Playing Hard: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (25 page)

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“What’s this place?”

Ava turns and gives me a

“Come on, Riley,” she says, her voice teasing. “I know you’re not exactly the studious type, but I’m sure you know a library when you see one.”

I laugh, then yank on her arm, pulling her to my chest. I bring my palm down on her ass, making her gasp.

“Naughty girls get spanked,” I tell her when she looks up at my face, eyes wide.

“Have I been a naughty girl?”

“The naughtiest.”

She leans up and kisses me then — she has to stand on tip-toes to reach my lips, winding her arms around my neck to keep herself steady. Her lips are warm on mine, and despite the fact it’s fucking freezing outside, she’s so hot and fresh and flushed that it makes me think of summer.

I put my hands on her waist and let my thumbs draw circles over her hipbones, sliding up her sweater so I can touch her soft skin. She shudders, and her tongue darts into my mouth, hot and wet.

God, this girl is going to drive me crazy.

I have no idea why she led me here, but right now, I really don’t care. All I want to do is feel her against my tongue — I want to make her come, regardless of where we are. The fact we might not have that much more time together only makes the need all that more urgent.

I slide my hands down over her ass and grab the backs of her thighs, hoisting her up. She squeals as I lift her, tightening her legs around my waist as I carry her across the room.

“What’re you doing?” she asks breathlessly. I don’t answer. It should be obvious what I’m doing.

And clearly she doesn’t care all that much about getting an answer anyway, because in the next second she’s kissing me again, her mouth opening against mine, our tongues sliding against each other. She grinds her hips as I carry her, pushing her sweet pussy against the front of my jeans. My cock hardens, pressing against her.


If we weren’t both wearing clothes, I’d be inside her right now. Sheathed in the warmth of her gorgeous cunt.

The thought makes me harder than ever. I grind myself against her, hands filled with her ass, making her gasp.

“Oh God, Riley,” she whispers when we break apart. Her eyes are wide as they stare down into mine, her hands running over the hair on the back of my head.

I walk with her molded to my body until I reach a desk, and then put her down on it so she’s sitting, her arms and legs still wrapped around me. I slide my hand over her thigh, pushing up her woolen skirt as I go. When I press my fingers against the fabric of her panties, I can feel they’re already soaked through.

“You’re wet,” I whisper, my lips brushing against hers.

She doesn’t say anything — she just opens her mouth and pushes her tongue between my lips, devouring me with her kiss. My cock is straining now, pressing against her wet pussy, only the layers of our clothes separating us.

I want to wait for her to be ready — I know I have to. But God if it isn’t hard sometimes. Ava drives me so wild I can barely see straight.

I imagine I can feel the throb of her pulse against my dick, and I groan.

“Riley —” she says when our kiss breaks off.

There’s nothing I want to do more than just keep kissing her — well, maybe one or two things — but I hold back, swallowing.


Ava hesitates, breathing deeply. “I brought you in here for a reason.”

I narrow my eyes, confused. “Okay?”

“When I was a little girl, I was allowed to read anything in this library,” Ava says, her voice low and breathy. “And I mean… anything.
The Story of O
Venus in Furs
Lady Chatterley’s Lover

“I, uh, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I admit.

A wicked smile flashes across Ava’s face. “They’re erotic novels. Classics.”

Well, now I get the picture. “So you sat in the library reading porn all the time,” I say, grinning.

Ava colors a little, but her smile still twitches at her lips. “Kind of.” She swallows, and her eyelids flutter down, until all I can see of them is her dark lashes against her cheeks. “I mean… the first time I masturbated was in here.”

I feel my cock twitch at her words. “Tell me about it.” I don’t know why, but I’m unbearably tuned on by her confession. The thought of her here, touching herself….

Ava licks her lips. “I don’t really remember how old I was, but it was summer — it gets really hot in here in summer. I guess we hadn’t gone on vacation yet. I was just pulling books off shelves and flicking through them, bored out of my mind. But I found this one book —
Fanny Hill

“Fanny, you say.”

“It’s a name,” she tells me, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, it’s about her… about a woman in 1800s London, who becomes a prostitute. But before she does that, she works as a maid, and she spies on couples having sex. Every guy in the book is hung like a horse. Like… all of them. When Fanny eventually gets a lover of her own, he, of course, has a massive cock. They fall in love, and although they’re separated for a while, he eventually returns and they get married.”

I laugh. “And this is what you jilled off to?”

Ava looks a little sheepish. “The sex scenes were pretty hot. And Fanny talking about how watching them got her so worked up she had to touch herself, or get her friend to touch her, put ideas into my head.”

“So, what… there was like, lesbians in this?” I feel my interest rising.

“Only because she didn’t have a massively hung boyfriend at the time,” Ava says. “Once she gets that, she loses interest.”

I lean forward to kiss her. “Why’re you telling me this? I mean, it’s kind of hot, but….”

Ava lifts her hand, covering my lips with her fingers.

“I’m telling you because… I don’t know, after that I’d always come in here and read this one passage where she’s watching her friend Polly having sex with one of her customers. And then… I don’t know….”

Ava is blushing bright red. She’s clearly embarrassed, but my dick is straining against my jeans. This is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.

“And then what?”

Ava licks her lips. “I’d… I’d touch myself, and I’d think about… I mean, I’d fantasize about….”

I slide my hand around the back of her neck, stroking the skin behind her ear, and forcing her to look me in the eye.

“Tell me about what you wanted,” I say.

She holds my gaze. “I’d fantasize about getting fucked, hard, right here in this room. By a guy with a huge cock, just like the ones in the book.”

I groan as she says the words, feeling my breath growing thick in my throat.

“You’re killing me, Ava,” I groan, pressing my stiff cock between her legs. “You’re fucking killing me.”

Ava doesn’t answer, but her fingers slide down my chest, to the fly of my jeans.

“I’ve been thinking about it, Riley,” she whispers as she slowly undoes me. I groan as she slips her hand inside my boxers, gently squeezing. “I want you.”








Well, I’ve said it now, and I can’t take it back.

I don’t want to, though — at least, I don’t think I do.

been thinking about it. And everything I told Riley is true — I did used to come into the library and read these books whenever I felt horny. And for a long time, whenever I’d dreamed about sex or fantasized about where I might lose my virginity, it was always here, in this room. I’d never told anyone about this before — I’d been too embarrassed to ever mention it. Partially because when there was a world of internet porn out there, I was masturbating to old books in a library, and partially because, well… it seemed so

And virginal.

Like something out of a romance novel cliché.

I’d almost been bracing myself for Riley to laugh at me, but he didn’t. Instead, he just kept on kissing me, his cock hot and hard between my legs. I stroke his length in my hand, feeling him throb against my palm, and I know I meant what I said.

I want him.

I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life.

And I want him
Here. Just like I’ve always dreamed of.

“God, you’re so fucking hot.” Riley’s voice is low and husky, as if it’s taking all of his strength to restrain himself from just tearing my clothes off and fucking me right here on the desk.

I don’t want him to hold back today, though. Nervousness curls its way through my stomach, but I know I’m making the right decision. I want this.

Maybe it was the conversation with Murray — the intrusion of reality into the weird little bubble we’ve been living in. Everything about our situation has been so weird and artificial, and the reminder that it has to end was like a bucket of cold water dumped over my head. I always knew this was coming. Both of us did. Like I said, it was just one of those things — along with everything else — we pushed to the backs of our minds and tried not to think about. 

Maybe I’ll regret this choice: losing my virginity to someone I know I can’t be with. But at the same time, if I can only have this with Riley, then perhaps it’ll be enough. But I can’t bear the thought of not… not having this. Not feeling him inside me. Even if it’s only the once.

He groans as I slide my hands out of his pants, but I’m desperate to see him naked, to feel his skin pressing against mine. I yank the long-sleeved sweat shirt he’s wearing up over his head, throwing it to the ground behind him, before catching his lips with mine again. He kisses me back, hot and fervent, like he can’t get enough of me. His hands are on the backs of my thighs, pulling me forward against him. I can feel his cock, now freed from inside his jeans, pushing against my underpants. All he has to do is push them aside, and he’ll be inside me.

I groan. I feel like I’m going crazy — like I’m burning up from the inside out. I can’t think of anything except the thought of him pushing into my body, taking me, being the first person who’s ever felt me from the inside like that.

“Jesus, fuck,
” Riley is mumbling incoherently against my lips as I grind my hips against him. The head of his cock is straining against my panties, pushing against my pussy lips. He must be able to feel how wet I am — how desperately I want him.

He fumbles briefly with the buttons on my shirt, before eventually deciding
fuck it
, and just tearing it open in his eagerness to get to my breasts. Ordinarily I’d be annoyed at the wanton destruction of my clothes, but in this case, I can’t even bring myself to care. Riley’s lips are on my tits, mouthing at my nipple through my bra. I cry out as he catches it between his teeth, biting down, his tongue playing over it while his hand moves down to clutch my ass, tilting me up against him.

, oh Riley….” I feel like I’m repeating myself, like his name has become some kind of mantra.

The throbbing between my legs has become unbearable, and I writhe against him, squealing a little when he pinches my nipple with his teeth again. The pain is mixed with pleasure, carving its way through my body and settling in my pussy.

Riley’s mouth begins to make its way down my body, kissing down over my stomach to the waistband of my skirt. He runs his hands up over my thighs, lifting the hem until it’s rucked over my hips, and crouches down, his head between my legs.

He glances up at me, and as much as I’d love to feel his tongue on my pussy, that’s not what I want from him right now.

I reach down, running my thumb over the arch of his cheekbone. “Not that,” I whisper, my voice sounding hoarse even to my own ears. “I want you. I want your cock. Inside me.”

Riley swallows heavily, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Are you sure about that?”

I nod. “I’m sure.”

I want him to know I’m serious, so I take my hand and guide it between my own legs. I spread my thighs, then move my panties to the side. Riley’s eyes drop immediately. I’m so wet — and I know he must be able to see it, and understand just how sure I am that this is what I want.

“Holy shit, Ava. You look….”

He never finishes his sentence. He just stands, sweeping me up in his arms and carrying me off the desk and deeper into the library. He doesn’t put me down until we’re obscured between two of the huge shelves that reach up into the vaulted ceiling high above us. It could be just him and me, alone in the world.

For some reason, I’m always surprised by just how strong he is — now, he doesn’t falter at all as he drops to his knees, letting go of my legs so I can sit in front of him on the ground.

I don’t want there to be anything between us now, and I undo my skirt and shove it down my hips, taking my panties with it. Riley is already shoving his jeans down his legs, his cock jutting out from his body, smeared with pre-come, and looking as huge and gorgeous and hard as ever. 

I swallow. I feel kind of dizzy. Is this really happening? Am I really losing my virginity in the way I’d always dreamed of, but had never quite been able to convince myself would ever really happen?

I don’t get much more time to think about it, because then Riley is kissing me again, his tongue both tender and insistent, working its way slowly into my mouth. I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him down to me, feeling his cock against my thigh. I can feel it throbbing, and there’s nothing I want more than to feel him throbbing from within my body.

Sliding my hand down his side, I wrap my fingers around him, guiding him to where I want him.

Riley groans, breaking off the kiss. “Are you really sure you want this?”

I can’t speak. I just nod.

“It’s just… I’ve never had sex with a virgin before. I don’t know… I mean, it’s pretty big. It might hurt.”

“I know that,” I whisper. “I’ve read
Where Did I Come From?
I know what’s involved.”

Riley laughs quietly. “I know. I just —”

I lean up and kiss him, silencing his words. When I pull back, I arch my hips up to him, rubbing myself against his cock. “Now you’re the one who’s thinking too much. Just… please. I want you.”

I feel Riley shudder as I slide against his cock. “I have condoms in my wallet.”

“It’s okay, I’m on the pill. I’ve been on it since I was thirteen,” I tell him, until a thought occurs to me. “Oh… I — I mean —”

Riley looks down at me. “I’m clean,” he says. “I get tested regularly, even though I always use a condom. I just thought you’d prefer it.”

I feel suddenly very shy. I have no idea what to say to that. Talking about condoms with your partner is Sex Ed 101, but the actual conversation itself is still kind of awkward.

“I — I don’t — um, what would you like?”

Laughing a little, Riley shakes his head. “What I’d
is to be balls deep in you, bare, and feeling you squeezing around my cock.”

I stare up at him, my pussy throbbing, and feeling myself getting even wetter — as if that’s even possible.

“That sounds good,” I tell him, before reaching up to kiss him again.

Heat rushes through me. I can feel my desire spiraling upward from my belly, making me writhe beneath Riley’s hard, muscular body. I never imagined I could want anyone so much as I want him.

He pulls back a little and I whimper, but the whimper quickly turns into a moan when I feel his hand slide between my legs, his thumb gently stroking my clit. His fingers are inside me a moment later. I’m so slick and wet and ready for him that they slide into me easily, moving slowly in and out of my body.

I groan, arching up, my fingers digging into his shoulder. Riley’s fingers stroke me, taking me closer and closer to the edge. He’s relentless in the pleasure he draws out of my body, making my toes curl and my muscles twitch. His thumb, circling my clit, never slows. Heat is building within me, settling in my core.

“Please,” I whisper as his fingers drive me closer to the edge. I’m desperate — I’m virtually seeing stars, I want him so badly. “Please, just… just fuck me. I don’t want your fingers.
I need your cock.”

Riley looks down at me, his eyes dark with lust, and then he nods. He removes his fingers, and I’m left empty, feeling a horrible void between my legs, until he rolls over on top of me again, his cock suddenly pressing against my entrance. He feels hard and massive against me, the head pressing just between my pussy lips. He’s just barely inside me, and it’s already driving me insane. Lust courses through me, and I part my thighs even wider around his hips.

“Yes, just like that,” I whisper, as Riley begins to slide forward, ever so slowly.

“I’ll take it slow,” he says. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” I tell him. At least, it won’t be a bad kind of pain. If it hurts, it’ll only be because Riley is finally inside me — I’m finally filled with his cock.

Riley nods, and then slowly rocks his hips forward, burying himself within me, inch by inch.

I arch up, pain slicing through me, taking my breath away for a moment as my body parts around him. But the pain reduces the further he goes; and anyway, it’s overtaken entirely by the sensation of Riley being inside me — the solid feeling of his cock as it moves within me, opening me up. The pain is sweet and hot and tender, and makes me shiver with desire.

“Are you okay?” Riley asks, pausing.

“Yeah,” I manage to get out, my voice shaking. “It feels… fuck, it feels so good. Keep going.”

“You’re really tight,” Riley says, his voice sounding strained. “You feel… God, you feel

I bite my lip, letting my head fall back. The slight hitch in Riley’s voice as he tells me how incredible it feels to be inside me is almost more than I can bear.

“God, I want you to fuck me,” I gasp.

He pauses when he’s in me as far as he can go, his balls pressed against my ass, and then makes his first, small thrust. I close my eyes, seeing stars — it’s painful, but again, it’s that good, beautiful pain that means Riley is fucking me, Riley is finally sheathed to the hilt inside me. His movements are tentative, as if he’s worried he’ll hurt me, but with every movement he makes the pain gets less and less, increasingly overtaken by the growing pleasure that’s licking like fire all through my body. I moan loudly as Riley thrusts forward, his huge cock finding that most sensitive place within me. Sparks shoot up my spine and I cry out. His cock is finding the right spot every time, while his pubic bone slides against my clit, driving me wild.

There’s no pain — it’s all desperate, crazed pleasure now, a pleasure that makes me squirm and call out Riley’s name, and feel as if I’m coming apart at the seams.

I’m stretched around, filled to the brim — every movement Riley makes feels magnified, like it’s echoing through my whole body. My skin feels
tight, and Riley’s cock inside me is making me squirm and gasp.

I clench around him, not sure what else to do, and hear him groan.

“Fuck, Ava,” he mutters. “Everything all right?”

I can barely find it in myself to nod. I feel like he’s driven every thought out of my head – any ability to do anything at all but lie here with my legs parted around him, feeling him deep inside me, rooted there, filling me up completely.

The snap of his hips speeds up, and I cry out, digging my fingers into his back. I can feel every inch of him as he slides and out of my body, and finding the right spot inside me every time, hitting it over and over and over again.

Riley is driving into me now; there’s nothing slow or tentative about his movements. I can hear his gasping breath in my ear, the small groans he makes as he fucks me. His mouth is pressing against my throat, his tongue sweeping over my racing pulse.

I never want this to end. I never want to stop feeling like this — Riley inside me, ecstasy uncoiling through every nerve, every cell in my body. I feel like I’m on fire as Riley laces his fingers with mine, his lips moving up over my jaw before they lock with mine, kissing me hard. His hips never stop in their movement, as I raise my legs, digging my heels into his back.

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