Pinned Up (Pinned Up Trilogy) (23 page)

BOOK: Pinned Up (Pinned Up Trilogy)
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“Kade! How could you? You know the whole purpose of this trip is for me to forget about him! I can’t believe you!” I’m pissed.

“Calm down, Cheesecake. I thought burning a hole through his pockets would be a good way of getting him back for hurting you. I thought it was funny, besides he really wants to apologize for his actions and give you an explanation. I know it sounds like I’m not being a friend to you, but I am. You need closure to move on. Set your terms when you speak with him. He’ll respect them. He flew out here just to be with you. Doesn’t that touch your heart in the slightest bit? Speak of the devil; he’s walking right towards us.” Kade warns.

I literally feel my eyes coming out of their sockets. I want to kill Kade Daly! Josh soon approaches us, so I get distracted on my murder plot.

“Hey.” Josh says quietly to the group.

“Hi.” We all reply in the same tone.

“Okay. So, this feels awkward.” Kade states the obvious. “Em, how about you come with me to get more drinks? Cheesecake needs to give Josh a good ass chewing for not knowing how to keep his dick in his pants.”

“No. You two stay right here. Josh, have a seat. We won’t be talking. I’ll be the only one speaking.” I mean business.

“Josh, I don’t want to hear about what happened between you and that dirty skank, Nicole. I could care less about your explanation. I’m not interested in an intimate relationship with you anymore.” I will those words to be true.

“I don’t want to live with hate in my heart. It’s not healthy. I forgive you even though you haven’t asked for my forgiveness. I’m aware I haven’t given you the opportunity to apologize; I simply don’t care to listen to it. Be aware that I will never forget the hurt you put me through. You have to promise me you will never make a sexual advance towards me again, especially when I’m drinking or try to explain yourself regarding Nicole. If you can do that, we can begin a friendship once again. If you break any of the terms I’ve set, I will cut you off for good.” I stare at him intently, he needs to understand that I’m serious, but that he shouldn’t take my kindness for granted and see it as weakness.

“Okay. I’ll abide by your terms even though they’re bullshit.” He says with a solemn expression.

“Good! Now that the air has been cleared between you two, it’s time for some shots! That shit was intense for a quick second. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m about to get twisted on the last day of the year. Who’s with me?” Leave it to Kade to break the tension. I love him.

We all raise our hands. The rest of the day is spent checking out various hotels on the strip with a consistent buzz in our system. In the evening, we return to our rooms to freshen up. Josh’s room is conveniently located right next to our suite. Coincidence? I think not.

Since we’ll be outside for the remainder of the evening, our attire for the night is casual. No one is in the mood to dress up and be cooped up inside. The streets of the Las Vegas strip are closed for the year end fireworks display. The crowd is quickly growing. We decide to have our last meal of the year at Dirty Dick’s. Surprisingly enough, Josh and I are getting along with hardly any awkwardness. I feel comfortable within our group, there’s no need to end the year on a negative note. After dinner we head out to the strip, by this time, the streets are much more packed with festive crowds. Half an hour before the strike of midnight, we position ourselves right by the dancing fountains in front of the Bellagio Hotel. Unexpectedly, I become anxious. It dawns on me that in a few minutes Josh and I will embrace to welcome and celebrate the New Year. Maintaining my distance has proven to be quite a challenge, but being in his arms even for the slightest moment might be treacherous against my will. Without realizing it, I finish my drink. By this point, my mouth feels numb and I can’t seem to get Josh off my mind. Leave it to Kade to refill my cup.

Too soon, I hear people doing a countdown. “Five, four, three, two, one…Happy New Year!” Our group toasts to a new beginning.

Kade and I hug first. “Happy New Year! I hope it brings you nothing, but joy. I love you, Cheesecake!”

“You’re my heart, Kade. I hope you find happiness also.” I’m glad we’re all together.

I give Emme a big hug and tell her I love her. I turn to Josh and notice him staring at me with a look of awe. Is that how he’s observing me? With admiration? I can tell he’s confused and doesn’t know whether he can approach me or not, so I walk towards him and close the distance between us.

“Happy New Year, tree hugger.” I whisper right by his ear and place my hands on his shoulders. As I begin to back away, he holds me firmly from my waist.

He lowers his face to rest right by my ear. “Happy New Year, Valentina.” He remains in that position for several glorious, yet heartbreaking seconds. He doesn’t want to move away from me either. Being in his arms, smelling his clean scent, having that feeling of security, and being protected makes me want to lose myself to him. I feel his embrace tighten. I’ve missed being within his arms and now that I’m here, I don’t want to leave. For that moment, it feels as if it were just the two of us on the street with no worries, no past, and no regrets. With all my will, I slowly start to step away as the realization of our relationship gradually registers in my mind once again.
Valentina, you have to step away. As much as it hurts, you can’t be with him anymore. Josh doesn’t belong to you.

Traitorous tears run down my face, there’s no stopping them. Vaguely, I hear the loud fireworks; somehow I managed to tune them out along with everything else. Josh places his index finger below my chin and raises it. When he sees my tears, he grabs me with a strong force, and buries his face by my neck. “I’m so sorry, baby for hurting you. I’ll make it up to you one day, I swear it.” He speaks rapidly knowing that I’ll quickly be pushing him away.

“Please stop. You promised.” I remind him.

As he moves his handsome face away from my neck, I feel the stubble along his jawline caress my cheek. Every sense in my body is awakened by his touch. When he faces me, his hazel eyes appear red around the rims. I place my hands around his neck, give him a soft kiss by the side of his lips, and wipe away my tears. His eyes remain locked on me; I look up and take comfort in the fireworks that are right above us. The colorful display in the dark sky is truly a mesmerizing sight. I don’t bother looking back at him. I can’t. I simply step away from Josh as he unwillingly releases me.

I take deep breaths and gather my thoughts, once I feel I’m able to move forward, I search for Kade and Emme. Shock instantly strikes me. Kade is holding Emme while she has her legs wrapped around him. “Oh, hell no! I know you aren’t about to fuck in public! What’s wrong with you two? Emme, get off Kade! And Kade, keep your dick in your pants. No one wants to see that type of show!” I truly can’t believe my eyes.

“You did last night. You sure weren’t complaining when we were fucking in the bed next to yours.” Emme declares as she gets off Kade and are both dying of laughter.

“What? You two fucked in front of me while I was asleep? Ewww!” Now, I’m just grossed out.

“We wanted to end the year right.” Emme states. “I told you I was horny.”

I give up. “You both are too much! Let’s go. I’m drunk and need to rest.”

“Sounds good.” Emme and Kade say in unison with an insatiable desire protruding from them.

In the middle of the night, I have a dream. In it, Kade and Emme are having sex. Kade is behind Emme doing her doggy style. On Emme’s right ass cheek, I notice it’s a bright pink color and has the word SLUT imprinted on it. Later, Emme’s riding Kade in the reverse cowgirl position and refers to him as “Master KD,” clearly this is more of a sick nightmare. I try to wake up from my dream, but can’t. I rub my eyes several times, but the attempt is useless. The scene is extremely vivid and I feel like some type of voyeur. Then, it hits me.
These assholes are fucking right in front of me again! I’m not dreaming!

“I can’t believe you guys are getting freaky right where I can see you! You’re gross!” I feel dirty being in their presence and walk out. If it were another couple, I would gladly sit there and watch, but it’s Kade and Emme…they’re practically family.

“Shoo…go away, Nina.” I think I hear Emme say.
Did she just shoo me away?

I still feel drunk and get the munchies. I grab a Snickers bar and gobble it up in seconds. Now, I’m wide awake and it’s barely the middle of the night. I decide to go downstairs to the casino section of the hotel and walk around. When I reach the main level, I hear the beautiful melody of slot machines and coins clinking. I get a rush when a slot machine winks at me. Naturally, I wink back and make myself comfortable right in front of it. After losing sixty dollars within a ten minute timeframe to the one arm bandit, I decide to search for a loyal slot machine that will make me feel better and doesn’t just wink at any random person like some loose tramp. As I’m walking around the casino searching for the perfect machine, I spot Josh at a poker table. I decide to remain in place behind a tall flower structure and observe him from a distance.
Oh, yeah…I’m in full blown stalker mode.

Josh is wearing black, yet his broad shoulders, and lean build are easy to observe. His expression is somber, making his appearance mysterious and sexy. His hypnotic, hazel eyes compliment his lightly, tan skin and fine features perfectly. He has several stacks of poker chips in front of him. He’s drinking hard liquor, cognac I assume since that’s his drink of preference when gambling. As he places a bet, his expression is subdued. Once he wins the pot, his face remains impassive, but his posture alludes an air of confidence that’s erotic as hell. He places a blind bet for the start of a new game, he takes a sip of his liquor, and discreetly licks his lower lip keeping part of it between his teeth as he focuses on the cards he was just dealt.
Oh, to be those lips. I reminisce on our own poker night that consisted of a carefree moment with uncontainable passion. How I’ve missed him. Instantly, I crave his kiss, his touch, his affection, his presence…

A waitress wearing a black corset pulls me out of my reverie. She’s a young, pretty blonde. She hands him another drink and bends down low enough for her chest to be near his face.
What the fuck is up with him and waitresses?

He takes the drink without looking at her and hands her poker chips as a tip. She walks away with her eyes fixated on him. Yes, she wants him, but who wouldn’t when it’s clear he’s dominating the table and exudes a raw sensuality that is difficult to resist.

I walk away and end my surveillance with comfort that he isn’t on the prowl and is solely concentrating on his game. I know I shouldn’t think that way, but I can’t help it. He’s still deeply penetrated in my heart. I decide to get my night’s rest on Kade’s bed since he’s busy doing unimaginable things to Emme in my room.

Morning arrives and the sound of a buzzer wakes me up. I get up and find Kade, Emme, and Josh about to have breakfast at the nook table. I excuse myself and brush my teeth. I feel like crap. No more drinking for the next few days.

“Morning. How’d you sleep last night?” Josh asks me. “We ordered almost everything on the menu, so help yourself.”

“Thanks. I kept having these weird dreams last night.” I glare at Emme and Kade. “By the way, I’m not drinking today; I have too much crap in my system.”

“What were your dreams about?” Emme asks curiously.

“Ugh. They were about you and Kade in completely inappropriate positions.” I get nauseous just thinking about their freaky shenanigans.

Immediately, Kade and Emme begin to giggle. Kade raises his hand and sings, “Guiiiiiiiiiiilty.” Now, everyone’s laughing.

“Ewww! You guys are sick! I’m telling mom.” I chuckle and accidentally snort. Now, we’re all in hysterics.

We spend the remainder of the day alcohol free and in good spirits. We sight see and catch a Cirque du Soleil and burlesque show. Before we end the night, Josh asks to go on a non-date with me tomorrow. Emme and Kade made it clear earlier they wanted to relax tomorrow. I remind him of his promise and agree to go on the non-date with him.

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