Read Player Online

Authors: Joanna Blake,Pincushion Press,Shauna Kruse

Player (4 page)

BOOK: Player
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Nadine squeezed my hand. I hadn’t even noticed that our fingers were intertwined. I squeezed hers back.

“So she’s okay?”

“It’s touch and go. But we think she’ll be alright. Are you the owner?”

Nadine stood up and nodded.

“I- I am. I mean I feed her sometimes. She’s a good girl.”

The vet nodded.

“We’ve got her on an IV drip. We need to keep her for a few more days. I would keep her inside from now on though.”

Nadine nodded and I felt my heart twist. I had a strong suspicion she wouldn’t be able to pay for this. I grabbed the business card and pocketed it.

I was going to take care of it for her.

She wouldn’t like that but I didn’t care.

It was my money and my decision.

I drove her home in silence. Dawn was lighting up the sky as I pulled in front of her apartment. Only now could I see how shitty the place really was.

It made her old house in south side look like a palace. I turned toward her, brushing her hair away from her face. She looked tired. But still achingly beautiful.

“Are you working tomorrow night?”

“No. It’s my night off.”

“Can I see you?”

She glanced at me, as if she’d forgotten who I was. What I was trying to be to her. She smiled ruefully, shaking her head.

“I need to look for a new place to live.”

She leaned forward and pecked my lips.

“One that allows cats.”

“Can you afford another place, Deanie?”

“I will figure something out. And James?”

I stared into those incredible eyes of hers, feeling lost.

“Thank you.”


I fell into my bed fully clothed. It was almost 5 AM. That gave me exactly one hour to sleep. Of course, the instant my head hit the pillow all I could see was Honeysuckle with her poor, broken tail.

And James.

I could see him. The way he’d looked at me, held me, kissed me.

I touched my lips.

I could feel him too.

I lay there, dozing on and off but never falling completely asleep. My body was far too awake, almost jangling with nerves.

No, not nerves.


He’d lit me up somehow. Woken me. I wasn’t sure I liked it. I could feel everything. Instead of being numb and angry all the time, I was awake and hurting.

And wanting.

I got up before my alarm went off, deciding to take the time to try and cover the bags under my eyes with concealer. After about two seconds, I realized it was going to take a mountain of foundation and gave up. I didn’t like putting a lot of stuff on my face.

I had very little time to get to the cafeteria so I hustled. Out of habit I reached for a can of cat food. Then I remembered.

Honeysuckle. Those boys. Her tail.

Outrage and worry consumed me instantly. How could someone do something like that to such a sweet, brave little creature? And then reality came crashing down on me.

Fuck me.

I needed to find a new place to live and enough money to cover the veterinarian bills. They said she’d be there for a few days. That gave me time to figure things out.

Not a lot but I could do it.

I had to. I had no choice. The cat’s life and mine both hung in the balance.

Focus Nadine!

I rushed out the door and hightailed it to campus. As I ran, my tight control over my thoughts broke loose. I’d been trying to avoid thinking about last night and everything that had happened.

Or what it all meant.

The rest of the night came flooding back to me, washing away everything else.

James. Over tipping. Driving me home. Kissing me.

The way he’d stayed with me all night at the animal hospital.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the romantic ideas that were starting to take root. I was not a silly little girl anymore. And James was definitely not a knight in shining armor!

Though… he’d kind of acted like one last night hadn’t he?

Acted like he cared.

Like I was more than another piece of ass to him.

God knows he’d had his share.

What would he do when he found out about me? That I didn’t like to be touched. That I’d never let anyone touch me. Not since…

I felt bile rise in my throat, pushing the thought aside.

I was just exhausted, that’s all. That’s why everything felt so intense. After my shift I would go to the student center and check the housing board. Then I’d go to the library and shut my eyes for a few minutes…

I worked in a daze, loading and unloading the dishwasher. The steam washed over me, wilting me like a flower. But I just kept going. What choice did I have?

By the time I got to the student center I was wobbly on my feet. At least I didn’t have to work tonight. I could rest.

My phone pinged.

It was a text. From James. My heart leapt at the sight of it.

Want to get something to eat before class?

My stomach clenched. I was hungry. Starving, really. But I needed to sit down. Maybe study. Besides, I looked like hell.

It was a very strange sensation to realize that I cared what he thought. That I wanted him to think I was pretty. Even though I didn’t really know why or what to do with that.

Studying in Avery, but thanks. See you at econ.

There. That wasn’t unfriendly. I’d been accused of being overly prickly a few times. I was making an effort to soften up.

A little bit anyway.

I walked towards Avery Library and fell gratefully into one of the ancient, overstuffed leather chairs on the second floor. I closed my eyes, knowing I was going to fall asleep but unable to do a thing about it.

The next thing I heard was a deep, familiar voice. I opened my eyes. James was standing over me.

“Somebody missed class, sleepyhead.”

Chapter Seven


Nadine blinked up at me, looking like a sleepy little girl. Suddenly, I could see her in my mind, a scrawny kid with tangled hair, always looking a little bit lost. A little bit lonely.

Her eyes had been so big. They’d always looked too old for her face. Like she’d seen too much.

My heart twisted in my chest.

Something else twisted too.

My joint.

It had been a couple weeks since I had run into Deanie at the ribs place. I hadn’t gotten laid since. Plenty of opportunities to get laid or get my knob polished. Blatant offers. Phone numbers. Booty calls.

I hadn’t been interested in one.

I just wanted to be with her.

Damn it.

I didn’t like it. She was giving me the run around while I waited for her, twiddling my fucking thumbs. Enough was enough. I was annoyed as I hoisted her to her feet and grabbed her bag. I propelled her through the library.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m taking you home. And tomorrow I am taking you

“I have to work tomorrow.”

“Forget it.”


I stopped outside the library, spinning her to face me.

“Stop playing games, Deanie. I want you. You want me. This is happening.”

Her mouth opened and she stared at me, looking like a sexy little fish. A guppie maybe. I growled and yanked her against me, my mouth crashing down over hers.

She tasted sweet. And surprised. Her lips opened beneath mine in a little ‘o’ and I slid my tongue inside, tasting her.

She tasted like ketchup and french fries.

I suddenly had a newfound appreciation for fast food.

I couldn’t resist sliding my hands over her back to her bottom. She let out a squeak as I grabbed her round cheeks and squeezed. I laughed and let her go.

Time for that later.

I opened my car door for her.

“Get in.”

She was still half asleep I think because she actually did what I asked without arguing. For once. I knew I shouldn’t get used to it but a guy could dream.

“Oh, before I forget.”

I pulled a thumb drive out of my pocket.

“Here. I took notes.”

“You took notes?”

She was laughing at me.

“Yeah. I do that sometimes.”

I gave her a mock glare and was rewarded by a melodious tinkling laugh. I liked the way that sounded. I wasn’t sure I’d actually ever heard that before.

“Thank you. I’ll transcribe them. I prefer paper.”

“Yeah, I noticed that.”

It never occurred to me that she couldn’t afford a laptop. Not until later. I was way too concerned with my dick.

I parked in front of her building and turned off the car. I turned to look at her. She was staring at me with a look of sweet surrender. For some reason, she’d finally let her guard down for me. I didn’t know where my prickly little Deanie had gone, but I didn’t care.


I moaned as I pulled her against me. This time I went slow, kissing her deep and hard. My hands caressed her, aching to touch her everywhere. I slid them to her front and up to her breasts. But I didn’t linger.

I could tell she was still skittish.

I sighed, pulling back. Her eyes were half open, languorous. ‘Bedroom eyes’ they called them.

Damn if they didn’t make my dick hard as a rock. I was in a state of constant arousal with her. She was so sweet, so ready for me. I knew she was tired, but we could make it a quickie. As much as I wanted to plow her all night, I knew she was too tired to keep up with me.

And I wanted her at her best.

I got out and opened her car door for her.

My plan was to take her upstairs and tuck her in.

With my cock.

It would be hard to stop after one time but the girl needed her rest. I grinned, following her to the door like a horny puppy.

She turned, looking up at me with a look of acute embarrassment.

“Don’t come in.”

I frowned. This was not the plan. The plan was her, my cock and a bed.

Actually, fuck the bed. A chair would do nicely. A wall. The floor.

I wasn’t picky.

“Why? You got a boyfriend up there?”

“No. No boyfriend. Just don’t, okay?”

She shook her head, her eyes pleading with me. She was hiding something from me. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it one bit.

“Fuck that.”

I held her arm and marched her up the stairs. The building was decrepit. Falling down around our ears almost. I had been annoyed before but now I was fucking furious.

She opened the door and I followed her into a dark hallway. It was musty and cruddy. It looked like a tenement. I was not amused. The thought of her living here made me sick.

She led me into a windowless kitchen. I looked around. This room was clean at least.

Then I saw it.

In the corner of the room was a twin bed. More of a cot really. A faded floral blanket lay on top.

I turned to look at her.

“Is that your bed?”

She nodded, refusing to meet my eyes.

“What the fuck?”


“Jesus Deanie. You live here?”

I knew how it must look to someone who wasn’t in my situation. I knew it looked like a hovel. But the room was spotless. Well, except for a few dishes in the sink. And empty beer bottles.


My fucking roommates were class acts.

I shrugged, afraid to look at him. He waited for me to look up. When I did, I wished I hadn’t.

James looked horrified.

Shame pooled in my stomach. The old feeling was back. The feeling of not being good enough.

Not deserving.

“What? All I need is a bed really.”

He looked at me, his gorgeous blue eyes wide.

“This is…”

“A lot better than the places I’ve slept since I left South Side.”

He frowned, looking at me as if I was something strange and dirty.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m fine.”

“No. You’re not.”

He shook his head slowly.

“But you’re gonna be.”

He walked over to the kitchen cabinets and started riffling through them.

“What are you doing.”

He turned around and threw me a garbage bag.

“Pack your shit.”

“What? Why?”

He strode across the room, grasping my face in his hands. He wasn’t gentle. But it didn’t exactly hurt either.

“Because. You. Are. Coming. With. Me.”

Then he kissed me. It was hard. And fast.

And it sent a spiral of desire straight to my center. He lifted his head, his eyes boring into mine.

“Say yes Deanie.”

I didn’t think. I just obeyed.


He smiled then.

“Good girl.”

I was numb as I did as he asked, shoving all my clothes and my few personal items into the bag. James watched me impassively, his arms crossed over his broad chest. In minutes I held up the bag. It was only half full.

“That’s it?”

I nodded.

“I got used to… traveling light.”

He frowned and jerked his head.

“Let’s go.”

He drove me back to campus. I didn’t ask him where we were going. I was numb and exhausted. I almost didn’t care where we went.

As long as I was with him.

It was crazy, but I felt safe. Even though I knew, deep down, he just wanted to sleep with me.

So help me God, I wanted that too.

It scared me to death though.

We parked past the athletic complex and walked to a row of townhouses. He opened the door to one and flipped on the light. I stared around me in awe.

His apartment was gorgeous. It looked like something out of a magazine, not college housing. Marble tile floors, sectional couch, glass coffee table and open kitchen. The kitchen was big too, with a dining table on the other side of a bar with stools.

It was so… clean.

He shut the door and flipped the lock behind us. Then he carried my bag up the stairs.


He turned to look at me.

“What’s wrong? You thirsty?”

I shook my head. I wasn’t thirsty. I was just confused.

“Is all this yours?”

He looked a bit sheepish as he nodded.

BOOK: Player
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