Pierce My Heart (Women of Willowbrook Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Pierce My Heart (Women of Willowbrook Book 1)
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“Thank you, but you didn’t have to come by. I’m working tomorrow, so I wasn’t getting schnockered, and Evan’s burning all her alcohol off with cookies and dancing.”

“Like I said, you didn’t answer. Wanted to make sure everything was okay,” he repeats.

What do you say to a man who drives who-knows-how-far out of his way to check on two women who are both possibly drunk
emotional, all because one didn’t answer her phone?

I have no clue, but I’m not sure there is a right thing to say.

“I don’t know what to say to that.”

My eyes widen and I snap my mouth shut.

Yup, that came out of my mouth.

I swear half the time I’m around him I have no filter from my brain to my mouth.

“Nothing to say, babe. Though, you answering the door in those pants and that tank top is enough,” he says, his voice getting deeper and even rougher.

My body voluntarily sways closer to him.

!” Evan screeches, her voice even more shrill.

I straighten, looking at him as he gets that look on his face. The one he gets every time we’re getting closer and someone interrupts.

“Wanna come in?”

Instead of answering, he gets close, and then closer, before he puts a gentle hand to my stomach and guides me backwards so we’ll be clear of the door before giving it a push with his boot to shut it.

Now that he’s in the light I can see him better. He’s wearing dark jeans, a Henley (olive green this time), black boots on his feet, and a heavy black jacket that looks like all the tan ones the men wear around the site.

Black definitely suited him.

My guess? There isn’t much that doesn’t.

I spin around and lead the way to my living room only to be greeted by Evan standing on my couch and jumping up and down like a little kid. When my eyes flick to the screen I see why.

The gaggle of Greek women and Meryl’s girls are getting ready to jump in the water. We’ve seen this enough while drinking that I know Evan is getting ready to reenact that moment.

Part of me doesn’t want to stop her, but the nice part of me thinks she’ll be (more) mortified if I don’t.

“Hey, Ev—”

Too late.

She belts out the last note (off key) and jumps.

Once she lands she twirls around only to go still at the sight of us, her eyes riveted to Jake. Had we not had the hour-long conversation earlier, there would’ve been some jealousy at the look she’s giving him.

We all just stood there for a moment, silent.

Evan staring, eyes wide.

Jake amused, but looking like he’s trying to hide it.

And I’m surreptitiously looking around the room, trying to remember where I threw my cardigan during one of the dance numbers.

“Um…” Evan starts, her eyes flicking back and forth between Jake and me.

Before I can even open my mouth, not that I planned on it, Jake responds.

“I stopped by to check on you two.”

She blinks, confused.

“Check on us? Why would you check on us?” she asks.

I decide to jump in. “I mentioned to Jake at work that you were coming over and that we’d be drinking. When I didn’t answer my phone, he called Robby. Knowing how much Robby
dealing with our drunk asses, he handed over my address so Jake could take a look see.”

After I finish, Evans look of confusion turns to one of utter joy.

I'm a little scared and decide (rightly so) to brace myself for whatever happens next.

“Well isn’t that sweet!” she exclaims.

I wince at her volume.

I mean, really. It it's not like we’re two feet in front of her or anything.

“No sense in you just stopping by and leaving. Grab a glass of wine, have a cookie. I’d say you could watch the movie with us,” she says, her eyes looking to the TV before going back to him, “but I suspect you’re not a big fan of Meryl, shirtless Greek men, or musicals.”

Jake lets out a chuckle.

I make a sound that's half laugh, half groan.

“Can’t say I am,” he agrees.

She nods. “Right. So, I’ll go through Anna’s action collection, find something good with lots of explosions and fighting. Anna will take your coat and get you something to drink,” she says diplomatically (and dictatorially) before turning on her heel and heading to my entertainment center to do just that.

She completely misses the glare I throw her way.

And it was a good one this time.


I start, losing my glare and turning my head to look at Jake. His look goes from amused, to seriously amused.

Apparently, my glares

I ignore his ‘babe’ and instead head for my kitchen.

When I circle around the breakfast bar I see Jake has taken his jacket off, the fit of the shirt showing off just how good a shape he is in. My body heats as my mind fills with thoughts of feeling him pressed up against me.

I get so lost in my thoughts it takes Jake’s mutter of, “Jesus”, to brings me back into focus.  

My eyes snap to his only to see his on me, heated in a way that makes the heated look he’d given me earlier in the day seem tame.

My body gets even warmer, my thighs clench, and I lick my lips.

“Fuck,” he grinds out in his deep voice.


He shakes his head once, sharply. “Whatever’s going on in your head, keep it in mind for tomorrow night,” he tells me.

I blush.

Guess my face gave me away.

Poker never really was my game.

I decide to go for ignorance.

Turning, I walk over to the fridge to find him a drink (and hide my face) while I throw over my shoulder, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Mhm,” he mutters, the voice he says it in saying it all.

I’m full of shit and he knows it, but he’s gonna let me get away with it because
knows it.


I decide to move on.

“What do you want to drink? I’ve got wine, though there’s only a sweet red, water, Diet Pepsi…I don’t really drink beer but I’ve got Coors Light for when the boys come over,” I say, then lean back to look at him, waiting for his answer.

“Beer’s good,” he says, leaning his hip against the counter and folding his arms across his chest.

I nod my head and reach in to grab a bottle.

Dad’s not a fan of cans—at least when he has a choice—so when I know he’ll be coming over I’ll pick up a case even though he or Robby usually brings one along.

Too much beer is better than not enough.

I walk over and hand it to him. “I don’t have a bottle opener. Or I did, but someone took it with them one day. My money’s on Nate since he likes to walk around with it in his pocket so he never has to go searching for one,” I ramble.

He gives me a grin and then proceeds to twist the cap off.

“Never mind,” I mutter.

He takes a drink and nods his head towards Evan. “How is she?”

I feel my body warm in a whole different way at his question.

Sneaking a peek, I see she is still scrounging through my DVD’s.

Either she’s having a hard time finding something she deems suitable for Jake or (the more likely reason), she’s gotten distracted and is just searching for something new.

Looking back, I give him the short version. “She’s okay, now. She wasn’t earlier but we talked, figured out her next move, and I think things will hopefully get better.” I was going to leave it at that but, with Evan distracted, I decide go for it. “You don’t happen to know what’s going on with Manny and why he said he doesn’t have the time for her, do you?” I ask hesitantly.

I see my mistake when his face goes from understanding to blank, making my gut clench.

It could mean two things.

One, he isn’t cool with me asking about his friend, or two, the shit is bad and he isn’t cool talking to me about it.

Either way, not good.

“Sorry, totally out of line. Forget I said anything,” I mumble and look away.

Well, more like I swing my head in every direction but his.

When I feel his hand slide on top of mine and give it a squeeze, my eyes stop pinging and focus on him.

He’s no longer blank. There’s something working behind his eyes I just have no idea what.

“Sweetheart, no offense, but Man’s shit is his shit.”

I just stare at him for a beat, unsure how I'm supposed to take offense to that.

“Um, okay…” I trail off in confusion.

He dips his face closer. “What I’m saying is, it’s his shit so it’s his to talk about, not mine. I know what’s going on and it’s serious shit. I don’t agree with all his choices but they’re his to make. I just have his back, no matter what,” he explains softly, but firmly.

My stomach stops clenching and takes up somersaulting instead.

He’s firm but not belligerent and, even if he doesn’t agree with his friend, he has his back.

No matter what.

That hits me in a good way.

In a way I like.

In a way that said if we got to that point, he’d have mine.

Then again, he’d made that point that night at dinner when he promised he’d never hurt me.

“No offense taken, Jake. I understand,” I assure him, turning my hand in his, I give it a squeeze just to make sure my point is clear.

His lips tip up and he squeezes back.

We stand there for a moment, Jake drinking his beer and me studying him but acting like I'm not, when a noise catches my attention. I look around my space trying to pinpoint it until my eyes finally catch on Evan. She's laying on her side, the drawer to the entertainment center still open, passed out, snoring with Juliet’s head resting on her hip.

I giggle.

Jake swings his head around to see what I'm laughing at and lets out a chuckle of his own.

I move from the kitchen and kneel down by her side, giving Juliet a pat when she looks up at me.

“Evan, honey, we gotta get you to bed,” I say quietly as I gently shake her.

No dice.

Giving her a firmer shake, which turns into more of a shove, making Juliet give me a look of annoyance, before she moves away to her bed behind the loveseat.

I try again.

“Evan, come on. At least get on the couch.”

Still nothing.

I blow out a breath, ruffling my bangs, before looking up at Jake who followed me over.

“She sleep in your bed or on the couch?”

I blink at his question, but answer anyway. “Bed. She’ll have a hell of a hangover tomorrow. And, while all hangovers should be handled in a bed, wine ones definitely
to be,” I share.

He just grins and shakes his head at me before getting in my space. He slides one arm under Evan’s knees and wraps the other under her back, lifting her up.

I just sit here on my knees, staring at him.

“Your room, babe.”

I get up to lead the way, making sure my door is open so he can clear it before pulling back the covers. Once he’s laid her in it, I cover her back up and follow him out of the room shutting the door behind me.

I mentally remind myself to grab her a glass of water in case she wakes up with cotton mouth.

Or, I should say
she wakes up with cotton mouth.

Jake stops in my living room, eyes out to the backyard and lost in his thoughts, but he looks my way when I hit the room.

“Thanks for that,” I say quietly, nodding my head towards my bedroom.

He just gives me a chin lift.

I suddenly feel shy, like I don't know what to do or say, how to act. I cross my arms under my chest, inadvertently pushing my boobs up and out. Jake catches the movement, his eyes flicking down before he brings them back up to mine, a fire behind them.

I flush.

He grins.

“So…” I start then stop.

I have no idea where I was going, but I needed to say

“Like your place, sweetheart,” he says as his eyes move around the open space.

I beam inside.

Since I’d taken the time to decorate it the way I wanted, it always felt nice when someone else liked it.

Though, just like with everything else concerning Jake so far, it meant more.

“Thanks,” I reply with a small smile. “Did you want another beer?”

He shakes his head.

“A movie?”

His grin gets bigger but he still shakes his head.

“Gotta go let Romeo out and grab some sleep before tomorrow.”

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