Pisces: Book 1 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Pisces: Book 1 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)
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Chapter Eighteen


I pounded on the door as my panting breath echoed around me. I had travelled on two trains to try and cover my tracks. Running from the station had been my only option. My neck was sore from constantly checking over my shoulder. It was the middle of the night. I saw a light switch on above and hoped they would hurry.

‘Who is it?’ Bev called through the door.

‘It’s me, Pisces.’

The locks clicked and the door opened. Bev stood in her dressing gown. I looked straight past her to Antony. He stood by the stairs with a gun aimed at my chest. As soon as our gaze met, he lowered it. Bev pulled me into the house and shut the door.

‘Are you okay, love?’

I nodded, not taking my eyes away from Antony as he stared at me.

‘I thought I was dreaming,’ Derek said from the balcony above. I glanced up as Antony shook his head and looked away. Derek wore a pair of pants and nothing else. He also held a gun.

‘I’m fine. Father and the boys were fighting with Nick. He told me to come here.’

Bev pushed me into Father’s library and sat me down in one of the chairs. Antony and Derek came in behind us but stayed back.

‘Is he okay?’ Bev asked, pouring herself a stiff drink. When she offered me one, I shook my head. Alcohol wasn’t what I needed.

‘He seemed to be doing well before I left. The police were on their way. Hopefully they broke it up.’ I glanced at the two brothers.

‘Should we go and find him?’ Derek scratched his stomach.

I looked away from him. He was a fit young man but he wasn’t my type. Antony wore jeans and a T-shirt.

‘No, I have orders. We’re to stay here. Don’t answer the door to anyone until he gets in contact,’ Antony said. ‘We’re safe. Bev, I think you should go back to bed. You too, Derek. I’ll get Pisces settled and then keep watch.’

Bev came over and put her arms around me. It was what I needed. Alcohol could never give me the reassurance that a hug could. She stroked my head as she left and Derek followed her.

‘Night, bruv,’ I heard him mutter as he patted Antony on the shoulder.

I sat in silence as Antony checked the front door and came back into the room. He sat behind Father’s desk. I tried not to smile. He still put something between us but it no longer hurt. I understood. I had no idea how but something clicked inside me.

‘Why did you run away?’ Antony gripped the edge of the desk.

‘Same reason you did,’ I replied.

I forced my muscles to relax as he stiffened.

‘Fair play.’ He smiled and my heart pounded. It had been a long time since I had seen his dimples.

‘Did you come back by choice?’

Lowering my head, I stared at my hands. A few short hours ago, I had told Nick that I didn’t want anything to do with my mission or Antony. I had been prepared to let him keep us apart. Did I tell Antony?

‘Be honest with me.’

I looked up and tried to smile. When our eyes met, something overtook me. My body started to shake and the shock of what had happened set in. He leant forward but didn’t get up.

‘Tell me,’ he said quietly.

My head shook and I blinked, trying to stop the tears that blurred my sight. ‘I was going to go with Nick because—’


He cut me off. I wasn’t going to let him run again. He went to get up but I got to my feet quicker. He lowered himself as I approached the desk. I put my hands on the wood and leant forward.

‘Listen to me! Yes, I ran. I was scared and sick of crying over you. Nick found me last night and told me that he had my mother. I believed that he’d kidnapped her, like he did me. So I agreed to be exchanged.’

‘I didn’t know where you were!’ he hissed. His fingers clenched the desk and his knuckles turned white.

‘I know. I’m sorry,’ I said, thrown off by the mismatched conversation.

‘Anything could’ve happened to you. I never would have known.’ He thrust up from the chair and leant forward on the desk. ‘You were going to go with him? Even though you knew we could never be together if you did?’

The tears ran down my face. We both ignored them. His breath and angry words hit my soul. I had to plant my feet firmly against the carpet. I was ready to run but I wouldn’t.

‘I couldn’t handle it,’ I whispered. ‘All I thought about was you. All I wanted was for you to turn up and take me into your arms but you never came. Then Nick was there, offering to help me forget about you. I thought I would finally be able to accept that we could never be together.’

His jaw popped as he clenched his teeth. His eyes were close to mine. Heat radiated from him and I knew I would get burnt if I dared to reach out.

‘You want to give up on your mission?’

He grabbed my arm and yanked it up between us. I almost fell forward but managed to right myself. The bracelet was in my eye line and I cringed when I saw it. He fingered the frayed edge where I had attempted to cut it off over the last few months.

‘Not anymore,’ I whispered.

The anger left him in a rush and his breath landed on my face. His muscles loosened but he still held my arm.


He let me go and left the room without a backward glance.




‘Is Father back yet?’

The room stayed silent. I looked up from my toast. Antony wasn’t awake. Derek and Bev sat across from me.

‘I’m assuming that’s a no. He must have stayed with the others after the fight.’

Bev fidgeted. She stirred the cereal around her bowl. Neither of them had eaten anything.

‘You’re worried about him,’ I stated.

‘Your father always checks in. It’s unlike him not to.’ Bev gave up on her food and let her spoon clatter into the bowl.

I had to call Aries. I got up and rushed through the door as Antony came in. We bumped into each other. My face heated as he steadied me.

‘Sorry,’ I mumbled, trying to move around him.

He took my elbow and guided me outside. It was spring and the birds chirped happily. I sat on the bench swing and tilted my face to the sun. Antony stayed standing. Feeling his gaze on my face. I closed my eyes.

‘I’ve not heard from your father. I need you to ring your siblings and ask if he’s with them.’

I opened my eyes and took the mobile phone he offered me. I dialled their number. My fingers were stiff and so was the energy around us.

‘Aries, it’s Pisces,’ I said when he picked up. ‘Is Father with you?’

‘Why did you leave your bag in the car? I couldn’t get hold of you. I had no bloody idea if you were still alive! Where are you?’

His temper simmered. I had to keep my cool. ‘I’m at Fathers. That’s where he told me to go.’

Aries grunted and I heard him tell the others where I was. ‘It’s not good news. Nick has him.’

I almost dropped the phone. Antony came to sit next to me. My body started to shake. He put his hand on my shoulder. The touch sent heat spiralling through me.

‘How did that happen?’

‘More men came and we were overpowered. The police turned up. We managed to get away but we couldn’t find him anywhere.’

The phone muffled in my ear and I heard him roar at the others to shut up. I was glad that I wasn’t on the end of his fireball.

‘What’s happened?’ Antony asked.

‘Father’s been taken by Nick,’ I answered, my hand over the receiver.

Antony got to his feet and hurried to the back door. He called Derek and told him to go and get dressed. I looked down at my pyjamas before clambering off the seat.

‘Pisces, come home. We need to sort this out between us,’ Aries said into the phone before it shut off.

Antony came back over. ‘Stay here, we’re going to London.’

‘There’s no way I’m staying here,’ I exclaimed as I marched past him.

‘I’m your bodyguard. Do as I say.’

I paused as I snorted. It wasn’t a ladylike sound. Antony frowned at me but I couldn’t help it. It wasn’t the right time to be laughing, but after everything that had happened, I wasn’t going to stay behind.

‘Derek needs to stay here with Bev. I’m coming with you, or I’m going home to the others. It’s your choice.’

I left him and stormed to my room to get dressed. I had just put on my bra when the door opened and Antony came in. I squeaked as I tried to cover myself but he ignored my state of undress.

He came to me, buried his hand into my loose hair and pulled my head back to expose my throat. I swallowed and his gaze followed the movement. He lowered his head and flicked his tongue over the sensitive skin below my ear.

‘Antony…’ I whispered.

He reached up and covered my mouth.

‘I won’t let you ruin this,’ he whispered against my neck.

His breath made me shiver as it caressed my skin. His puckered lips kissed along my collarbone. I had forgotten that I was half dressed. When his hand brushed my bare stomach, I sucked in a breath.

I linked my arms around his neck. He loosened his grip in my hair and brought my head up. Our lips met but it wasn’t soft. His breath huffed into my mouth as he forced it open with his tongue. His arms wrapped around my back and held me against his warm chest. Our heartbeats matched as they raced together.

‘Antony, you’ve got to let me come!’ Derek shouted from the hallway.

He nipped my bottom lip as we pulled apart. I licked the spot he had caught and his gaze zoned in on my tongue.

I opened my mouth to speak. As he lowered his gaze, his eyes widened at the realisation that I had no top on. His cheeks flushed pink as he muttered an apology before he winked and left me to finish getting dressed.

I was still panting after he had gone. I hadn’t expected him to kiss me, yet my whole body had been ready. It felt right. Just like the fireworks I had imagined when I found my soulmate.

After pulling on my blue jumper, I hurried with the rest of my stuff. I had a feeling I would no longer stay at my father’s. The first part of my mission was almost complete, although we had a way to go yet.

The book said that the first sign of harmonising was being drawn to one another. We wouldn’t be able to resist each other. No matter how much we tried to run, we would always end up together. I had read a lot over the last two months. I was now confident that we were going to unite.


Chapter Nineteen


‘Was Derek really miffed?’ I asked as I climbed into Father’s car.

‘Just a bit,’ Antony said.

‘Do you think we can find Father and end all this?’

I wrung my hands together as I imagined what Nick would do to the one man that knew what I was going through. My guardian.

‘I hate to say it but I think it’s only just begun.’ Antony patted my thigh and my cheeks grew warm as the memory of our kiss flashed into my mind.

‘I was afraid of that,’ I said, looking out of the window at the passing traffic. The motorway made my teeth go on edge.

‘It will be okay in the end.’ Antony took my hand.

I looked down to see that the car was automatic. He didn’t need his hand to change gear. I squeezed his fingers and enjoyed the calm that settled over me.

‘Do you think this is it?’ His words were quiet as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Us…?’ he said as he glanced at me and smiled wickedly.

His dimples appeared and I flushed with an emotion so powerful, I shivered. I had been in love with him since the moment I had met him. The connection was too strong to ignore but I didn’t know how much more in love with him I could fall.

The love before this had been tormented and painful. Now it felt like nothing I had ever experienced.

‘Yes, I think we’re harmonising.’

His eyes left the road again to look at me. He swallowed and his arm muscles tensed.

‘It’s okay,’ I said, laughing when he shook his head.

‘I’m sorry but the last few months have been torture. I didn’t want a relationship when I met you. Sure, I thought you were attractive but I was busy with my job. It didn’t seem right to want you.’

It was my turn to swallow. ‘You wanted me?’

A gentle laugh escaped him as he looked into the rear-view mirror.

His hand left my thigh in a rush. He gripped the steering wheel and wrenched it to the right.

‘What’s happening?’ I cried as we were thrown about.

The car sped into the fast lane. I had to cover my eyes. Antony was a brilliant driver but there was an articulated lorry ahead.

‘Someone’s following us. I don’t like the look of them. They were about to ram us,’ Antony almost shouted.

Uncovering my eyes, I looked behind us. A big car was up our arse and it was coming closer.

‘Do you think it’s Nick?’

Our car swerved across the road again. I yelped when my shoulder crashed into the door. He could have warned me that he was going to swerve. I didn’t moan. He was concentrating and I didn’t want to upset him.

‘Probably. Who else would it be?’

I took another look to try and get a clue but the windows in the other car were blacked out.

‘Can we lose them?’

I wanted to help but there was nothing I could do.

‘Hold on!’ Antony cried as he sped out of the fast lane and straight through the others.

I gripped the dashboard as hard as I could. He drove straight towards the exit. There were two separate exits right next to each other. He cut in front of a lorry. I screamed as the lorry blew its horn. He sped straight onto the first exit with just inches to spare. The other car got stuck on the other side of the lorry.

I sighed as we escaped down the exit and out of sight.

‘That was mad,’ I said as I tried to get my breathing back to normal.

My heartbeat tripped all over the place and my nerves were shot.

‘I’m sorry.’ Antony put his foot on the accelerator.

‘Don’t be sorry, you did what you had to do.’

He took my hand and pulled it to his lips. He kissed it as I placed my other hand over my heart. It was beating for an entirely different reason now.

‘I know you’re super sensitive, though. That couldn’t have helped.’

I let him keep hold of my hand. He entwined his fingers with mine and rested them on his lap.

‘How do you know that about me?’

His cheeks glowed slightly as he pulled off the motorway. ‘Firstly, I noticed that you go all tense when we’re around a lot of people. You also react differently to anyone I’ve ever known. You get crazy defensive, although you seem to be a little better with that now.’

My heart expanded even more. He had taken notice of who I was and accepted me anyway.

‘You do know that you have a lifetime of stroppiness, defensiveness and complexity ahead, don’t you? Do you think you can handle it?’

I grinned. The adrenaline of the chase still pumped through my veins but it had turned into a warm fuzzy feeling.

‘I have no idea,’ he replied, keeping hold of my hand when I tried to pull away to playfully hit him. ‘Before we even start to think about that adventure, we need to get your father back.’

The smile dropped from my face. It was like a slap on the cheek and the warm feeling turned cold.

‘Yes. Will it take long to get back to the others from here?’

He felt the energy shift and squeezed my hand. How had I switched from terror, to love and then back to dread, in the space of a few minutes? I laughed suddenly. Antony frowned.

‘Are you okay?’

I wanted to reach out and straighten his furrowed brow. Instead I sat back and closed my eyes.

‘I’m fine. I’m just allowing my emotions to come up.’

He tutted. The sound sent prickles of annoyance down my arms. I tried to pull my hand out of his grip but he wouldn’t let go. Nothing was said but it was obvious. He wasn’t going to let me run. He knew me well enough to know when to stay and just be with me. The thought sent a wave of warmth over me but a tiny bubble of dread made my stomach gurgle. Could I really let anyone in? Even Antony?

‘We’re almost there.’

‘Thank you,’ I whispered.

He had given me space to calm my emotions. No one had ever done that, not even my siblings.

‘You know what?’ he said as the car came to a stop.

‘What?’ I answered as I opened my eyes. We were parked a few streets away from my home in Clapham.

‘This has been a wild ride and I’m glad it’s not over.’

His lips caught mine as he leant over. I welcomed the contact. The kiss was short and sweet but it sent a thrill straight through me. He pulled away and winked as he got out of the car.

‘I must admit, I’ll be glad when it’s over.’ I laughed as he opened the passenger door and helped me out.

‘I don’t know. I think you could do with a wild ride every now and then.’ He laughed as he put his arm around my shoulders and guided me home.


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