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Authors: M.Q. Barber

Playing the Game (38 page)

BOOK: Playing the Game
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She shook her head. The position was a little awkward, and her balance would suffer for it, but it wasn’t painful. “No, Henry.”

“Thank you, Alice. If you find you need to stop and cannot say your word, I want you to clap your hands for me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Henry.” Easy enough to remember, although unless she ran out of breath or–oh.

Henry pulled her hair back and lowered the blindfold over her eyes.

She took a deep breath as her heart raced. She wouldn’t be able to see, and she wouldn’t be able to touch with any precision. Jay wouldn’t be allowed to touch her, either. To keep him from trying to control her movements?

“Stay like this for a moment, Alice.” Henry kissed her cheek.

The bed shifted. She strained to hear something, anything. Footsteps. The rustle of fabric. Undressing. Henry was undressing and…surveying the scene he’d created? Pacing around the bed?

A soft hum of approval came from somewhere behind her.

The bed shifted again, and she flinched as warm skin slid along the outside of her legs. She started to tip left. Couldn’t catch herself. Other hands settled on her shoulders and righted her. Heat brushed her spine.

“It’s time for Jay’s reward, my girl. Make him come for you, and then I’ll make you come for me, hmm?” Henry pressed his erection against her back. His thighs squeezed her own. “The nice, hard fucking you weren’t missing two weeks ago, because there was nothing you

A whimper left her throat. Henry’s hands guided her down, until she knelt on her knees and forearms. One hand tipped her chin up. From Jay’s gasp, she guessed where the other had gone. His cock touched her lips, all heat and velvety skin and Jay-musk.

“Open, Alice,” Henry commanded her. “Taste.”

Alice opened her mouth and took him inside. Jay moaned, long and low, as she slid her lips downward until they encountered resistance. Her tongue swiped a knuckle. Henry’s hand, holding Jay’s cock at the perfect angle for her mouth.

She hadn’t done this before. Not given a blowjob, of course; that, she’d done dozens of times. But in the last five months, she’d done only what Henry had asked of her, and not once had he asked this. Not for himself and not for Jay.

She’d expected it months ago. Expected it would be one of the first demands. Blowjobs had always been high on the list of sexual favors demanded by previous lovers, and now she had two cocks to play with instead of one.

Jay must’ve been waiting patiently–or not so patiently–for months for this reward. So she kept her lips sealed around him, rolled her tongue in sweeping movements and alternated a deep, twisting slide with quick suction around the tip. She sped up with his quiet whimpers.

“Stop, Alice.” Henry’s voice.

She allowed Jay to slip from her mouth. He’d been close. A bit more and it would’ve been her turn.

She practically heard the smile on Henry’s face. “Our Alice is very good, isn’t she, Jay?”

“So good,” he agreed, a slight rasp in his throat. “Really, really good.”

“But you don’t want to come for her that quickly, do you? And end your fun?”

“Don’t want it to end.”

“No. I didn’t think you did.” A pause before the tip of Jay’s cock swept across her lips again. “Go ahead, Alice. I doubt Jay can manage more calm than this, given the delightful provocation.”

Her mouth still met the edge of Henry’s grip as she sank down. He must’ve staved off Jay’s approaching orgasm with a quick squeeze. Hardly fair. She’d have to work extra hard to make him come so she could have her turn.

She applied herself to the task with enthusiasm. Got Jay nice and wet with her mouth. Blew air across him to make his hips buck. She teased the tip with her tongue and dropped suddenly, her mouth tugging at him on every return sweep. Her ears filled with the sound of his harsh breathing. The rasp of his inhalations and the soft groaning “uh” of his exhalations became a symphony, and she a musician trying to match the time signature.

Henry’s hand moved away, allowing her to slide deeper. Not quite to the base. She wasn’t so practiced as that. Maybe Jay would give her tips sometime. No laughing, she chided herself. Choking wouldn’t have gone over well at all. But she had more than enough sensations to catalog to keep her from laughing.

Henry pulled her legs apart, disrupting her rhythm as his legs moved from around her own to between them. His hands smoothed over her back and down the outside of her thighs. His cock slid between her legs, bumping her clit.

She sucked in a surprised breath, and Jay’s hips bucked under her.

Henry spoke. Casually, as if his hands weren’t caressing her ass and his cock wasn’t parting her labia. As if his hips weren’t moving in slow circles against her, reminding her he was waiting for her to make Jay come.

She strained to hear his voice over her own breathing. Over the wet sounds of her mouth moving and Jay’s panting moans.

“You’ve been waiting a long while for this, haven’t you, Jay? To have Alice focused solely on your pleasure? It’s all right, my boy. I know you haven’t breath to answer just now.

“Alice will receive her own reward when she’s finished pleasing you. My cock is ready for her, waiting to drive deep inside her, to fill her with pleasure. You know that pleasure, don’t you, Jay? You crave the same fullness she does.”

Henry’s hands splayed across both sides of her ass, pushing them outward.

“So much potential, my dear boy. Think of all the games we haven’t played yet with Alice.” A single finger traveled a line down the center of her ass. Her body lunged forward, bunching up as his finger pressed against her, not seeking entry, but rubbing. Circling. Nervous energy made her tremble. Was he going to…

“She isn’t ready for all of those games yet, Jay, but she will be. And when she is, when she wants it as badly as you want to come right now…we’ll take her together, my boy. No one waiting. No one finishing alone. Both inside her heat, sharing, showing her how deeply satisfying it can be to feel so full.”

Her thighs quaked. She needed Henry
. Not later, now. She nudged her elbows forward, a delicate dance of weight and balance well worth the effort. Stretching out her bound hands, she stroked her fingertips across the tightness of Jay’s scrotum and down, pressing firmly as her lips dragged upward over his cock.

Jay came with a shout, his hips thrusting even as she pulled back to enclose just the tip of his cock, rapidly swallowing. His climax wasn’t unmanageable. Was that why Henry had allowed them the quick orgasm earlier? To make this last longer for Jay and finish more easily for her? It was the sort of thing he’d think of.

Her thoughts scattered as a hand tugged her hair, for once lifting her away rather than trying to force her down. Jay’s cock had no sooner fallen from her mouth than Henry plunged into her from behind. She was grateful for the cuffs around her arms keeping her stable when he set a punishing pace.

The hand in her hair moved to her stomach, holding her to him until her hips bucked and she matched his pace. His fingers dipped lower, teasing her clitoris, squeezing and rolling, rubbing and circling.

She startled as his other hand made the same motions against her ass, teasing and circling. The sensations aroused her equally when she shoved aside the voice in her head that said good girls wouldn’t like it.
Fuck that. Who said I have to be a good girl?

“I’ll make certain you enjoy it, Alice,” Henry whispered, his voice tight, strained. “You’ll still be
good girl.”

She dropped like a stone in a lake, drowning in the waves. Had she spoken, or had he just known? Did it matter?

His fingers still moved, and his cock still moved, and over the buzzing in her ears as her body vibrated against his, clenching around him, she caught stray words. Beautiful, and tight, and
, uttered low when her pleasure peaked again and she fell on her arms.

Her hips pistoned uncontrollably, driving her onto him until his hands held her hips as he gave three short, sharp thrusts and covered her body with his own, his chest sweaty and warm against her back.

She never wanted to move again. She let her head tip against Jay’s thigh and relished the possessiveness and security of Henry’s weight on her back.

She’d gossiped with girlfriends before, sharing general details of her sex life and getting theirs in return, and most had agreed being taken from behind lacked the intimacy they wanted. She hadn’t spoken up, because sex had all been the same to her. Intimacy wasn’t part of the equation. Fucking was fucking, whether they were panting in each other’s faces or barely touching at all.

With Henry and Jay, she could define a difference, even if it wasn’t the negative one her friends had harped on. Being face-to-face was a good feeling, sure. A little scary and intense the way Henry did it, with his eyes watching hers and so full of something indefinable, but good.

But having him behind her reminded her of their first night together every fucking time. Maybe it was a submissive pose, but it didn’t feel submissive. Not even with her hands bound. It just felt right.

The blindfold tonight had heightened the intensity. Made her concentrate on Henry’s voice, that low, teasing, intimate rumble. Sex with Henry was intimate no matter how he took her. She couldn’t separate herself from the experience while she was having it. She wasn’t imagining herself somewhere else with some

A kiss to the top of her right shoulder had to be Henry. She whined when his weight left her back.

He rubbed circles over her spine as his cock slipped from her body. “Is this something you’ve been missing, my sweet girl?”

Was there any point in pretending? Four weeks had been too long. She needed more from them than that. And maybe Henry needed her to admit that.

He’d been the one to set the contract terms. He’d probably had some complex reason for choosing a two-week interval, and she’d gone and tried to wrest control back by not asking for a replacement night when he told her their regular Friday wouldn’t work. She hadn’t intended to, but she had. She should’ve trusted his greater knowledge and experience. Instead, she’d tried to show him she could be independent.

“Yes, Henry. I should have…four weeks was too long. I missed this.”

The hand on her back paused. A soft sound came from Henry, impossible to place and soon swallowed by silence.

“Thank you, Alice.” Hands pulled her upright and slipped the blindfold from her face. She blinked in the brightness, catching flashes of Jay watching her. Henry reached past her to stroke Jay’s cheek. “I’m very proud of you both for being so brave and trusting tonight.”

Henry unhooked the leather sleeves, allowing her to separate her arms. She wiggled her fingers without prompting.

Jay hadn’t yet moved. He treated the scarves as if they restrained him in truth.

Henry placed a kiss above her ear. “Would you like to help me untie Jay, my dear?”

She agreed in an instant.

Henry raised Jay’s left leg, drawing his foot closer and unwrapping the scarf. Her breasts neared Jay’s face as she reached for his right hand along the top of the headboard. Following her motion, he rolled his head to rub his cheek against the side of her breast.

She lifted his arm and sat back on her heels. Held his hand in both of hers. She unwrapped the scarf where he could watch her work, letting it fall to her lap and kissing his wrist afterward. Remembered the sensation on her own skin in nights past. Jay’s fingers tickled her chin, and she giggled.

Henry dropped a passing kiss on her back as he shifted behind her, turning to Jay’s other side, and she let go of Jay’s right hand to release his left. The metal rings on her leather cuffs danced as her arms moved. The scarf on Jay’s left wrist was the last to come off. Her eyes closed as she kissed the bare wrist.

“It’s all right, my boy. Come here, Jay.”

She was crushed against Jay’s chest as he launched himself forward, throwing his arms around her and Henry, too. His chin rested on her right shoulder.

“Thank you, Henry.” Jay babbled in her ear, repeating his thanks with giddy joy.

She slipped her arms around his back and held on.

“My brave boy.” Calm, confident Henry. His arms covered hers, a solid weight, a steadying presence as he hugged them both to him. “You played so well tonight, Jay. It’s a joy to have Alice here again, isn’t it?”

Jay nodded vigorously. “She’s even better at rewards than I am at apologies.”

BOOK: Playing the Game
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