Please Don't Come Back from the Moon (28 page)

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Also to these fine friends for many gifts: Martin and Melissa Scanlan, Steve Myck, Mike and Molly Strigel, Mark Benno, Greg and Connie Parker, Jim and Maria Duncan, Denise Miller and Raul Mendez, Stephen Bunker and Dena Wortzel, Becky Mitchell and Jim Thoreson, and Herbert Hill. And to my Madison writing group: Heather Lee Schroeder, Guy Thorvaldsen, Andrew McQuaig, Heather Skyler, Ron Kuka, and especially Tenaya Darlington, who made me send in this book. Thanks to Trudy Barash of Canterbury Booksellers for giving me a job buying books, and thanks to all of my fellow booksellers. To teachers Ron Quick and Jane O'Brien and coach Doug Buckler for their profound influence. To Mike Gravina, Alex Goecke, and the rest of the crew: Stibbs, Noone, Brent P., Freeborn, Petey, Norm, Tough Pig, Gordo, and Brain for so much material and also thanks to the gentlemen of 300 E. Jefferson.

Finally, to four people who have made all the difference: Elwood Reid, who showed me the light over and over again and taught me what work is; Mark Gates, sales rep extraordinaire, for generosity and friendship above and beyond the call; my agent and pal, Amy Williams, for her tenacity, wisdom, and patience; and finally to my wife, Amanda Okopski, for bringing creativity, wonder, passion, and joy to me on a daily basis.

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