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Authors: J.C. Grant

Playing For Love (40 page)

BOOK: Playing For Love
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“You wanna be in control. You wanna dominate me.” His tone was matter-of-fact. “So, I'm givin' it to you. I'm your slave, prisoner, whatever you want me to be.”

Of course he is.

I was trying to get him to dominate me and he was offering to let me be the boss. Although...

“Seriously?” I grinned, the possibilities racing through my mind.

“Seriously,” he purred, stepping into the closet. “Now let me see this.” He nodded at me, indicating my costume.

I hesitated.

“Austin, come here.”

I looked down the length of my body, taking a bracing breath. Looking up as I stepped out from behind the closet island, I pulled the cape tight around my thighs, covering my skirt.

“Austin.” His tone was pure sex, but there was a warning edge underlying it. “Pull the cape open.”

“It's not going to be open.”

“Austin,” he warned, reaching out, pulling the top half open. His expression hardened. “That top is
I can see half your
. You're not leaving the house in that. Why would you even—”

“I can wear what I want!” I snapped.

He gaze was locked on my chest as his nostrils flared and his jaw clenched. Then his head tilted slightly and a sound that belonged to a pissed off bull hissed through his nose.

I quickly added, “The cape will keep me covered.”

His eyes moved up to mine, burning through me with his searing, calculating gaze. “Fine,” David gritted out, his jaw clenching. “Let's go.”

There was something challenging in his words, as if he knew what I was doing and he was daring me to go through with it.

“Ah. One second.” I ran into the bathroom and touched up my lipstick. Then I found the hidden pockets inside the cape. I shoved a small packet of baby wipes in one, and my lipstick in the other.

David was getting Chance settled when I walked into the living room. Water, a snack, a few toys, and TV on the channel he seemed to like. He was spoiled already, pouted every time we left the house without him.

“’Kay. I'm good,” I announced, standing behind the couch. 

David gave Chance one last head rub before walking over to me. The detailing of the costume combined with David's perfectly honed muscles... I was disturbingly aroused by the image of him as half man/half wolf.

I'm all kinds of fucked up.

David was looking me over carefully. Appreciatively. I had kinky images racing through my mind:
Half man/half wolf, collared, chained...

“You look fucking hot.” He broke me from my depraved imaginings. Then he grumbled, “Too hot to be in public.”  

He went to the kitchen, grabbed the house keys, and opened the door to the garage, waiting for me.

“We have a car tonight?” I asked as he walked past our cars.

His eyebrow lifted as he nodded. His expression said
what did you think?

I took in his appearance again and immediately felt stupid. How was he going to drive with full, detailed werewolf legs, the heel part alone would have prevented him from sitting normally.

“Keep that cape closed, Little Red,” he growled as I walked past him.

I pulled it tighter, afraid he would pull it up to check the back of my skirt. We wouldn't get out of the driveway if he saw it, and we had to actually get to the party for my plan to work.

When the garage door lifted, I saw a black town car waiting.  

David walked ahead, speaking to the driver for a moment before the driver got in. David helped me into the back, awkwardly getting in after me.

“The shit I do for you,” he grumbled, teasingly.    

Twenty minutes later, the car pulled over to the curb in a residential neighborhood. David opened the door, getting out first then helping me out. He was always attentive, opening doors, but tonight, blocking me from view seemed to be of more importance. 

“So many guys are gonna be beating it thinking about these tits tonight,” he grumbled in my ear.

“I doubt I'll even stand out among this crowd.”

David gave me a look that said he didn't believe my bullshit for one second. He led me to the entrance, past the line of photographers, keeping me close. Once inside the tall walls of the large backyard, David handed me the chain. His meaning clear; it was time for me to take over. But ironically, in this public setting I didn't want to.  I wanted him in control, I needed it.   

I led him over to the photo booth in front of the keg wall back drop. We posed for a few quick pics, then I gave him a sharp tug and led him out to where others were dancing. Two songs in, the music cut off and loud applause started. I heard the laidback beat of Gin & Juice start. People around us parted and Snoop came into view. There was about forty of us forming a circle around him as he performed Gin & Juice for the group. I started singing along with everyone else, and pushed the cape back off one shoulder exposing my too short skirt and half my butt.

Seconds later, a familiar-looking man was next to me, moving in time with me. Unknowingly helping me in my plan. Half-a-second later, on my other side, David pressed closer, his chest vibrated against my shoulder with a growled warning. He wasn't dancing anymore; he was a threatening shadow, looming over me, but I kept moving, enjoying the energy and excitement of the private show.

“Don't.” I heard David say as he leaned into me.

My eyes darted to him, his face was set in severe lines as he looked past me. Following his gaze, I found the familiar guy was too close, his eyes darting between my chest and skirt. 

David's hand dove under the cape, palming my exposed ass possessively, tugging me into him. A distinctly claiming gesture.

“Who'd you wear this for?” David's voice was low and rough, his breath warmed my ear as his fingers dug into my flesh, his other arm wrapped around my waist, his hand on the side of my breast, making his point.   

My breath hitched and goosebumps raced along my skin. Half-a-second later, I realized how profound that simple question was, because not too long ago the answer would have been
In fact, I dressed for myself on our wedding day—I didn't take his opinion into consideration at all. I turned to him, our noses touching, my lips barely grazing his. “You,” I admitted softly, leaning into his strong body.

He visibly softened at my answer.

“You don't leave my side,” he demanded gently. “Or I'll carry you outta here.”

His hand on my breast roamed over my exposed flesh, dipping inside the corset, teasing me, before moving on. It was a delicious torture that had me dripping wet. My thighs rubbed together, trying to ease the ache between my legs without drawing attention. This was nothing like the club. People were close, less than a foot away and while it was dim lighting it wasn't dark. David's hand on my ass moved lower, a finger slipped under my soaked thong and unerringly into my pleading pussy.

I startled, then arched, realizing he'd moved my cape over to cover me and his activities.

Oh, sweet girl. You are wet.
” His growled words were drawn out matching the thick digit thrusting shallowly into me. I couldn't stop the groan of need and frustration that tore from my throat when he wouldn't give me more.

When the song ended, there were several shouts as the group tried to talk Snoop into one more. I was so lost in a hormone driven madness the only thing I noticed was David's hand leaving me. He leaned in close, sliding the wet digit into his mouth with a

“Come here, Little Red. The Big Bad Wolf wants to eat you,” he growled behind my ear.

My sex clenched violently as a shiver ran up my spine.

David grabbed my wrist, dragging me behind him, maneuvering us through tables until we were in the farthest corner, behind a large decorative shrub, giving us some privacy.

“Now.” He pushed me back against the wall of ivy and dropped to his knees, growling, “I'm hungry.”

He didn't hesitate, shoving his hands under my skirt and gripping the lace tight, his biceps bulging as he tore them away, chaffing my skin. This was the aggression I wanted, but the dangerous edge I craved wasn't there.

Without a word, he shoved my skirt up, pressing his face into my pussy, breathing deep. My breath caught as his nose nudged my clit.

“Fuck, I love the way you smell.” His eyes locked with mine, and his mouth sealed over my cleft, parting my swollen folds with his hot tongue, licking and sucking my clit with skilled precision. The hungry noises spilling from him sent my blind lust to a viscous hunger.

My body jolted and I dropped the chain, my hands cupped his head, pulling him to me. Understanding my need, he lifted my right leg, hooking it over his broad shoulder as his other hand gripped my ass, jerking my hips closer, forcing me onto his ardent mouth. An image of us flashed through my mind—David kneeling, the muscles in his back shifting, his thick arms wound around my thighs, his hands on my hips holding me to him as I straddled his face. He pushed three fingers inside me, curling them, rubbing over my sensitive bundle of nerves.

Oh, David. Yes
.” The moan that tore from me was low and raw as my head fell back, fisting his hair.

The way his tongue hungrily worked my clit, was obscene and greedy and worshipful all at once, conveying how essential my pleasure was to him. My leg flexed against his back, encouraging him as I began to mindlessly grind against his face.

We were in someone else's home, at a party filled with the Hollywood elite as David licked and sucked, devouring my pussy with grim determination. No concern for our public venue as he moaned his hunger into me, spurring my need with every stroke of his tongue. He did this to me, made me blind with lust, unconcerned with anyone finding us.

“Oh, fuck,” I gasped, pulling him to me as my orgasm built sharply.

He flicked his tongue over my clit furiously for a moment. Then slowly, softly. Within moments he had my hips thrusting wildly into his face, chasing what I knew would be a brutal orgasm. I briefly wondered if this was what a forced orgasm felt like as exquisite torture raced through me, abrupt and sharp, my body convulsing, helplessly riding his face as I came. His fingers left me, gripping my hip as his tongue shoved into my pulsing pussy, drinking me in, moaning his appreciation.

“Fuck, that's so good,” he rasped. He pulled my leg off his shoulder and stood. “Turn around. Hands on the wall. Ass out.”  

Still fuck-drunk, I turned around, clumsily putting my hands on the wall. He pushed my cape over, until it was hanging like a curtain over my side. 

He stilled behind me, his voice was hard when he said, “Your entire ass is showing.”

I looked at him over my shoulder and said, “Easy access.”

“For who?”

“Very funny.”

“You get the result you wanted?”

“Are you feeling jealous and possessive and angry?”

Something sparked in his eyes and he nodded slowly.

“Spread your legs,” he demanded roughly, pushing my back down.

I obeyed his silent order, bending more at the waist.

“Wider, Austin.” He didn't wait for me to respond, nudging my feet wider with his foot.

I felt him struggling behind me. Struggling to get those pants down.

“These are ridiculous,” he muttered.

I couldn't help but laugh as he struggled with the padded suit. Then I heard a tearing.

Guess we just bought those.

“You won't be laughing for long,” he threatened, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

He gripped my hips tight. His hard cock rubbed through my folds once. Then his thick head was pushing into my swollen pussy. A loud moan tore from my throat as he sank all the way in. His right hand clamped over my mouth, roughly muffling me. A satisfied groan vibrated in my chest in response to his dominance and I pushed back.

“You wanna know why I dominate you?” His voice was deep and rough with arousal. His right hand moved, fisting my hair, pulling sharply, my neck and back arching to accommodate the angle. “Control you.” He thrust deep. Hard. Filling me beyond capacity. “Because you control me. Every thought. Every decision.” Punctuating his words with a hard thrust, slamming into my end.

My core tightened viciously, as much from his confession as his pounding length. My arms bent, struggling to hold myself up as the pleasure pumped through me.   

“Everything I do,” he grunted as my body jolted forward with his increasing power. “You control me completely.” His hand tightened, tugging as I came again, crying out hoarsely through my orgasm. His breathing turned harsh, ragged. “I dominate you to get something back. To get a little piece of my sanity back.” Because you've taken all mine.”

I could do nothing but moan and writhe as he pounded into me, taking everything he had to give. I felt completely helpless. And I had never felt more safe in my life.

“Fuck, you love it,” he growled through gritted teeth. He thrust hard a few more times. A noise rattled through his chest as his cock pulsed, then bucked inside me, pumping stream after stream into my greedy cunt.

BOOK: Playing For Love
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