Playing With Fire (Sweet Redemption) (10 page)

Read Playing With Fire (Sweet Redemption) Online

Authors: Rose Francis

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Playing With Fire (Sweet Redemption)
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When the 911 operator answered she just stared at him.

He grabbed the phone from her.

“I came across an intruder attacking my girlfriend and we had a scuffle. We need someone to pick him up—he’s out cold.”

The rest of his words became a blur, as did everything in the room as everything dawned on her.

Hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

At some point she felt Eric’s arms around her and it was all that registered.

The next thing that registered was the sound of sirens.


After giving their statements and David was taken away, Janet found herself alone with Eric’s silent fury.

She thought at first he was still steaming at the circumstance—at having discovered David on top of her about to commit a violent, horrifying act. But then she realized he had trouble looking at her, as if he was furious
with her

“Are you mad at me?” she asked and he huffed.

Despite not using words, the answer was clear to her.

“Janet, you drive me insane, you know that? What the hell is wrong with you? I told you not to go inside—your own instinct told you that. Are you hell bent on destroying your own life? You want to vanquish anything great or happy about it? You like staying in your dungeon?”

Janet was taken aback.

She had been expecting full sympathy for the trauma she’d just been through.

Eric shook his head.

“You don’t think about anyone else but yourself do you? About having your way all the time. Is that really most important to you? Because I can’t do it Janet—if you’re going to defy everyone around you and stupidly put yourself in danger because you feel it’s your goddamned prerogative, I can’t let you do this to me. How about the next time you decide to be stubborn, you do it in favor of yourself, huh? How about that?”

“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice sounding like a strained whisper. It had been a struggle pushing the words out past the cry-ball that had rapidly formed in her throat.

He shook his head again and made a grunting sound.

Then he stopped walking and grabbed her in a hold, smothering her against him.

“Damn you Janet,” he said softly, rubbing her back with one hand, cradling her head against his chest with the other.

Then he pulled back and looked at her, and she realized his eyes held a glisten.

“Don’t you understand?” he said, sounding tortured.

He pulled her back to him, gripping her tight.

“I love you,” he whispered.

Janet’s heart liquefied.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and finally said the words that had been teeter-tottering on the tip of her tongue for weeks and weeks.

“I love you too,” she said breathlessly, and they held each other for what felt like a welcome eternity.


Eric had given Janet both an idea in his berating of her, and the strength to carry it out.

When she told him about her plan, he only nodded in response and she interpreted his expression as approval. Then he insisted he come along with her.

She agreed.

They both unofficially took the day off.

Janet didn’t know what to expect when she slipped the key Liz had given her a long time ago into her friend’s apartment door.

She expected Jason to be there of course, since he was unemployed and it seemed he was generally uninterested in leaving the comfort of Liz’s home. What she didn’t expect was to see a girl suddenly scrambling for her clothes and Jason trying to cover up his erect penis.

Jason looked relieved when he saw her, and Janet realized of course he would be—
at least it’s not Liz
, he must’ve been thinking.

Janet knew it would never be enough—if she went ahead and told Liz she had caught him in the act, Liz would probably eventually forgive him. If Janet showed her the photos her private investigator had gotten of him with various girls over the months it wouldn’t matter.

If there was one thing she had learned growing up Leonard Cooper’s daughter, it was that money talks, and despite David’s dig at her the night of his attack, it really could buy almost anything.

She dropped the black bag she’d brought with her on the floor in front of her dramatically and confidently with Eric right behind her. Both Jason and his skank jumped.

The girl then chose that moment to hop toward the door as she fitted on her other shoe, then made a quick exit, slipping by Janet and covering her head as if she expected to be hit.

Jason stared at the bag then looked back up at her, his eyes shifting from her to Eric.

“One hundred thousand dollars,” she began. “That’s what I’m paying you to stay away from my friend. You don’t call her, you don’t text her, you don’t ‘run into her’ ever again. You pack up your shit, get out of here within one hour, and this one hundred thousand dollars is yours.”

Janet knew she had him—she saw the way his eyes lit up when he put together her words with the black bag. A guy like him probably had no chance of seeing one hundred grand otherwise.

Janet pulled a piece of paper from her binder.

“This is a contract saying you’ll have nothing to do with Liz ever again. You will read this, sign it, pack up, and leave. Then we’ll hand you the bag and you’re free to do with the money what you please.”

Janet had her lawyer draw up the contract with a confidentiality clause and other terms and conditions she knew he wouldn’t bother to read. She decided to break down and summarize the rest of the paper.

“Just so you know, this also says you will not talk about this to
. Not to Liz, not to your cousin or your ma, not anyone. If anyone realizes you’ve suddenly come into a lot of money, tell them you found it in the garbage or won a lottery for all I care. But it didn’t come from me; I was never here. If you violate
of the terms and conditions listed on here, you owe me double the amount. Simply put: back off, disappear, and shut up. And don’t pack anything from here that doesn’t belong to you. And don’t even think about trying to hit me up for more cash at any point.”

Jason scrambled around for a pen and quickly signed.

“Oh, and she needs a ‘Dear Jane’ letter so she knows why you disappeared. Here—” she handed him a blank sheet of paper, “—write this: ‘Realized you deserved better. Don’t bother looking for me—ran away with...’ Oh I don’t know—insert whatever skank name you want.”

He nodded and scribbled on the paper.

“I’ll be waiting outside with this when you’re ready,” Janet said, picking the bag back up and heading to her car with Eric’s protective body near. “And don’t do anything stupid—we have bodyguards around and a lot more where this came from to go to people who can actually make you disappear.”

She saw appropriate fear in Jason’s face.

Jason was ready to leave Liz’s house and life forever within twenty minutes.



Janet had to use all her acting skills to pretend shock and surprise when Liz came to her tearfully about Jason’s disappearance.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find someone else—someone who deserves you,” she said soothingly.

Janet thought about what to say next. She didn’t want to dwell on the topic for too long, for fear of giving herself away somehow.

“Hey, what about that guy Leroy?” she asked. “In Receivables?”

“Please girl—you know work people are off-limits.” Liz caught her eye. “Well for most of us. Anyway, I’m not ready to jump into another relationship—nothing real that is. But who am I going to bring to the Christmas party? It’s in three weeks and no one shows up at the Christmas party alone!”

Janet felt bad. She knew she’d have Eric proudly on her arm, and she couldn’t wait to introduce him to her father—although she suspected he already knew about their relationship; nothing on company grounds stayed secret. Brenda or some other worker probably already tipped him off.

Still, she was excited to present Eric to him and see his reaction.

She noticed Liz suddenly looking at her with eyes that seemed to shake. Her usually steady, sharp eyes were widened with what looked like trepidation.

“Can I come with you guys?” she asked. “I don’t want to miss the party because I don’t have a date, and I don’t want to inconvenience you two, but I don’t want to be alone.”

Janet knew there was no way she could refuse her friend; after all she was the reason Liz was in her position.

“Of course girl. You want us to come pick you up or meet me at my place at a certain time?”

As they sorted through the logistics, Janet found herself growing more and more excited about the party and wishing it would get arrive sooner than later.

Just three more weeks.


While getting ready for the party Janet had a feeling. She not only paid attention to it, but scrutinized it, trying to figure out what it was telling her.

All she knew was that something big was going to happen at the Christmas party tonight—her hunch left no doubt about it.

Fear didn’t quite accompany the feeling, so she convinced herself that whatever was going down was going to be good.

She wondered if it was what she had been hoping for for at least the past month, or if she was honest with herself, since the moment Eric walked into her life by way of an elevator.

Eric had been acting a bit odd lately, and she couldn’t quite put her finger on why that was either.

She suddenly felt a surge of happiness.

Perhaps he meant to propose?

It made sense—the moments of nervousness he had around her these days, the look she caught in his eyes every now and then. The almost-fear, the joy, the love—an impending engagement had to be the culmination; it was only logical.

Janet could barely contain her joy at the thought.

She was certainly ready for him.


Eric held the dark velvet box like it held the most precious thing in the world, and in a way it did.

Tonight was the night.

Tonight he would ask the fiercely independent Janet Renée Cooper to become Mrs. Eric Christopher Anderson.

He was nervous but confident—there was no way she wouldn’t say yes.

He couldn’t wait to hear the actual word leave her sensual lips and to slip the ring on her finger, claiming her to the world.

Then later that night, he would slip her something else.

Eric smiled to himself.

He had never felt so happy in his entire life, all because of some minx he couldn’t wait to get down on one knee for.

And boy would she love it.

She’d probably smile wickedly at him, her eyes deliberately lingering on the image of him kneeling in front of her, pretending she had some kind of power over him again as he bent before her like she deserved. But who was he fooling? As much power as he knew he had over her, she held over him.

Eric couldn’t wait to make her officially his.


As she and Eric picked Liz up from her apartment and Liz went on and on about having trouble figuring out what to wear, Janet thought about what she’d say to her father whenever he showed up.

Janet knew she wouldn’t have a chance to see him before the party, and she looked forward to seeing her dad even though they didn’t speak much—he was all she had left of her family, and she was ecstatic to have all her family under one roof for a night, two of them right there in the car with her.


Eric had it all planned out.

Once everyone was filled with food and alcohol and had been having a jolly good time for a while but it was still too early for anyone to leave, the band would suddenly stop playing dance music and ease into slow jams.

He had instructed them to play one of Janet’s favorite love songs and when it started, he would ask her to dance.

Still in a spell after their slow dance, he would make his way to the stage, dragging her along with him and the lead singer would hand him the mic.

“May I have everyone’s attention,” he would say and he would get it.

By now Janet would surely know what he was up to, yet probably still be in denial or disbelief. Her hands would probably be over her mouth like in those commercials.

Then he would get down before her and produce the ring, holding its brilliance up to her.

“Will you do me the honor of letting me be your husband? Will you marry me Janet Cooper?” he would ask or some variation of it, and she would of course say yes, eyes filling with tears.


Now that formal dinner was out of the way and the open bar in full swing, the room had loosened up.

The band was playing lively music and people started coupling off to dance.

Janet saw that a few people had already had too much to drink as they giggled uncontrollably or stumbled on the dance floor.

Her father had shown up as appetizers were being served, and now was the perfect time to pull him aside. Everyone was occupied by their own fun now instead of what others looked like and what they looked like to others.

She kissed Eric on the cheek and left him to chat with Liz as she went over to properly greet her father.

Janet couldn’t help grinning wide as she approached him.

He smiled back at her.

“Daddy!” she said, hugging him and enjoying the feel of his familiar soft, wide frame.

He kissed her cheek, his mustache scraping her a bit.

“How is my baby girl?” he asked, and she chuckled.

She pulled him along a few feet, distancing themselves further from potential nosy ears. Because of the loud music, they didn’t have to go too far.

“Your baby girl is in love. And for real this time daddy.”

“I can see that,” he said, his voice taking on a warmer tone. “I just knew he’d be your type.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Janet asked.

Her dad shrugged.

“You know...”

“No, I don’t dad, that’s why I asked. What, white? You think I only like white guys?”

Her dad shrugged again.

“All I’ve ever seen you with babe. Although not a surprise considering where you went to school and where we lived. Anyway, I’m not judging you baby, don’t worry. And it’s beyond his skin color—I just knew you two”

Janet realized he was talking about something else.

“Wait—were you playing matchmaker? Did you send him here to get with me? Why would you do that?”

“Listen, the company’s going public and I’ll remain as CEO. But you—I have something else in mind for you. George will be the new COO, Eric’s going to take over your position...”

Janet’s mind was reeling.

“Wait, you’re firing me?”

“Calm down Janet—logic over emotions, remember? Now listen to my words: you are not being fired. You’re being transferred. There’s this new division I’d like you to head up...”

But Janet had stopped listening as pieces began clicking into place.

She had been a fool. A complete and utter fool.

“My replacement,” she said quietly, “did he know about this all along? Did you all plan this whole thing to shut me out?”

“Janet honey listen...”

But Janet’s eyes were too busy searching the room for Eric.

When she found him, she stormed over to him and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him out of the room.

She didn’t care about all the pairs of eyes she felt on her as they left nor did she care about the confused look on his face.

“How dare you!” she screamed when they got outside the room. “How dare you talk to me about honesty and lecture me about what love is and what it isn’ dare you? You’re a complete fraud! You don’t know anything about love you son-of-a-bitch. How could you? God I can’t believe I fell for all this again. I knew you were up to something...”

“Janet what are you talking about?”

“You know just what I mean Eric—dad just told me about his plan for the company, and how I’m essentially no longer a part of it. He told me all about his little matchmaking scheme. How could you do this to me? After everything...”

Janet couldn’t stop the tears and gave into them freely as her heart broke.

She sobbed as he gathered her into his arms and she pulled violently away.

“Janet listen—this is a very important night and I’m not gonna let you ruin it. First of all—did you listen to what your father had to say? Did you even let him tell you what he wanted you to do? Do you know anything at all about the new division?”

Janet said nothing, and knew her silence was enough of an answer.

“Thought not. Well you know those little notes you’ve been making all these years about your ‘secret’ personal project? Well guess who went ahead and laid the groundwork for you. Your father worked to make your dream come to life for you Janet—everything he’s been doing, it’s for you.”

“I don’t understand,” was all she could say, although it was a lie by the time it left her mouth.

Could it be that the new division he mentioned had to do with fosterage and care-taking? That it involved disadvantaged, at-risk kids? How could her father have known?

She realized she had made a terrible mistake.

She saw a satisfied look come over Eric’s face.

“Be mad at me all you want but go talk to your father Janet. You’re lucky you still have him.”

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