Read Playing With Pleasure Online

Authors: Erika Wilde

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romantic, #Contemporary, #Military, #Erotica, #Romance

Playing With Pleasure (3 page)

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She’d chosen a private and darkened corner so she could observe the erotic settings and scenes freely and openly and without feeling awkward or uncomfortable around other members. There were women restrained to spanking benches who clearly enjoyed being paddled by their partner. In another section, a woman was harnessed to a sex swing while the man she was with, who was dressed in leather and wore a black hood to disguise his face, used a steel wand that emitted electrical pulses whenever he touched the object to the her bare breasts or the sensitive skin along her inner thigh.

Paige winced at the thought of being Tasered, even though the woman’s cries of passion begged her partner for more—and he was more than happy to oblige. That kind of elevated torture was so not her thing, and her gaze quickly moved on from that scene to another sectioned-off area that was designed like a jail cell with a small bed.

Two men dressed in police uniforms had a woman standing with her hands against the wall as they stripped off her clothing and roughly frisked her, their hands searching everywhere. When fingers probed between her legs, she put up a token struggle, which earned her a sharp slap to her ass from one of the cops while the other handcuffed her wrists behind her back for her insubordination.

Paige couldn’t look away and didn’t want to, judging by the rush of heat flowing through her veins and the tight pucker of her nipples. The trio obviously wanted an audience since they were in the public domain, and from her secluded spot on the upper floor, there was no reason why she couldn’t enjoy the titillating show. Even if this was all she ended up doing this evening, the heady cop fantasy unfolding in front of her was one she could replay in her mind night after night.

One of the officers stripped off his shirt and sat down on the cot. He unzipped his uniform pants, released his stiff cock, and stroked the length while officer number two pushed their female lawbreaker onto her knees in front of the first dark-haired cop. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her closer, and with her hands still restrained at the base of her spine, she had no choice but to comply. He thrust his dick between her parted lips, and the man behind her secured a strong arm around her waist to lift up her hips, then he lowered his head and put his mouth between her legs.

Oh God.
Paige wrapped her hands around the railing in front of her. Her breathing deepened, her sex pulsed, and she pressed her thighs together to alleviate the growing ache building steadily in between. She was so damn tempted to touch herself, to give her body the release it was suddenly screaming for.

“You like to watch.”

The deep, male voice directly behind Paige made her jump. The fact that the sexy-as-sin timbre belonged to Sawyer made her insides quiver and amped up the lust that was making her more and more restless by the minute. He wasn’t touching her, but she could feel the heat of his body, could smell the familiar spice of man and cologne. Every part of her responded to his scent—breasts swelling and pussy clenching—and she hated that he still had the ability to make her crave his touch.

She didn’t turn around. Instead, she shored up her defenses, refusing to allow him to see or hear how vulnerable he made her feel. “Watching is safe,” she said, proud of how strong her voice sounded.

“But not nearly as satisfying,” he murmured, his seductive words a tease that added another layer of desire to build inside of her.

He placed his hands on her waist, and she swallowed back a gasp, shocked by the bold move. She was grateful for the barrier of her corset stays and the heavy fabric that protected her from skin-to-skin contact with this man. She didn’t think she could handle the actual
of his hands on her.

She tightened her fingers around the railing and tried to sound blasé, when she was anything but indifferent to him. “What do you want, Sawyer?”


Just like that, the past crashed through her…how he’d always made her feel so desired and beautiful and how he’d ultimately betrayed her with Ashley.

Her emotions suddenly felt chafed raw, and she swallowed back the lump that formed in her throat. “I want to hate you,” she said, truly wishing she could. Lord knew she’d tried to despise him for the way he’d hurt her, but there was no denying that her heart wanted to forgive him. It was a constant tug-of-war she struggled with.

hate me,” he said, moving closer so that the front of his body aligned with the back of hers in one long, lean wall of muscle and heat. His low, husky voice, tinged with regrets, whispered in her ear, “But not tonight.”

She wasn’t sure what to make of that statement, but her body wanted to believe that tonight, the need smoldering within her was mutual.

“What are you doing here, Paige?” he asked huskily.

A few minutes ago, she would have replied with a callous
I’m here to get laid
just to irk him, but instead, she answered more honestly. “I’m here for pleasure.”

Still behind her, he slid his hands over the swell of her hips and down the sides of her leather miniskirt until he reached the hem. “Then let me be the one to give it to you.”

Again, her response should have been a succinct
screw you
, followed up with her elbow ramming into his ribs to make him move away, but she couldn’t say or do either. But the words that
come out of her mouth were just as brash. “What about your date? Don’t you think she’ll be pissed off when she finds out you’re with another woman? Oh, wait, I forgot, that’s how you roll.”

She heard him swear beneath his breath at her dig, but surprisingly, he didn’t take his hands off her like she expected. Instead, he gripped the hem of her skirt in his fists and gradually inched it up. “I didn’t come here with a woman,” he said in a soft growl. “Right here, right now,
the only woman I want. If you don’t want this, say the club’s safe word now, because once I touch you,
touch you, I’m not stopping until I make you come.”

Stunned by the promise in his voice, in his words, she could barely breathe, let alone speak. And did she really want to? she thought, aching for what he was offering. With him standing behind her and out of her sight, she could pretend he was that sexy stranger she’d intended to hook up with tonight. He could be anything and anyone she wanted him to be.

Her heart raced as he dragged her skirt up higher and higher, until the material was bunched around her hips and the cool air kissed the exposed skin where the tops of her lacy thigh-high stockings ended. He wedged a knee between her legs, forcing her high heels apart, and she bit back a moan when his fingers traced the elastic band of her panties all the way down to her covered mound.

“Watch the scene below,” Sawyer ordered, using a commanding tone she’d never heard from him before.

That authoritative voice excited her. Thrilled her. And made her wetter than she already was.

She shifted her gaze back to the two cops and the woman in the makeshift jail cell—one man fucking her mouth and the other now pumping hard and deep into her from behind. Having two men at once wasn’t a reality Paige ever wanted for herself, but the fantasy was incredibly hot to witness. As was the level of authority and dominance the two imposing officers exerted over their restrained prisoner, forcing the woman to submit to their ruthless possession.

Sawyer pulled the crotch of her panties to one side and dipped the fingers of his other hand along her slick pussy, a low, agonized groan escaping him. “Jesus, Paige. You’re so fucking hot and soft and

She shivered at his dirty, unrefined description, and a warm flush swept across her cheeks. He stroked back and forth, spreading her moisture along her slit, then burrowed two long fingers into the folds on either side of her swollen clit. He gently tugged and plucked that bundle of nerves between his fingers, sending a shockwave of pleasure pulsing deep within her sex.

She bit her bottom lip, clutching the wrought iron just in case her trembling legs buckled on her as he continued the stimulating friction, the exhilarating and erotic pull on her clit—each time a little harder, a little sharper, inflicting just enough of a sting to keep her on the sweet edge of release.

Beyond wild for that orgasm he held just beyond her reach, she closed her eyes and dropped her head back onto Sawyer’s shoulder, no longer caring about the scene below when she was so close to her own orgasm. One more wicked flick of his fingers across her clit jolted her with another electric shock of ecstasy, dragging a moan from her throat as the initial tingle of pain dissolved into a liquid heat that spread throughout her sex.

Sawyer had never, ever touched her in such an insistent, relentless way that
her surrender. And dear Lord, she was helpless to resist him and the promise of something so powerful and explosive. With shameless abandon, she pushed her hips back against his. His erection, huge and rock hard, so deliciously hot and thick, pressed along the crease of her ass while his fingers did insanely sinful things to her pussy.

His own breathing was hot and damp and harsh against her cheek, and he secured his other arm around her waist, as if knowing she’d need the anchor once she splintered apart. His entire body wrapped around her—protectively and possessively—and the glide and friction of his fingers between her legs commanded her acquiescence, allowing her no escape and no retreat from the pleasure about to consume her.

“Give it to me,” Sawyer rasped into her ear. “

As if he’d given her permission to come, desire bloomed fast and fierce. The beginning spasms of a massive orgasm started deep inside of her and radiated outward, giving her no choice but to embrace the overwhelming sensations assailing her mind and body. She released a soft cry and tried to catch her breath once the tremors subsided.

Slowly, he removed his fingers and pulled the hem of her skirt back in place. “Fuck, that was hot,” he breathed against the side of her neck.

“I can’t believe I let you do that to me out in the open.” Embarrassed by her actions, even though they were in a secluded alcove, she tried to move away from him, but he planted his strong hands back on her waist to hold her in place.

“Apparently, not only are you a voyeur but you have a bit of an exhibitionist streak in you, as well.” Amusement softened the rough edges of sexual tension still lingering in his voice.

No, not really. She didn’t have the kind of body she’d ever feel comfortable flaunting naked.

“Tell me, Paige,” he murmured, his voice suddenly dark and daring. “Do you want more pleasure?”

She hated how his question made her tremble and caused her to flush with renewed excitement—like a drug addict being offered another hit of their favorite opiate. In her case, it was sex. She knew she ought to be smart and say no and walk away, but this new and dominant edge to Sawyer definitely intrigued her. And as long as she compartmentalized the physical from the emotional and set some ground rules to protect her heart, why couldn’t she enjoy a night of pleasure—not with a stranger but a man she trusted with her body? In that regard, at least, he’d never hurt her, and he was the safer decision.

She exhaled a deep breath and replied before she changed her mind. “Yes, I want more pleasure.”

He stepped back, and for a moment, she thought
changed his mind. She turned around to face him, and with him standing only a foot away, she was struck with just how gorgeous he truly was.
Way-out-of-your-league kind of gorgeous
, as her stepsister had once told her, and a part of her couldn’t help but think that, too.

His black hair was still cut military short at the sides, and with his masculine features and strong jawline, he could have easily made a fortune as a male model. Even with the dark, evening stubble on his face, the man was breathtaking—and she knew the body beneath the black shirt and pants was equally honed and impressive.

“Come with me,” he said and held out his hand to her.

His gaze was filled with a hypnotic blend of heat and promise. The hand he offered was a request for her trust, and she refused to analyze her actions as she touched her fingers to his warm palm, giving him the consent he was waiting for. She didn’t miss the relief that passed across his features before he led her out of the viewing room and toward the private suites located in the opposite wing of the mansion. He bypassed all the normal playrooms and stopped in front of a closed door painted a rich shade of purple. The word
on the digital keypad on the wall let them know the room was empty.

She hadn’t seen this part of the mansion when Dane had given her a tour earlier. “Where are we?” she asked.

He inserted a code, and as the door unlocked, Sawyer glanced at her. “The suites back here are part of an exclusive membership. And by inputting my password, it lets the attendants know that the room is now occupied, and by whom.”

Safety first
. Okay, he’d obviously done this before, probably with the attractive brunette he’d been with in the lounge. She pushed that thought right out of her head. Tonight, she was more curious to find out what was behind the purple door and why it required an exclusive membership.

He opened the door for her, and she stepped inside. The room was small but more luxuriously and elegantly furnished than the others she’d seen. A four-poster dais dominated the space and was covered in fresh, deep purple linens the color of amethysts. Mirrors lined the walls throughout and were inlaid in the canopy and headboard of the poster bed, and most of the apparatuses (i.e., sex furniture) were covered in leather or velvet.

Undeniably fascinated, she stepped farther inside and continued to take it all in. There were hooks, chains, and restraints hanging from the ceiling, and shelves of implements and objects she couldn’t recognize in the dim lighting. A wooden and brass rack held an assortment of floggers, canes, and crops, and when she inhaled, she breathed in the pleasant scent of lemon oil polish.

The door closing and locking behind her made Paige turn around. Sawyer stood there, silently watching her, obviously trying to gauge her reaction to this darker, more dominant part of him she’d had no clue existed. What else didn’t she know about Sawyer and his predilections?

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