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Authors: Saba Mahmood

Tags: #Religion, #Islam, #Rituals & Practice, #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #Feminism & Feminist Theory, #Women's Studies, #Islamic Studies

Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject (83 page)

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    IN DEX

    Definitions of commonly used Arabic terms can be found in the Glossary on pages
    201 -3 .

    Abduh, Muhammed, 61

    Abir (mosque participant), 176-80

    absolute commands (a�kam �tmiyya),
    90-91 Abu Bakr, 146-48

    Abu Shuqqah, Abd al-- 66n. 60, 103n.33, 11 0n.44, 111

    Abu-- Lila, 8-10, 16n.25, 17 1n. 14

    Afghanistan, 197 agency

    and autonomy, 10-1 3, 20, 32

    Butler on, 1 9-21, 162

    and ethical formation, 29-3 2, 155-6 1

    and ethics, 34-3 5

    and fate,

    and feminist theory, 6-10, 1 3-14, 1 9-20

    and freedom, 1 0-12

    grammar of concepts, 1 6-1 7, 34, 1 80,

    1 88

    multiple modalities of, 153-55, 167-68,

    17 2-74, 188

    and norms, 21-25, 157, 179

    and power, 20

    reconceptualizing, 1 4-1 5, 29-34

    and resistance, 5-10, 24-25, 34-35, 175-80

    Ahmed, Leila, 54n. 26, 181

    ealmana , ealmiiniyya. See
    secularism/ secularization

    Amal (mosque participant), 156-5 7, 159

    amr bil maeruf,
    58-6 2

    Amna (critic of the piety movement), 146-48 Aristotle

    on body/soul distinction, 134n.22 on
    135-39, 1 43, 157

    on potentiality, 147

    on theoretical and practical wisdom, 196n.4

    on virtues, 136

    Aristotelian ethics, 25-26, 27-28

    Aristotelian model of ethical formation, 13 5-

    39, 143, 157, 161

    Asad, Talal, 34, 11 5-16, 127-28, 148

    Ashmawi, Muhammad Said, 1 60-6 1

    1 06-107

    Austin, J. L., 19, 145, 161-62

    authoritative sources.
    canonical sources autonomy, 1 1-14, 148-52

    communitarian critiques of, 15 0-5 2 feminist critiques of, 13-14

    and freedom,
    11 -14, 149-52

    within liberalism, 1 1 -13, 148-5 2 procedural versus substantive, 1 1-12,

    1 48-49

    Ayesha mosque, 41-42, 88n. 19, 91-99 al.- zhar

    lslamist intellectuals trained at, 80n. 2, 83n. 10

    opposition to state policies, 75n.88, 76n.90

    (cant. )

    Society of Muslim Ladies' affi with, 67

    state control of, 64, 77

    and women's
    66, 71, 84

    Badran, Margot, 69

    al,Banna, Hasan, 61n.43 , 62-64, 80

    Baron, Beth, 68-69

    Benhabib, Seyla, 15 0-5 1

    Benjamin, Walter, 113-14


    Boddy, Janice, 7-8 bodily form

    • and

of norms/virtues, 22-27, 29

and the pious self, 147-48, 1 60-6 1

and politics 1 19-20 , 122, 148-5 2 and pragmatic action, 126-28 Renaissance debates about, 134-3 5 in Romantic thought, 129n. 18

and self,formation, 12 1-22

and spontaneity, 1 28-3 1

See also
bodily practice; conventional be, havior; interiority/exteriority; ritual

bodily practice

in acquisition of modesty, 156-58, 160-6 1 creating emotion through, 157

as developable means,
148, 166

in ethical formation, 29-3 1, 12 1-22

in feminist theory, 158-60

and performativity, 162-66

See also
bodily form; conventional behav, ior; interiority/exteriority; ritual; self, formation

Bourdieu, Pierre, 26, 136, 138-39, 1 65n. IO

Brown, Wendy, 39, 196 Butler, Judith

on agency, 19, 162-67

on Bourdieu, 26n.45, 165n. IO on Foucault, 1 7-20, 22 Hollywood on, 21n.38, 162n.2 on norms, 20-23

on performativity, 1 9-21, 162-67

on power, 1 7-18

reception of, 21

reworking arguments of, 22-23, 163-67

on sex/gender, 18-21

on subject formation, 1 8-19, 161-67

canonical sources

class diff rences in use of, 82, 83 , 92-99,

1 09-10

and the concept of tradition, 116 in Islamic popular literature, 79-81

protocols of engagement with, 86-89, 1 00-1 11

See also l)ad Quran Chatterjee, Partha, 194

Protestant Christianity Christman, John, 1 1-1 2, 149

classical Islamic texts.
canonical sources Colebrook, Claire, 27

colonialism and Islam, 189-90 community obligations
(far4 al--kifaya),
62 Connolly, William, 33 , 38, 165n. 11

conventional behavior, 126-31, 1 46-5 2.

bodily form; bodily practice; ritual;


Cook, Michael, 59

customary versus religious acts, 53-5 7


at Ayesha mosque, 42, 91-97, 99

controversial practices, 86-87, 93 , 95-97

emergence of, 59, 63-64 Islamist press coverage of, 71

restrictions on practice, 65-66, 71 -72, 89

measuring effectiveness
of, 86, 92

at Nafi mosque, 43 , 44-45 , 100-1 06,


as paradigmatic of Islamic Revival, 58, 63-64, 82

response to state licensing requirement, 76, 84

rhetorical styles, 41-43 , 83-86, 91-97, 99,

1 00-106, 140-44

at Umar mosque, 40-41, 45-47, 83-91, 95 ,


Zaynab al,Ghazali's legacy, 67-72

See also
names of
(Hajja Asma; Hajja Faiza; Hajja Iman; Hajja Nur; Hajja Samira; Umm Faris)

dars. See
mosque lessons


activities of Muslim Brothers, 63-64 and
amr bil mdruf,

al,Banna on, 62-64 classical meaning of, 57

in contemporary Egypt, 57-58, 61-64

as individual versus societal obligation, 62, 64

and kinship demands, 1 75-84
knowledge necessary for, 61
and modes of sociability, 73-76

requirements for practice of, 65
Rida on, 61-62

as space for debate, 104-6

training programs in, 66-67, 71 -72, 75,


women's participation in, 64-72 Zaynab al,Ghazali and, 67-72

See also
mosque moven1ent; proto,

cols of dissent and debate
dd iety movement, 3

critique of nationalist, identitarian posi,
tion, 11 9

politics of, 24-25, 34-35, 76-7 8, 193-94

secular,liberal project and, 73-76, 78, 152 ,

19 1-92

state regulation of, 64n. 55, 75-76

mosque movement


demographics of mosque participants, 41, 42,

Derrida, Jacques, 19

domestic relations.
kinship relations

mosque lessons


effects on Islamic knowledge , 79-82
mosque participants' levels of, 41 -43
state,run religious institutions, 64

women's ddwa training, 66-6 7, 71 -72, 75,

84, 92

educational system challenges to piety, 10 1 -3 modernization of, 55 n.28
secularization of, 48

Egyptian state

amr bil mdruf,

regulation of dd iety movement,
64n. 55, 75-76

regulation of religion, 46-47, 64, 68, 74,

76-7 7

as secular, 76-7 8

Egyptian women's movement, 68-70, 73 embodied behavior.
bodily form, bodily

practice, ritual

emotion, 1 23-31, 146-47 and moral action, 140-45

and ritual, 1 23, 1 28-31, 146-47

fear of God
ethical formation, 25-35

agency in, 29, 3 2-35, 155-6 1
Aristotelian model of, 161 bodily forms in, 23 , 29, 1 60-6 1

of the mosque movement, 3 0-3 1

and politics, 32-35, 15 1-52

ethics; self,formation
ethical Islamic literature, 80-82 ethics

and agency, 34-15

Aristotelian, 25-26

and bodily form, 136-38, 14 7-48 distinguished from morals, 28

of feminist critique , 36-3 9, 195-99

Foucault's approach to, 27-31, 1 20,

1 22

Kantian, 25-26

and the mosque movement, 30-3 1

and norms, 23-27

and politics, 32-3 4, 11 9-22, 192-94

positive, 27-29

and secularism, 47-48, 192-94
bodily form; interiority/


Fatma (mosque participant), 49-5 1, 56
fear ofGod
(khashya, khauf,

and moral action, 140-45 relationship to piety, 145

as rhetorical strategy
( ta , takhwYf) ,

1 40-41 , 144-45

and ritual, 1 23, 129-31, 145

female circumcision
debate about, 85-86

female modesty.
modesty female preachers. See
female sexuality

compared to male sexuality, 1 1 0- 12 feminist anthropology on, 11 2

in the juristic tradition, 1 06-13

and male,female interactions

1 00-1 13

and women leading prayer, 65-66 (See also


and women's public appearance, 106- 13

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