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“Not like this,” I reprimanded her. “Absolutely
like this. I forbid it.”




“I do,” I snarled, stepping closer to her. “You are not to exploit this
woman to further your agenda of representing me.”


“For God’s sake, exploiting her is why I told you to go find her again!
pay me
to do this
” Jess retorted. “The agenda feeds me.
agenda. The agenda that
keeps the British public pleased with you.
you forget that you’re a loose cannon? You
me to pick up after you, Lex! Without me
doing my job
, you’d never get that sponsorship in your wildest


“I am not telling you to not do your job,” I hissed, practically
dribbling acid around my lips. “I am telling you that you leave Riley Ricketts
out of it. Are we clear?”


“You’ve got it bad for this one, don’t you?” Jess asked. I could see
some revelation unfolding in her eyes.


“I’m not letting anyone – you included – take this traumatic thing she’s
experienced and force her to live it publicly, going through it again and
again,” I told her. “It’s not the right thing to do.”


Jess shook her head. “She’s gotten into your brain, man. You
troubled yourself with what the
thing to do would be. You’re


“So what if I am?” I demanded.


“I’m not saying you’re changing for the
, Lex,” Jess clarified, her tone softening as she looked into
my eyes. “I’m saying that it’s for the
Whatever you two have, whatever you’re doing… you need to capitalize on this.”


“You’re not exploiting–”


“Not me,
,” she told me.
“Don’t you
let this one slip
away from you, Lex. You need her. She’s going to show you how to be better than
who you are… and even when this thing between you both ends, you’ll come away
from it a stronger, greater man for it.”


I thought on this as we heard a knock at the door. Jess mouthed the
words, “Think about it,” and then walked over and let Riley back into the room.


“Oh, you’re… up,” Riley commented.


“I think it’s time we get out of here, don’t you think?” I flashed her a
smile. “We could both use a clean, soft place to sleep.”


“That sounds good,” Riley nodded.


Jess suddenly realized that she was the third wheel, and clasped her
hands together. “Well. I think that I’ve taken up enough of your time now… it’s
good to see that you haven’t dropped dead somewhere,” she laughed nervously.
Her eyes darted back and forth between the two of us, and she took herself a
deep breath.


“Jess, calm down,” I commanded her lightly. “You’ve been itching to see
more of New Orleans. Take a guided tour! Hit some pubs, yeah? Get your tourist
bullshit out of the way.”


I walked over to the tired American woman, placing the backs of my
knuckles against her cheek. “I think my friend here can keep me out of trouble
from now on… wouldn’t you agree, Riley?”


Riley afforded me a small smile.


“Yeah, I think I can probably manage that.”


“So it’s settled, then,” I turned back to my secret publicist. With a
mystical wave of my fingers, I let my voice boom: “
I hereby
you, Jessica
Partridge, of your bindings. From this moment forth until your services are
needed once more, you are free to wander the port of New Orleans, out from
under my oppressive reign.”


Jess did a slow twirl and lifted her fingertips, pretending to rise out
from a spell. “
It’s over!
” She
chortled. “Your evil magic is
I’m free! Free to not incessantly worry about your constant stream of


Jess and I shared a heavy laugh.


Even Riley looked cheerful.


Chapter 7






Upwards of an hour later, streetcar ride and all, I was leading Lex
Lambert up to my apartment. It didn’t occur to me until I was unlocking the
door that he hadn’t seen it… and that we’d been in his hotel room for last time.


This time was going to be a little different.


Lex didn’t get the apartment tour. What he
get, however, was shown my bedroom, where I pushed him down
onto the side of my queen-sized bed.


“You’re feeling a bit frisky, aren’t you?” Lex muttered huskily, clearly
already knowing where this was going.


“Shut up,” I told him as I sank to my knees in front of him.


“You’re moving rather quickly today–”


I paused, glaring up at him.


“Lex, let me ask you something: do you want your cock in my mouth, or


He instantly shut up.


“That’s a good boy.”


I ripped at his slacks, unzipping the fabric and helping him kick off
his shoes and remove his socks again. He shifted his hips so that I could tug
the pants down, leaving him in his boxers, his button-up shirt, tie, and


“That just looks goofy. Get up.”


“I – what?”


“Get up, take everything off, and sit back down again,” I commanded. “Or
else I’ll just shred all of that stuff off of you, and it looks a little on the
expensive side…”


Lex took the hint, standing up to disrobe out of his clothes. Everything
wound up over the back of my chair, and he was soon relaxing backwards in bed
as I crept between his thighs.


His cock looked even bigger in the light. My hand was positively tiny by
comparison, but I wrapped my fingers around it, squeezing lightly before giving
it a few good strokes.


Already, a bead of precum was forming a pearlescent droplet at the tip
of his crown. Eagerly unwilling to waste the gift, I pressed the tip of my
tongue against his head, licking the salty bead from the engorged head.


Between that and beginning to stroke him with gusto, Lex leaned his head
back into my pillows, groaning with satisfaction.


Before he could grow bored with this, I shifted my fist further down his
cock and enveloped the head with my lips. I was unwilling to test how much of
him I could take inside just yet, but I wanted to feel his cum spurt out across
my tongue, filling my mouth… and I knew that I could definitely get him off to
do it.


“Riley…” Lex groaned, clenching one eye as he glanced down at me. With
my fingertips, I threaded some strands of hair behind my ear, descending
further down his cock with my mouth. “Seeing that just makes me even harder,”
he continued to groan.


I believed it, feeling how rigid he was inside my mouth. My tongue
lapped away around his cock as I took in his essence, eagerly worshipping his
thick, juicy erection with my lips, my tongue, my breath… every part of me
wanted to please this rugged man who had protected and saved me.


My lips descended faster now, and I found myself rolling into a rhythm
as I flicked my tongue along beneath the crest of his head. I felt him groan
once more, eager for more of my mouth. His hands pressed down onto my head,
fingers intertwining into my locks and wrapping around my scalp.


I obliged him, diving a little deeper, swallowing down more of Lex’s
cock. I placed my trust in him, letting him guide me now, dictating the motions
and the tempo by which my lips pressed down around his throbbing member.


To my surprise, he was gentler than expected. I feared that he might try
to force me to take much more of him inside than I could handle, but that
wasn’t the case at all. He respected my limits – pushing me closer towards
them, but never overstepping.


It only made me want to please him more.


My first continued rolling down the length of his slickened erection as
I pumped my lips down the rock-hard weapon, purely at the behest of his hands
upon my head. Every inch of my body craved him now, demanding his touch, his
pressure, and the sensation of him inside me once more.


He released his hands as I lifted my lips off of his cock, a thin trail
of saliva connecting them to the glistening head. Rolling my curled fist over
his head to stroke the most sensitive folds, I placed my tongue at the bottom
of his shaft and licked my way up, then back down, taking one of his large,
bouncing globes into my mouth and sucking.


“Oof,” he murmured, letting his head glide backwards into the pillows
again. “You’re incredible…”


I took the compliment with a small smile, sucking on the other testicle
instead now as I continued rolling my cupped palm around the head of his cock.


His hands clenched down into my shoulders, and I knew that he was
getting closer to the edge. In response, I quickened my speed, sucking and
stroking his magnificent tool until I could sense his body begin to shift and
his chest begin to groan.


“I’m about to…”


My hands clasped onto his thighs and dug into the skin, and I took down
as much of his cock as I could handle – a little over half. As I lightly rolled
my mouth around it, I felt his throbbing tool spasm, and rope after rope of his
steaming, salty seed pumped across the back of my throat.


“God… fucking… shit!” He gasped out, his hands claiming my scalp again,
holding my head down as his body went rigid with passion.


As the last few drops of cum spurted across my tongue, Lex began to
slacken his limbs. He released a great, heavy sigh, relaxing completely into
the bed with his cock still between my lips… and a massive smile across his


I plucked his cock free from my mouth and swallowed the last traces of
his gift. I immediately proceeded to lick his pole clean, polishing the shaft
to completion with my tongue.


“That was… absolutely incredible,” Lex murmured in drained satisfaction.
“You are
at that, Riley.”


I knelt up from between his legs on the bed and curled up beside his
great, naked form, tracing his cut muscles with my fingertips. “Glad you
enjoyed yourself. I figured it was the very least that I could___–”


He was already slipping down the bed and beside my hips, whipping up the
edge of my dress.


“Wait, what are you–”


“I knew it,” Lex grinned up at me.


Although, I knew just what he was talking about.


“You’re so wet for me,” he smiled, tugging at the thin veneer under my
dress and across my soaked pussy. I was still in my clothes from the other
night, and that included the thong…


And that very thong was now being tugged down my thighs and dropped to
the floor.


Before I could even pretend to protest, he was burrowing his face
between my legs, lapping away at my slickened folds. It was my turn to thread
my fingers through his thick hair, tugging him down into my sex and gasping at
the touch of his tongue.


“Oh, Lex…


His tongue began to tease my clit, flicking the engorged bead of my
passion. My hips lifted in response, but he kept me pinned down to the bed, his
great strength trapping me right where he wanted me.


With a light sucking motion, he slipped it partially into his mouth,
rolling it over his tongue and nuzzling his face against my folds. It was all I
could do to keep myself from screaming with pleasure.


Good fucking god, he’s good
at this,
I thought to myself.
Holy shit, how did I ever think I could turn down more of THIS


I felt the tip of a finger part my wet chasm, and a second joined it
shortly after. He pressed his digits inside, curling them to manipulate the
small bundle of nerves inside. Meanwhile, his mouth released my clit, the
tongue tracing the hood and teasing along the very edges, unwilling to drive me
too far into total sensitivity.


It was just the way that I loved it.


Lex continued to play my sex like an instrument, his mouth deftly
working my body with gusto. I realized how deeply into his scalp I was digging
my fingertips, but I couldn’t fathom the thought of releasing even an ounce of


At the same time, my thighs opened and closed unexpectedly; sometimes,
they slackened as I enjoyed his expert touch… but other times, they squeezed
tight, trapping his skull in a vice between my legs.


His fingers, stained with my juices, finally plucked free from my chasm.
Lex paused to lick them lightly before reaching up to caress my face, and I
took his hand and dove them into my mouth. Cleaning the fluids off with my
tongue, I murmured out another moan of satisfaction before releasing his hand.


It returned down below, and he shouldered my thighs and clenched his
fingertips down into the supple skin, holding them tightly around his head as
he absolutely went for it.


As Lex married his mouth to my lower lips, his tongue darted along my
clit in unpredictable but jaw-dropping patterns, forcing my body to react with
a twitching spine and writhing hips. As he held me close, I kept him there,
pressing down harder on his head as my hips rose to meet his pressure.


“Oh god, just like that,” I murmured. “Don’t stop. Just keep doing that…
oh god… oh
… oh fuck me, I’m…


My syllables descended into incoherent babbling, followed by sharp, loud
moaning, and then a stifled scream. I felt pleasure whiplash down my spine as
the forceful string of orgasms came, rocking my body and leaving me in
complete, blinding bliss.


I’d experienced complete sexual fulfillment before. Less often that I’d
liked with my partners, but a lucky few choices had brought me to that edge and
pushed me all the way.


But when Lex did it…


This was completely different.


I felt a total alignment of ecstasy across my body. Every nerve ending
burst into paradise as my body quivered with relentless, bursting satisfaction…
I had been driven up to the highest precipice of pleasure, and then sent
careening wildly down into a pit of wanton, carnal bliss.


It was only after the succession of multiple climaxes finally ended that
I realized how hard my thighs had clamped around his head. As I released my
vice grip on his head, feeling my entire body trembling with ache, I collapsed
down into the bed and let my breasts heave with complete orgasmic release.


“How,” I murmured. “How was that even better than last time?”


Lex pulled up beside me in bed, supporting his head with a planted elbow
in the pillows. “The last time was just a little fun together, but now we trust
and respect one another.”


“Do we?” I asked, not meaning to antagonize, but merely requesting


“I certainly like to think so, love,” he chuckled in that smooth British


My eyes fell upon his skull, and I remembered the blow he’d taken to it…
and the resultant gash. “Oh god. Lex! I’m so sorry! I completely forgot about–”


“It’s perfectly okay,” he smiled handsomely. “I’d have indicated
something if you’d been hurting me. They gave me some mild painkillers for it,
and I didn’t notice any pain–”


He stopped, groaning for a moment before sinking into the pillows.


“Oh, dammit, I should have known better than to fuck you straight out of
the hospital,” I bitterly told myself, leaning up to check out his wound. “At
least it’s not bleeding…”


“I’ll be fine,” Lex mumbled. “I just need to take it a little easy for a
moment. Believe me, I’m not feeling any pain…”


“Is that so?” I asked quietly, tracing his muscles with my fingertips


“Yeah, I believe so. That adrenaline, those chemicals in my head… gotta
love those endorphins. They make for great therapy.”

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