Pigalle Palace (6 page)

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Authors: Niyah Moore

BOOK: Pigalle Palace
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“Well, it looks like we're going to have to take care of that before I take you home,” I uttered against her lips.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and moaned. Deep inside of her, I thrust, back and forth, causing the table to rock with us. She felt better than the last time I was inside of her. This was going to be quick. I felt it. Our sex felt too good to stop. At that moment, I wasn't worried one bit about anyone walking in on us. We were going to keep rocking until we both could no longer take it.



“Legend,” Chantal called from the hallway.

My wife was standing in front of a tall body-length mirror. Her hair was in big loose curls, neatly in place, and her lips were looking like fresh fruit, mouthwatering and succulent. Once she completed her transformation, she was truly a foxy woman. Even though her beauty had me feeling compounded, I couldn't help but see that she noticed she didn't have a reflection.

“What's the matter, Chantal?”

“This is crazy. I thought I would be able to see my reflection, but…”

“Your reflection is something you will never see again, so get used to it. I thought I got rid of all the mirrors in here…”

“I bought this one.”

“Oh, I see.”

I didn't understand where her mind was. If she couldn't see her reflection while at the store, why would she buy the mirror? Did she think it would magically appear once she got home?

“My best friend, Jade, has been looking for me. I don't know how to explain any of this. Will you help me?”

“How much longer will she be in town?”

“We were supposed to be leaving in two days.
I don't know how she's going to react.”

“You could always not say anything.”

“She will think I've been kidnapped or something. I don't want her to worry.”

I pulled back my dreads into a ponytail. “Well, then, you're going to have to make a decision. Either you can be a missing person or you can tell her the truth. The risk of any of those things is huge, but it's up to you.”

She thought for a little bit before she said, “I noticed that I'm much stronger than I used to be. I lifted the whole bed this morning by accident. I was looking for my shoe.”

“You'll start noticing a bunch of new things about yourself.”

“Come here,” she said.

I invaded her personal space and she pulled me against her. She started rubbing, creating warmth against my jeans, until she reached my crotch. She bit on her lower lip.

“I might have to take your ass in this bedroom if you keep it up,” I said.

She giggled. “Seems like you bring the freak out in me. I can't help myself when I'm around. I feel this fiery passion all the time. It's like I crave to feel you inside of me every second of the day.” She placed her breath on my neck before she kissed me. She began sucking on my neck. I felt her fangs graze me.

“Hey, be careful there. You've never bit anyone before and I don't want you testing it out on me.”

Her bright eyes turned sad suddenly. I never allowed myself to feel any remorse about things I had done in the past. For some reason, my conscience was getting to me.

“I'm sorry for doing this to you,” I apologized.

She shrugged slightly. “I wanted you to.”

Her nonchalant attitude stirred my
curiosity. “I need to know more about you. People usually learn these things before getting married. Where are you from?”


“Chi-town. What brought you to Paris?”

“All my life I wanted to come to Paris. It was supposed to be the dream vacation.”

“Is it not the dream vacation you hoped for? Seems to me you got what you came here for.”

“I never actually believed in vampires until I came to the Red Light District. I've always heard about them. Once I got here, I had to see one in person.”

“How come you weren't afraid of me?”

“The vampire's story has always intrigued me... Were you born a vampire?”

“No, we weren't born vampires. We were born with vampire blood. Our birth father was a vampire when he met our birth mother. She was…human.” My voice trailed off. I rarely talked about our birth parents because it was hard for me to remember anything about them. We were so young when they were murdered. “The mother and father that you know aren't our real parents. They are our godparents, but they raised us because our parents were murdered. Being half-blooded only leads to death, so they transformed us.”

“Where were you born?”

“My siblings and I were born in New Orleans. It became too dangerous for us, so we found a safe haven, here, in Paris with other vampires.”

She played with my fingers. Mushy wasn't me, but for some reason I didn't object to her affection. “You have smooth hands. I like a man with smooth hands.”

I didn't know anyone could make me feel the way she did.

“You should shower with me before I leave,” I suggested.

“Ooooh, that sounds good.”

She followed me to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and brought her body to mine as I caressed her.

“So, this is what it's like to be married to Legend.”

“What does it feel like?”

“Feels perfect.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Has a woman ever asked you to change her before?”

“I don't make it habit to lay with mortals. I tend to sleep with vampires only. I don't tell mortals too much. Curious mortals usually end up dead.”

“Have you ever been in love before? I'm not talking about lust either. I'm talking about serious love.”

“I've never ever been in love. Honestly, I've never wanted to be in love. I'm…or I should say I
a ladies' man.”

There was so much mounted heat between us that I was ready to fuck her senseless. Chantal got out of my arms and adjusted the shower water to a nice temperature for the both of us.

“Legend, I'm sure a lot of women come in and out of your life. You have the charisma to charm the panties off any woman you want… Whether you chose me by accident or not, I'm here and it feels like we were meant to be. I don't believe in accidents. I believe in fate. This feels like fate.”

“So, you think this is our destiny?”

Standing in her black see-through bra and panties, she removed her top. “Yes…and now, I'm waiting for you to accept that.”

She put her arms around my neck and gazed into my eyes. Chantal seemed as if she was exactly
the woman to change me for the better. I put my hand in the water. It was too hot, so I adjusted the knob again.

“I've never met a woman like you before.”

She took off the rest of her underwear seductively. After pinning up her hair, she stepped into the water. “Are you going to get undressed and get in here? This was all your idea.”

“I was waiting for you to undress me first.”

“Oh, I'm sorry. I can still undress you.”

“That's okay. I'll undress myself for you. You can do it next time.”

I removed all of my clothes quickly and joined her inside of the steam unit. As soon as I was in, our lips met immediately. “Chantal,” I whispered against her.

“Yeah?” she whispered back.

“I'm happy that you're with me.”

“Only say it if you truly mean it,” she replied.

“I mean it. I am falling in love with you.”

“You don't mean that, Legend, or do you?”

“I mean it.”

All kind of weird emotions poured from within me, yet I wasn't afraid to express myself.

While I washed her with the jojoba oil soap, I sucked the back of her neck, leaving a red passion mark on her light skin. She turned to face me. Taking the sponge from my hands, she washed my body and ran her fingers all over me.

I got on my knees, positioning myself between her legs. My dreads were getting wet, but I didn't care.

She moaned lowly. “You know what happened last time you were down there?”

“I promise not to bite this time.”

I licked along her inner thigh, spreading her legs wider before blowing lightly on her clit. Her hands gripped my head as I made
circles with my tongue on top of her pearl tongue. With each stroke of my tongue, her breathing increased. She rested her long legs on my shoulders. I sucked her clit, rolling my tongue skillfully.

She had my dreads in both fists as she grinded against my face. She gasped, “What are you trying to do to me, Legend?”

“What you want me to do to you now, Chantal?” I asked, rising to my feet.

She took ahold of me and guided me inside of her. Once inside, I thrust my hips into her.

“Oooooh, Chantal.”

“I like the way you say my name.” She moaned.

I loved watching her sex face as her walls clenched me tighter.

“Whose pussy is this?” I asked.


“Who am I?”

She panted as she moaned and exclaimed,



remember the New Orleans hurricane of 1915. It was the day that I became immortal. The storm began on the night of September 28 and reared its ugly head by the date of my birth, September 29. It became extra tropical at 7 a.m. and we had winds of 130 miles per hour by nightfall.

I paced back and forth in the shadows of the darkened underground room. I could hear the horrible gusts of wind rattling and shaking the whole house. All windows, doors, and hurricane shutters were closed and boarded up with plywood, but it seemed like our roof was about to be ripped off. Our power had already gone out, so candles were the only light we had.

I wasn't afraid of the hurricane. I was terrified of something much greater.

I was old enough to grasp the concept of what I was to become, but I feared this night. I wanted so desperately to change the hands of time so I wouldn't have to go through with it. There was nothing I could do. Pacing my bedroom for a while longer, wearing nothing but underwear beneath a gray robe, my own questions refused to let me be idle.

Truthfully, I had no other choice. What I was about to become was irreversible; ultimately my destiny. My siblings had to go through it and it had saved their lives. It was my turn.

After taking a few long deep breaths, I stared at myself in the mirror because it would be the very last time I would ever see my reflection again. That alone made me wish that I were dead instead.

A single knock on my bedroom door jarred me out of my bottomless thoughts. “Come in,” I said.

My godfather entered the bedroom. We called him Father. He said, “It's time.”

I took a very deep breath, exhaled, and then followed him down the candlelit hallway of our home. My rapidly beating heart pounded and drummed faster the closer with each step. I clutched the necklace my birth mother had given me before she and my birth father were murdered. I'd had it in my possession since I was five years old. I never lost it.

My godmother, Serene, whom had been in our lives since then, gently closed the door behind us. We called her Mother. Wearing full hooded black cloaks, Legend and Onyx held candles with both hands.

“Eric,” Azura said, taking a whiff of my neck. “Tonight is a very special night for all of us. You'll be the only one to touch the sun and you'll be able to reign as King one day. The Divination can now hold true.”

She gently placed a kiss on the side of my face. It was soft and gentle, a sisterly kiss. I stared at her trapped youth for a moment before swallowing the hard lump that was forming in my throat. The fact that I, too, would never age, grow old, or die was too much for me to fathom. To roam the earth for eternity was something no human could do.

I bowed gracefully at Azura.

“Remove your robe,” Mother ordered sternly.

I did what I was told. As the robe fell to my feet, Azura took my
hand into hers. She led me to the bed where I lay down. Legend and Onyx placed the candles by the bedside. Legend started to tie my right hand first and then right foot to the edges of each bedpost with strong ropes that couldn't be broken. Onyx did the same to my left arm and leg. My breathing became more intense.

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