Pink Butterfly (25 page)

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Authors: Geoff Lynch

Tags: #club, #sex, #fantasy, #erotic, #panty, #dance, #girl, #stripper

BOOK: Pink Butterfly
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“No, that’s it,” Jeff replied trying to snap out of his daze. “Are you a doctor?” Jeff asked.

“No, I’m a nurse,” the nurse replied.

“But you’re a guy,” Jeff slurred.

“Things have changed a lot over the years,” the nurse replied.

“The last nurse I had was a real bitch. She used to make me shit in a bowl instead of taking me to the bathroom like everyone else did.”

“When was this?”

“Seventh grade,” Jeff replied.

“You were in the hospital?”

“Yeah, had my gall bladder out.”

“That sucks.”

“The gall bladder or the bitch nurse?” Jeff asked.

“Both,” the nurse replied with a smile.

“I don’t remember her name, just that she hated coming to my room. Always trying to shove a bedpan under my ass.”

“Why would she put a bedpan under you for a gall bladder surgery? You should have been able to ambulate.”

“The other nurses used to call her “lazy fuck” maybe that had something to do with it.”

A series of beeps from the heart monitor alerted the nurse that something wasn’t right. He looked to the read out and saw that Melvin was in full Supra ventricular tachycardia and his heart was out of control beating over 170 beats per minute.

“What’s going on?” Jeff asked.

The nurse ignored Jeff and tried Carotid Sinus Massage to bring down the rapid pulse. There was no change so according to his standing orders, the nurse administered Adenosine 6 mg rapid IV push. In a few seconds the rhythm had slowed and the beeps from the monitor stopped.

“What happened,” Jeff asked now annoyed the nurse was ignoring him.

“I fixed his heart,” the nurse replied.

“Are you sure? He has one fucked up heart, I saw him eat a woman’s head with his chest a little while ago.”

The nurse smiled thinking Jeff was delusional from the morphine until Melvin grabbed the nurse and pulled him back off his seat. With a quick grab and tug of the door handle, Melvin slid open the helicopter side door and tossed the nurse out into the wind and rain on his way to a cold and painful death one thousand feet below.

The helicopter tossed and turned with the open door and rain shot in pelting Jeff in the face. In pain, Jeff unbuckled himself from the seat, reached over to the sliding door and shut it. Melvin laid still on the stretcher breathing rapidly tearing the EKG leads from his chest one by one. Like the dead rising from the grave, Melvin removed his restraints and sat up facing Jeff. The helicopter bounced up and down and side to side in the turbulence. The pilot, unable to see what was going on in the back continued to fly to the hospital unaware that a member of his crew had been tossed out. In the copilot’s seat, another technician sat in fear watching the lightning and hearing the thunder. Normally the air rescue ambulance was a piece of cake, but not in this unholy weather.

“What are you doing?” Jeff asked yelling at Melvin.

Melvin stared at Jeff like he was about to become lunch.

“Talk to me!” Jeff yelled.

Melvin grabbed the IV tubing hanging from the roof of the helicopter and yanked it hard dislodging the cannula from Jeff’s vein.

In a panic, Jeff shoved Melvin back onto the stretcher and tried to hold him down. But like a ghost rising from the grave, Melvin slowly leaned back up and faced Jeff again, this time with a shit eating grin on his face.

“If you think I’m going out that door like he did your nuts!” Jeff yelled.

Melvin continued to stare at Jeff.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you talk anymore?” Jeff snapped.

“Sure I do, I just don’t have anything worthwhile to say to you,” Melvin replied.

“That guy saved your life!”

“No he didn’t, he just pissed me off. That’s all.”

“Your heart was all fucked up! I saw it, I heard the monitors go off!” Jeff yelled.

“And he shoved some shit in my vein like a fucking television hero. Felt like acid, hurt like hell.”

“He saved you!”

“What do you want me to do? Go down and pick him off the ground?” Melvin replied with a chuckle.

“You piece of shit!” Jeff screamed.

“That’s the best you can come up with?” Melvin laughed.

“You’re a cold blooded murderer!” Jeff shouted.

“So are you,” Melvin replied. “How’s Laurie doing these days? And her husband?”

In a rage, Jeff leaped onto Melvin tried to dig his out his eyes. Melvin fought back and the two men caused the helicopter rock back and forth almost as bad as the wind. The space in the back was tight and there wasn’t much wiggle room but the two men managed to inflict a lot of damage on each other.

Fearing the men might somehow bring down the chopper, the pilot told the technician in the passenger seat to intervene and stop the fight. By now it was too late, Jeff had somehow subdued Melvin and left him lying quietly on his back. Melvin was still alive, Jeff could see his chest moving up and down and see his arms and legs twitch randomly.

Jeff slipped back into his seat, the adrenaline blocking most of the pain from his burns and bringing him out of his morphine induced stupor. Through the window, Jeff could see the lights from the hospital and felt the helicopter losing altitude. He knew he and Melvin would be met with emergency personnel soon and laid his head back the best he could to rest keeping an eye out for Melvin.

Once on the ground, Melvin was whisked away on a portable gurney to the emergency room for a quick evaluation. He was found to be unresponsive. His heart was again in some sort of arrhythmia and after a portable chest x-ray the doctors decided to open him up to check on a what looked like an anomaly, a potato shaped organ where his heart should be.

In the operating room, Melvin was sedated further by the anesthesiologist and a breathing tube was placed in his trachea. The surgeon readied his scalpel for the first incision when Melvin’s chest split open on its own exposing his beating heart. With a reflex action, Melvin’s hands grabbed the doctor by his ears and shoved his head into Melvin’s chest which clamped down like a dog with a chew toy. The nurses stood horrified as Melvin’s chest began to chew on the doctor’s head and the doctor’s body began to spasm.

In a matter of minutes, Melvin’s sharp ribs managed to chew the doctor’s head off letting the body to fall to the operating room floor in a heap. The doctor’s chewed head was then spit out of Melvin’s chest landing on the floor with a thud. By now the nursing staff had left the operating room in fear leaving the doctor to fend for himself. He was a bastard so nobody tried too hard to save him.

Melvin continued to lie on his back, almost as if he had no control over what had happed to his chest and the surgeon. His vital signs returned to normal and the ventilator continued to breathe for him. If anyone had any smarts or guts, they would have turned off the vent and allowed the paralytic agents to suffocate Melvin, but everyone was running down the halls screaming in panic.

Chapter 27
I See You

The next afternoon Jeff lay in the intensive care unit diagnosed with blunt force trauma to his hip and burns to his head and arms. The morphine was switched to Dilaudid for pain management alleviating the allergic stupor he was in the day before. The doctor made rounds and left the chart with the nurse to take off the orders.

She approached Jeff and smiled. “How are you doing today?” she asked.

“The doctor just asked me the same thing,” Jeff replied.

Trying not to get pissed, the nurse rephrased the question. “Are you having any pain?”

“No, I feel pretty good actually.”

“Good, the doctor ordered some therapy and dressing changes for your wounds.”

“I know, he told me.”

The nurse was now getting a bit angry with Jeff and continued to fake a smile. “I’ll be going off shift in a few minutes, the evening nurse will be back to assess you in a while. Her name is Dawn, she’s real nice.”

Twenty minutes later Dawn came into Jeff’s room. She was a tall, well curved, large breasted strawberry blonde with a cute face and round ass. She was bubbly, friendly and everything Jeff ever wanted in a nurse. She leaned over Jeff to take his temperature with the oral thermometer and let her shirt collar open wide to give Jeff a good shot at her tits.

“What are you looking at young man?” She asked knowing damn well she set him up.

“Nothing,” he replied red faced.

Dawn adjusted her bra and shifted her boobs around under her shirt. “I hate it when my bra rides up like that,” she giggled. “Are you married?” she asked.

“No, my wife died a few years ago.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, was she a pretty girl?”

Thinking that was an odd question, Jeff pondered for a moment and replied, “She was ok.”

Dawn’s smile momentarily left her face and turned to face away from Jeff. “Do you think these new scrub pants make my butt look too big?” she asked bending over to check the 02 sats machine.

Jeff took a long look at Dawn’s fantastic ass and daydreamed about using it for a pillow. “You’re butt looks fine,” Jeff replied.

Dawn turned back around and pulled a prepackaged syringe from her pocket. It had no needle, just a blunt end.

“What’s that for?” Jeff asked.

“Doc d/c’d your Foley,” she replied.


“The doctor wants your catheter removed, says you need to ambulate and the catheter is no longer needed. You’re putting out plenty of urine.”

“Why do you need a needle to take out my catheter?”

“There is no needle silly!” Dawn chuckled. “This syringe hooks up to your catheter and I use it to suck out the water from the balloon that holds it in your bladder, then the catheter slides right out.”

“Oh,” Jeff replied. “Will it hurt?”

“Heck no, you won’t even notice I bet, done this a million times. No complaints yet.”

With that said, Dawn pulled back the covers from Jeff revealing his lower half. She moved his hospital gown to the side exposing his penis with the catheter and inserted the syringe into the side port. She pulled back on the syringe, filling it with sterile saline water until thirty milliliters were expelled and removed it from the port. “I’m going to remove it now ok?” she asked looking Jeff in the face.

With nervous laughter, Jeff smiled and said, “Sure.”

Dawn then grasped the end of the catheter with her gloved hand and ripped it out of Jeff’s urethra as fast as she could watching his face grimace in pain. With her free hand she backhanded Jeff across the face and started whipping him with the used catheter.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Jeff asked yelling at the nurse who was beating him with his own catheter.

“You thought I was ok?” she yelled back momentarily halting the beating.

“What are you talking about?” Jeff snapped back. “I never met you before!”

“I’m your ex-wife asshole, the one you left in your trunk to die! The one you called a priest to get rid of me!”

Suddenly Jeff realized that Laurie his dead wife was possessing the body of this hot nurse and was using her body to beat the shit out of him. “Get the fuck away from me!” Jeff yelled. He pushed the button on the side rail of his bed with the picture of the nurse and fended off Laurie’s blows with his other hand. “How did you find me?” he asked.

“I’m stuck with you asshole, no matter where you go I follow, not by choice either,” she replied.

“I thought the priest sent you back to the other side.”

“I bounced off,” she snapped back. “Not as easy as hire a priest.” With that said, Laurie grabbed the IV pole, took off the IV bags and tried to use it to hit Jeff like a baseball bat. The pole was long and the base was heavy so the effort was a waste. She then started digging through drawers looking for anything she could use as a weapon and found a pair of dressing scissors with the one blunt end. Worthless, she thought to herself.

“Hold on!” Jeff yelled. “Can we talk before you find a way to kill me?”

“Talk about what?” Laurie asked back yelling. “I’m a worthless bag of shit to you, I don’t think anything we talk about is going to change that.”

“I’m sorry!” Jeff yelled.

“A lot too late for that,” she replied wrapping some tubing around her hands like a good strangulation device.

“I don’t know what I was thinking back then. I was delusional. My step dad was fucking with my mind!”

“You’re blaming my death on your step dad?” Laurie asked.

“You were married to someone else, we were divorced, I came looking for you at work and you were at home with your husband. To me, we were still married and he was some guy you were fucking on the side. Melvin put those thoughts in my head. I was out of my mind.”

Laurie backed off for a moment realizing Jeff had a point. Still, she died a horrible suffocating death while he watched strippers in a juice bar.

“Do you have your mind back now?” she asked.

“Yes, Melvin is no longer in my mind. He’s somewhere in this hospital. You know that.”

“I think you’re making shit up to blame on him. He’s a convenient excuse.”

“Why else would I go to your house and kill you and your husband?” Jeff asked, pleading for his life.

“Because you’re a jealous asshole who never got over our divorce.”

“Well, yes, I was a jealous asshole, but not so jealous I’d kill.”

Laurie realized that she may have been more pissed at being “exorcized” at the club than she was at being killed in the first place. Her guard was now down and she almost felt bad for ripping the catheter out of Jeff’s bladder so hard.

“How long are you going to stay in that body?” Jeff asked.

“Why do you ask?” Laurie asked.

“It’s pretty freaking hot, that’s why. Any chance of us fucking while you’re here?” Jeff asked.

“That’s rape, I’m sure she wouldn’t consent to you fucking her any other time.”

“You took her body without asking, isn’t that rape?”

Realizing the irony of the question, Laurie had to think of a good reply. She walked over to the bathroom and looked at her new body in the mirror and liked what she saw. In life, she never had tits this good, or an ass to die for. Maybe it would be fun to use it once to see how it felt. But then she thought about the other nurses and doctors that might walk in on them. But then she realized she wasn’t a nurse in the first place and only knew how to take out the catheter because she had one before and saw the nurse remove it. “We can try,” she replied. “I didn’t plan to hang around in this body for long, we might get caught.”

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