Polio Wars (92 page)

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Authors: Naomi Rogers

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Laurence “Older Age Groups Attacked by Polio”; “Paralysis Trend Found to Adults And Teen-Agers”
New York Herald-Tribune
July 13 1948; “News: Sister Kenny,” 53; Kenny [Report] July 19 1948, First International Poliomyelitis Conference, 1948, MHS-K; “Polio Treatment Costs Defended by Sister Kenny”
Los Angeles Times
July 13 1948. For the claim that the cost of the Kenny method was at least 10 times as great as therapy used several years ago see Joseph G. Molner “The Kenny Method” [paper presented at] Post-Graduate Course in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Texas, Medical Branch, Galveston, March 7 1946, Public Relations, MOD-K; “Medicine: Sister Kenny's New Center,” 49.

Laurence “Older Age Groups Attacked by Polio.”

[Cohn interview with] Amy Lindsey, May 19 1955, Cohn Papers, MHS-K

[Cohn interview with] Morris Fishbein, November 16 1953, Cohn Papers, MHS-K; and see Fishbein
An Autobiography
, 233.

Roland Berg to Roy Naftzger, November 23 1948, Public Relations, MOD-K.

Albert Deutsch “Sister Kenny and the Foundation”
New York Star
July 14 1948.

“Illinois: Film on Poliomyelitis”
(1948) 137: 1325; “Medical Motion Pictures”
(1948) 138: 111.

“New Kenny Institute Setup Announced”
Minneapolis Star
December 6 1948; “The Kenny Institute”
Minnesota Medicine
(December 1948) 31: 1349.

“New Kenny Institute Setup Announced.”

[Transcript] “Telephone Conversation between Dr. Van Riper and Dr. Huenkens, Medical Director, Kenny Institute, Minneapolis—Dec. 8, 1948,” Public Relations, MOD-K.

[Transcript] “Telephone Conversation between Dr. Van Riper and Dr. Huenkens”; Van Riper to Dear Mr. [Charles B.] Sweatt, January 25 1949, Public Relations, MOD-K.

“Citizens Form Polio Research League, to Ask Congress to Institute New Project”
San Fernando Sun
[1948], Clippings 1948, MHS-K; “Anti-Kenny Stand Hit By League”
Glendale News-Press
August 4 1949; “Sister Kenny Hospital Plans Mapped; L.A. to Hail Polio Foe”
Los Angeles Examiner
October 23 1949; [editorial] “The Polio Controversy”,
San Fernando Sun
October 28 1948; “Polio Conference Set”
New York Times
December 9 1948; [Transcript] “Telephone Conversation between Dr. Van Riper and Dr. Huenkens.”

“Citizens Form Polio Research League”; “Group Launches Federal Polio Research Drive” [newspaper name missing], September 30 1948, Public Relations, MOD-K.

Citizen's Polio Research League Petition, Public Relations, MOD-K; [Transcript] “Telephone Conversation between Dr. Van Riper and Dr. Huenkens.” We know little about this group, although it may well be part of the wider postwar conservative movement in southern California; see Kurt Schuparra
Triumph of the Right: The Rise of the California Conservative Movement 1945–1966
(Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1998).

Herbert Avedon to My Dear Sister Kenny, “A Third Open Letter,”
San Fernando Sun
, October 14 1948; Herbert Avedon to My Dear Mr. Sheppard, “An Open Letter,”
San Fernando Sun
, October 14 1948; Herbert Avedon to My Dear Mr. O'Connor, “Another Open Letter,”
San Fernando Sun
, October 14 1948.

Herbert Avedon to Sister Kenny, October 29 1948, General Correspondence, July–December 1948, MHS-K; Harry R. Sheppard to Herbert Avedon, October 21, 1948,
Fernando Sun
; “Sister Kenny Answers Sun Open Letter,”
San Fernando Sun
, October 28 1948.

Barbaralu Sanderson to My Dear Mr. O'Connor,
San Fernando Sun,
December 2 1948.

“Polio Conference Set”; Sonja Betts to Dear Miss Truman, December 2 1948, General Correspondence-T, MHS-K.

“Citizens Form Polio Research League.”

“Sister Kenny Gives Counsel On Polio”
New York Times
December 17 1948; Mildred Freeston to R. A. Burcaw, December 16 1948, Memorandum on Citizens Polio Research League Conference, Jersey City, December 16 1948, Public Relations, MOD-K.

“Sister Kenny Gives Counsel On Polio”; Freeston to Burcaw, December 16 1948.

Chester LaRoche to Dear Sister, October 28 1948, Clara and Chester LaRoche, 1945–1948, MHS-K.

Kenny to Dear Mr. LaRoche, November 8 1948, Clara and Chester La Roche, 1945–1948, MHS-K.

Marvin Stevens to Dear Chet [LaRoche], December 20 1948, Clara and Chester La Roche, 1945–1948, MHS-K.

Kenny to Dear Mr. LaRoche, December 27 1948, Clara and Chester La Roche, 1945–1948, MHS-K. Note that in June 1948 a subcommittee of the Committee on Medical Education of the New York Academy of Medicine viewed the Kenny film and after consulting with its sections on Pediatrics and Orthopedic Surgery decided not to request showing the film at its next general meeting; Mahlon Ashford to Dear Sister Kenny, January 21 1949, General Correspondence-A, MHS-K.

John Ralph “My Struggle By Sister Kenny” [Britain]
Sunday Graphic
May 11 1947, OM 65-17, Box 1, Folder 4, Chuter Papers, Oxley-SLQ; Kenny to Mr. President, Mrs. Webber and Gentlemen, May 24 1948.

Kenny to Dear Sir [Haverstock as secretary of KF], September 2 1947, Henry W. Haverstock, 1942–1951, MHS-K; Kenny to Mr. President, Mrs. Webber and Gentlemen, February 24 1948.

Kenny to Mr. President, Mrs. Webber and Gentlemen, February 24 1948; Kenny to Dear Sir [Haverstock as secretary of KF], September 2 1947.

[Cohn interview with] William O'Neil, May 20 1955; John F. Pohl “Early Diagnosis of Poliomyelitis”
(July 26 1947) 134: 1059–1061.

Kenny to Dear Sir [Haverstock as secretary of KF] September 2 1947.

Kenny to Dear Dr. Pohl, September 20 1947, [accessed in 1992 before recent re-cataloging], UMN-ASC.

[Cohn interview with] William O'Neill, May 20 1955.

Kenny to Dear Miss Truman, January 6 1949, General Correspondence-T, MHS-K; Sonja Betts to Dear Miss Truman, December 2 1948.

“Kenny Picture Shown”
New York Times
July 1 1948; [Advertisement] “To the Publishers, Editors, Columnists and Reporters of Metropolitan Area Newspapers, Leaders of Parent-Teacher, Civic, Fraternal, Trade Union, Business, Women's and Public Service Organizations, Men and Women in All Branches of Public Life, the Medical and Nursing Professions” [unnamed New York newspaper 1948], Public Relations, MOD-K; “Kenny Polio Therapy Film Shown”
New York World-Telegram
[1948] Public Relations, MOD-K; “Asks Unity on Kenny Method” [unnamed New York newspaper] [1948], Public Relations, MOD-K; “Change Arrival Time For Sister Kenny's Visit to Centralia”
Centralia Sentinel
September 24 1951.

Christabel Pankhurst to Dear Sister Kenny, January 15 1948, Rosalind Russell (Brisson) 1947–1952, MHS-K.

“18,000 Begin Kenny Drive” [with Karsh photograph and caption “Sister Elizabeth Kenny, Polio-Fighting Australian Nurse”]
Minneapolis Sunday Tribune
November 7 1948; Doris B. Medsger to Dear Sister Kenny, October 26 1948, General Correspondence, July-December 1948, MHS-K; Yousuf Karsh “Women of Achievement”
(November 1948) 25. This portrait is not mentioned in Maria Tippett
The Life of Yousuf Karsh
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007).

Mary Kenny McCracken said later that the cape was Karsh's own; McCracken, interviews with Rogers, November 1992.

“Medicine: Sister Kenny's New Center,” 49.

Deutsch quoted in Aaron “Polio: A Story of Conflicting Personalities,” 80.

[Transcript] “Telephone Conversation between Dr. Van Riper and Dr. Huenkens.”

Hart Van Riper to Dear Mrs. Karlsteen, January 5 1950, Public Relations, MOD-K.

McCracken, interviews with Rogers, November 1992; See also “the Amazonian figure of the gray-haired, steely-eyed, strong-jawed Elizabeth Kenny;” Albert Deutsch, “The Truth About Sister Kenny,”
American Mercury
(November 1944) 59: 610.

Gallup Poll
, 1: 775. The poll was done on December 26 1948.

Dana S. Creel to Isabel Robertson Memorandum Re: National Infantile Paralysis Foundation, December 11 1950, Record Group III-2K, OMR, Series Medical Interest, Box 14-171A, Folder 115, Rockefeller Archive Center, Tarrytown.

Thomas M. Rivers to Dear Mr. Rockefeller, December 7 1950, Record Group III-2K, OMR, Series Medical Interest, Box 14-171A, Folder 115, Rockefeller Archive Center, Tarrytown.

Aaron “Polio: A Story of Conflicting Personalities,” 78.

Aaron “Polio: A Story of Conflicting Personalities,” 78–81.

Aaron “Polio: A Story of Conflicting Personalities,” 79.

Basil O'Connor to Dear Mr. Rockefeller, February 21 1951, Record Group III-2K, OMR, Series Medical Interest, Box 14-171A, Folder 115, Rockefeller Archive Center.

“Polio Foundation Leader Denies Pfeifer Charges”
Buffalo Courier-Express
October 14 1949; “ ‘Dimes' Accounting Is Asked; Kenny's Unit's Charges Denied”
Buffalo Evening News
October 14 1949, Public Relations, MOD-K; “Dimes Drive Has Failed To Aid Kenny Center, Foundation Says”
Buffalo Evening News
October [n.d.] 1949, Public Relations, MOD-K.

“Sister Kenny Foundation Scores March of Dimes Head” [unidentified newspaper 1949], Public Relations, MOD-K.

Inez Mattson to Dear Mrs. White, October 10 1948, Public Relations, MOD-K.

C. W. Plattes [chair of NFIP Hennepin County Chapter] to Dear Mr. Savage, October 5 1949, Public Relations, MOD-K.

J.L. Morrill to Dear Mr. [Charles Bolles] Rogers, November 15 1946, Presidents Papers, Box 119, UMN-ASC.

“Mapping Campaign” [photograph of Kenny, Sonja Betts and Mrs. J. Harold Dexter planning a West Coast Kenny Hospital]
Los Angeles Examiner
October 23 1949; “Sister Kenny Hospital Plans Mapped; L.A. to Hail Polio Foe”
Los Angeles Examiner
October 23 1949.

George D. Roberts “Activities of the Northern California Chapter,” November 4 1949, San Francisco-Misc., MHS-K; Kenny “Concerning the Extension of My Work in the State of California” [1949]; “Judge Bullock Commends Sister Kenny Fund Drive”
Los Angeles Times
June 5 1950.

“Anti-Kenny Stand Hit By League”; “Gird for Total War on Polio”
Herald Express
July 28 1949. Betts identified Representative Republican Carl Hinshaw, Republican William Knowland and conservative Democrat Sheridan Downey.

Herbert J. Levine to Marvin H. Kline [telegram], [January 1948] Centralia, Illinois, MHS-K; H.D. Gillette to Sister Kenny [telegram], February 20 1948, Centralia, Illinois, MHS-K; Harley Queen to Marvin Kline [telegram], February 21 1948, Centralia 1948, MHS-K; Marvin Kline to Dr. Herbert J. Levine [telegram], [1948] Centralia 1948, MHS-K; Kline to Dr. H. Logan [president, Medical Board, Salem IL] et al [telegram], [1948] Centralia, 1948, MHS-K.

John L. Matthews to Sister Kenny [telegram], February 21 1948, Centralia, Illinois, MHS-K; John L. Matthews to Marvin H. Kline, February 21 1948, Centralia, Illinois, MHS-K.

Kenny to John L. Matthews [telegram], February 23 1948, Centralia, 1948, MHS-K; Kenny to Harley Queen [telegram], February 23 1948 Centralia, 1948, MHS-K; Kenny to Julius Kissel [telegram], February 23 1948, Centralia 1948, MHS-K; Kenny to Dear friends [Reverend and Mrs. Robert Hastings], May 26 1948, Centralia, Illinois, MHS-K; Dr. Kissel to Sister Kenny [telegram], [1948] Centralia, 1948, MHS-K; Harley Queen to Kenny [telegram], February 21 1948, Centralia 1948, MHS-K.

Kenny to Sir [Governor Dwight Green], June 4 1948.

Anthony Fleege “The 1947 Centralia Mine Disaster”
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
(2009) 102: 163–176. The governor's investigative commission exonerated Green but blamed officials of the mining company and poor attention by state inspectors.

“Sister Kenny Will Appeal to Governor Of Illinois for Certification of Polio Clinic”
Houston Chronicle
[August 1948], General Correspondence-K, MHS-K; “Only Kenny Clinic in Illinois Denied O.K. on Staff Setup”
Chicago Daily Tribune
July 22 1948.

Herbert J. Levine
I Knew Sister Kenny: A Story of a Great Lady and Little People
(Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1954) 128–130, 137.

“Sister Kenny Will Fight State Ruling on Her Clinic Today”
Chicago Daily Tribune
August 6 1948; “Kenny Treatment Upheld”
New York Times
August 7 1948; John Chapman to Dear Sister Kenny, June 14 1948, Invited Physicians Letters, 1939–1949, MHS-K.

I Knew Sister Kenny
, 153, 162.

Herbert J. Levine to Dear Mr. Cohn, August 30 1972, Cohn Papers, MHS-K; Levine
I Knew Sister Kenny
, 203–206. Note that Huenkens later claimed that Matthews had had a stroke with paralysis in one leg which was called polio; [Cohn second interview with] E.J. Huenkens, June 3 1964, Cohn Papers, MHS-K.

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