Plagiarized (12 page)

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Authors: Marlo Williams,Leddy Harper

BOOK: Plagiarized
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Through his opened bedroom door, I saw the back of him. His naked back. I watched as his clenched ass cheeks moved back and forth. I noticed the slim, tan, legs next to his on his bed. The bed that was supposed to be
bed. I followed his arms to his hands, and noticed how he held them tightly around a set of small hips. My eyes moved around the feminine hips, up the soft looking back, and to the mess of blond hair fanned out on my pillow. I couldn’t see a face since it was pressed in to where I normally slept. I wondered if she could smell me on my pillowcase. That thought was quickly erased from my mind when I heard him speak.

“Fuck, Katie. I’m about to come. Hurry up.”

I had never heard him speak like that to me when we were intimate. He was always so sweet and loving when we were together. It made me sick to hear him talk like that to someone else. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to run. I wanted to scream and cry. But I couldn’t do any of those things.

Instead, I stood in silence and watched the love of my life fuck another girl. I listened as he brought her to ecstasy, and then witnessed with my own eyes him coming on her back. To top off the feeling of betrayal, he hadn’t even worn a condom with her.

I backed away slowly and quietly, not making a sound until I was back outside of what was supposed to be our apartment. I closed the door softly behind me and then took off running for the car.

Once I was inside, I cried and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore.

I wanted to leave, to go back home. But I knew I couldn’t. I had to face him. I had to be strong and confront him about his lies and infidelity.

I just had to prepare myself for it.



I finally decided to go to bed at midnight. Tom still wasn’t home and I knew then that he was pissed! I tossed and turned for two more hours until I finally fell asleep. I had no idea how I was going to make it through the next day.



I got up at five in the morning, unable to sleep any longer. Sleep? Who was I kidding? I hadn’t slept at all, not a fucking wink the entire night. I was so tired I didn’t think I would make it through the day. How was I going to deal with the nimrods I was tasked with at work like this? I felt semi delirious I was so tired.

I sighed as I got up to make my way to the shower. Tom had never shown up and I had no idea where he was. I didn’t know if he was in one of the spare bedrooms, or hadn’t come home at all. I refused to look to see if he was home. What did I care anyway? Right?

On my way to school, I realized it was barely six in the morning. This was the earliest I would ever arrive at work, ever. I even had time to drive through and pick up my favorite venti coffee on the way to work. And still I had over an hour until the students arrived and thought I could put that time to good use by writing my book. I was making excellent headway. I couldn’t believe how fast it was all coming together. Thanks in large part to Missy. She had provided me with such great details to include.

I couldn’t wait until I finished it and put it out there. I had a large fan base on Facebook, so I knew I would do relatively well in the sales department.

I also had made friends with several good people that I could use for their services. One girl was reading my book as I wrote it and editing it for free. She was so enamored with me, she did pretty much anything and everything I asked her to do. She had also helped me fill in the voids, where the words wouldn’t come to me. She had easily written over a quarter of my book.

Another beneficial friendship I had was with Becky. Becky was an amazing artist. She made sick book covers and things that were known as teasers in the book world. Teasers were pictures with quotes from the book to entice readers. The teasers she had already made me excited about the release. I was no longer nervous, not that I really ever was. I could not wait to unleash the teasers with my release date. My followers would completely eat it up and take over spreading the word about my book. The best part of this was that I had an editor and cover artist all for free. So I wasn’t spending anything out of pocket. Everything I received from book sales would be pure profit.

I pulled in to the parking lot of the school and was surprised to see a few cars already parked. I guess there were other crazies who arrived early. I saw someone getting into a car. I pulled in to a spot beside the car and noticed it was Craig.

I rolled down the passenger window and called out to him, “Craig.”

He looked over at me and then continued getting into his car.

I got out and walked over to his car. “Craig,” I said again.

He was sitting in his seat and hit the steering wheel with both hands. “What the fuck do you want, Sage? Haven’t you fucked up my life enough?”

“Fucked up your life?” I was baffled. What was he talking about? He was the one who had blackmailed me into fucking him, so how had I ruined his life? To say I was confused would have been an understatement.

“I want you!” he shouted. “I’ve wanted you for three years. Admired you from afar for three goddamned years and now that I’ve had you, I can’t think of anything else.”


“I think I love you,” he whispered so softly I wasn’t sure I heard him right.

I stood there and stared at him, unsure of how to respond. His words had stunned me into silence. Did he just say he loved me? Had I heard him correctly?

“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. I’m nothing but a stupid kid. How do I know anything about love? I know about love. I’ve never been loved. My entire life, I have been raised by nannies and my parents never loved me. I have an older brother I never see, except for on holidays. I have never had love and I fucking know what I’ve been missing.”

“You don’t love me, Craig,” I said softly. I noticed a couple more cars pull in and park a little farther down from us. “Can we go to your house and talk?” I made the split-second decision. I didn’t want to go to work anyway. I could go to his house, talk to him, and then go home and spend the day writing.

He stared at me but didn’t speak. Finally, he nodded.

We both got back into our respective cars and I followed him back to his house. Once we arrived, he got out quietly and I followed him up the steps to his front door. I continued following him into one of the sitting rooms where he sat down, and then gestured for me to do the same.

“Craig, I don’t know what to say to you,” I said quietly and looked at him for guidance. I had never been in a situation like this. Lie. That wasn’t exactly true. Countless guys had fallen in love with me over the years, guys I had discarded carelessly without even giving it a second thought.

For some reason, I hadn’t felt bad then, but I did now. Craig was only eighteen years old and fucked like a dream. I didn’t feel bad for him, per se, I guess I was scared that he would tell on me and I would be fired.

“I thought after I fucked you, I would be over you, but it’s the exact opposite. I want you even more. It’s all I can think about—your naked body writhing against me.”

“You wrote me the notes!”

“What notes?” He looked confused. “I didn’t write you any notes.” If it wasn’t him, who was it? Who had been writing the fucking love notes to me?

“Someone has been writing notes to me,” I admitted. “I thought it was you.”

“It’s not me,” he said adamantly. “But I fucking love you.”

“You don’t love me, Craig. You think you do, but you don’t. Listen, when you’re young, you have crushes and think of it as love, but it’s not. As soon as you have more life experiences, you’ll realize this”—I gestured between he and I—“wasn’t what you thought it was.”

He looked crestfallen and I just wanted to run out of there. I didn’t deal with emotions well, what the fuck was I supposed to tell this kid?

I went over and sat next to him on the sofa. He took my hand.

“Craig,” I started. “You don’t—”

And then he kissed me. Deeply, madly, and passionately. Kissed me. I was stunned and automatically returned the kiss. You can’t blame me. It had been so long, like two full days, since I had gotten laid. I was horny as hell. That, plus his kiss was really, really good. Really good—no way was this kid only eighteen. He could kiss like he had decades of experience under his belt.

I returned the kiss and he grabbed my neck, pulling me closer to him. I moaned as he stuck his tongue in my mouth and then reached my hands under his shirt. His warm skin and muscles just about did me in. They were so firm and big from all those hours of playing football. I already knew his dick was huge, which made it even harder to say no. So I didn’t.

He started to unbutton my blouse and I let him. I hadn’t meant to let him, but I didn’t stop him. I couldn’t. That part of my brain had completely shut down. That sounded like an excellent excuse.

I moaned as he pulled my breast out of my bra cup and began to suck my nipple. He sucked it like he was born to suck it. Like that was his sole purpose on this earth. He knew just how to manipulate my nipple by rolling it between his lips, then he stopped and started to nibble it before biting down hard, causing me to scream.

Then he started on the other one, and the tingles I felt between my legs were growing too intense. It was too much to bear. I needed more. Needed to feel more. Now!

I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him back onto the couch. I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down in record time. I then took his dick in my mouth. Well, there is no way I could fit his entire dick in my mouth. He was of gargantuan size, but I more than made up for it with my hand. My hand was amazing, at least I had been told that many times by several guys. I used my hand to move in tandem with my mouth and it slid up and down his cock easily. I fucked him while he moved his hips in a thrusting motion, trying to get me to speed up, but I wouldn’t. I kept the slow pace, to drive him slowly crazy. Plus, I didn’t want him to come. I wanted his dick inside me when he did that.

He pulled me by my hair and moved me facedown over the couch. At first, I was pissed when he grabbed me by the hair, but then when he started to fuck me and continued to pull my hair, I silently begged him to pull harder. The combination of the pain and pleasure was intoxicating. I felt like I needed more, now!

“I want more,” I finally got out. “Please.”

“More? What more could I do, that I’m not already doing?” he spoke in riddles. I had no idea what that meant. My mind was gone and all I was thinking about was the pounding my pussy was getting. He hit me deep, so deep it was causing my body to stir, but I still needed more.

“Yes. More! Please, please!” I whimpered. Oh God, I loved to be fucked doggy-style. He was so fucking deep.

He reached around my thigh and started to rub my clit. Yes. That’s what I needed. That was it!

“Is this what you want?” he murmured into my ear.

I nodded and moaned my answer; it was all I could do.

Then he swatted my ass and I came. The pleasure of my orgasm completely flooded my system. I even heard ringing in my ears and couldn’t comprehend anything. Sex was so good with Craig. If only he were slightly older.

He got off me and discreetly disposed of the condom. I hated those things, but always used them.

When he came back, I was already half dressed.

“You’re leaving?” he asked quietly.

I nodded. “I need to get back home. I didn’t sleep last night and I’m so tired.”

“You aren’t leaving.”

“Excuse me?” I said and laughed. “I need to go, Craig.”

“Stay here. Sleep here.”

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” And with that, he lifted me off of my feet.

I yelped as he carried me up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

He deposited me neatly in his bed and it swallowed me. It was so comfortable and I sighed as my head rested on the pillow.

“My bed is the ultimate,” he said and jumped on it, joining me.

“It is pretty comfortable,” I admitted.

“Stay.” That one simple word, one word, and my mind had been changed. He took me into his arms and held me. I drifted off to sleep easily; I was so tired and felt so relaxed.




When I woke up a few hours later, I momentarily felt disoriented. I didn’t remember where I was. I looked around and Craig was gone. I was in his bed, completely alone. It gave me a few moments to think and then I got scared. I didn’t want to think. I wanted to just get home and write. I needed to write, needed to get the words down.

I stood up and quickly re-dressed. I was missing my purse and phone. I remembered leaving it downstairs, so that’s where I headed.

I walked slowly down the stairs and looked for Craig on my way. He was nowhere in sight.

I thanked my lucky stars and grabbed my personal items as quickly as I could, thankful that I didn’t have to experience an awkward goodbye with him. I would have to face him eventually, but not now.

I got in my car and started to drive home when I realized I didn’t want to go home. What if Tom was there? I didn’t want to face him, either. I was stuck.

I pulled over to the side of the road and pulled out my cell phone. I held it for a minute and then called Missy.
Please pick up!

“Hello,” I finally heard after what felt like twenty rings.

“Hi, Missy. What are you up to? Do you think you could meet me for lunch?” I crossed my fingers and wished for her to say yes. It was something I used to do as a child. Cross my fingers when I wished for something good to happen.

“Okay. Is something wrong?” she asked cautiously.

“No,” I fake laughed. “What could be wrong? My life is fabulous!” Lie. I don’t even need to explain that one.

We agreed to meet at a place downtown in twenty minutes. I didn’t even go home and change first. I went to meet her with the remnants of Craig still on me.

“Hi,” I greeted her as I rushed in. She had thankfully gotten us a booth in the back.

“What’s with the impromptu lunch? And aren’t you working?” she fished for details.

“I decided to play hooky from work today and just wanted to see you.” I smiled at her across the table. “Isn’t that enough?” I asked playfully.

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