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Authors: Saba Mahmood

Tags: #Religion, #Islam, #Rituals & Practice, #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #Feminism & Feminist Theory, #Women's Studies, #Islamic Studies

Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject (72 page)

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- Literally means "anomalous"; in the Q. classifi literature, it refers to a Prophetic tradition that is attributable to only a single source of authority and differs from reports drawn from other transmitters.

- Moral discourses and legal procedures that are often glossed as "Islamic Law. ''

Describes the practices of the Prophet and his Companions, and is consid- ered the second most important source for the derivation of Islamic laws after the Quran in Islamic jurisprudence.

- Westernization .

Tal[Iq. -
In Islamic jurisprudence, it refers to the tendency in twentieth--century Islam to combine various opinions from the four schools of Islamic law and a de--emphasis on fi lity to any one school.

- Literally means intimidation; in Islamic homiletic literature, it refers to a rhetorical style that invokes fear of God in the listener (its antonym is
meaning to invoke desire for or love of God in the listener).

- Piety or virtuous fear;
is used in the Quran for both "piety" and "fear of God" and often used interchangeably with the terms

- Islamic religious scholars.

'. - Adultery, fornication.




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