Plus None 2 (23 page)

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Authors: Emily Hemmer

Tags: #Humor, #New Adult Romance

BOOK: Plus None 2
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The innate naughtiness of my position, wrapped around him and exposed, thrills me. I hear a quick
before he tugs his pants down a few inches and releases himself. His hard erection slaps against the skin of my exposed labia as it’s freed. I bob eagerly against him and tighten both my grip on the shelf and my legs on either side of him. My entire body stiffens when he lifts me up with one hand and pushes inside me.

I throw my head back in ecstasy as he pulls me down his length. Two thoughts float hazily to the forefront of my mind. First, anyone can walk in on us. I can hear distant music and laughter, meaning hungry party guests will soon make their way down below for refreshments. Second, I can feel every smooth inch of his erection as he pumps inside me. He isn’t wearing a condom. I know I should stop this, pull away from him before anything more can happen, but the feel of him against me, inside me, makes me lose focus.

He steps backward and my back leaves the shelf behind. The new angle allows my clit to rub aggressively against his pubic bone. Ropes of pleasure knot inside my stomach. Each thrust of his hips brings my orgasm closer into reach. I remove one hand from the shelf and wrap it behind his neck. His eyes are fixed on me. Neither of us says a word. The only sound in the tiny room is the loud smack of our bodies meeting.

Alex digs his fingers into my hips. Every time I’m with him, I feel like I’ve been branded. I’m starting to suspect he does it purposefully. He rams into me again and again. I buck, finding the right position. My orgasm takes hold with merciless strength. I flex inside and hold him in when he tries to piston back. He steps forward, tumbling, and my back slams against hard plastic. My release explodes within me, pushing me over the edge as bottles of cleaner and bleach fall around his feet.

He struggles to remain in control, pushing inside deeply as his eyebrows knit in concentration. Pain and pleasure wash over his face as his orgasm claims him. Something warm and fluid spreads through me. I’ve never felt it before. My eyes must widen in shock because in the aftermath of his orgasm, he looks at me, confused. He closes his eyes then wraps both arms around me, holding me to him.

Seconds pass and we remain locked in the embrace.

His lips move against my neck. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

He pulls out slowly, setting me back on my feet. I smile, unable to care at this moment. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” I bend to remove my underwear and use the small piece of black lace to discretely wipe away the remnants of our exchange. There’s a bag next to us marked ‘Biohazard.’ I fold the fabric into a triangle and shove the panties inside.

Neither of us can repress our smiles.

“This is,” he says, leaning down to kiss me, “the best bachelor party I’ve ever been to.”

I smile, giddy from the aftereffects of our quickie. He kisses me several times before pulling away.

I stick my lip out. “Do we have to go back out there? Can’t we just stay in here until we dock?”

“I think we’d be missed. Besides, I hear the penis cake is to die for.”

“Oh, it is. I tried a little earlier. Coconut cream. Who knew?”

Alex checks to make sure the hallway is clear, and we sneak out of our little janitorial love nest. It’s a good thing no one’s around because they’d be able to tell in a hot second what we’ve been up to. He wraps an arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

“Can I trust you to behave for the remainder of the party or should I ask the Captain to put you in the brig?”

I pinch his butt. “You can try but I’ve had lots of experience breaking people out of jail. You’ve met my cousins, right?”

As Alex’s hand pulls the handle on the door leading into the buffet room, Cadence emerges from the other side, nearly knocking us over.

Is this a boat or a floating funhouse? There seems to be someone behind every door.

“Alex,” she says, taken aback. “Hi.” Her smile quivers ever so slightly when she catches sight of me. “I was just on my way to fetch the troops. The food’s ready.” Her hand flicks to the table behind her. “Y’all get in there and help yourselves.”

Alex drops his arm from my waist as Cadence moves between us. He reaches out and grabs her hand. She looks back, confused.

“I’m sorry,” he says.

I’ve never seen her face so unguarded. She looks like a kid, all innocent and earnest. 

“I didn’t want to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you.”

She smiles very softly at him. “I know. I know that.” Her focus rests on me for a moment before moving back to him. “Maybe one day I’ll find what you have. Someone willing to walk through fire for me.”

Cadence pulls her hand out of his grasp and walks away, her shoulders squared and dignified. I wrap my arms around Alex’s waist and hold him to me.

“Well, I guess that’s another hurdle crossed.”

He kisses my forehead and runs a hand up and down my back. “Just one more to go.”

I rest my head against his chest, struck by a thought. “Who knew someone else’s wedding would be this much trouble?”

He smiles. “Are you saying weddings in Harlow County are drama free?”

“Mostly. Unless the bride is a Jude sister. Then all bets are off.”


Chapter Seventeen

One Day Until Walter Does the Worm on the Dance Floor


I take the arm of my assigned groomsman, Chase. He’s outrageously good looking. I mean, he’s no Alex Ramirez but I could’ve done a lot worse. Poor Shelby had to come down the aisle with Ken’s second cousin Merrell. I’ve never seen anyone so shiny. From pale bald head to pale bald chin, the man’s a walking egg.

Chase winks at me. I smile a little too girlishly and we walk. Left together, right together, left together, right together… Vivaldi’s
The Four Seasons
wafts dreamingly over the empty rows of white chairs. Tomorrow they’ll be filled with friends and loved ones. And Wade, Wendell, Walter, Willy, Wayne, Barry and Carl.

I’m not too worried about them. Paige has expressly forbidden beer cans in the actual ceremony. She threatened violent titty-twisters to those that dare disobey her. Poor Wade’s been walking around with his hands over his nipples for two days now.

Chase leaves me at the front of the flowery arbor that will serve as an alter. I take my place next to Shelby and look back down the aisle. Cadence and Alex progress slowly toward me, her hand in the crook of his arm. I’ve noticed a marked change in her attitude toward me over the last week. It’s like her animosity for me has ben replaced by acceptance for her situation. But she doesn’t seem sad. If anything, she’s been helpful, earnest, and dare I say it? Sweet.

I’m totally freaked out by it.

They part and Cadence comes to stand next to me. Across the aisle Alex takes his place, and gives me the kind of smile that makes me glad we’re not in church. I return it with a small grin and look to the back of the tent. I can see Paige and Daddy now.

She’s wearing a simple green dress and white shoes today, but she’s holding a little bouquet of roses. Just the thought of her as a bride sets me off.

Daddy wore a tie for the first time in forever and it nearly set Paige into hysterics. Not only is he dressed up but he’s wearing real shoes, not slippers, fishing boots, or work boots, but real shoes. And, this is the big one. His clicker is nowhere in sight. I wonder if he’ll go to such lengths on my own wedding day.

As wedding bells chime, and Paige and Daddy walk toward us, my eyes drift again toward Alex. He catches the stolen glance and raises an eyebrow in my direction before quickly refocusing on the bride and groom.

He’s such a good man. I know he wants to make things as easy on Cadence as possible, which means no making out in the wine cellar this time. I’m hoping to talk him into a little smooch in the coat closet though. I’ve become very fond of enclosed spaces where he’s concerned.

The faux service begins so I try to put Alex out of my mind and focus on Paige. So far, the rehearsal has gone without a hitch. Thank Jesus. I plan to smile, curtsy, and not much else. There’ll be no trouble from me tonight.

The preacher talks about the ceremony and gives some direction on what will be said first and how they should answer. He smiles at my sister and her fiancé and remarks on the importance of love, family and friendship in a marriage.

Alex keeps catching my eye. Will this be the two of us someday? Standing at the altar and pledging our fidelity to the other? Until death do us part? Surrounded by my loving family? On second thought, it’s a bit soon to be thinking of marriage.

“Now, this is my favorite part,” the preacher says, a playful smile on his face. “I’ll ask if any person here can show just cause why you two people should not be wed, or forever hold their peace.  It’s a real nail-biter.”

Everyone laughs. It’s such a silly tradition, yet every time you hear it, you feel compelled to look around and make sure there’re no hands raised. The rest of the wedding party faces forward, happy smiles on their faces, but someone catches my eye. An impeccably dressed man in a gray suit and crisp blue shirt sits in the back row of chairs on the groom’s side. He wasn’t there before, I’m sure of it.

My attention is drawn back to the alter when I hear Ken repeating the vows of marriage the preacher is feeding him. He looks so very much in love with Paige. The sincerity of his gaze on her makes my heart tighten with joy. Alex pretends to hand the ring to Ken, who turns to face my sister. He rubs her ring finger with the pad of his thumb, reciting the words he’ll say for real tomorrow. “With this ring, I thee wed. Vowing to honor and love you, all the days of my life.”

A funny noise works its way up my throat. Cadence turns and hands me a soft white handkerchief. Her eyes are as bright as mine feel. I mouth,
“Thank you,”
to her. She nods, turning back as Paige reaches out and pretends to take Ken’s ring from her. Paige repeats after the preacher, happier than I’ve ever seen her.

I look back toward the seats, wanting to get another look at the man in the back, but everyone bursts into exclamations and applause and my view is obstructed.

Ken’s parents, grandparents, and a few assorted others come forward to congratulate the almost married couple, and I get carried into the middle of the crowd. The sorority triplets twitter loudly around me about tomorrow and I smile and do my best to join in. Alex gives Cadence his arm and they follow Ken and Paige down the aisle along with the preacher, Daddy and Ken’s parents, all discussing final details for tomorrow. I do the same with Chase but despite the smile I’ve plastered on my face, I can’t help but feel things are suddenly too perfect. Something’s not right.


“Patsy’s got May third but you’re always late with your first one so I’m going with the 11
. What’s your bet?”

Aunt Jolene waits with pen and paper poised.

“She’s not pregnant,” I whisper, mindful of Grandma Chamberlain seated behind us. “How many times do I have to tell you?”

Jolene looks at me skeptically. “Please. I saw her wolf down three spicy pickles and a glass of milk before dinner last week. She’s either pregnant or she’s a body snatcher.”

I search for Paige in the small crowd. The rehearsal dinner was amazing. Lamb shank, garlic green beans and new potatoes. The food was rich and elegant. Not even Patsy, the coupon queen of Harlow County who refuses to eat at any restaurant not offering a free appetizer, had anything bad to say about the food.

Paige is at the front entrance of the tent, saying goodbye to two of Ken’s elderly aunts. The poor things were traumatized when Brook pulled out a long hair extension and proceeded to dunk it in her crystal water goblet. She’d accidentally drug the hair through some rice pudding and wanted to get it clean before anyone noticed and
it embarrassed her

I assess Paige’s stomach keenly, looking for any sign that I’m about to be an aunt. Her dress is a tad on the big side, maybe, but it’s a far cry from maternity wear. Still…

I dig in my purse and hand Jolene a five-dollar bill. “May twenty-sixth.”

She winks at me then stashes the money in her bra.

“I thought you said you were going to stay out of trouble,” a deep voice says in my ear. “Now I find you gambling? What am I going to do with you?”

Jolene wriggles her eyebrows at me and leaves the table.

“I thought you said we should keep our meetings clandestine today? Looks like neither one of us can be trusted.”

Alex grins. “C’mon, I want to show you something.” He helps me out of my chair and leads me away from the tents around the side of the house.

“Are we headed for the coat closet?” I wrap my arms around one of his.


A tall brick wall juts out from the main house and extends at least forty feet into the yard. It’s covered in a leafy, ivy-like plant I suspect may be morning glories. There’s a nearly hidden archway a third of the way down and Alex gestures me through it.

It’s like walking into a fairytale. Every color of roses, bigger than my fist, surrounds us. I walk slowly up the gravel path, reaching out to touch their silky petals. Further into the garden white peonies, lavender wisteria, and red begonias seem to smile and wave. I can smell lilac, too, though I don’t see it.

I turn. Alex is behind me, a pleased look on his face.

“It’s beautiful.”

“I know.” He fingers a pretty blue flower hanging down a tall urn. “I wanted to bring you here during the engagement party but…we got sidetracked.”

“Let’s make a deal not to talk about your father in this place.” I turn back to the flowers.

No wonder Paige likes to spend so much time here. If I had access to a garden like this, I’d never go anywhere else.

“So I was thinking.” Alex walks around me, his hands deep into his pockets. “About after the wedding.”

I feign disinterest and bend over to smell an orange rose.

“It’s not really practical for me to drive back and forth between Dallas and Harlow every day.”

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