Playing Dom (2 page)

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Authors: Sky Corgan

BOOK: Playing Dom
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grip tightened on the neck of my beer as I was forced to pull a chair
from another table and bring it into the private area. The ruckus was
enough to make everyone turn their attention toward me. That's when
things got worse. The new couple looked like any other random
strangers when I was checking out the back of their heads, but when
they turned around, I realized that I knew the guy, and my blood
instantly began to boil.
Should have fucking just turned
around and walked out.

Chet Goines. Dom
asshole extraordinaire. I'd known him from back in the day, when I
was still a pup and inexperienced in the lifestyle. He had a mean
streak the likes of which none had ever seen, and judging by the
nasty look he was giving me, that hadn't changed. There was no
recognition behind his beady brown eyes though, and for that I was
grateful. Hopefully, he had forgotten my name along with my face.
This guy was a bully to the extreme. Memories of his verbal
degradation came back to me like a gust of foul wind. This one
enticed the same feelings that my father did. I wanted to beat his
ass. Not just because he harped on me eight years ago, but because
he's the epitome of what every Dom should not be. He uses pain as a
weapon, not for pleasure, beating his submissives and treating them
like worthless dogs. There's no love in his heart for anyone. And as
horrible as that makes him sound, as much as you'd think no one would
ever want to be with someone like that, he was never without a sub.
Most good subs just want to please, and there are plenty of women out
there that are conditioned to be in abusive relationships. It's a sad
thing, really.

The creature on his
arm was absolutely stunning, and my stomach rolled in jealousy at the
sight of her. How did a guy like him land a submissive like her when
guys like me continuously ended up empty handed? Of course, her looks
said nothing about her personality, but I was so riled up that I was
willing to let my dick take over logic. All in all, I was just angry,
and any other kindling I could use to fuel that fire, I was going to
dig up, even if it wasn't real.

From that point on,
it was best for me to just blend in. If Chet Goines was part of this
group, then I didn't want anything to do with them. Blending in was
easier said than done though, especially when one of the Doms decided
to introduce us.

Micah Payton.
Why does that name sound familiar?” Chet said, and when he
spoke, everyone listened as if his voice demanded they pay attention.

The only person who
didn't appear to be stirred by him was the girl on his arm. She
stared at me, doe-eyed and curious. Good fucking God was she hot.
There was a soft sexiness about her, and a naivety that I couldn't
place. Usually, Chet's subs were always cowering, afraid to raise
their eyes from the floor, lest they invoke his wrath. Chet was not
opposed to disciplining publicly. I saw him punch a woman across the
face once. When I stepped in to stop him from beating her half to
death, I ended up in a pile beside her with a broken nose. The guy
was big and bulky and strong, and I was no match for him back then.
Now, things were a bit different, though I still didn't want to cross
his path if I could avoid it. Hearing my name on his lips sent a cold
shiver down my spine, but not out of fear so much as anger. Shit was
about to hit the fan. I knew I never should have come here.

I don't
believe we've met,” I lied, trying to derail the oncoming train

No. I'm
pretty sure I've seen you somewhere before.” He pointed at me
with an accusing look. “The question is where.”

I'm fairly
sure we've never met.”

lying,” Chet snorted. “I remember now. You were that
scared little cunt that used to come around here about ten years ago.
The bitch boy who wanted to be a Dom. Didn't your daddy beat you all
the time?”

Chet, that's
not very nice,” the Domme chastised him.

When have I
ever been nice?” he practically spat at her, and she instantly
recoiled, the mood in the room twisting with a tension that was
suffocating. “That is who you are, isn't it?” Chet turned
his attention back to me.

Ah, and I
think I remember you now.” I pretended to have an epiphany.
“Aren't you the guy who used to beat his subs til they ended up
in the hospital?” I shot a warning glance directly at the woman
by his side.

What I do
with my subs is none of your concern, boy. I suppose you're here
looking for a Domme to cock-fuck that little ass of yours.”

I don't
participate in the lifestyle anymore. I just have a continuing
interest in it.”

Pfft. I'm not
surprised. You were never lifestyle material anyway.”

That was it. I'd had
enough. I'd done my best to play nice, but I wasn't going to continue
to sit there and let this asshole bash me into the ground. “I
was more of a Dom than you ever will be,” I said, letting some
of the cockiness into my voice.

Is that so?”
The hatred in his eyes took an amused turn. “I guess that
explains why you're not a Dom anymore, but I still am.”

Everything in me
wanted to reach across the table and introduce his face to my fist,
but the more logical part of me said that I should just leave. I
wouldn't give him the satisfaction though. The least I could do was
make him miserable for the duration of the munch, and the best way to
do that was to stay put and stand my ground. Besides, if I walked
now, it would be like submitting to him, and I damn sure wasn't going
to do that.

So, lovely,
what's your name?” I turned my attention to the girl at Chet's
side, speaking pleasantly as if Chet wasn't even there.

she answered, her name rolling off her tongue like honey to my ears.

Don't waste
your breath on him.” Chet wrapped a meaty hand around her arm.
“He's a nobody.”

This is a
munch, not your dungeon,” I reminded him, eying the way the
girl's flesh bulged slightly in his tight grasp. If he gripped much
tighter, she'd bruise. “We're all here to make polite
conversation. I was simply doing just that. No reason to get your
panties in a knot.”

He snorted again,
“Don't you mean your panties, pussy boy?”

Chet, that's
enough,” the Domme growled at him. “Leave him be.”

You stay out
of this,” he barked at her.

Her expression said
she wasn't going to back down, but her body language spoke the
opposite. She tensed a bit and sat back in her seat, giving over
control. It made me sick to my stomach to see so many people afraid
of him, even after all these years.

So, gorgeous,
how did you end up with an asshole like Chet here?” I addressed
Talia again. She studied my face for a moment with those amazing
large brown eyes of hers, and my mind filled with thoughts of
twisting that pretty face into other expressions. Pain and pleasure
and lust.

Talia opened her
mouth to speak, but Chet quickly spoke over her, “You're just
asking for an ass beating, aren't you, boy?”

You're more
than welcome to try.” I bared into him with my gaze, and the
temperature in the room raised about ten degrees with the tension
between us.

We'll have
none of that.” The Domme stood, trying to force her dominance
on both of us, though after the previous display, the effort fell
flat. “If you guys are going to fight, then you can both leave.
We're here to have a pleasant meal together, and you're ruining it.”

He should
leave.” Chet pointed at me like a child. “He's the

The Domme's eyes
shifted to me as if waiting for an explanation, but it was one of the
other Doms who spoke in my defense. “Chet, you started it. This
guy hasn't caused any problems. I don't know what the back-story is
with you two, but if neither one of you can control yourselves, then
you should both leave.”

Chet and I stared at
each other for several seconds. The veins in his thick neck bulged,
and I could almost see the thoughts rolling through his mind—thoughts
of beating me to a bloody pulp. On the other side of the table, I sat
cool and composed with a sly grin playing on my lips, trying my best
to hide the stress and anger raging within. If he wasn't leaving,
then neither was I. Even if he did leave, unless he challenged me, I
was staying put, bound and determined to win this little game of

Stop talking
to my girl,” he growled at me.

I turned my
attention to Talia.

that would be for the best, sugar. If I don't stop talking to you,
he'll beat you for it, since he can't beat me.”

I wasn't lying, and
in the back of my mind, I felt guilty for provoking Chet to this
level, not because I didn't enjoy getting under his skin, but because
I knew she would suffer for it later. She seemed so oblivious to
everything that was going on, to the danger she was in. How he had
managed to hook her in, I didn't know, but I highly doubted she knew
what was coming.

I think it's
best we go ahead and wrap this munch up,” the Dom who had come
to my defense sighed, eying us warily. He was smart enough to see
that neither of us was planning on leaving, and the longer we all sat
there together, the worse of a time everyone was going to have.

I think that
would be for the best,” the Domme agreed, nodding at him.

The tension in the
room began to lift slightly as everyone stood. At least, I felt it
lift off of everyone else. For Chet and I, it was higher than ever.
I'm sure we were both wondering what would happen when we got into
the parking lot. He was riled up; I was riled up. It was the perfect
storm for violence.

To my surprise
though, instead of taking the opportunity to attack me, Chet used his
grip on Talia to drag her out to his truck before climbing into the
driver's seat and pealing out of the parking lot. Part of me ached to
watch them go, knowing that I had just dealt Talia a large hand of
punishment for things she hadn't even done. She would endure lots of
abuse for things that weren't her fault. That was part of being
Chet's submissive.

Sorry for
that,” a familiar voice said from behind me as my eyes followed
Chet's truck into the distance. I turned to see the Dom who had ended
the munch walking towards me with his sub at his side.

I'm sorry as
well.” I turned to him, genuinely feeling bad that my presence
had messed up their social event.

Chet's just—”

I know what
Chet's like,” I cut him off, trying to hide the anger from my

As much as
I'd like to kick him out of the group, he's been here from the
beginning. You can probably understand why our group is so small,”
he laughed uncomfortably.

No one wants
to be around assholes like him,” I commented bluntly.

That's good
to hear you say.” His expression went serious. “I hate to
be unwelcoming, but we'd appreciate it if you didn't show up to
anymore of our munches. I'm sure you're a great guy, probably better
than Chet, but you know hierarchy rules and all.”

Fuck. If I wasn't
pissed before, I was fuming now. Why was I getting kicked out? I
wasn't the one who had caused the problem or even started it. Fuck
these people. They were all fakes, submitting to an abuser, not even
a real Dom.

understand,” I replied stiffly.

It was nice
meeting you though. It's a shame this had to happen.”

Save your false
sentiments for someone else, you cowardly asshole.

There was nothing
left to say and no point in pretending to be friendly. I clenched my
jaw as I turned from them and went to my truck, balling and unballing
my fists to keep the anger at bay. It had been a long time since I
felt like this, so ticked off that my vision was flashing red, so
riled up that I just wanted to destroy something, anything. I
couldn't let them see that though. I refused to let them see how much
everything had gotten to me. This was best saved for somewhere else,
somewhere I could release the pent-up aggression.

By the time I got
back to my apartment, my knuckles were white from the tight grip I
had kept on the steering wheel while driving home. Looking at them
made me think of Chet grasping Talia's arm, the marks that his
fingers would leave from biting into her skin. What were they doing
right now? What was he doing to her right now? I didn't even want to
think about it.

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