He’s nervous? I’d like to see that?”


Jane laughed “Yes, actually he is very nervous. His hands were so shaky I had to help him with his tie.”


Nicole’s stomach was starting to get queasy again. She reached for one of the saltine crackers the maid left earlier.


“Are you still suffering through morning sickness? I know when I was pregnant with the twins I had it bad.”


“Davis told you about the baby?”


“Of course, there’s not much we don’t share with each other. And, then there are some things that a sibling just knows. Like, I know Davis can seem unreachable but he has so much love to give.”


Nicole knew that Davis had a lot of love to give. She just didn’t think she was the one who held the key to his heart. “If we’re being honest then you must know if it weren’t for the plane crash and this child you might be attending a different wedding.”


“I’m not so sure about that. But, everything happens for a reason. And know this…my brother has never done anything he didn’t really want to do. I think everything will work out the way it is supposed to. Of course, there will be bumps in the road every marriage has them. You just have to be committed to work through them.”


Much too soon, Dana tap on the door and poked her head inside “ladies we are getting the five minute warning. I think it’s time. Nicole, are you ready?”


Nicole nodded to Dana then turned to Jane and hugged her again before walking out of the door “Thank you.”




Nicole was standing outside the great room with Dana, Jane, and the twins waiting for the wedding march to start. Jane was doing her best to keep the twins from fidgeting. They were the cutest kids she’d ever seen and they were serving as her ring bearer and flower girl. It was a shame she hadn’t met them before the actual wedding but Jane and her family couldn’t get in until early this morning. And of course, Davis had to get married on Friday.


The music started, Dana turned around to look at Nicole and whispered “Last time, are you sure? We can make a run for it.”


Nicole smiled and mouthed back “Let’s do this.”


Davis was glad the wedding was finally happening. He wasn’t completely sure Nicole would go through with it. She had a strong spirit. He would never have actually taken their son or daughter away from her. But, he felt reassured that he’d secured his son or daughter’s future when those doors opened.


The first person he saw was little Jack walking towards him with the ring pillow. He was such a proud uncle. Jack was growing up so fast. Then, Crystal came through the doors dropping red rose petals. She was the spitting image of Jane. A moment later, Dana walked through the doors. She looked beautiful as well. It seemed like forever but finally, Nicole crossed the threshold. She was stunning. Davis couldn’t breathe. He didn’t think he’d ever seen a woman more beautiful in his life.


Nicole was so nervous she didn’t think her legs would carry her to the altar. But when she entered the great room and saw Davis waiting for her at the end of it, it was as if her legs had a mind of their own. Their eyes connected and Nicole didn’t think she could love anyone as much as she loved him. One look into his eyes and she was lost to him forever. He was going to be her husband.


The trip down the aisle was the longest walk ever. Davis didn’t think Nicole was ever going to make it to him. But, she did. They held hands, exchanged vows, and rings. Davis gave Nicole a ring he had custom designed for her. It was a 7 carat emerald cut yellow diamond. It wasn’t too flashy. Nicole was anything but flashy. He hoped she loved it. If the mist in her eyes was any indication, Davis thought he might have done well.


Finally, he was given the all clear sign to kiss his bride. Davis pulled Nicole into him and kissed her. It was as if the room full of people disappeared and suddenly it was just the two of them. He kissed her so long that the minister had to clear his throat. Davis reluctantly let her go. The minister turned them toward their small group of friends and business associates.


“Ladies and gentleman, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Davis Chatham.” The room erupted with cheers.


Nicole had the happy bridal glow. She knew that Davis cared about her. It was a good start. Even if he didn’t love her yet that didn’t mean he would never love her. She made a vow to launch operation ‘Fall in Love with me’.


Their brunch reception was wonderful but Davis couldn’t wait to make love to his bride. It had been almost two months since they’d been together. However, he also wanted to make sure she enjoyed this day. She deserved it and Davis didn’t want to rush her. But, in all honesty he was ready to get the honeymoon started.


The musicians announced that it was time for the first dance. Davis led Nicole out to the middle of the floor to Luther Vandross’s “So Amazing”. He held her close touching his forehead to hers. She felt so good in his arms. They moved slowly to the rhythm of the song. Anyone watching them would think they were in love. Jane being mischievous started the tapping of the champagne glasses until everyone was doing it too. Davis lifted Nicole’s chin and kissed her. Their guests all clapped for them.


“How long do you think it’ll be before Davis realizes he’s in love with her?”


“I don’t know Dana, my brother is pretty stubborn. I’m going to say six months?”


The song ended and everyone stood up clapping for them. The next couple of hours went by in a blur. The only thing Nicole could remember was that Davis kept her by his side almost the entire time. He finally whispered into her ear.


“I am ready to go?”


She looked at him blankly “Go where? We’re already home. I thought you had to fly out on business in the morning.”


“I’m leaving tomorrow night. I have a small overnight surprise planned for us. So, whenever you’re ready to go we can leave.”


“Really? A surprise? I’ll need to go pack a bag.”


“That’s all done. Dana took care of it. She packed everything for you. All you need to bring is you.”


Nicole couldn’t stop smiling “Ok, I’m ready too.”


Chapter 16


Davis had the penthouse suite to one of his hotels prepared for their wedding night. The doors to his private elevator had barely closed before he had Nicole pressed up against the wall kissing her. He’d waited for this moment all day. Now that he had her in his arms he wasn’t going to let her go until they were completely satisfied.


Nicole kissed him back just as hungrily. They were so lost in their kisses that they barely noticed when the elevator opened until the doors had been opened for so long a buzzer went off. That was probably the only thing that could have broken through their sexual haze.


Davis swooped Nicole up into his arms “I’m a little old fashioned. The threshold thing might be a little corny but I promise you I’m going to do everything in my power to make this marriage work starting with carrying you over the threshold.”


Davis walked his wife over the threshold. It wasn’t until she’d finished kissing him that she noticed that Davis had the entire suite bathed in candlelight.


Nicole cradled his head in her hands before softly brushing her lips against his. “I believe you.” Davis continued to carry her into the bedroom.


Davis was in such a rush to leave the reception that he hadn’t given Nicole a chance to change out of her wedding gown so she was still in it. He slowly let her body slide down his and left no doubt how much he wanted her. He traced his tongue around her lips and then down the side of her neck.

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