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Authors: M.Q. Barber

Playing the Game (21 page)

BOOK: Playing the Game
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“You’re woolgathering, Henry.” Jay pressed closer, his body indistinguishable from Henry’s, the two of them one outline in the gray light slipping in through the window.

Jay boasted an extra inch of height but with a leaner build, his shoulders and hips narrower than Henry’s. Boyish. Coltish. A three-year-old eager to run but not ready to challenge the herd stallion.

She stifled a laugh, certain now wasn’t the time to tell them she’d been comparing them to her aunt and uncle’s quarter horses.

“I’d be a fool to do so today, my boy. Wool smells awful in the rain.”

“You could always come back to bed.” Jay nuzzled Henry’s neck, and her jealousy ceded space to eagerness. Jay’s hand slid down Henry’s hip before moving where she couldn’t see, though she guessed where it was headed.

She pressed her thighs together and bit her tongue against the rush of pleasure.
Yes. Great idea. Come back to bed.

Jay poured on the charm, the smooth wheedling tone he used to fluster countless servers and clerks.

“Alice is still sleeping. We could wake her up.”

Oh God, yes. Thank you, Jay. You’re a genius. No one in the history of the world has had a better idea.

“You know that’s where you belong, Henry.”

“Mmm. And you belong on your knees with my cock in your mouth.” Henry’s command voice.

Jesus. Was it wrong to be so aroused when it wasn’t even directed at her?

“But only one of those things will be happening now. Would you care to guess which one?”

“The one I like best?” Jay dropped to his knees without waiting for a command and began biting Henry’s flanks. “You gonna turn around?”

Please, please, please be yes.

And Henry did, as though he read her mind. Through her half-lowered eyelids, his cock appeared tall and thick, a darker outline standing against his stomach. The clouds outside and the darkness inside conspired to hide the details in shadow, but the fuzziness and her own sleep-fogged brain made it all the more beautiful and surreal to watch Jay’s tongue and lips move over Henry’s flesh.

She could give in to jealousy, or she could enjoy the gift of watching them together when they believed themselves unobserved. If she let jealousy rule her, this arrangement would never work. She’d have to give them up. No way in hell. She gave jealousy a firm push and slammed the door in its face.

It wasn’t like she didn’t have options.

Lying partly on her right side, mostly sprawled on her stomach, she shifted her right hand, hidden by the sheet, beneath her. She didn’t even have underwear to push out of the way. Her fingers slid down, tips tingling at the fuzzy-scratchy brush of her hair before rubbing across her clitoris. She internalized the instinctive shudder of pleasure.

If she called attention to herself, they might stop. She didn’t want that, not when Jay curved his hands around Henry’s ass, gripped him, and bobbed his head in a hypnotic rhythm. She’d given plenty of blowjobs, but watching was a first.

Jay started out playful. Not unexpected from such a consummate joker. He pulled back until his lips slipped off. Swiping his tongue across the tip, he leaned back and looked up at Henry. A pause, one, two, three seconds before his lips curled around Henry’s cock and sank down once more.

Her idle fingering grew more urgent.

Henry’s calm facade showed cracks as Jay worked at him. Every split made her want to match it, as though she were connected to what they shared. Henry’s breaths came harshly. He moaned once, a low bass, and she pressed a finger inside herself to feel the echoing vibration as her body responded.

When Henry’s hand dropped to Jay’s head, dark hair standing up between his fingers as they clenched and released, her own fingers developed a more purposeful motion. Frenzied sweeps, thrusting inside and sliding back up to rub her clitoris as she grew desperate for a release she could almost reach. Jay wasn’t protesting the grip, something she’d have batted a lover’s hands away for and possibly even stopped for.

Jay moved faster, a happy moaning hum emerging from his lips. What would it feel like? To have Henry’s hands in her hair like that, to be allowed to worship him in this way?

Her gaze drifted to Henry’s face, to his half-closed eyes and the fierce intensity in his jawline. He was close, and tense with it. She followed that tension along his neck and across his shoulder. Down his arm to where his hand gripped Jay’s hair.

Henry’s hand clenched and held, and his hips thrust twice, sharply. He growled his pleasure while Jay’s throat worked to swallow, and she came too, fingers pressed to her clit and teeth biting her lip. She struggled to keep her body’s quivering release beneath the covers from drawing attention.

Her eyes closed and her breath emerged in short puffs she couldn’t prevent. When she looked again, Henry was smoothing down Jay’s hair.

Jay rested his head against Henry’s hip.

Henry’s erection held firm despite his release, hardly softening at all yet. He coaxed Jay to his feet, Jay’s cock hard and weeping with it.

Henry’s hand circled the base of Jay’s cock. Would he return the favor? Stroke Jay to his own orgasm? It wouldn’t take much, not from the way Jay gasped when Henry squeezed.

“Go on and give this to Alice, my boy. She’s started without you.”

They turned their heads, Jay in sharp surprise, but Henry…he’d known all along. Might have known from the first moment she’d woken up.

Embarrassed panic rushed through her, a hint of shame and fear she might be punished for touching herself without his permission. But he could have stopped her at any time. He hadn’t. Maybe because he’d wanted to see what she would do or how she’d react. Had she passed the test?

“On your stomach, Alice.” Henry’s voice, low and controlling, stirred flutters of anticipation in her. “Hands alongside your head.”

She moved into the proper position and waited, face turned toward Henry, eyes watching him as best they could over her left arm. She loved the waiting, the not knowing what would happen next. Her excitement held an extra edge of anxiety, because she didn’t yet know whether she’d displeased him.

His voice gave nothing away. The same one he always used with her on her nights. And now mornings, too. Because it was morning. And she was still here. In his bed.

Oh God. She needed to stop thinking these thoughts before she worked herself into some kind of mental orgasm.

“Jay, the sheets. Strip them to the floor, please. I want to see Alice’s lovely charms. After all, she’s been enjoying ours. You were enjoying the show, weren’t you, Alice?”

The sheets slid over her skin. Cooler air caressed her shoulders, her back, the dip in her spine, the curve of her ass. She shivered.

“I liked it. It was beautiful.”

Henry had been walking toward the bed with measured steps, but he paused at her answer. The sheets continued their slide down her legs.

“Tell me what was beautiful.”

The sheet traveled the last few inches across her bare feet. She whimpered, squirming against the mattress. Naked and exposed to their eyes. She struggled to bring her scattered thoughts together and answer Henry’s demand.

“The way he’s so eager to touch you…his tongue and his mouth and his hands sliding on your skin…all that motion focused so tightly, and the window behind you…” She was almost breathless, the words tumbling out, truthful and eager to please him. Her pussy throbbed, its renewed slickness rolling down her lips and across her clit. “With the clouds making the light all dim and, and, and flickering. His head moving like a shadow and your hand stroking his hair and the way your knuckles tighten when you come.”

The way it’s so tender and caring and how it’s so obvious in his worship and the look on your face that you think you’re in love with each other
, she thought but didn’t say. It would smack too much of jealousy. Of a place she didn’t occupy here, private intimacies that did not belong to her.

Hands, Jay’s hands, obvious by the more calloused feel of them, grasped her ankles and pushed them apart.

“Very good, Alice.” Henry’s praise warmed her. “Quite specific. You were watching closely, hmm? And that’s what prompted you to touch yourself?”


The hands moved up her calves. She grew desperate for more, to feel Jay’s weight and heat and give him the release Henry had not.

“Even though you’re not to do so without my permission?”

God, she wished she could read Henry’s tone better.

Jay’s hands slipped away. Something rustled behind her. Getting a condom, maybe?

“Yes, Henry.”

“Did you believe our time together was over and you were free to do as you pleased?”

An out. To take it, she’d have to lie. Even if she hadn’t known he’d chosen to extend their time together, she’d hoped so when she woke and discovered herself still here with them.

“No,” she whispered. “I thought I was still yours.”

“You are,” he confirmed. “Even when you’re a disobedient girl. But you’re an honest one, Alice, and that pleases me. Just as your intense arousal pleases me. You couldn’t stop yourself, hmm?”

She’d pleased him. Even her disobedience pleased him, when it originated in her overwhelming need for him.

“No. I couldn’t…I

“Yes. And you still have that need, don’t you? Your fingers alone aren’t nearly enough to satisfy it.” Henry knelt by the side of the bed, his face inches above her own. He stroked her cheek. “You need something more.”

She held her breath, waiting, not daring to ask.

Henry’s face turned for a moment. He nodded, and the bed dipped with Jay’s weight, his body sliding along hers, up and over until he covered her better than any blanket.

“Jay is going to fuck you now, Alice,” Henry murmured. “You’re not to come unless I give you permission. Can you do that for me, my dear?”

Her body trembled in reaction, the suggestion itself, that she belonged so utterly to him, enough to bring her closer.

“I…I don’t know. I don’t know.” The barest whimper.

“Try, dearest. You’ll try for me, hmm?”

Oh God yes. She’d try anything for him.

“Yes, Henry.”

“Good girl.” He nodded.

Jay sent his right hand diving between their legs, gripping himself and rubbing the head of his cock along her sex. A brush of his knuckles, his wrist sliding along her thigh, and he pressed forward, deeper, burying himself in her with a single stroke. He groaned, his open mouth against the side of her head above her ear.

“Fuck, Henry, she’s so wet and open, Jesus, I’m not–”

come, Jay. I’ll be forced to punish you if you do, and poor Alice will be disappointed.”

The threat of punishment seemed dire enough to stave off Jay’s imminent orgasm. He lay motionless and panting above her as she resisted the urge to squeeze. He gained a modicum of more control, and his hands slid along her arms until he covered her there, too. He pressed his fingers between her own.

As if he’d been waiting for Jay’s motion, Henry spoke. “You can learn to control this, Alice. To make it stop, and start, when you will it. At the sound of a voice. At the touch of a hand, perhaps.”

Henry stared into her eyes, and understanding bloomed. He recognized the trouble she’d had last night. He understood her desperation, her need to try to force herself into orgasm to please her partner. He’d offered his hands to help her focus then. What would he offer now?

“You’re designed for this, sweet girl. Engineered to feel this pleasure, hmm? And it’s easy when you’re by yourself, isn’t it? Your fingers know your body intimately. That’s how you were able to bring yourself to orgasm with such speed and silence this morning in my bed, isn’t it?”

She panted, mouth dry, tongue struggling to find the moisture to speak. Jay’s steady thrusts didn’t help. “Yes, Henry.”

“I want you to imagine your fingers there now, Alice.”

Her wrists twitched under Jay’s hands, fingers stretching out.

“Don’t move them, my dear. Your hands are pinned, and they’ll stay that way. Your body is caught under Jay’s. Held safe. But when his thrusts drive you down, forward, and the friction moves over you, the slide of the sheets against your lips, the faintest graze across your clitoris, your nerves blazing, I want you to feel your fingers there.”

BOOK: Playing the Game
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