Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct (8 page)

BOOK: Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct
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I shook my head. The brush of his fingers along the underside of my dick made me shudder. He sat down beside me, his eyes hungry. My cock twitched. Dan licked his lips. It was so hard not to tell him to suck me dry. I reached up to push some long hairs off his damp brow.

“I don’t know where to find any lube,” he confessed.

I sat up, kissed Dan, then jumped up to find my pants. I knew where to try, and I wouldn’t have to leave the hotel.

“Stay put. I mean it,” I said as I zipped my jeans. “You move from that bed and I will not be responsible for any loss of human life that ensues.”

“I’m not going nowhere,” he said.

I ran out the door, hit the elevator button and bounced from one foot to the other as the lift slowly climbed upward. When it was at my floor, I leaped inside and poked the five button several times. Fucking thing was taking way too long. I was close to insane by the time I’d traveled one floor. The ding sounded. I grabbed the doors and pulled at them to hurry them open. Down the corridor I ran. I found the right door and hammered on it. Ailo whipped the door open, then gawked at me. He looked dapper in a dark suit.

“You got a tube of lube I can buy?” I inquired, then rifled in my pocket for a fiver. I held the bill out to him. His expressive left eyebrow climbed up his brow.

“How do you find an athletic support large enough to hold your balls, Kalinski?” the Swede asked as he adjusted his silk tie.

“I shop in the mongo mansack department at Sporting World.” I waved the five-spot under his nose. “So do you?”

“I have to assume that you and Arou have made up?” He folded his arms over his chest and leaned on the doorframe. I was starting to get slightly irritated.

“You would assume correctly. Do you want a ten?”

“You are a smug bastard, aren’t you?”

“No. Well, yeah, but society dictates that I say no. I told you I was off-limits. Now do you have any lube, or do I have to run to the fucking drugstore?”

I shoved the five at him. He plucked it from my fingers, stepped in reverse and shut the door in my face. I’d raised a fist to beat the door in when it opened again. Ailo produced a new tube of Astroglide.

“Given your state,” he glanced down at the bulge straining against my zipper, “I’d suggest you get back to your lover. Tell me one thing. Do you bottom or does he?”

“What do you think?”

“Yes, you would be the one on top, being a ginger and all. Have fun. Oh, and the next time you act up like that in my group, I will personally ram my fist up your ass, and not in a fun way either.”

I saluted him with the blue box of lubricant. Ailo shook his head and retreated back into his room. The bell on the elevator pinged. I turned to look and saw an old couple tottering out of the lift. Great. Here I stood with a massive boner and a tube of Astroglide in my hand. Oh well. Never let it be said that Victor Kalinski didn’t know how to handle an awkward sit.

“Evening, oldsters,” I said as I walked past the silver-haired duo, gaily flipping my box of anal lube. “Nice night for a buggering, huh?”

“Did that young man call us roadsters?” the old woman yelled.

“What’s buggering?” the gent shouted.

“Must be like twerking,” his bride replied just as loudly.

I slid into the elevator just before the door shut and had a good chuckle. As soon as the doors opened on my floor, I sprinted down the corridor. There was this dark scenario in my head about coming back to find my room empty.

I threw the door open and saw no sign of Arou. My heart fell into my gut. I let out a bray…and Dan exited the bathroom, soaking wet and gloriously naked. I tossed the lube at him. He smiled as if I had just tossed him Wayne Gretzky’s bottled talent.

“Silicone-based, even, just how you like it,” I bragged as I placed the “Do not disturb” sign on the doorknob and closed the door.

“Shit, that was fast. I thought you’d be gone for a while.” He padded over to the bed to read the lube box in the glow of the lamp. “You sure it’s silicone-based?”

“I only had to jog up to Ailo’s room,” I said as I tugged on my zipper.


I peeked at Dan, my fly open about two inches. Dan’s voice had a tone. You all know what tone I mean—the suspicious one.

“Yeah, he invited me up to his room last night to talk about the program. After we ate, he hit on me.”

“I don’t fucking
you!” Dan spat. I stopped unzipping and threw up my hands.

“Whoa, just fucking whoa. Don’t get that bitchy attitude going. It was nothing. He offered, I declined and that was the end of it.”

He whipped the lube at my head. I caught it with ease. “You piss me right off!”

“Why are you pissed off?” I asked as he grabbed his shorts off the floor and jammed his legs into them.

“That you have to ask pisses me off even more.”

“Oh come on, Dan, would you stop being such a jealous little chick?” I barked.

Dan threw a look at me that would have killed a lesser man. He was so fucking hot with his anger up and his bangs dangling in front of his eyes.

“I am
a chick,” he snarled violently. “Why didn’t you tell me he hit on you? Don’t you ever learn nothing?”

“Okay, first off, yes I learn things. Secondly, when was I supposed to tell you? You weren’t around after our little thing at the rink. If you recall, you wanted some space to think. Do you want me to ring-a-fucking-ling you about every little damn thing that occurs in my life? You want updates about when I shit or when I text someone? Here.” I pulled my cell out of my pocket and underhanded it to him. “You want this relationship to be like that, then read over my texts. I got nothing to hide.”

Dan glared at the smartphone resting in his palm. The AC unit kicked on and filled the room with that dank old-air-conditioner smell.

“What’s wrong with me?” he croaked, then placed the phone on the nightstand. His sight met mine. “I’ve never been so insecure before.”

“It’s to be expected, man. We’re going to have to rebuild trust,” I offered. He nodded halfheartedly. “It meant nothing, Dan.”

“I know. Man, this is crazy hard.” He pushed his fingers through his hair.

“Yeah, it really is. Good thing we’re hockey players. We don’t know the meaning of quitting.”

“I never wanted to quit you, Vic. I love you more than I should.”

“I know the feeling,” I said with a smile, then slowly approached him.

He looked like a startled rabbit, tense and ready to bolt at the mere flick of a finger. Thankfully, when I reached for him he didn’t dash off—he stepped eagerly into my embrace. The kiss we shared was amazing. It made me hard, hot, weepy, and all those other emotions that I like to keep under lock and key. Seemed Dan Arou had a way of working under my armor plating. I know this is going to sound sappy, but this time with Dan, this joining, was different somehow. Not that I didn’t want to get into him as hard and fast as I could, but there was just something…intangible about the aura surrounding us. I wanted more than the usual fierce coupling. I wanted to seduce him, make love to him, be one with him. Yeah, yeah, I know. Kalinski must have a uterus unfurling within him. Suck. My. Dick.

I undressed him slowly, laid him down gently and slid into the rumpled bed beside him.

“You are so sweet,” I whispered as I brushed his wild hair from his face. “Too sweet to be hooked up with a raving butt-plug like me.”

“Yeah, I know.” He smiled up at me, then tugged my mouth over his. I explored every inch of his mouth with my tongue. My hand roamed over him, touching and teasing, plucking at his tight little nipples, massaging his hard stomach. He writhed under me, drawing in air rapidly through his nose. I kept my lips over his. His hands latched on to my shoulders, trying to pull me up and over him. I could taste his desire for me. It fired me up like no crushed rhino horn, chili pepper, oyster or any other bunk aphrodisiac ever could. I left his mouth begrudgingly. Dan’s eyes glowed in the muted light. A small grunt of anticipation escaped him when I rolled over to get the lube.

“Hurry,” he huffed when I left him.

“You sound like you’re in a rush,” I commented as I sat up and flipped the lid on the lube.

I shot him a glance. He was torqued up and ready. His cock was as hard as mine was. Impressive rebound powers these Hobbits possess. He lunged for the lube. Curious, I let him have it. He coated his fingers, then flopped onto his side. I turned on the mattress to watch. Lifting his left leg high, he reached around and pushed two slippery fingers into his ass. A jolt of pure lust raced through me. Dan’s eyes fluttered shut as he fingered himself. I took hold of my dick and began pumping it, my gaze riveted to my lover pleasuring himself. It was all hot times and peep-show goodness until he made a sound deep in the back of his throat. That sound should only come when I was inside him. I dropped my cock and crawled over him, using my own leg to move his down.

“Took you long enough,” Dan murmured as he rolled flat on his back.

“Fucking little tease,” I chuckled, then drew a fat line on my cock with the lube. I worked the slip-and-slide all over my prick, then crawled on top of him. Holding myself off his chest, I grabbed several long kisses while I poked at his ass with my dick. Dan arched up, his ass leaving the mattress, seeking to hurry things up. “Patience, sweets,” I whispered over his parted lips. His back bowed higher still. The tip of my cock pushed at his opening. He trembled. I gasped, then thrust gently.

“Ah, man,” he groaned as I pushed the head of my dick into him.

“Nothing better,” I sighed, and began moving in and out of him, slowly at first to give him time to adjust. Dan hissed as my strokes grew harder. He linked his legs around my waist, grabbed my biceps and held on tightly. I thought to tell him that I loved him, needed him, could not live without him, but as I moved inside him all I could do was grab a wet kiss from time to time. Dan took everything I gave him and urged me to give him more. The bed thundered against the wall. Our bodies were wet and slick from sweat and lube. I came far too soon, pushing into him as deeply as I could.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Dan cried out, his hand working his dick with a fever pitch, his knuckles thrumming against my stomach. He came a moment after I did. I wished I had been able to enjoy his second climax, because, man, I do love to see him blow a wad. My eyes were clamped shut, sadly, as I rode out my own orgasm. I collapsed onto him when my elbows gave out. He was still convulsing. I found his mouth and slid my tongue inside. Dan bucked me off, then covered me with his still-trembling body. I enfolded him, arms and legs cinching him to me, teeth nipping at his tongue and puffy bottom lip.

“I love you,” tumbled out of me. Dan purred like a happy tomcat as we rolled back and forth, kissing, caressing and whispering those special words to each other.

“I love you,” I repeated an hour later as I spooned a sleeping Arou. I pressed my lips to the nape of his neck and told him one more time how much he meant to me. I pulled his firmly packed little frame tight to my chest and dropped off into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter Eleven


I woke up sluggishly. My brain was slow. Someone shook me. In the outlands of my mind, I heard Dan saying I had a call. I dozed off. Dan shook me more vigorously.

“Meh.” I coughed as I flopped onto my back. The sunlight filling the room was too bright. It burned my eyes. My head lolled to the left. Dan waved my phone in front of my blurry eyes.

“It’s Heather,” he said softly. Several groggy seconds ticked off before I could connect the dots. I met his look. “I’m okay. No, I mean it. We have to deal, right?”

I reached up to pat his rough cheek as I placed the phone to my ear.

“Speak at me,” I croaked as Dan left our bed. My gaze stayed on his tight ass until he closed the bathroom door.

“This is great. I mean, I have to find out this shit on the internet?”

My eye-roll was huge. Chicks blatting in my ear first thing in the a.m. are not cool. I can barely take Dan’s chippy chirping early morning shit.

“Okay, for the novices out there, I don’t like female types bitching in my earhole any time before noon.” I yawned. My eyes were so heavy. Another five hours sleep would get me right.

“Well, maybe you wouldn’t have female types bitching into your earhole if you told them the truth. God, I cannot
that I was starting to think you were an okay guy under all that dickhead behavior.”

God, spare me this.

“Heather, whatever it is it can’t be that big a deal. There’s nothing wrong with the kid, is there?” A queer flutter in my gut occurred.

“No, the baby is fine. It’s you, as always. I mean, I don’t care if you’re gay or bi or trans or whatever, but it would have been nice to have been told. I mean, I
carrying your kid and I have to read about you and Dan Arou—”

My lazy eyes flew open. I sat up. “Back up,” I barked into the phone.

Heather huffed as only a chick in a snit can huff.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Oh, come on, Victor. Don’t play stupid. It’s all over the internet. I think it’s trending on Twitter. The whole freaking world knows that you and Dan are gay lovers. Jesus, don’t you ever get online?”

My gaze jackknifed to the bathroom door.
Fuck. Me. Dry.

“Shit,” I whispered.

Heather made some sort of snorting sound. “So are you? Gay, I mean. If you are, then why did you do it with me? Were you curious about being with a woman?”

“Heather, stop talking.”

I stared at that door as if I had Superman’s X-ray vision. She began talking more. See, this is the thing with chicks. They all talk even when you ask them not to. Guys don’t do that generally. When I tell Dan to stop talking, he does, then punches me in the arm so hard my fingers go numb. I like that reply. Simple and physical. Boom. It’s done.

“Heather, my God,
stop talking.”

“You know you can’t just tell me to stop talking. I’ll talk if I want to. I’m entitled to talk at you! So are you and Dan gay for each other?”

“No. Well, sort of. Yeah, in a way but not,” I said, confusing even myself. “I’m bi. Dan is gay. He and I are a couple.”

I kicked off the knotted covers. My skin pimpled as the AC danced over me.

“Wow, that’s cool. So the baby will have two daddies!”

I removed the phone from my ear to glower at it. Did she really think this was some sort of sitcom? No. She was smarter than that. The girl was going to be a nurse, for fuck’s sake.

“Victor?” Heather called. I walked over to the bathroom door. Phone back to ear, I laid a hand on the cool wood. “I just want you to know that I am totally accepting of you and Dan.”

“Thanks. I’ll be able to sleep again at night.”

“No, really, stop being a jerk. I always share those ally posts on Facebook. And everything George Takei posts as well!”

“Yay. Listen, can I ring you back later? I need to tell Dan about this.”

I could smell Dan’s shampoo mingled with the steam leaking through the crack of the door. He was not going to be happy. Not at all.

“He doesn’t know yet? Oh, wow. Sure, go talk to him. If you guys need anything just let me know, okay?”

“Yeah, will do,” I mumbled, then a thought occurred. “Do me a solid, would you? See if you can trace where all this shit originated from. Can you do that?”

“They don’t call me ‘The Twitter Queen’ for nothing. Let me see how far back I can follow the tweets. Talk to you later. Give Dan a hug for me, will you? He’s such a nice guy.”

“That he is. Thanks, Heather, I owe you.” I ended the call, tossed the phone onto the bed and opened the door. Dan was just stepping out of the shower.

“Hey, babe.” He smiled, pulled a towel from the rack and began ruffling his hair to dry it. The muscles under that sienna skin flowed and bunched sensually. “I want you to know that I’m really okay with Heather. I think all three of us will be great parents when the time comes. It’ll take some getting used to, of course, but after we all get to know each other better I think—”

“We’ve been outed to the media, Dan.”

He stopped drying his hair and lowered the towel. The poor bastard looked like I’d hit him in the kidneys with a two-by-four.

Lambert promised me it wouldn’t go outside the confines of the team until you and I were ready to come out!” He sounded slightly panicked. “How did this get out?”

I shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know. Heather is going to see if she can follow the tweet trail. I am so fucking sorry. I know you weren’t anywhere near ready to be out.”

We’d gone from secret to the spotlight within forty-eight hours. I had no clue what to do, so I took him in my arms. He hung off me as if I were a buoy in a wild sea. When I found out who had done this, they were going to look like they’d lost a WWE ladder match.

I felt Dan kiss my neck, right under my ear, just where I like it. I squeezed him once and then stepped back.

“I need to call my parents,” he sighed.

“Yeah, you do. I need to wash up. Make your call. I’ll grab a shower, we’ll get dressed, and then we’ll work on a plan of action.”

“Sounds good. This is so fucked up.” He kissed me soundly then left the bathroom, his shoulders sagging.

I stepped into the stall, cranked the hot and cold on, and lifted my face into the bruising stream. Eyes closed, I let the water do its thing. Maybe it would massage away the knot of frustration on my brow. What a dick move. Someone was going to pay for doing this to Dan. What kind of humongous douchewad pushes a closeted man out into the limelight? Not that it should matter who sleeps with whom as long as no minors or animals are involved, but yeah, the world is filled with prigs and uptight righteous assholes. After several minutes of rumination with no relief, I soaped, shampooed and turned off the water.

Dan was still on the phone when I emerged a few minutes later. He had stepped back into his clothes from the night before. I moved quietly. He was relaying what had happened to his father, or so I assumed by the several whispered “No, I’m fine, Papa” statements he made. I dressed with my back to him, gnawing on my building anger as a dog works a meaty bone.

I turned at a knock on the door. Dan rose from his seat on the edge of the disheveled bed, met my look and went into the bathroom for privacy. Clad in jeans and a white “If You Can’t Play Nice, Play Hockey” T-shirt, I pulled the door open. Mike Buttonwood stood in the corridor, all ready to face the day with a cleanly shaved face and swanky dress-shirt-over-jeans look. He passed a newspaper to me. I glanced from the rolled-up daily to my captain. His green eyes told the whole story.

“You guys have been outed to the press,” he said.

“Yeah, my baby momma already told me.” I stepped back and waved him in with the paper.

Mike stepped into the love nest, paused by the bathroom door when he heard Dan, and threw me a long, searching look.

“We made up. He’s telling his folks that the shit is about to hit the proverbial fan.”

“Ah,” Mike said. He walked over to the sliding glass door that overlooked a parking lot. “I’m sorry about all of this, really.” He turned to look at me. I tightened my fingers around the newspaper. “This did not come from the team. I called management as soon as I saw the headline in the sports pages. They’re furious. They say they will stand behind you and Dan through this ordeal.”

“Thanks for that,” I said, and meant it. At least the Barracudas franchise was behind us on this matter.

Mike lifted a thick shoulder. “It’s the least. And for what it’s worth, the rest of the team is fine with having two gay men in the locker room.”

“Well, I’m not gay, I’m bi, but thanks again. Should I call Lambert to see how they want us to handle this?” I chucked the newspaper into a small trash can beside the bed.

Mike nodded. “You can, sure, but I strongly suspect the word has been passed down that you and Dan can manage this as you see fit. It’s not like either of you was arrested for drug possession or spousal abuse. No crime has been committed. It’s a personal issue that you two have to find a resolution for. I will say that it would make some good marks in your ledger to conduct yourself in a mature and tasteful manner.”

“You know me. I’m all about the taste.”

Mike’s eyebrow flew to his hairline. Dan exited the bathroom behind me.

“Hey, Captain, what’s up?” Arou asked, then stood beside me.

“Our team leader stopped in to tell us that Hurricane Homophobic Overreaction is about to land on our gay little shores,” I told Dan. He frowned. “Are the folks ready?”

“As ready as they can be.” He walked up to me and slid his arms around my waist. “This is not how I wanted this to go.”

I exhaled deeply, chin resting on the top of Dan’s dark head. Mike had turned around to stare down at the parking lot.

“Methinks our guest groweth uncomfortable,” I murmured before grabbing a fast kiss from Dan. We unwound ourselves. Dan cleared his throat. Mike glanced over his shoulder and then, when he saw we were no longer in a clinch, he faced us.

“Thanks for coming over, Mike.” Dan walked over to Buttonwood with his hand extended. Mike slapped his palm over Dan’s. My feels got all fuzzy.

“As I told Kalinski, it was the least I could do.” The shake was a solid one. “So, any idea how you would like the team to respond to any questions?” Mike asked after Dan released his hand. “I personally would tell them to go with a ‘No comment’ or something more team-focused like ‘They’re great guys and great players and we stand behind them’. Are you going to address the press?”

“You mean like a press conference?” Dan inquired, then sat down on the bed, his shoes dangling from his hands.

Mike bobbed his head. Dan looked up at me.

“It’s your call, Dan.” I smiled at the man by the glass door. “I have no qualms about telling the press to suck my dick so deep their noses are buried in my springy red curls.”

“Jesus, Kalinski,” Buttonwood grumbled. Dan rolled those pretty eyes of his, then worked on pulling his balled-up sock over his right foot. “The team needs to invest in a muzzle for you.”

“I calls them as I sees them,” I tossed out, and began searching for clean socks in my open bag.

“Yeah, I guess we should do a press thing,” I heard Dan say. The poor guy sounded utterly defeated. “Can you get in touch with the PR department for us, Mike?”

“Consider it done. I’ll also go down and tell the horde of sports reporters in the lobby that you’ll be releasing a statement later today, unless you want to unleash the Venomous Pole on them?”

Even I snorted at that one. “If you love me like you say do, you’d let me do it, Dan,” I said.

“Thanks, Cap, but I think we may keep the Venomous Pole on a short leash for a couple days.”

“You suck, Arou,” I said as I sniffed at a pair of socks with a purple stain on them. Were they clean? If so, what was the purple stain all about?

“Yeah, I do.”

“And on that note, I’m going to leave.” Mike moved around me as I sniffed a sock. “If you two want to skip the training session today it won’t be held against you.”

“Fuck that,” Dan said. I lowered the questionable sock from my pointy nose. “We came here to get better, hone our skills and make a better team. I’m not hiding in the dark no more just because I love Vic.”

Mike smiled, clapped Dan on his beefy biceps, then left us to our gay love time.

“He’s so embarrassingly uncomfortable around us,” I chortled, then sat down to dress my feet in socks stained with purple mystery juice.

“Yeah, I was trying to avoid all that uncomfortable stuff,” Dan admitted.

I picked up the second sock then looked over at him. “It was going to come out eventually, Dan. I mean, we
live together. The way we look at each other…shit, if that doesn’t tell the world we’re lovers, nothing would.”

“Getting Heather pregnant was a clever ruse.”

I grabbed his wrist as he walked by me. We fell back onto the bed, his thighs tight to my hips.

“No, that was a fucking monstrous mistake.” I reached up to cradle his face. “We’ll get through this, sweets.”

“What happens when the Ruperts find out? Will they kick us out? I love that place.” Dan placed his hands over mine, then turned to kiss my palm.

“I suspect they already know we’re more than roommates. The cries of ‘Deeper, Vic, oh fuck, deeper!’ may have tipped them off.”

Dan lightly laughed, then threw my hands aside. “I like you deep.”

“I do my best to accommodate,” I said, glad to hear a bit of banter coming from him. This was going to be killer for Dan. My phone starting ringing, so I bucked Dan off and rolled to the right to find it by my pillow. Dan instantly spooned my back.

“I have to talk to Brooks,” Dan sighed into the back of my neck. “I hope he won’t hate me over this.”

“If he does, he’s a dick.” I gave the incoming a quick look and perked up. “Find anything?” I asked Heather. Dan rose up on one elbow behind me. I looked over my shoulder at him.

“You’ll be so proud of me. I went all Sherlock on this case. Remember you told me that night we made Junior how much some of the guys on the team hate you?”

“Heather, I don’t even recall
Junior, let alone what I said that night.” I mouthed “So sorry” to Dan. He dropped a kiss to my shoulder. The guy is a fucking saint.

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