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Authors: Naomi Rogers

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December 9 1941, Minutes Board of Directors 1938–1955, Children's Hospital of Winnipeg MG 10B33, Box 7, Province Archives, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Bruce Chown “The Newer Knowledge of the Pathology of Poliomyelitis”
Canadian Public Health Journal
(June 1942) 33: 276–277; see also [anon] “Kenny Method of Treatment: Experiences at the Children's Hospital of Winnipeg”
Canadian Public Health Journal
(June 1942) 33: 275–276. Chown was probably referring to Howard A. Howe and David Bodian “Some Factors Involved in the Invasion of the Body by the Virus of Infantile Paralysis”
Scientific Monthly
(October 1939) 49: 391–392.

R. Plato Schwartz and Harry D. Bouman “Muscle Spasm in the Acute Stage of Infantile Paralysis: As Indicated By Recorded Action Current Potentials”
(July 18 1942) 119: 924; see also Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, 252–253.

“Grateful ‘for All Mankind' ”
Rochester Times-Union
May 3 1943, Folder 37, Alan Valentine Papers, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester; “Sister Elizabeth Kenny Chats with Dr. R. Plato Schwartz”
National Foundation News
(May 1943) 2: 30.

“Sister Kenny Grateful For Recognition of Work”
Rochester Times-Union
May 3 1943, Folder 37, Alan Valentine Papers, Rush Rhees Library.

“The Importance of Research: The Kenny Method of Treatment”
National Foundation News
(July 1942) 1: 39–42.

Don W. Gudakunst “Poliomyelitis: Control and Treatment”
Canadian Public Health Journal
(August 1942) 33: 370, 372; see also Don W. Gudakunst “Up To Date on Infantile Paralysis”
Parents' Magazine
(June 1942) 17: 74–75.

Richard Kovacs ed.
The 1942 Year Book of Physical Therapy
(Chicago: Year Book Publishers, 1942), 267–293, 297.

Miland E. Knapp “The Kenny Treatment for Infantile Paralysis”
Archives of Physical Therapy
(November 1942) 23: 668–673; see also Miland Knapp to Dear Dr. Diehl, August 14 1942, Minnesota Poliomyelitis Research Committee, Box 2, UMN-ASC.

Lois Maddox Miller “Sister Kenny Wins Her Fight”
Reader's Digest
(1942) 41: 28–30.

Kenny to Dear Dr. Diehl, April 9 1943, Dr. Harold S. Diehl, 1941–1944, MHS-K; Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, 255. See also a reference to the committee members
“antagonized by Sister Kenny's attitude towards them”; Lois Maddox Miller “Sister Kenny vs. The Medical Old Guard”
Reader's Digest
(November 1944) 45: 42.

Melvin S. Henderson [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee to Investigate the Kenny Method of Treatment, Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Dr. R. K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K.

Edward L. Compere to Dear Doctor Guderkunst [sic] January 27 1942, Public Relations, MOD-K; Edward L. Compere “Modern Concepts of Infantile Paralysis”
Archives of Physical Therapy
(November 1942) 23: 677–678; see also Compere “The Kenny Treatment for Infantile Paralysis”
Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine, Chicago
(June 13 1942) 14: 187–188 [abstract] in Isaac A. Abt ed.
The 1942 Year Book of Pediatrics
(Chicago: Year Book Publishers, 1943), 161–162.

Edward L. Compere [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee to Investigate the Kenny Method of Treatment, Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Dr. R. K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K.

“Doctor Favors New Paralysis Treatment”
Washington Post
August 24 1942.

Robert V. Funston [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee to Investigate the Kenny Method of Treatment, Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Dr. R. K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K.

J. Albert Key [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee to Investigate the Kenny Method of Treatment, Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Dr. R. K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K.

H. Relton McCarroll [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee to Investigate the Kenny Method of Treatment, Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Dr. R. K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K.

Key [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee.” McCarroll similarly felt that “lay organizations and most medical people as well” were following Kenny “blindly”; McCarroll [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee.”

Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, 255.

Key [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee.”

Kenny to Dear Dr. Ghormley [March 5 1943], Dr. R. K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K; see also [Cohn third interview with] Miland Knapp, August 24 1963, Cohn Papers, MHS-K. She had asked Key and McCarroll about one patient and both had agreed that the patient had a “complete paralysis of the quadriceps.” “The patient in a few seconds extended her leg in mid-air and held it there.” As Knapp recalled this moment, “they got mad.”

McCarroll [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee.” McCarroll later recalled that the committee made 2 trips to Minneapolis to attend her clinics and examine her patients: the first trip to the General Hospital and the second trip to the Institute and the Michael Dowling School where the committee had attended a “specially arranged” part of her course given for physicians and each member of the Committee had received a certificate; H. R. McCarroll to Dear Dr. Myers, September 9 1946 [and 3 page enclosure], Box 19, Maurice Visscher Papers, UMN-ASC.

Calhoun received her B.A. degree from Western Reserve University in Cleveland and an M.D. from the University of Michigan. She was one of 7 women physicians graduating in 1925 out of a class of 156 doctors. She practiced medicine in downtown Detroit for 5 years, but gave up her private practice after the birth of her son; “Ethel Calhoun” Michigan Women's Historical Center & Hall of Fame
, accessed June
11 2013; Ethel Calhoun to Dear Dr. Ghormley, February 15 1943; see also Ethel Calhoun to Dear Miss Kenny, December 10 1942, Ethel Calhoun, MHS-K.

Ethel Calhoun to Dear Dr. Ghormley, February 15 1943.

Ethel Calhoun to Dear Sister, November 24 1943, Ethel Calhoun, MHS-K.

“Herman Charles Schumm 1889–1955”
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
(1956) 38: 714.

Herman C. Schumm [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee to Investigate the Kenny Method of Treatment, Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Dr. R. K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K.

Kenny to Dear Dr. Ghormley, March 5 1943.

Kenny to Dear Dr. Diehl, April 9 1943; Gudakunst to Dear Doctor Ober, February 16 1943, Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, 1941–1944.

J. Albert Key “The Kenny Versus the Orthodox Treatment of Anterior Poliomyelitis”
(July 1943) 14: 20–29.

Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, 258; Kenny “Data Concerning Introduction of Kenny Concept and Method of Treatment of Infantile Paralysis into the United States of America” [April 1944] Board of Directors, MHS-K; “Sister Kenny Receives Parent's Magazine Award”
Parents Magazine
(December 1942) 17: 38; “Medal Is Given to Sister Kenny for Child Care”
Chicago Daily Tribune
October 28 1942.

Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, 263–264.

Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, 255.

Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, 19–20.

Ostenso quoted in George Grim “Entertainers? Brainerd's Got Dandies”
Minneapolis Sunday Tribune
April 17 1950, 1, 5; see also Andrew Lesk “Wild Geese”
The Literary Encyclopedia
(29 April 2005; last revised 18 April 2006);
, accessed January 1 2011; Faye Hammill “Martha Ostenso, Literary History, and the Scandinavian Diaspora”
Canadian Literature
(2008) 196: 17–31, 202. Ostenso's 1925 novel
Wild Geese
had been made into a Hollywood movie, bringing its author a celebrity life filled with luxury cars, boats, and houses in Hollywood and in Minnesota. Ostenso was 20 years younger than Kenny, and, according to her recollections, she had first met Kenny as the older sister of a young man interested in Mary Kenny.

Kenny with Ostenso
And They Shall Walk
, ix–x.

Robert L. Bennett “Recent Developments in the Treatment of Poliomyelitis”
Southern Medical Journal
(February 1943) [abstract] in
Physiotherapy Review
(1943) 23: 81.

Bennett “Discussion of Papers,” 673.

Arthur Steindler “Contributory Clinical Observations on Infantile Paralysis and Their Therapeutic Implications”
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
(October 1942) 24: 912–920; see also Steindler et al. “Recent Changes in the Concept of the Treatment of Poliomyelitis”
Archives of Physical Therapy
(June 1942) 23: 325–331.

“The Kenny Treatment of Poliomyelitis”
British Medical Journal
(November 28 1942) 2: 639–640.

Myron O. Henry to Dear Fellow Correspondent, March 6 1943, [enclosed in] O. L. Miller to Dear Mrs. Enochs [Children's Bureau], April 17 1943, Record Group 102, Children's Bureau Central File, 1941–1944, Box 102, 4-5-16-1, Infantile Paralysis, National Archives; “Opponent Now Backs Kenny Treatment”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
January 9 1943;
Rutherford John to Dear Dr. Gudakunst, February 23 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD.

A. Bruce Gill to Dear Fellow Members of the Orthopaedic Correspondence Club, April 26 1943; see also Gill “The Kenny Concepts and Treatment of Infantile Paralysis”
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
(April 1944) 26: 87–98.

A. Bruce Gill to Dear Fellow Members of the Orthopaedic Correspondence Club, April 26 1943.


“Kenny Method Courses Now in 6 Centers; Chapter Participation Again Urged”
National Foundation News
(October 1942) 1: 57 (2,834 compared to over 6,000 during the previous 2 years). On the 6 centers: Stanford, University of Southern California, Warm Springs, Minnesota, Northwestern, and D.T. Watson Home's School of Physiotherapy; Ida Jean Kain “Your Figure Madame!”
Washington Post
November 25 1942.

Kenny to Dear Mr. O'Connor, February 2 1942, Public Relations, MOD-K.

Kenny to Dear Dr. Diehl, June 30 1943.

DWG to BOC Memorandum Re Argentine Situation, February 4 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD; Mrs. Enochs to Dr. Eliot Memorandum: Assignment of specialist from U.S.A. to cooperate in efforts to control infantile paralysis epidemic in Uruguay, Argentina, etc., April 7 1943, RG 102, Children's Bureau, Central File, Box 102, 4-6-16—1, Infantile Paralysis, National Archives.

Don W. Gudakunst to Dear Doctor Hackett, December 23 1942, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD; L.W. Hackett to Dr. Juan J. Spangenberg, January 11 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD; Hackett to Dear Dr. Gudakunst, February 18 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD. On a request from L. W. Hackett of the Rockefeller Foundation in Buenos Aires to the NFIP for “technical assistance”; see Basil O'Connor to President Roosevelt, February 4 1943 [abstract] FDR–OF-5188, Sister Elizabeth Kenny Institute, 1940–1944, FDR Papers. Roosevelt had supposedly suggested that the NFIP send experts to Argentina to assist in the epidemic, including instructing doctors in the newest methods of treatment, including the Kenny system; “Argentina Offered Aid Of Paralysis Experts At Suggestion of FDR”
Hartford Courant
February 5 1943; “Local Doctor Does Much to Promote U.S. Goodwill among Argentines”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
May 3 1943; [Cohn interview with] Basil O'Connor, June 20 1955, Cohn Papers, MHS-K.

Douglas B. Cornell “Views Echoed By President of Sister Nation At Historic Meeting”
Washington Post
April 21 1943; see also Max Paul Friedman
Nazis and Good Neighbors: The United States Campaign against the Germans of Latin America in World War II
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003).

“Epidemic Fighters Fly to Argentina”
National Foundation News
(March 1943) 2: 20; “3 Kenny Method Experts Fly to Argentina to Combat Infantile Paralysis Epidemic”
New York Times
March 14 1943.

Miland E. Knapp to Dear Dr. Gudakunst, February 5 1943, [accessed in 1992 before recent re-cataloging], Am 15.8, Folder 29, UMN-ASC.

DWG to PJAC Memorandum Re: Kenny Problem—South America, February 9 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD.

Rutherford John to Dear Dr. Gudakunst, February 4 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD.

“Opponent Now Backs Kenny Treatment”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
January 9 1943.

DWG to PJAC Memorandum Re: Kenny Problem—South America, February 9 1943.

PJAC to BOC Memorandum Re: Representative going to South America, February 15 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD; DWG to BO'C Memorandum Re: Physician for Argentina, February 19, 1943, Government Relations (Foreign) Argentina, MOD; DWG to PJAC Memorandum Re: Kenny Problem—South America, February 9 1943; “To Aid Fight on Epidemic”
New York Times
February 6 1943; “3 Kenny Method Experts Fly to Argentina To Combat Infantile Paralysis Epidemic”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
March 14 1943.

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