Play Softly (The Devil's Share Book 4)

BOOK: Play Softly (The Devil's Share Book 4)
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Dash Connor, lead singer of The Devil’s Share, has everything planned: the party, the candles, the music. He’s going to ask Lexi Grant to marry him. Not that getting hitched will make any difference in how he feels about her—head over heels just about covers it—but they have a baby on the way and that little bundle of joy
going to have his last name. But, like everything that’s happened since the first day he met Lexi, his best laid plans are about to be upended. Still, it’s all good…except for the trouble brewing with his bandmate.

Play Softly

Book Four of The Devil’s Share

L.P. Maxa

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.

Copyright © 2016 L.P. Maxa

All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

ISBN 978-1-944262-23-5

Ebook formatting by Maureen Cutajar

To my amazing sassy beautiful little girl. Always remember that I am only crazy because I love you more than life itself.


Thank you to my husband for describing childbirth so humorously. Thank you to my spectacular baby sister, you’ve been watching over Stoli since before she was even born. And thank you to my Smitten Kittens, I loved your stories.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen


About the Author

Also by L.P. Maxa


“I was never insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.”

—Edgar Allen Poe

Chapter One


Today was the day I was going to ask Lexi to marry me, and I couldn’t fucking wait. I started falling for that girl the second I saw her side stage at a concert in Austin, Texas. She was a knockout then, and she was even more beautiful now.

I sat on the bed in our room and watched her get ready in the bathroom. Her long hair hung down her back in loose honey waves, the flowy tank top she was wearing draped over her pregnant belly. Our daughter was due in less than two months. Lexi would shank me if I ever said this out loud, but I was going to miss her pregnant body. I loved the way she looked, I loved putting my hand on her stomach and feeling our baby move. Hell, I already couldn’t wait to knock her up again.

“Is there something I can help you with?”

I looked up; she’d caught me staring. “No, ma’am, I was just watching my gorgeous girlfriend get ready for our romantic date.” I stood then walked over to her. “How are you feeling, Kitten?”

When I put my arms around her and laid my hands on her stomach, she smiled and leaned back. “I’m feeling okay. Little tired, little uncomfortable, little horny.”

I dipped down and kissed her neck. “Oh yeah?” Lexi had been horny pretty much her whole pregnancy. I was a lucky, lucky man.

She moaned and pushed her ass against my rapidly hardening cock. “Yeah.”

I smirked at her in the mirror. “Grab the counter.” She did what she was told, which only ever happened during sex, and I slid her panties down her toned legs. I ran my hands along her hips and back, massaging her sore muscles. “You sure you’re up for this, Kitten?”

She pushed back against me again, impatient. “I’m fine, babe.”

I unbuttoned my pants and let them fall to the floor. I positioned myself at her entrance; I didn’t need to check to see if she was ready for me. Lexi was always ready for me. I knew her body better than I knew my own. I’d spent hours upon hours learning just the way she liked to be touched, to be kissed, to be fucked. I knew every sound she made. I knew when she was close, I knew when she was distracted and needed a little more help. I knew when she was hurting but didn’t want me to stop. I knew when she needed it rough and when she craved it slow.

Today I pushed inside her as slowly and gently as possible. I’d seen her rubbing her lower back this morning, and her hips were tense beneath my fingers. But if I was what she wanted right now, then I’d never deny her. There would be millions of other chances for me to nail into her, to let go and break beds as I knew she liked. Right now, I was more than happy to go nice and easy.

“You feel so good.” I leaned forward and trailed kisses down her spine. “So fucking perfect.” Her hands gripped the counter, her long hair like a curtain over her face. “Look at me.” She pulled her head up, her eyes hooded, her cheeks flushed. My God, she was everything. I kept my slow, steady pace, in and out. There was no rush, no sense of urgency. There was nowhere else on earth I’d rather be.

“Oh, wow. Don’t stop.”

“You like that, baby?” I winked at her in the mirror then leaned back and let my eyes travel down her back to her ass. I watched myself slide in and out of her sexy body.

“God, yes. Don’t. Stop.”

Fellas, let me tell you a little something about having sex with your pregnant girlfriend; it’s amazing.
I didn’t know if it was her hormones or the changes in her body (and she wouldn’t let me ask Dr. Solomon), but holy hell, it was hot. Her orgasms were so strong, so intense that they clamped down on my cock and instantly triggered mine.

I pulled out almost all the way as she moaned, “Don’t.” And then slid back in, burying myself to the hilt, making her scream, “Stop.”

I’d never worried before about how loud I made Lex scream, we were used to living on a tour bus with a bunch of dudes. And dudes don’t care about that stuff. But now this house had women and children in it. I moved in and out of her again; her cries were getting louder. It was fucking hot. I didn’t want her to be quiet. I glanced down at my watch. Landry and Luke had drum lessons in the studio for another ten minutes…we were good. I’d apologize to Bryan and Dylan later.


My grin was cocky.
I admit it. But do you know how good it feels to hear your girl literally screaming in ecstasy? If you don’t, you’re not only doing something wrong, but you’re missing out.
“Fuck, Kitten…” I reached up and cupped her breasts, rubbing my thumbs against her nipples.

“Don’t stop doing that…I’m so fucking close.”

I picked up my pace, but not the strength behind it. When I rolled her nipples between my finger and thumb, her legs started to shake. I moved one arm around her pelvis, keeping her upright. “I got you, baby, just let go.”

She screamed, her orgasm taking over her body and mine. It was so intense, I felt like I was about to pass out and—

“Lexi?” Bam, bam, bam on the door. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

I pulled my pants up just as Dylan came barreling into the room. I turned to face her, keeping Lexi behind me.

“Is she okay? I heard…”

Lexi put her hands on my shoulders, peering around my half-naked body to talk to her friend. “I’m good, Dilly. Sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you.”

Dylan put her hands on her hips and let out a breath. “For fuck’s sake, Lexi, I thought you were in labor.” The PA in Dylan apparently hadn’t taken into account that there could have been an alternative to Lexi’s screaming. I was a fucking rock star. Maybe I needed to give Smith some pointers in the bedroom.

When no males followed behind Dylan, I stepped away from Lexi to let her finish getting dressed. As I walked by Dylan she punched me on the arm.

“What was that for?”

“She’s eight months pregnant, go easy on her.”

I scoffed, “I was going easy on her.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Oh really? She was screaming like that because you were making slow sweet love to her?”

I crossed my arms. “As a matter of fact, yes.”

Dylan pointed her finger at me, jabbing the air. “Play nice, or no more playing at all.”

“Hey, man, thanks again for doing this.”

Luke nodded his head. “Yeah, uh, glad I could help.”

No he wasn’t. But that was something we never talked about. Luke didn’t interfere with my relationship with Lexi, and I didn’t interfere with their friendship. I knew Lexi loved us both, but I also knew that she had been in love only with me.

Luke was my bandmate, my friend, and a really fucking good guy. Hell, he not only helped me plan this whole engagement, but he was helping me pull it off as well. “You and Smith are going to set up the candles?” He gave me another quick nod but didn’t say anything this time. It was probably best to just leave him alone about it. He said he’d get it done, and I believed him. I headed up the stairs in search of Jacks.

“Crash. No. No, sir. Bad puppy.”

I reached down and grabbed the white wiggly dog when he darted out of Landry’s room and held him to my chest, then removed the curtains from his mouth. “How in the shit did he rip these down?”

Jacks took the curtains from my hands, but left the puppy. “How the hell did he snap Landry’s hairbrush into two pieces? He’s a boss.”

I set the dog back on the floor, and he tore off down the stairs in search of the next thing he could destroy. “Lex is getting ready. Y’all are meeting us at the restaurant, right?”

“Yeah, wouldn’t miss it.” He gestured down the hall. “The girls are getting ready.” He put his hand on my shoulder. “You nervous?”

I shrugged. “Maybe a little.”

Jacks laughed. “It’s not like she’ll tell you no. Knocking her up took care of that.”

I reached out and popped him on the back of his head. “I’m not nervous that she’ll say no, I just want everything to be perfect for her and—”

“Crash. NO.”

I winced. “That’s Dil, you better go get him before she puts him out front with a ‘Free to good home’ sign around his neck.”

“Good luck today, bro.” Jacks gave me a quick hug and then raced down the stairs to save Landry’s puppy from sudden homelessness.

“You don’t even have to ask, we have the candles all loaded and I am heading out with Luke now.” Smith came down from the third floor, a lighter in his hands. “Nice show you and Lex put on earlier, by the way.”

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