Authors: Phoebe Rivers
Originally built in 1910 as a private summer retreat for a wealthy industrialist, Helliman House combines the rustic, old-world charm of a lakeside getaway with the modern fun that teens crave. New owner Grant Himoff has designed a retreat that meets the needs of all ages. The rooms in both the main building and the additions are spacious and feature large, flat-screen TVs, free wi-fi,
minibars stocked with healthy snacks, and Jacuzzi tubs. Three on-site restaurantsâranging from the casual organic burger joint to an upscale Italian with to-die-for breadsticksâsupply varied dining options
“There were so many activities that we ran out of time to try them all,” says teenager Sara Collins. An Olympic-size pool boasts a state-of-the-art waterslide and teen sunning area. A frozen yogurt stand and a frozen-lemonade bar are open poolside, and the “dive-in” screen broadcasts favorite TV shows and music videos right in the pool itself. The clear waters of Lake Hoby provide a roped-in swim area with trampolines, plus the opportunity to try water-skiing, canoeing, and paddleboarding. “I loved all the outdoors stuff,” teen Owen Mann says. Teen hikes up nearby Mount Norma, a 5K run around the property, a scary movie night under the stars, a bonfire, and a teen dance are weekly features. A state-of-the-art game room is complete with video games galore and a mocktail bar
However, unique to Helliman House is the most innovative draw of any hotel. Teen guests have the opportunity to interact with a newly hired on-staff spiritual adviser. Laura L'Angille, credited for ridding
Helliman House of ghosts rumored to haunt the halls, meets with teens to discover past lives, explore their latent psychic powers, and determine if romance and good grades are on the horizon. Although owner Himoff refutes a spiritual presence at the hotel, Laura leads teens on popular midnight walks to haunted locations on the storied grounds
Whether your teens are looking for fun in the sun or moonlight thrills and chills, Helliman House is a winner! “My friend and I had the best vacation of our lives here,” reports teen Lily Randazzo. “Not only was every day a surprise, but every hour!”
“It's only week three of school and already I'm bored with all the guys at Stellamar Middle School,” my best friend Lily announced as she stirred the pool of butterscotch sauce at the bottom of her sundae glass.
“I know, right?” agreed Avery. She grimaced, her mouth revealing this month's band color, which was bright green. The bands she used for her braces tended to change color from one orthodontist appointment to the next. “That's the problem with living in a small town.”
“It's true,” sighed Marlee. “All the guys do at lunchtime this year is sit around in big packs talking about sports. They don't pay attention to any of us.”
“Except Sara, here,” said Avery, pointing at me with her spoon. “They notice you, because you give off that âI'm not interested' vibe, which of course makes them
interested. Can you teach me how to pull that off?”
“She pulls it off because she's actually not interested in any of them,” Marlee joked, grinning at me. “Right, Sara? You're not crushing on anyone at school so far this year, right?”
“Earth to Sara,” said Miranda, waving a hand back and forth in front of my face.
I jumped. Tried to focus on my friends. Tried to recover and act like I'd been paying attention, when really, I'd been staring out the window at the man standing on the sidewalk. He was dressed in strange clothing, unlike anything anyone else wore these days. Beneath his battered sailor hat I could see long, jet-black hair, loosely tied back in a ponytail. His pants were knee-length, his soiled blue coat fastened with big brass buttons, his thick-soled black shoes topped with large buckles.
Oh, and he shimmered slightly around the edges.
He was a spirit. A spirit I'd seen before, back at my house.
The question was, what was he doing
, outside Scoops Ice Cream Parlor? Had he come here to look for me?
Lily nudged me. “You okay?” she asked.
I smiled weakly. “I'm fine,” I said. “I guess it's been a long week.” But I wasn't that fine. I was having that familiar, unpleasant reaction, the one I thought I'd conquered. The tingling feeling that had started in my left foot was moving up my leg. The air around me had grown thick. The lights had grown dimmer, though I know it didn't seem that way to anyone except me.
My eyes darted toward the window again. The spirit wasn't paying any attention to me. I began to relax a little. Maybe he wasn't here to talk to me. He seemed to be muttering to himself. Rather abruptly, he spun on his heel and marched away, his head down, his hands clasped behind his back. Before he'd gone more than a few paces, he grew transparent. He shimmered for a moment, like a barbecue grill on a hot summer day, and then vanished.
Perhaps I should explain.
You know how kids sometimes talk about how they feel different, that no one understands them, that they just don't feel like they fit in sometimes?
Well, trust me. I win the prize. Because I really
I can see spirits. Dead people.
I've seen spirits since I was little. Up until recently, I hadn't told anyone about it, not even my dad. But now he knew. And he'd moved us to this shore town in New Jersey the year before so we could live in a big, ramshackle Victorian house with Lady Azura, my great-grandmother. She had powers too, and she'd been helping me with my own powers. Which was handy, because her house was filled with spirits.
Only two other people know about my powers. One is a boy named Mason Meyer, the guy I have a crush on, though he doesn't know that. Mason goes to a different school. I had barely seen him since the summer had ended, but we did text a lot.
The other person who knows my secret is Lily. Lily Randazzo, my best friend.
Now, back in the ice cream shop, she saved me, by directing our friends' attention away from my weird, distracted behavior.
“You guys!” she hissed. “Turn around! Act natural! I just spotted Mason Meyer outside, and he's heading in here and he has a friend with him. A totally gorgeous friend.”
About the Author
Phoebe Rivers
had a brush with the paranormal when she was thirteen years old, and ever since then she has been fascinated by people who see spirits and can communicate with them. In addition to her intrigue with all things paranormal, Phoebe also loves cats, French cuisine, and writing stories. She has written dozens of books for children of all ages and is thrilled to now be exploring Sara's paranormal world.
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Simon & Schuster. New York
This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division
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Copyright © 2013 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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SIMON SPOTLIGHT and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Text by Heather Alexander
Jacket illustration by Erin McGuire
Jacket design by Laura Roode
ISBN 978-1-4424-8305-7 (pbk)
ISBN 978-1-4424-8306-4 (hc)
ISBN 978-1-4424-8307-1 (eBook)
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2012953915